Rev 1727: Update specs. in file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/trunk/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sun Aug 31 02:27:43 BST 2008

At file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/trunk/

revno: 1727
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sun 2008-08-31 03:27:42 +0200
  Update specs.
  specs/ignores.txt              ignores.txt-20080327011037-3qnn3axcau8fxro1-1
  specs/mappingv4.txt            mappingv4.txt-20080204213825-53ib3edvh7vrodz5-1
=== modified file 'specs/ignores.txt'
--- a/specs/ignores.txt	2008-03-27 01:11:04 +0000
+++ b/specs/ignores.txt	2008-08-31 01:27:42 +0000
@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@
 Ignores are only recognized on directories.
-.. vim: ft=rst
+.. vim: ft=rest

=== modified file 'specs/mappingv4.txt'
--- a/specs/mappingv4.txt	2008-02-04 21:38:45 +0000
+++ b/specs/mappingv4.txt	2008-08-31 01:27:42 +0000
@@ -6,24 +6,75 @@
+Mapping version 3 has several problems. 
+ * Branching schemes are part of the revision ids; this means that changing 
+   the branching scheme changes the identity of the revisions, even if they
+   are not directly affected.
+ * It relies solely on file properties that can grow very large. Subversion 
+   1.5 supports revision properties that can be used for storing bzr-svn-specific 
+   metadata as well and are more hidden. They can also be retrieved more easily.
 Changes compared to version 3
+Revision properties
+ * bzr:committer
+   Bazaar committer
+ * bzr:file-ids
+   Map from path to file ids.
+ * bzr:mapping-version
+   Mapping version ("v4" at the moment)
+ * bzr:merge
+   Right hand side parent ids.
+ * bzr:revision-id
+   Revision id of this revision.
+ * bzr:revno
+   Revision number (distance to NULL_REVISION)
+ * bzr:revprop:*
+   Bazaar revision property.
+ * bzr:root
+   Path in the repository to branch root.
+ * bzr:gpg-signature
+   GPG signature
+ * bzr:timestamp
+   Timestamp of the commit
+ * bzr:log
+   Log message (overrides svn:log), optional.
+ * bzr:text-parents
+   Dictionary of text revision ids if not easily predictable.
+ * bzr:required-features
+   Comma-separated list of features required to interpret the data 
+   set in these revision properties.
+ * bzr:base-revision
+   Revision id of the left hand side parent - the diff parent.
+ * bzr:skip
+   If present, this revision will not be checked for a bzr revision.
+ * bzr:tags
+   Dictionary of tags set in this revision.
 Removal of branching schemes
 Branching schemes will no longer be part of the revision id, since they 
 are irrelevant. All paths will be allowed as valid branch paths.
-By-reference nested trees
-Considering empty directories empty branches
 .. vim: ft=rest

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