Rev 3650: Merge in Lukáš's helper scripts. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Aug 25 22:50:13 BST 2008


revno: 3650
revision-id: john at
parent: pqm at
parent: lalinsky at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: packaging
timestamp: Mon 2008-08-25 16:50:11 -0500
  Merge in Lukáš's helper scripts.
  Update the packaging documents to describe how to do the releases
  using bzr-builddeb to package all distro platforms
  tools/packaging/               packaging-20080825202834-3j433iaawnt72wqa-1
  tools/packaging/ updatepackagingbranc-20080825210254-6is8ciit1yzyd3a2-1
  doc/developers/ppa.txt         ppa.txt-20080722055539-606u7t2z32t3ae4w-1
    revno: 0.11.3
    revision-id: lalinsky at
    parent: lalinsky at
    committer: Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky at>
    branch nick: tools
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-21 12:28:49 +0200
      Add instructions
      ppa.txt                        ppa.txt-20080821102811-jhoajulm56uo6vgm-1
    revno: 0.11.2
    revision-id: lalinsky at
    parent: lalinsky at
    committer: Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky at>
    branch nick: tools
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-21 12:27:49 +0200
      Automatically commit
    revno: 0.11.1
    revision-id: lalinsky at
    committer: Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky at>
    branch nick: tools
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-21 12:21:04 +0200
      Initial import
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'doc/developers/ppa.txt'
--- a/doc/developers/ppa.txt	2008-08-21 21:29:15 +0000
+++ b/doc/developers/ppa.txt	2008-08-25 21:50:11 +0000
@@ -26,20 +26,19 @@
 when the release passes end-of-life because all users should
 have upgraded by then.  (As of May 2008, Edgy Eft is no longer supported.)
-We build a distinct package for each distrorelease that has
-different packaging requirements.  As of bzr 1.5, Dapper uses
-``python-support`` and later distributions use ``python-central``, so we
-build one version for dapper and one version for everything else.  If you
-upload a release-specific version, you should add a suffix to the
+We build a distinct package for each distrorelease.  As of bzr 1.5, Dapper
+uses ``python-support`` and later distributions use ``python-central``.
+If you upload a release-specific version, you should add a suffix to the
 package version, e.g. ``bzr.1.3-1~bazaar1~dapper1``.
-Every package is first uploaded into one distroversion of the beta ppa.
-It can then be copied to other compatible distroversions.  For final
-release versions it is also copied to the main PPA.
+Every package is first uploaded into the beta ppa.  For final release
+versions it is also copied to the main PPA.
 The ``debian/`` directory containing the packaging information is kept in
 branches on Launchpad, named like 
@@ -77,14 +76,30 @@
     sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts dput quilt patch
+* You will also want to have the ``bzr-builddeb`` plugin installed.
 Packaging Bazaar
-#. You will need a working directory for each supported release, such as
-   ``~/bzr/Packaging/hardy``
-#. Download the official tarball of the release to e.g. ``~/bzr/Releases``
-   if you don't already have it.
+Short form
+For people who have already set up everything they need, building the
+release packages is as simple as::
+  cd ~/dev/bzr/releases/packaging
+  export UBUNTU_RELEASES="dapper feisty gutsy hardy intrepid"
+  ~/dev/bzr/
+  ~/dev/bzr/ 1.6~beta3-1~bazaar1
+  ~/dev/bzr/
+  dput bzr-beta-ppa build-area/bzr_1.6~beta3~bazaar1*.changes
+Long Form
+#. You will end up checking out a separate directory for each supported
+   release. Such as ``~/dev/bzr/releases/packaging/hardy``
 #. Decide on the final version number.  It should be of this form::
@@ -97,26 +112,23 @@
    to make them sort before the final release, like this:
-#. Create a directory per release::
-     mkdir ~/bzr/Releases/hardy
-#. Copy or hardlink the original tarball into your per-disto directory, under an 
-   appropriate name ending in ``.orig.tar.gz``.  Untar it.  The extracted
-   source directory and ``.orig`` file must match the version number you
-   calculated above.  For example::
-     cp -l ~/bzr/Releases/bzr-1.6b3.tar.gz ~/bzr/Releases/hardy/bzr_1.6~beta3.orig.tar.gz
-     cd ~/bzr/Releases/hardy
-     tar xfvz bzr_1.6~beta3.orig.tar.gz
-     mv bzr-1.6b3 bzr-1.6~beta3
-#. Change into that directory and check out the packaging branch::
-     cd bzr-1.6~beta3
-     bzr checkout \
-       bzr+ssh:// \
-       debian
+   Final releases will use a release string of the form:
+   ``bzr-1.6-1~bazaar1~hardy1``
+#. Export the distroreleases that you will be packaging for::
+      export UBUNTU_RELEASES="dapper feisty gutsy hardy intrepid"
+#. Checkout (or update) the packaging branch for each supported release::
+      bzr co lp:~bzr/bzr/packaging-hardy
+   There is a script available to help::
+      tools/packaging/
+#. The ``bzr-builddeb`` step will download the original tarball if you do
+   not already have it. Putting it into a ``tarballs`` directory.
 #. For Bazaar plugins, change the ``debian/control`` file to express a
    dependency on the correct version of ``bzr``.
@@ -132,7 +144,7 @@
       dch -v '1.6~beta3-1~bazaar1~hardy1' -D hardy
    dch will default to the distro you're working in and this isn't checked
-   against the version number (which is just our conversion), so make sure 
+   against the version number (which is just our convention), so make sure 
    to specify it.
    Make sure you have the correct email address for yourself, version
@@ -150,31 +162,48 @@
    that the distro name in the version is consistent with the target name
    outside the parenthesis.
-#. Commit these changes into the packaging branch::
-     bzr ci -m '1.6~beta3-1~bazaar1~hardy1: New upstream release.' debian
-#. Remove the .bzr directory from the Debian dir, as this adds unnecessary
-   cruft to the package::
-     rm debian/.bzr -R
-#. Build a source package::
-     debuild -S -sa -i -D
-   This will create a ``.changes`` file in the per-distro directory,
-   and should invoke gpg to sign it with your key.
-   Check that file is reasonable: it should be uploading to the intended
-   distribution, have a .orig file included, and the right version number.
+   You will also want to commit these changes into the packaging branch.
+   There is a helper script which will update the changelog and commit it
+   for all of your ``$UBUNTU_RELEASES``. It is available as::
+      tools/packaging/
+   You must supply the release string, such as::
+      tools/packaging/ 1.6~beta3-1~bazaar1
+   It will automatically append the distro numbering on the end.
+#. Build the source packages::
+      cd packaging-$DISTRO; bzr builddeb -S
+   This will create a ``.changes`` file in ``build-area``. You will need
+   to sign it with::
+      debsign -m$UID build-area/*.changes
+   Where ``$UID`` is the gpg key you want to use to sign the changes.
+   Alternatively, you can configure ``~/.bazaar/builddeb.conf`` with::
+      [BUILDDEB]
+      builder = dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
+      source-builder= dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa
+   Which tells ``bzr builddeb`` to automatically sign the package with the
+   key associated with the user who created the changelog entry.
 #. Upload into the beta PPA for each release::
-     dput bzr-beta-ppa ../bzr__1.6~beta3-1\~bazaar1\~hardy1\_source.changes
+     dput bzr-beta-ppa build-area/*.changes
 #. For final release versions, also copy it into the ``~bzr`` PPA::
-    dput bzr-ppa ../bzr__1.6-1\~bazaar1\~hardy1\_source.changes
+     dput bzr-ppa ../bzr__1.6-1\~bazaar1\~hardy1\_source.changes
+   Alternatively, you can use Launchpad's "copy" feature to copy the
+   packages between repositories.
 #. You should soon get an "upload accepted" mail from Launchpad, which
    means that your package is waiting to be built.  You can then track its

=== added directory 'tools/packaging'
=== added file 'tools/packaging/'
--- a/tools/packaging/	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/tools/packaging/	2008-08-25 21:50:11 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# A helper script to build packages for the various distributions
+    (cd "packaging-$DISTRO" && bzr builddeb -S)

=== added file 'tools/packaging/'
--- a/tools/packaging/	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/tools/packaging/	2008-08-25 21:50:11 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+if [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then
+    echo "Missing version"
+    echo "You want something like:"
+    echo " 1.6~rc1-1~bazaar1"
+    echo "or"
+    echo " 1.6-1~bazaar1"
+    exit
+    (
+        echo "Updating changelog for $DISTRO"
+	cd "packaging-$DISTRO" &&
+	dch -v $PPAVERSION -D $DISTRO -c changelog 'New upstream release.' &&
+	bzr commit -m "New upstream release: $PPAVERSION"
+    )

=== added file 'tools/packaging/'
--- a/tools/packaging/	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/tools/packaging/	2008-08-25 21:50:11 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Helper for updating all of the packaging branches
+if [ -z "$UBUNTU_RELEASES" ]; then
+    echo "Configure the distro platforms that you want to"
+    echo "build with a line like:"
+    echo '  export UBUNTU_RELEASES="dapper feisty gutsy hardy intrepid"'
+    exit 1
+    if [ -d "packaging-$DISTRO" ] ; then
+        echo "Updating packaging-$DISTRO"
+        bzr update packaging-$DISTRO
+    else
+        echo "Checking out lp:~bzr/bzr/packaging-$DISTRO"
+        bzr co lp:~bzr/bzr/packaging-$DISTRO
+    fi

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