Rev 1531: Split up DirectoryBuildEditor. in
Jelmer Vernooij
jelmer at
Sat Aug 2 20:47:19 BST 2008
revno: 1531
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: 0.4
timestamp: Sat 2008-08-02 21:47:18 +0200
Split up DirectoryBuildEditor.
=== modified file ''
--- a/ 2008-08-02 19:16:28 +0000
+++ b/ 2008-08-02 19:47:18 +0000
@@ -109,24 +109,7 @@
return self._id_map
def open_root(self, base_revnum):
- if self.old_inventory.root is None:
- # First time the root is set
- old_file_id = None
- file_id = self.mapping.generate_file_id(self.source.uuid, self.revmeta.revnum, self.revmeta.branch_path, u"")
- file_parents = []
- else:
- assert self.old_inventory.root.revision is not None
- old_file_id = self.old_inventory.root.file_id
- file_id = self._get_id_map().get("", old_file_id)
- file_parents = [self.old_inventory.root.revision]
- if self.inventory.root is not None and \
- file_id == self.inventory.root.file_id:
- ie = self.inventory.root
- else:
- ie = self.inventory.add_path("", 'directory', file_id)
- ie.revision = self.revid
- return DirectoryBuildEditor(self, old_file_id, file_id, file_parents)
+ return self._open_root(base_revnum)
def close(self):
@@ -143,11 +126,6 @@
return ret
return self.old_inventory[old_parent_id].children[urlutils.basename(path)].file_id
- def _get_old_id(self, parent_id, old_path):
- assert isinstance(old_path, unicode)
- assert isinstance(parent_id, str)
- return self.old_inventory[parent_id].children[urlutils.basename(old_path)].file_id
def _get_new_id(self, parent_id, new_path):
assert isinstance(new_path, unicode)
assert isinstance(parent_id, str)
@@ -160,77 +138,25 @@
def _rename(self, file_id, parent_id, old_path, new_path, kind):
raise NotImplementedError
- def _remove_recursive(self, file_id, path):
- raise NotImplementedError
class DirectoryBuildEditor(object):
- def __init__(self, editor, old_id, new_id, parent_revids=[]):
+ def __init__(self, editor):
self.editor = editor
- self.old_id = old_id
- self.new_id = new_id
- self.parent_revids = parent_revids
def close(self):
- self.editor.inventory[self.new_id].revision = self.editor.revid
- self.editor.texts.add_lines((self.new_id, self.editor.revid),
- [(self.new_id, revid) for revid in self.parent_revids], [])
- if self.new_id == self.editor.inventory.root.file_id:
- assert len(self.editor._premature_deletes) == 0
- self.editor._finish_commit()
+ self._close()
def add_directory(self, path, copyfrom_path=None, copyfrom_revnum=-1):
assert isinstance(path, str)
path = path.decode("utf-8")
- file_id = self.editor._get_new_id(self.new_id, path)
- if file_id in self.editor.inventory:
- # This directory was moved here from somewhere else, but the
- # other location hasn't been removed yet.
- if copyfrom_path is None:
- # This should ideally never happen!
- copyfrom_path = self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
- mutter('no copyfrom path set, assuming %r', copyfrom_path)
- assert copyfrom_path == self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
- assert copyfrom_path not in self.editor._premature_deletes
- self.editor._premature_deletes.add(copyfrom_path)
- self.editor._rename(file_id, self.new_id, copyfrom_path, path, 'directory')
- ie = self.editor.inventory[file_id]
- old_file_id = file_id
- else:
- old_file_id = None
- ie = self.editor.inventory.add_path(path, 'directory', file_id)
- ie.revision = self.editor.revid
- return DirectoryBuildEditor(self.editor, old_file_id, file_id)
+ return self._add_directory(path, copyfrom_path, copyfrom_revnum)
def open_directory(self, path, base_revnum):
assert isinstance(path, str)
path = path.decode("utf-8")
assert base_revnum >= 0
- base_file_id = self.editor._get_old_id(self.old_id, path)
- base_revid = self.editor.old_inventory[base_file_id].revision
- file_id = self.editor._get_existing_id(self.old_id, self.new_id, path)
- if file_id == base_file_id:
- file_parents = [base_revid]
- ie = self.editor.inventory[file_id]
- else:
- # Replace if original was inside this branch
- # change id of base_file_id to file_id
- ie = self.editor.inventory[base_file_id]
- for name in ie.children:
- ie.children[name].parent_id = file_id
- # FIXME: Don't touch inventory internals
- del self.editor.inventory._byid[base_file_id]
- self.editor.inventory._byid[file_id] = ie
- ie.file_id = file_id
- file_parents = []
- ie.revision = self.editor.revid
- return DirectoryBuildEditor(self.editor, base_file_id, file_id,
- file_parents)
+ return self._open_directory(path, base_revnum)
def change_prop(self, name, value):
if self.new_id == self.editor.inventory.root.file_id:
@@ -255,50 +181,17 @@
assert isinstance(path, str)
path = path.decode("utf-8")
- file_id = self.editor._get_new_id(self.new_id, path)
- if file_id in self.editor.inventory:
- # This file was moved here from somewhere else, but the
- # other location hasn't been removed yet.
- if copyfrom_path is None:
- # This should ideally never happen
- copyfrom_path = self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
- mutter('no copyfrom path set, assuming %r', copyfrom_path)
- assert copyfrom_path == self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
- assert copyfrom_path not in self.editor._premature_deletes
- self.editor._premature_deletes.add(copyfrom_path)
- # No need to rename if it's already in the right spot
- self.editor._rename(file_id, self.new_id, copyfrom_path, path, 'file')
- return FileBuildEditor(self.editor, path, file_id)
+ return self._add_file(path, copyfrom_path, copyfrom_revnum)
def open_file(self, path, base_revnum):
assert isinstance(path, str)
path = path.decode("utf-8")
- base_file_id = self.editor._get_old_id(self.old_id, path)
- base_revid = self.editor.old_inventory[base_file_id].revision
- file_id = self.editor._get_existing_id(self.old_id, self.new_id, path)
- is_symlink = (self.editor.inventory[base_file_id].kind == 'symlink')
- record = self.editor.texts.get_record_stream([(base_file_id, base_revid)], 'unordered', True).next()
- file_data = record.get_bytes_as('fulltext')
- if file_id == base_file_id:
- file_parents = [base_revid]
- else:
- # Replace
- del self.editor.inventory[base_file_id]
- file_parents = []
- return FileBuildEditor(self.editor, path, file_id,
- file_parents, file_data, is_symlink=is_symlink)
+ return self._open_file(path, base_revnum)
def delete_entry(self, path, revnum):
assert isinstance(path, str)
path = path.decode("utf-8")
- if path in self.editor._premature_deletes:
- # Delete recursively
- self.editor._premature_deletes.remove(path)
- for p in self.editor._premature_deletes.copy():
- if p.startswith("%s/" % path):
- self.editor._premature_deletes.remove(p)
- else:
- self.editor._remove_recursive(self.editor._get_old_id(self.old_id, path), path)
+ return self._delete_entry(path, revnum)
class FileBuildEditor(object):
@@ -392,6 +285,111 @@
self.file_stream = None
+class DirectoryRevisionBuildEditor(DirectoryBuildEditor):
+ def __init__(self, editor, old_id, new_id, parent_revids=[]):
+ super(DirectoryRevisionBuildEditor, self).__init__(editor)
+ self.old_id = old_id
+ self.new_id = new_id
+ self.parent_revids = parent_revids
+ def _delete_entry(self, path, revnum):
+ if path in self.editor._premature_deletes:
+ # Delete recursively
+ self.editor._premature_deletes.remove(path)
+ for p in self.editor._premature_deletes.copy():
+ if p.startswith("%s/" % path):
+ self.editor._premature_deletes.remove(p)
+ else:
+ self.editor.inventory.remove_recursive_id(self.editor._get_old_id(self.old_id, path))
+ def _close(self):
+ self.editor.inventory[self.new_id].revision = self.editor.revid
+ self.editor.texts.add_lines((self.new_id, self.editor.revid),
+ [(self.new_id, revid) for revid in self.parent_revids], [])
+ if self.new_id == self.editor.inventory.root.file_id:
+ assert len(self.editor._premature_deletes) == 0
+ self.editor._finish_commit()
+ def _add_directory(self, path, copyfrom_path=None, copyfrom_revnum=-1):
+ file_id = self.editor._get_new_id(self.new_id, path)
+ if file_id in self.editor.inventory:
+ # This directory was moved here from somewhere else, but the
+ # other location hasn't been removed yet.
+ if copyfrom_path is None:
+ # This should ideally never happen!
+ copyfrom_path = self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
+ mutter('no copyfrom path set, assuming %r', copyfrom_path)
+ assert copyfrom_path == self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
+ assert copyfrom_path not in self.editor._premature_deletes
+ self.editor._premature_deletes.add(copyfrom_path)
+ self.editor._rename(file_id, self.new_id, copyfrom_path, path, 'directory')
+ ie = self.editor.inventory[file_id]
+ old_file_id = file_id
+ else:
+ old_file_id = None
+ ie = self.editor.inventory.add_path(path, 'directory', file_id)
+ ie.revision = self.editor.revid
+ return DirectoryRevisionBuildEditor(self.editor, old_file_id, file_id)
+ def _open_directory(self, path, base_revnum):
+ base_file_id = self.editor._get_old_id(self.old_id, path)
+ base_revid = self.editor.old_inventory[base_file_id].revision
+ file_id = self.editor._get_existing_id(self.old_id, self.new_id, path)
+ if file_id == base_file_id:
+ file_parents = [base_revid]
+ ie = self.editor.inventory[file_id]
+ else:
+ # Replace if original was inside this branch
+ # change id of base_file_id to file_id
+ ie = self.editor.inventory[base_file_id]
+ for name in ie.children:
+ ie.children[name].parent_id = file_id
+ # FIXME: Don't touch inventory internals
+ del self.editor.inventory._byid[base_file_id]
+ self.editor.inventory._byid[file_id] = ie
+ ie.file_id = file_id
+ file_parents = []
+ ie.revision = self.editor.revid
+ return DirectoryRevisionBuildEditor(self.editor, base_file_id, file_id,
+ file_parents)
+ def _add_file(self, path, copyfrom_path=None, copyfrom_revnum=-1):
+ file_id = self.editor._get_new_id(self.new_id, path)
+ if file_id in self.editor.inventory:
+ # This file was moved here from somewhere else, but the
+ # other location hasn't been removed yet.
+ if copyfrom_path is None:
+ # This should ideally never happen
+ copyfrom_path = self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
+ mutter('no copyfrom path set, assuming %r', copyfrom_path)
+ assert copyfrom_path == self.editor.old_inventory.id2path(file_id)
+ assert copyfrom_path not in self.editor._premature_deletes
+ self.editor._premature_deletes.add(copyfrom_path)
+ # No need to rename if it's already in the right spot
+ self.editor._rename(file_id, self.new_id, copyfrom_path, path, 'file')
+ return FileBuildEditor(self.editor, path, file_id)
+ def _open_file(self, path, base_revnum):
+ base_file_id = self.editor._get_old_id(self.old_id, path)
+ base_revid = self.editor.old_inventory[base_file_id].revision
+ file_id = self.editor._get_existing_id(self.old_id, self.new_id, path)
+ is_symlink = (self.editor.inventory[base_file_id].kind == 'symlink')
+ record = self.editor.texts.get_record_stream([(base_file_id, base_revid)], 'unordered', True).next()
+ file_data = record.get_bytes_as('fulltext')
+ if file_id == base_file_id:
+ file_parents = [base_revid]
+ else:
+ # Replace with historical version
+ del self.editor.inventory[base_file_id]
+ file_parents = []
+ return FileBuildEditor(self.editor, path, file_id,
+ file_parents, file_data, is_symlink=is_symlink)
class RevisionBuildEditor(DeltaBuildEditor):
"""Implementation of the Subversion commit editor interface that builds a
Bazaar revision.
@@ -447,9 +445,30 @@
self.inventory.rename(file_id, parent_id, urlutils.basename(new_path))
- def _remove_recursive(self, file_id, path):
- self.editor.inventory.remove_recursive_id(file_id)
+ def _open_root(self, base_revnum):
+ if self.old_inventory.root is None:
+ # First time the root is set
+ old_file_id = None
+ file_id = self.mapping.generate_file_id(self.source.uuid, self.revmeta.revnum, self.revmeta.branch_path, u"")
+ file_parents = []
+ else:
+ assert self.old_inventory.root.revision is not None
+ old_file_id = self.old_inventory.root.file_id
+ file_id = self._get_id_map().get("", old_file_id)
+ file_parents = [self.old_inventory.root.revision]
+ if self.inventory.root is not None and \
+ file_id == self.inventory.root.file_id:
+ ie = self.inventory.root
+ else:
+ ie = self.inventory.add_path("", 'directory', file_id)
+ ie.revision = self.revid
+ return DirectoryRevisionBuildEditor(self, old_file_id, file_id, file_parents)
+ def _get_old_id(self, parent_id, old_path):
+ assert isinstance(old_path, unicode)
+ assert isinstance(parent_id, str)
+ return self.old_inventory[parent_id].children[urlutils.basename(old_path)].file_id
class TreeDeltaBuildeditor(DeltaBuildEditor):
@@ -663,6 +682,7 @@
+ raise
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