Rev 3355: Create adapters from plain compressed knit content. in

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Apr 23 03:44:41 BST 2008


revno: 3355
revision-id: robertc at
parent: robertc at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: data_stream_revamp
timestamp: Wed 2008-04-23 12:44:36 +1000
  Create adapters from plain compressed knit content.
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2008-04-18 05:02:45 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2008-04-23 02:44:36 +0000
@@ -212,6 +212,42 @@
         return ''.join(basis_content.text())
+class FTPlainToFullText(KnitAdapter):
+    """An adapter from FT plain knits to unannotated ones."""
+    def get_bytes(self, factory, compressed_bytes):
+        rec, contents = \
+            self._data._parse_record_unchecked(compressed_bytes)
+        content, delta = self._plain_factory.parse_record(factory.key[0],
+            contents, factory._build_details, None)
+        return ''.join(content.text())
+class DeltaPlainToFullText(KnitAdapter):
+    """An adapter for deltas from annotated to unannotated."""
+    def __init__(self, basis_vf):
+        """Create an adapter which accesses full texts from basis_vf.
+        :param basis_vf: A versioned file to access basis texts of deltas from.
+        """
+        KnitAdapter.__init__(self)
+        self._basis_vf = basis_vf
+    def get_bytes(self, factory, compressed_bytes):
+        rec, contents = \
+            self._data._parse_record_unchecked(compressed_bytes)
+        delta = self._plain_factory.parse_line_delta(contents, rec[1])
+        compression_parent = factory.parents[0][0]
+        basis_lines = self._basis_vf.get_lines(compression_parent)
+        basis_content = PlainKnitContent(basis_lines, compression_parent)
+        # Manually apply the delta because we have one annotated content and
+        # one plain.
+        content, _ = self._plain_factory.parse_record(rec[1], contents,
+            factory._build_details, basis_content)
+        return ''.join(content.text())
 class KnitContentFactory(ContentFactory):
     """Content factory for streaming from knits.
@@ -618,8 +654,6 @@
     """Factory to create a KnitVersionedFile for a .knit/.kndx file pair."""
     if factory is None:
         factory = KnitAnnotateFactory()
-    else:
-        factory = KnitPlainFactory()
     if get_scope is None:
         get_scope = lambda:None
     index = _KnitIndex(transport, name + INDEX_SUFFIX,

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2008-04-18 05:02:45 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2008-04-23 02:44:36 +0000
@@ -1368,9 +1368,13 @@
         """Test that selecting an adaptor works."""
         # self.assertEqual(versionedfile.
-    def get_knit(self):
+    def get_knit(self, annotated=True):
+        if annotated:
+            factory = KnitAnnotateFactory()
+        else:
+            factory = KnitPlainFactory()
         return make_file_knit('knit', self.get_transport('.'), delta=True,
-            create=True)
+            create=True, factory=factory)
     def helpGetBytes(self, f, ft_adapter, delta_adapter):
         """grab the interested adapted texts for tests."""
@@ -1446,3 +1450,21 @@
         self.assertEqual('origin\n', ft_data)
         self.assertEqual('base\nleft\nright\nmerged\n', delta_data)
         self.assertEqual([('get_lines', 'left')], logged_vf.calls)
+    def test_unannotated_to_fulltext(self):
+        """Test adapting unannotated knits to full texts.
+        This is used for -> weaves, and for -> annotated knits.
+        """
+        # we need a full text, and a delta
+        f, parents = get_diamond_vf(self.get_knit(annotated=False))
+        # Reconstructing a full text requires a backing versioned file, and it
+        # must have the base lines requested from it.
+        logged_vf = versionedfile.RecordingVersionedFileDecorator(f)
+        ft_data, delta_data = self.helpGetBytes(f,
+            _mod_knit.FTPlainToFullText(),
+            _mod_knit.DeltaPlainToFullText(logged_vf))
+        self.assertEqual('origin\n', ft_data)
+        self.assertEqual('base\nleft\nright\nmerged\n', delta_data)
+        self.assertEqual([('get_lines', 'left')], logged_vf.calls)

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