Rev 2505: Refactor SFTPTransport. Test suite passes. in file:///v/home/vila/src/experimental/reuse.transports/

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu May 31 19:12:13 BST 2007

At file:///v/home/vila/src/experimental/reuse.transports/

revno: 2505
revision-id: v.ladeuil+lp at
parent: v.ladeuil+lp at
committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
branch nick: reuse.transports
timestamp: Thu 2007-05-31 20:12:10 +0200
  Refactor SFTPTransport. Test suite passes.
  * bzrlib/transport/
  (SFTPUrlHandling): Simplified.
  (SFTPTransport._remote_path): Deleted. SFTPUrlHandling now has a
  simpler version.
  * bzrlib/tests/
  Refactor the tests, most of them have gone to TestConnectedTransport.
  (SFTPNonServerTest.test_parse_url_with_home_dir): Renamed from
  test_parse_url and simplified to keep only specific tests.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-03-28 08:49:06 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-05-31 18:12:10 +0000
@@ -21,14 +21,28 @@
 import threading
 import time
-import bzrlib.bzrdir as bzrdir
-import bzrlib.errors as errors
-from bzrlib.osutils import pathjoin, lexists, set_or_unset_env
-from bzrlib.tests import TestCaseWithTransport, TestCase, TestSkipped
+from bzrlib import (
+    bzrdir,
+    errors,
+    )
+from bzrlib.osutils import (
+    pathjoin,
+    lexists,
+    set_or_unset_env,
+    )
+from bzrlib.tests import (
+    TestCaseWithTransport,
+    TestCase,
+    TestSkipped,
+    )
 from bzrlib.tests.HttpServer import HttpServer
-import bzrlib.transport
 from bzrlib.transport import get_transport
 import bzrlib.transport.http
+from bzrlib.transport.sftp import (
+    SFTPAbsoluteServer,
+    SFTPHomeDirServer,
+    SFTPTransport,
+    )
 from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
@@ -40,7 +54,6 @@
 def set_test_transport_to_sftp(testcase):
     """A helper to set transports on test case instances."""
-    from bzrlib.transport.sftp import SFTPAbsoluteServer, SFTPHomeDirServer
     if getattr(testcase, '_get_remote_is_absolute', None) is None:
         testcase._get_remote_is_absolute = True
     if testcase._get_remote_is_absolute:
@@ -143,7 +156,7 @@
 class FakeSFTPTransport (object):
     _sftp = object()
-fake = FakeSFTPTransport()
+avoid_sftp_connection = FakeSFTPTransport()
 class SFTPNonServerTest(TestCase):
@@ -152,63 +165,20 @@
         if not paramiko_loaded:
             raise TestSkipped('you must have paramiko to run this test')
-    def test_parse_url(self):
-        from bzrlib.transport.sftp import SFTPTransport
-        s = SFTPTransport('s', clone_from=fake)
-        self.assertEquals(s._host, '')
-        self.assertEquals(s._port, None)
-        self.assertEquals(s._path, '/home/source')
-        self.failUnless(s._password is None)
-        self.assertEquals(s.base, 's')
-        s = SFTPTransport('s', clone_from=fake)
+    def test_parse_url_with_home_dir(self):
+        s = SFTPTransport('s',
+                          clone_from=avoid_sftp_connection)
         self.assertEquals(s._host, '')
         self.assertEquals(s._port, 2222)
-        self.assertEquals(s._username, 'robey')
+        self.assertEquals(s._user, 'robey')
         self.assertEquals(s._password, 'h at t')
-        self.assertEquals(s._path, 'relative')
-        # Base should not keep track of the password
-        self.assertEquals(s.base, 's')
+        self.assertEquals(s._path, 'relative/')
     def test_relpath(self):
-        from bzrlib.transport.sftp import SFTPTransport
-        from bzrlib.errors import PathNotChild
-        s = SFTPTransport('s', clone_from=fake)
-        self.assertEquals(s.relpath('s'), 'sub')
-        # Can't test this one, because we actually get an AssertionError
-        # TODO: Consider raising an exception rather than an assert
-        #self.assertRaises(PathNotChild, s.relpath, '')
-        self.assertRaises(PathNotChild, s.relpath, 's')
-        self.assertRaises(PathNotChild, s.relpath, 's')
-        self.assertRaises(PathNotChild, s.relpath, 's')
-        self.assertRaises(PathNotChild, s.relpath, 's')
-        # Make sure it works when we don't supply a username
-        s = SFTPTransport('s', clone_from=fake)
-        self.assertEquals(s.relpath('s'), 'sub')
-        # Make sure it works when parts of the path will be url encoded
-        # TODO: These may be incorrect, we might need to urllib.urlencode() before
-        # we pass the paths into the SFTPTransport constructor
-        s = SFTPTransport('s,path', clone_from=fake)
-        self.assertEquals(s.relpath('s,path/sub'), 'sub')
-        s = SFTPTransport('s', clone_from=fake)
-        self.assertEquals(s.relpath('s'), 'sub')
-    def test_parse_invalid_url(self):
-        from bzrlib.transport.sftp import SFTPTransport, TransportError
-        try:
-            s = SFTPTransport('s',
-                              clone_from=fake)
-  'expected exception not raised')
-        except TransportError, e:
-            self.assertEquals(str(e),
-                    'Transport error: '
-                    'invalid port number ~janneke in url:\n'
-                    's ')
+        s = SFTPTransport('s',
+                          clone_from=avoid_sftp_connection)
+        self.assertRaises(errors.PathNotChild, s.relpath,
+                          's')
     def test_get_paramiko_vendor(self):
         """Test that if no 'ssh' is available we get builtin paramiko"""

=== modified file 'bzrlib/transport/'
--- a/bzrlib/transport/	2007-05-30 07:15:16 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/transport/	2007-05-31 18:12:10 +0000
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
-    split_url,
@@ -138,64 +137,45 @@
 class SFTPUrlHandling(ConnectedTransport):
     """Mix-in that does common handling of SSH/SFTP URLs."""
-    def __init__(self, base):
-        self._parse_url(base)
-        base = self._unparse_url(self._path)
-        if base[-1] != '/':
-            base += '/'
-        super(SFTPUrlHandling, self).__init__(base)
-    def _parse_url(self, url):
-        (self._scheme,
-         self._username, self._password,
-         self._host, self._port, self._path) = self._split_url(url)
-    def _unparse_url(self, path):
-        """Return a URL for a path relative to this transport.
-        """
-        path = urllib.quote(path)
+    def _urlencode_abspath(self, abspath):
+        abspath = super(SFTPUrlHandling, self)._urlencode_abspath(abspath)
         # handle homedir paths
-        if not path.startswith('/'):
-            path = "/~/" + path
-        netloc = urllib.quote(self._host)
-        if self._username is not None:
-            netloc = '%s@%s' % (urllib.quote(self._username), netloc)
-        if self._port is not None:
-            netloc = '%s:%d' % (netloc, self._port)
-        return urlparse.urlunparse((self._scheme, netloc, path, '', '', ''))
-    def _split_url(self, url):
-        (scheme, username, password, host, port, path) = split_url(url)
-        ## assert scheme == 'sftp'
+        if not abspath.startswith('/'):
+            abspath = "/~/" + abspath
+        return abspath
+    def _urldecode_abspath(self, abspath):
+        abspath = super(SFTPUrlHandling, self)._urldecode_abspath(abspath)
         # the initial slash should be removed from the path, and treated
         # as a homedir relative path (the path begins with a double slash
         # if it is absolute).
         # see draft-ietf-secsh-scp-sftp-ssh-uri-03.txt
         # RBC 20060118 we are not using this as its too user hostile. instead
         # we are following lftp and using /~/foo to mean '~/foo'.
         # handle homedir paths
-        if path.startswith('/~/'):
-            path = path[3:]
-        elif path == '/~':
-            path = ''
-        return (scheme, username, password, host, port, path)
+        if abspath.startswith('/~/'):
+            abspath = abspath[3:]
+        elif abspath == '/~':
+            abspath = ''
+        return abspath
-    def abspath(self, relpath):
-        """Return the full url to the given relative path.
-        @param relpath: the relative path or path components
-        @type relpath: str or list
-        """
-        return self._unparse_url(self._remote_path(relpath))
     def _remote_path(self, relpath):
         """Return the path to be passed along the sftp protocol for relpath.
         :param relpath: is a urlencoded string.
-        return self._combine_paths(self._path, relpath)
+        relative = urlutils.unescape(relpath).encode('utf-8')
+        if not self._path.startswith('/'):
+            # handle homedir paths
+            remote_path = self._combine_paths('/~/' + self._path, relative)
+            if remote_path.startswith('/~/'):
+                remote_path = remote_path[3:]
+            elif remote_path == '/~':
+                remote_path = ''
+        else:
+            remote_path = self._combine_paths(self._path, relative)
+        return remote_path
 class SFTPTransport(SFTPUrlHandling):
     """Transport implementation for SFTP access."""
@@ -244,132 +224,6 @@
             return SFTPTransport(self.abspath(offset), self)
-    def _remote_path(self, relpath):
-        """Return the path to be passed along the sftp protocol for relpath.
-        relpath is a urlencoded string.
-        :return: a path prefixed with / for regular abspath-based urls, or a
-            path that does not begin with / for urls which begin with /~/.
-        """
-        # how does this work? 
-        # it processes relpath with respect to 
-        # our state:
-        # firstly we create a path to evaluate: 
-        # if relpath is an abspath or homedir path, its the entire thing
-        # otherwise we join our base with relpath
-        # then we eliminate all empty segments (double //'s) outside the first
-        # two elements of the list. This avoids problems with trailing 
-        # slashes, or other abnormalities.
-        # finally we evaluate the entire path in a single pass
-        # '.'s are stripped,
-        # '..' result in popping the left most already 
-        # processed path (which can never be empty because of the check for
-        # abspath and homedir meaning that its not, or that we've used our
-        # path. If the pop would pop the root, we ignore it.
-        # Specific case examinations:
-        # remove the special casefor ~: if the current root is ~/ popping of it
-        # = / thus our seed for a ~ based path is ['', '~']
-        # and if we end up with [''] then we had basically ('', '..') (which is
-        # '/..' so we append '' if the length is one, and assert that the first
-        # element is still ''. Lastly, if we end with ['', '~'] as a prefix for
-        # the output, we've got a homedir path, so we strip that prefix before
-        # '/' joining the resulting list.
-        #
-        # case one: '/' -> ['', ''] cannot shrink
-        # case two: '/' + '../foo' -> ['', 'foo'] (take '', '', '..', 'foo')
-        #           and pop the second '' for the '..', append 'foo'
-        # case three: '/~/' -> ['', '~', ''] 
-        # case four: '/~/' + '../foo' -> ['', '~', '', '..', 'foo'],
-        #           and we want to get '/foo' - the empty path in the middle
-        #           needs to be stripped, then normal path manipulation will 
-        #           work.
-        # case five: '/..' ['', '..'], we want ['', '']
-        #            stripping '' outside the first two is ok
-        #            ignore .. if its too high up
-        #
-        # lastly this code is possibly reusable by FTP, but not reusable by
-        # local paths: ~ is resolvable correctly, nor by HTTP or the smart
-        # server: ~ is resolved remotely.
-        # 
-        # however, a version of this that acts on self.base is possible to be
-        # written which manipulates the URL in canonical form, and would be
-        # reusable for all transports, if a flag for allowing ~/ at all was
-        # provided.
-        assert isinstance(relpath, basestring)
-        relpath = urlutils.unescape(relpath)
-        # case 1)
-        if relpath.startswith('/'):
-            # abspath - normal split is fine.
-            current_path = relpath.split('/')
-        elif relpath.startswith('~/'):
-            # root is homedir based: normal split and prefix '' to remote the
-            # special case
-            current_path = [''].extend(relpath.split('/'))
-        else:
-            # root is from the current directory:
-            if self._path.startswith('/'):
-                # abspath, take the regular split
-                current_path = []
-            else:
-                # homedir based, add the '', '~' not present in self._path
-                current_path = ['', '~']
-            # add our current dir
-            current_path.extend(self._path.split('/'))
-            # add the users relpath
-            current_path.extend(relpath.split('/'))
-        # strip '' segments that are not in the first one - the leading /.
-        to_process = current_path[:1]
-        for segment in current_path[1:]:
-            if segment != '':
-                to_process.append(segment)
-        # process '.' and '..' segments into output_path.
-        output_path = []
-        for segment in to_process:
-            if segment == '..':
-                # directory pop. Remove a directory 
-                # as long as we are not at the root
-                if len(output_path) > 1:
-                    output_path.pop()
-                # else: pass
-                # cannot pop beyond the root, so do nothing
-            elif segment == '.':
-                continue # strip the '.' from the output.
-            else:
-                # this will append '' to output_path for the root elements,
-                # which is appropriate: its why we strip '' in the first pass.
-                output_path.append(segment)
-        # check output special cases:
-        if output_path == ['']:
-            # [''] -> ['', '']
-            output_path = ['', '']
-        elif output_path[:2] == ['', '~']:
-            # ['', '~', ...] -> ...
-            output_path = output_path[2:]
-        path = '/'.join(output_path)
-        return path
-    def relpath(self, abspath):
-        scheme, username, password, host, port, path = self._split_url(abspath)
-        error = []
-        if (username != self._username):
-            error.append('username mismatch')
-        if (host != self._host):
-            error.append('host mismatch')
-        if (port != self._port):
-            error.append('port mismatch')
-        if (not path.startswith(self._path)):
-            error.append('path mismatch')
-        if error:
-            extra = ': ' + ', '.join(error)
-            raise PathNotChild(abspath, self.base, extra=extra)
-        pl = len(self._path)
-        return path[pl:].strip('/')
     def has(self, relpath):
         Does the target location exist?
@@ -832,8 +686,9 @@
         TODO: Raise a more reasonable ConnectionFailed exception
-        self._sftp = _sftp_connect(self._host, self._port, self._username,
-                self._password)
+        self._sftp = _sftp_connect(self._host, self._port,
+                                   self._user,
+                                   self._password)
     def _sftp_open_exclusive(self, abspath, mode=None):
         """Open a remote path exclusively.

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