Rev 2477: HACKING in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed May 2 16:34:38 BST 2007


revno: 2477
revision-id: john at
parent: pqm at
parent: ian.clatworthy at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick:
timestamp: Wed 2007-05-02 10:34:35 -0500
  HACKING                        HACKING-20050805200004-2a5dc975d870f78c
    revno: 2466.6.3
    merged: ian.clatworthy at
    parent: ian.clatworthy at
    committer: Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at>
    branch nick: bzr.HACKING
    timestamp: Wed 2007-05-02 14:43:27 +1000
      Incorporate feedback from Aaron B. & Alex B.
    revno: 2466.6.2
    merged: ian.clatworthy at
    parent: ian.clatworthy at
    committer: Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at>
    branch nick: bzr.HACKING
    timestamp: Mon 2007-04-30 18:10:33 +1000
      Incorporate feedback from LarstiQ
    revno: 2466.6.1
    merged: ian.clatworthy at
    parent: pqm at
    committer: Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at>
    branch nick: bzr.HACKING
    timestamp: Sat 2007-04-28 01:03:19 +1000
      Expand HACKING into Bazaar Developer Guide
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'HACKING'
--- a/HACKING	2007-04-24 14:19:24 +0000
+++ b/HACKING	2007-05-02 15:34:35 +0000
@@ -1,14 +1,225 @@
-Guidelines for modifying bzr
+Bazaar Developer Guide
 .. contents::
 (The current version of this document is available in the file ``HACKING``
-in the source tree, or at
+in the source tree, or at
+Getting Started
+Exploring the Bazaar Platform
+Before making changes, it's a good idea to explore the work already
+done by others. Perhaps the new feature or improvement you're looking
+for is available in another plug-in already? If you find a bug,
+perhaps someone else has already fixed it?
+To answer these questions and more, take a moment to explore the
+overall Bazaar Platform. Here are some links to browse:
+* The Plugins page on the Wiki -
+* The Bazaar product family on Launchpad -
+* Bug Tracker for the core product -
+* Blueprint Tracker for the core product -
+If nothing else, perhaps you'll find inspiration in how other developers
+have solved their challenges.
+Planning and Discussing Changes
+There is a very active community around Bazaar. Mostly we meet on IRC
+(#bzr on and on the mailing list. To join the Bazaar
+community, see
+If you are planning to make a change, it's a very good idea to mention it
+on the IRC channel and/or on the mailing list. There are many advantages
+to involving the community before you spend much time on a change.
+These include:
+* you get to build on the wisdom on others, saving time
+* if others can direct you to similar code, it minimises the work to be done 
+* it assists everyone in coordinating direction, priorities and effort.
+In summary, maximising the input from others typically minimises the
+total effort required to get your changes merged. The community is
+friendly, helpful and always keen to welcome newcomers.
+Bazaar Development in a Nutshell
+Looking for a 10 minute introduction to submitting a change?
+TODO: Merge that Wiki page into this document.
+Understanding the Development Process
+The development team follows many best-practices including:
+* a public roadmap and planning process in which anyone can participate
+* time based milestones everyone can work towards and plan around
+* extensive code review and feedback to contributors
+* complete and rigorous test coverage on any code contributed
+* automated validation that all tests still pass before code is merged
+  into the main code branch.
+The key tools we use to enable these practices are:
+* Launchpad -
+* Bazaar -
+* Bundle Buggy -
+* Patch Queue Manager -
+For further information, see
+A Closer Look at the Merge & Review Process
+If you'd like to propose a change, please post to the
+bazaar at list with a bundle, patch, or link to a
+branch. Put '[PATCH]' or '[MERGE]' in the subject so Bundle Buggy
+can pick it out, and explain the change in the email message text.
+Remember to update the NEWS file as part of your change if it makes any
+changes visible to users or plugin developers. Please include a diff
+against mainline if you're giving a link to a branch.
+You can generate a bundle like this::
+  bzr bundle > mybundle.patch
+A .patch extension is recommended instead of .bundle as many mail clients
+will send the latter as a binary file. If a bundle would be too long or your
+mailer mangles whitespace (e.g. implicitly converts Unix newlines to DOS
+newlines), use the merge-directive command instead like this::
+  bzr merge-directive > my_directive.patch
+See the help for details on the arguments to merge-directive.
+Please do **NOT** put [PATCH] or [MERGE] in the subject line if you don't
+want it to be merged. If you want comments from developers rather than
+to be merged, you can put '[RFC]' in the subject line.
+Anyone is welcome to review code.  There are broadly three gates for
+code to get in:
+ * Doesn't reduce test coverage: if it adds new methods or commands,
+   there should be tests for them.  There is a good test framework
+   and plenty of examples to crib from, but if you are having trouble
+   working out how to test something feel free to post a draft patch
+   and ask for help.
+ * Doesn't reduce design clarity, such as by entangling objects
+   we're trying to separate.  This is mostly something the more
+   experienced reviewers need to help check.
+ * Improves bugs, features, speed, or code simplicity.
+Code that goes in should pass all three. The core developers take care
+to keep the code quality high and understandable while recognising that
+perfect is sometimes the enemy of good. (It is easy for reviews to make
+people notice other things which should be fixed but those things should
+not hold up the original fix being accepted. New things can easily be
+recorded in the Bug Tracker instead.)
+Anyone can "vote" on the mailing list. Core developers can also vote using
+Bundle Buggy. Here are the voting codes and their explanations.
+  -1	really don't want it in current form
+  -0	somewhat uncomfortable 
+  +0	comfortable but resubmission after changes requested
+  +1 conditional	good to go after some minor changes
+  +1	good to go
++1 conditional is used as a way to avoid another submit/review cycle for
+patches that need small changes.
+If a change gets two +1 votes from core reviewers, and no
+vetos, then it's OK to come in.  Any of the core developers can bring it
+into the trunk and backport it to maintenance branches if required.
+The Release Manager will merge the change into the branch for a pending
+release, if any. As a guideline, core developers usually merge their own
+changes and volunteer to merge other contributions if they were the second
+reviewer to agree to a change.
+To track the progress of proposed changes, use Bundle Buggy. See
+ for a link to all the
+outstanding merge requests together with an explanation of the columns.
+Bundle Buggy will also mail you a link to track just your change.
+Preparing a Sandbox for Making Changes to Bazaar
+Bazaar supports many ways of organising your work. See
+ for a summary of the
+popular alternatives.
+Of course, the best choice for you will depend on numerous factors:
+the number of changes you may be making, the complexity of the changes, etc.
+As a starting suggestion though:
+* create a local copy of the main development branch ( by using
+  this command: bzr branch
+* keep your copy of prestine (by not developing in it) and keep
+  it up to date (by using bzr pull)
+* create a new branch off your local copy for each issue
+  (bug or feature) you are working on.
+This approach makes it easy to go back and make any required changes
+after a code review. Resubmitting the change is then simple with no
+risk of accidentially including edits related to other issues you may
+be working on. After the changes for an issue are accepted and merged,
+the associated branch can be deleted or archived as you wish.
+Navigating the Code Base
+TODO: List and describe in one line the purpose of each directory
+inside an installation of bzr.
+TODO: Refer to a central location holding an up to date copy of the API
+documentation generated by epydoc, e.g. something like
+Testing Bazaar
+The Importance of Testing
+Reliability is a critical success factor for any Version Control System.
+We want Bazaar to be highly reliable across multiple platforms while
+evolving over time to meet the needs of its community. 
+In a nutshell, this is want we expect and encourage:
 * New functionality should have test cases.  Preferably write the
   test before writing the code.
@@ -16,37 +227,175 @@
   In general, you can test at either the command-line level or the
   internal API level.  See Writing Tests below for more detail.
-* Try to practice Test-Driven Development.  before fixing a bug, write a
+* Try to practice Test-Driven Development: before fixing a bug, write a
   test case so that it does not regress.  Similarly for adding a new
   feature: write a test case for a small version of the new feature before
   starting on the code itself.  Check the test fails on the old code, then
   add the feature or fix and check it passes.
-* Exceptions should be defined inside bzrlib.errors, so that we can
-  see the whole tree at a glance.
-* Imports should be done at the top-level of the file, unless there is
-  a strong reason to have them lazily loaded when a particular
-  function runs.  Import statements have a cost, so try to make sure
-  they don't run inside hot functions.
-* Module names should always be given fully-qualified,
-  i.e. ``bzrlib.hashcache`` not just ``hashcache``.
-* Commands should return non-zero when they encounter circumstances that
-  the user should really pay attention to - which includes trivial shell
-  pipelines.
-  Recommended values are 
-    0. OK, 
-    1. Conflicts in merge-like operations, or changes are present in
-       diff-like operations. 
-    2. Unrepresentable diff changes (i.e. binary files that we cannot show 
-       a diff of).
-    3. An error or exception has occurred.
-Evolving interfaces
+By doing these things, the Bazaar team gets increased confidence that
+changes do what they claim to do, whether provided by the core team or
+by community members. Equally importantly, we can be surer that changes
+down the track do not break new features or bug fixes that you are
+contributing today.
+As of May 2007, Bazaar ships with a test suite containing over 6000 tests
+and growing. We are proud of it and want to remain so. As community
+members, we all benefit from it. Would you trust version control on
+your project to a product *without* a test suite like Bazaar has?
+Running the Test Suite
+Currently, bzr selftest is used to invoke tests.
+You can provide a pattern argument to run a subset. For example, 
+to run just the blackbox tests, run::
+  ./bzr selftest -v blackbox
+To skip a particular test (or set of tests), use the --exclude option
+(shorthand -x) like so::
+  ./bzr selftest -v -x blackbox  
+To list tests without running them, use the --list-only option like so::
+  ./bzr selftest --list-only
+This option can be combined with other selftest options (like -x) and
+filter patterns to understand their effect.
+Writing Tests
+In general tests should be placed in a file named where 
+FOO is the logical thing under test. That file should be placed in the
+tests subdirectory under the package being tested.
+For example, tests for merge3 in bzrlib belong in bzrlib/tests/
+See bzrlib/tests/ for a template test script.
+Tests can be written for the UI or for individual areas of the library.
+Choose whichever is appropriate: if adding a new command, or a new command 
+option, then you should be writing a UI test.  If you are both adding UI
+functionality and library functionality, you will want to write tests for 
+both the UI and the core behaviours.  We call UI tests 'blackbox' tests
+and they are found in ``bzrlib/tests/blackbox/*.py``. 
+When writing blackbox tests please honour the following conventions:
+ 1. Place the tests for the command 'name' in
+    bzrlib/tests/blackbox/ This makes it easy for developers
+    to locate the test script for a faulty command.
+ 2. Use the 'self.run_bzr("name")' utility function to invoke the command
+    rather than running bzr in a subprocess or invoking the
+ method directly. This is a lot faster than
+    subprocesses and generates the same logging output as running it in a
+    subprocess (which invoking the method directly does not).
+ 3. Only test the one command in a single test script. Use the bzrlib 
+    library when setting up tests and when evaluating the side-effects of
+    the command. We do this so that the library api has continual pressure
+    on it to be as functional as the command line in a simple manner, and
+    to isolate knock-on effects throughout the blackbox test suite when a
+    command changes its name or signature. Ideally only the tests for a
+    given command are affected when a given command is changed.
+ 4. If you have a test which does actually require running bzr in a
+    subprocess you can use ``run_bzr_subprocess``. By default the spawned
+    process will not load plugins unless ``--allow-plugins`` is supplied.
+We make selective use of doctests__.  In general they should provide 
+*examples* within the API documentation which can incidentally be tested.  We 
+don't try to test every important case using doctests -- regular Python
+tests are generally a better solution.
+Most of these are in ``bzrlib/doc/api``.  More additions are welcome.
+  __
+Essential Domain Classes
+Introducing the Object Model
+The core domain objects within the bazaar model are:
+* Transport
+* Branch
+* Repository
+* WorkingTree
+Transports are explained below. See
+for an introduction to the other key classes.
+Using Transports
+The ``Transport`` layer handles access to local or remote directories.
+Each Transport object acts like a logical connection to a particular
+directory, and it allows various operations on files within it.  You can
+*clone* a transport to get a new Transport connected to a subdirectory or
+parent directory.
+Transports are not used for access to the working tree.  At present
+working trees are always local and they are accessed through the regular
+Python file io mechanisms.
+Filenames vs URLs
+Transports work in URLs.  Take note that URLs are by definition only
+ASCII - the decision of how to encode a Unicode string into a URL must be
+taken at a higher level, typically in the Store.  (Note that Stores also
+escape filenames which cannot be safely stored on all filesystems, but
+this is a different level.)
+The main reason for this is that it's not possible to safely roundtrip a
+URL into Unicode and then back into the same URL.  The URL standard
+gives a way to represent non-ASCII bytes in ASCII (as %-escapes), but
+doesn't say how those bytes represent non-ASCII characters.  (They're not
+guaranteed to be UTF-8 -- that is common but doesn't happen everywhere.)
+For example if the user enters the url ``http://example/%e0`` there's no
+way to tell whether that character represents "latin small letter a with
+grave" in iso-8859-1, or "latin small letter r with acute" in iso-8859-2
+or malformed UTF-8.  So we can't convert their URL to Unicode reliably.
+Equally problematic if we're given a url-like string containing non-ascii
+characters (such as the accented a) we can't be sure how to convert that
+to the correct URL, because we don't know what encoding the server expects
+for those characters.  (Although this is not totally reliable we might still
+accept these and assume they should be put into UTF-8.)
+A similar edge case is that the url ``http://foo/sweet%2Fsour`` contains
+one directory component whose name is "sweet/sour".  The escaped slash is
+not a directory separator.  If we try to convert URLs to regular Unicode
+paths this information will be lost.
+This implies that Transports must natively deal with URLs; for simplicity
+they *only* deal with URLs and conversion of other strings to URLs is done
+elsewhere.  Information they return, such as from ``list_dir``, is also in
+the form of URL components.
+Core Topics
+Evolving Interfaces
 We have a commitment to 6 months API stability - any supported symbol in a
 release of bzr MUST NOT be altered in any way that would result in
@@ -72,128 +421,8 @@
 callers will at least get an AttributeError rather than weird results.
-Standard parameter types
-There are some common requirements in the library: some parameters need to be
-unicode safe, some need byte strings, and so on. At the moment we have
-only codified one specific pattern: Parameters that need to be unicode
-should be checked via ``bzrlib.osutils.safe_unicode``. This will coerce the
-input into unicode in a consistent fashion, allowing trivial strings to be
-used for programmer convenience, but not performing unpredictably in the
-presence of different locales.
-The copyright policy for bzr was recently made clear in this email (edited
-for grammatical correctness)::
-    The attached patch cleans up the copyright and license statements in
-    the bzr source. It also adds tests to help us remember to add them
-    with the correct text.
-    We had the problem that lots of our files were "Copyright Canonical
-    Development Ltd" which is not a real company, and some other variations
-    on this theme. Also, some files were missing the GPL statements.
-    I want to be clear about the intent of this patch, since copyright can
-    be a little controversial.
-    1) The big motivation for this is not to shut out the community, but
-    just to clean up all of the invalid copyright statements.
-    2) It has been the general policy for bzr that we want a single
-    copyright holder for all of the core code. This is following the model
-    set by the FSF, which makes it easier to update the code to a new
-    license in case problems are encountered. (For example, if we want to
-    upgrade the project universally to GPL v3 it is much simpler if there is
-    a single copyright holder). It also makes it clearer if copyright is
-    ever debated, there is a single holder, which makes it easier to defend
-    in court, etc. (I think the FSF position is that if you assign them
-    copyright, they can defend it in court rather than you needing to, and
-    I'm sure Canonical would do the same).
-    As such, Canonical has requested copyright assignments from all of the
-    major contributers.
-    3) If someone wants to add code and not attribute it to Canonical, there
-    is a specific list of files that are excluded from this check. And the
-    test failure indicates where that is, and how to update it.
-    4) If anyone feels that I changed a copyright statement incorrectly, just
-    let me know, and I'll be happy to correct it. Whenever you have large
-    mechanical changes like this, it is possible to make some mistakes.
-    Just to reiterate, this is a community project, and it is meant to stay
-    that way. Core bzr code is copyright Canonical for legal reasons, and
-    the tests are just there to help us maintain that.
-When you change bzrlib, please update the relevant documentation for the
-change you made: Changes to commands should update their help, and
-possibly end user tutorials; changes to the core library should be
-reflected in API documentation.
-The docstring of a command is used by ``bzr help`` to generate help output
-for the command. The list 'takes_options' attribute on a command is used by
-``bzr help`` to document the options for the command - the command
-docstring does not need to document them. Finally, the '_see_also'
-attribute on a command can be used to reference other related help topics.
-NEWS file
-If you make a user-visible change, please add a note to the NEWS file.
-The description should be written to make sense to someone who's just
-a user of bzr, not a developer: new functions or classes shouldn't be
-mentioned, but new commands, changes in behaviour or fixed nontrivial
-bugs should be listed.  See the existing entries for an idea of what
-should be done.
-Within each release, entries in the news file should have the most
-user-visible changes first.  So the order should be approximately:
- * changes to existing behaviour - the highest priority because the 
-   user's existing knowledge is incorrect
- * new features - should be brought to their attention
- * bug fixes - may be of interest if the bug was affecting them, and
-   should include the bug number if any
- * major documentation changes
- * changes to internal interfaces
-People who made significant contributions to each change are listed in
-parenthesis.  This can include reporting bugs (particularly with good
-details or reproduction recipes), submitting patches, etc.
-API documentation
-Functions, methods, classes and modules should have docstrings
-describing how they are used. 
-The first line of the docstring should be a self-contained sentence.
-For the special case of Command classes, this acts as the user-visible
-documentation shown by the help command.
-The docstrings should be formatted as reStructuredText_ (like this
-document), suitable for processing using the epydoc_ tool into HTML
-.. _reStructuredText:
-.. _epydoc:
-Coding style
+Coding Style Guidelines
 Please write PEP-8__ compliant code.  
@@ -203,6 +432,17 @@
+Module Imports
+* Imports should be done at the top-level of the file, unless there is
+  a strong reason to have them lazily loaded when a particular
+  function runs.  Import statements have a cost, so try to make sure
+  they don't run inside hot functions.
+* Module names should always be given fully-qualified,
+  i.e. ``bzrlib.hashcache`` not just ``hashcache``.
@@ -224,7 +464,7 @@
 inconsistency if other people use the full name.
-Standard names
+Standard Names
 ``revision_id`` not ``rev_id`` or ``revid``
@@ -331,7 +571,7 @@
 object, rather than the real class.
-Passing to other variables
+Passing to Other Variables
 It also is incorrect to assign ``ImportReplacer`` objects to other variables.
@@ -342,7 +582,30 @@
 variable, so some bugs are not detected right away.
-Writing output
+Getting Input
+Processing Command Lines
+bzrlib has a standard framework for parsing command lines and calling
+processing routines associated with various commands. See
+for numerous examples.
+Standard Parameter Types
+There are some common requirements in the library: some parameters need to be
+unicode safe, some need byte strings, and so on. At the moment we have
+only codified one specific pattern: Parameters that need to be unicode
+should be checked via ``bzrlib.osutils.safe_unicode``. This will coerce the
+input into unicode in a consistent fashion, allowing trivial strings to be
+used for programmer convenience, but not performing unpredictably in the
+presence of different locales.
+Writing Output
 (The strategy described here is what we want to get to, but it's not
@@ -379,86 +642,24 @@
 should be only in the command-line tool.
-Writing tests
-In general tests should be placed in a file named where 
-FOO is the logical thing under test. That file should be placed in the
-tests subdirectory under the package being tested.
-For example, tests for merge3 in bzrlib belong in bzrlib/tests/
-See bzrlib/tests/ for a template test script.
-Tests can be written for the UI or for individual areas of the library.
-Choose whichever is appropriate: if adding a new command, or a new command 
-option, then you should be writing a UI test.  If you are both adding UI
-functionality and library functionality, you will want to write tests for 
-both the UI and the core behaviours.  We call UI tests 'blackbox' tests
-and they are found in ``bzrlib/tests/blackbox/*.py``. 
-When writing blackbox tests please honour the following conventions:
- 1. Place the tests for the command 'name' in
-    bzrlib/tests/blackbox/ This makes it easy for developers
-    to locate the test script for a faulty command.
- 2. Use the 'self.run_bzr("name")' utility function to invoke the command
-    rather than running bzr in a subprocess or invoking the
- method directly. This is a lot faster than
-    subprocesses and generates the same logging output as running it in a
-    subprocess (which invoking the method directly does not).
- 3. Only test the one command in a single test script. Use the bzrlib 
-    library when setting up tests and when evaluating the side-effects of
-    the command. We do this so that the library api has continual pressure
-    on it to be as functional as the command line in a simple manner, and
-    to isolate knock-on effects throughout the blackbox test suite when a
-    command changes its name or signature. Ideally only the tests for a
-    given command are affected when a given command is changed.
- 4. If you have a test which does actually require running bzr in a
-    subprocess you can use ``run_bzr_subprocess``. By default the spawned
-    process will not load plugins unless ``--allow-plugins`` is supplied.
-We make selective use of doctests__.  In general they should provide 
-*examples* within the API documentation which can incidentally be tested.  We 
-don't try to test every important case using doctests -- regular Python
-tests are generally a better solution.
-Most of these are in ``bzrlib/doc/api``.  More additions are welcome.
-  __
-Running tests
-Currently, bzr selftest is used to invoke tests.
-You can provide a pattern argument to run a subset. For example, 
-to run just the blackbox tests, run::
-  ./bzr selftest -v blackbox
-To skip a particular test (or set of tests), use the --exclude option
-(shorthand -x) like so::
-  ./bzr selftest -v -x blackbox  
-To list tests without running them, use the --list-only option like so::
-  ./bzr selftest --list-only
-This option can be combined with other selftest options (like -x) and
-filter patterns to understand their effect.
-Errors and exceptions
-Errors are handled through Python exceptions.
+Handling Errors and Exceptions
+Commands should return non-zero when they encounter circumstances that
+the user should really pay attention to - which includes trivial shell
+Recommended values are:
+    0. OK.
+    1. Conflicts in merge-like operations, or changes are present in
+        diff-like operations. 
+    2. Unrepresentable diff changes (i.e. binary files that we cannot show 
+        a diff of).
+    3. An error or exception has occurred.
+Errors are handled through Python exceptions. Exceptions should be defined
+inside bzrlib.errors, so that we can see the whole tree at a glance.
 We broadly classify errors as either being either internal or not,
 depending on whether ``user_error`` is set or not.  If we think it's our
@@ -492,6 +693,118 @@
 final fullstop.  If long, they may contain newlines to break the text.
+Documenting Changes
+When you change bzrlib, please update the relevant documentation for the
+change you made: Changes to commands should update their help, and
+possibly end user tutorials; changes to the core library should be
+reflected in API documentation.
+NEWS File
+If you make a user-visible change, please add a note to the NEWS file.
+The description should be written to make sense to someone who's just
+a user of bzr, not a developer: new functions or classes shouldn't be
+mentioned, but new commands, changes in behaviour or fixed nontrivial
+bugs should be listed.  See the existing entries for an idea of what
+should be done.
+Within each release, entries in the news file should have the most
+user-visible changes first.  So the order should be approximately:
+ * changes to existing behaviour - the highest priority because the 
+   user's existing knowledge is incorrect
+ * new features - should be brought to their attention
+ * bug fixes - may be of interest if the bug was affecting them, and
+   should include the bug number if any
+ * major documentation changes
+ * changes to internal interfaces
+People who made significant contributions to each change are listed in
+parenthesis.  This can include reporting bugs (particularly with good
+details or reproduction recipes), submitting patches, etc.
+The docstring of a command is used by ``bzr help`` to generate help output
+for the command. The list 'takes_options' attribute on a command is used by
+``bzr help`` to document the options for the command - the command
+docstring does not need to document them. Finally, the '_see_also'
+attribute on a command can be used to reference other related help topics.
+API Documentation
+Functions, methods, classes and modules should have docstrings
+describing how they are used. 
+The first line of the docstring should be a self-contained sentence.
+For the special case of Command classes, this acts as the user-visible
+documentation shown by the help command.
+The docstrings should be formatted as reStructuredText_ (like this
+document), suitable for processing using the epydoc_ tool into HTML
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _epydoc:
+General Guidelines
+The copyright policy for bzr was recently made clear in this email (edited
+for grammatical correctness)::
+    The attached patch cleans up the copyright and license statements in
+    the bzr source. It also adds tests to help us remember to add them
+    with the correct text.
+    We had the problem that lots of our files were "Copyright Canonical
+    Development Ltd" which is not a real company, and some other variations
+    on this theme. Also, some files were missing the GPL statements.
+    I want to be clear about the intent of this patch, since copyright can
+    be a little controversial.
+    1) The big motivation for this is not to shut out the community, but
+    just to clean up all of the invalid copyright statements.
+    2) It has been the general policy for bzr that we want a single
+    copyright holder for all of the core code. This is following the model
+    set by the FSF, which makes it easier to update the code to a new
+    license in case problems are encountered. (For example, if we want to
+    upgrade the project universally to GPL v3 it is much simpler if there is
+    a single copyright holder). It also makes it clearer if copyright is
+    ever debated, there is a single holder, which makes it easier to defend
+    in court, etc. (I think the FSF position is that if you assign them
+    copyright, they can defend it in court rather than you needing to, and
+    I'm sure Canonical would do the same).
+    As such, Canonical has requested copyright assignments from all of the
+    major contributers.
+    3) If someone wants to add code and not attribute it to Canonical, there
+    is a specific list of files that are excluded from this check. And the
+    test failure indicates where that is, and how to update it.
+    4) If anyone feels that I changed a copyright statement incorrectly, just
+    let me know, and I'll be happy to correct it. Whenever you have large
+    mechanical changes like this, it is possible to make some mistakes.
+    Just to reiterate, this is a community project, and it is meant to stay
+    that way. Core bzr code is copyright Canonical for legal reasons, and
+    the tests are just there to help us maintain that.
+Miscellaneous Topics
@@ -505,11 +818,10 @@
 then bzr will go into pdb post-mortem mode when an unhandled exception
-If you send a SIGQUIT signal to bzr, which can be done by pressing C-\ on Unix,
-bzr will go into the debugger immediately.  You can continue execution by
-typing ``c``.  This can be disabled if necessary by setting the
-environment variable ``BZR_SIGQUIT_PDB=0``.
+If you send a SIGQUIT signal to bzr, which can be done by pressing
+Ctrl-\\ on Unix, bzr will go into the debugger immediately.  You can
+continue execution by typing ``c``.  This can be disabled if necessary
+by setting the environment variable ``BZR_SIGQUIT_PDB=0``.
@@ -521,56 +833,6 @@
     indexes into the branch's revision history.
-The ``Transport`` layer handles access to local or remote directories.
-Each Transport object acts like a logical connection to a particular
-directory, and it allows various operations on files within it.  You can
-*clone* a transport to get a new Transport connected to a subdirectory or
-parent directory.
-Transports are not used for access to the working tree.  At present
-working trees are always local and they are accessed through the regular
-Python file io mechanisms.
-filenames vs URLs
-Transports work in URLs.  Take note that URLs are by definition only
-ASCII - the decision of how to encode a Unicode string into a URL must be
-taken at a higher level, typically in the Store.  (Note that Stores also
-escape filenames which cannot be safely stored on all filesystems, but
-this is a different level.)
-The main reason for this is that it's not possible to safely roundtrip a
-URL into Unicode and then back into the same URL.  The URL standard
-gives a way to represent non-ASCII bytes in ASCII (as %-escapes), but
-doesn't say how those bytes represent non-ASCII characters.  (They're not
-guaranteed to be UTF-8 -- that is common but doesn't happen everywhere.)
-For example if the user enters the url ``http://example/%e0`` there's no
-way to tell whether that character represents "latin small letter a with
-grave" in iso-8859-1, or "latin small letter r with acute" in iso-8859-2
-or malformed UTF-8.  So we can't convert their URL to Unicode reliably.
-Equally problematic if we're given a url-like string containing non-ascii
-characters (such as the accented a) we can't be sure how to convert that
-to the correct URL, because we don't know what encoding the server expects
-for those characters.  (Although this is not totally reliable we might still
-accept these and assume they should be put into UTF-8.)
-A similar edge case is that the url ``http://foo/sweet%2Fsour`` contains
-one directory component whose name is "sweet/sour".  The escaped slash is
-not a directory separator.  If we try to convert URLs to regular Unicode
-paths this information will be lost.
-This implies that Transports must natively deal with URLs; for simplicity
-they *only* deal with URLs and conversion of other strings to URLs is done
-elsewhere.  Information they return, such as from ``list_dir``, is also in
-the form of URL components.
 Unicode and Encoding Support
@@ -637,49 +899,6 @@
 Use ``bzrlib.osutils.rmtree`` instead.
-Merge/review process
-If you'd like to propose a change, please post to the
-bazaar at list with a patch, bzr changeset, or link to a
-branch.  Please put '[patch]' in the subject so we can pick them out, and
-include some text explaining the change.  Remember to put an update to the NEWS
-file in your diff, if it makes any changes visible to users or plugin
-developers.  Please include a diff against mainline if you're giving a link to
-a branch.
-Please indicate if you think the code is ready to merge, or if it's just a
-draft or for discussion.  If you want comments from many developers rather than
-to be merged, you can put '[rfc]' in the subject lines.
-Anyone is welcome to review code.  There are broadly three gates for
-code to get in:
- * Doesn't reduce test coverage: if it adds new methods or commands,
-   there should be tests for them.  There is a good test framework
-   and plenty of examples to crib from, but if you are having trouble
-   working out how to test something feel free to post a draft patch
-   and ask for help.
- * Doesn't reduce design clarity, such as by entangling objects
-   we're trying to separate.  This is mostly something the more
-   experienced reviewers need to help check.
- * Improves bugs, features, speed, or code simplicity.
-Code that goes in should pass all three.
-If you read a patch please reply and say so.  We can use a numeric scale
-of -1, -0, +0, +1, meaning respectively "really don't want it in current
-form", "somewhat uncomfortable", "ok with me", and "please put it in".
-Anyone can "vote".   (It's not really voting, just a terse expression.)
-If something gets say two +1 votes from core reviewers, and no
-vetos, then it's OK to come in.  Any of the core developers can bring it
-into their integration branch, which I'll merge regularly.  (If you do
-so, please reply and say so.)
 C Extension Modules
@@ -718,7 +937,8 @@
 maintaining the python code twice - once in the .pyx, and once in the .py,
 and no longer including the .py file.
-Making installers for OS Windows
+Making Installers for OS Windows
 To build a win32 installer, see the instructions on the wiki page:

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