Rev 2313: Change what warnings are raised, and add tests that they are used. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Mar 2 16:35:19 GMT 2007


revno: 2313
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: unicode_id_warnings
timestamp: Fri 2007-03-02 10:35:03 -0600
  Change what warnings are raised, and add tests that they are used.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-03-02 16:19:48 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-03-02 16:35:03 +0000
@@ -905,33 +905,49 @@
     return unicode_or_utf8_string.encode('utf-8')
-def safe_revision_id(unicode_or_utf8_string):
+_revision_id_warning = ('Unicode revision ids were deprecated in bzr 0.15.'
+                        ' Revision id generators should be creating utf8'
+                        ' revision ids.')
+def safe_revision_id(unicode_or_utf8_string, warn=True):
     """Revision ids should now be utf8, but at one point they were unicode.
-    This is the same as safe_utf8, except it uses the cached encode functions
-    to save a little bit of performance.
+    :param unicode_or_utf8_string: A possibly Unicode revision_id. (can also be
+        utf8 or None).
+    :param warn: Functions that are sanitizing user data can set warn=False
+    :return: None or a utf8 revision id.
     if (unicode_or_utf8_string is None
         or unicode_or_utf8_string.__class__ == str):
         return unicode_or_utf8_string
-    symbol_versioning.warn('Unicode revision ids were deprecated in bzr 0.15.'
-                           ' Revision id generators should be creating utf8'
-                           ' revision ids.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+    if warn:
+        symbol_versioning.warn(_revision_id_warning, DeprecationWarning,
+                               stacklevel=2)
     return cache_utf8.encode(unicode_or_utf8_string)
-def safe_file_id(unicode_or_utf8_string):
+_file_id_warning = ('Unicode file ids were deprecated in bzr 0.15. File id'
+                    ' generators should be creating utf8 file ids.')
+def safe_file_id(unicode_or_utf8_string, warn=True):
     """File ids should now be utf8, but at one point they were unicode.
     This is the same as safe_utf8, except it uses the cached encode functions
     to save a little bit of performance.
+    :param unicode_or_utf8_string: A possibly Unicode file_id. (can also be
+        utf8 or None).
+    :param warn: Functions that are sanitizing user data can set warn=False
+    :return: None or a utf8 file id.
     if (unicode_or_utf8_string is None
         or unicode_or_utf8_string.__class__ == str):
         return unicode_or_utf8_string
-    symbol_versioning.warn('Unicode file ids were deprecated in bzr 0.15.'
-                           ' File id generators should be creating utf8'
-                           ' file ids.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+    if warn:
+        symbol_versioning.warn(_file_id_warning, DeprecationWarning,
+                               stacklevel=2)
     return cache_utf8.encode(unicode_or_utf8_string)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-17 21:17:22 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-03-02 16:35:03 +0000
@@ -284,26 +284,25 @@
 class TestSafeRevisionId(TestCase):
     def test_from_ascii_string(self):
-        f = 'foobar'
-        self.assertEqual('foobar', osutils.safe_revision_id(f))
-        self.assertIs(osutils.safe_utf8(f), f)
+        self.assertEqual('foobar', osutils.safe_revision_id('foobar'))
     def test_from_unicode_string_ascii_contents(self):
-        self.assertEqual('bargam', osutils.safe_revision_id(u'bargam'))
+        self.assertEqual('bargam',
+                         osutils.safe_revision_id(u'bargam', warn=False))
+    def test_from_unicode_deprecated(self):
+        self.assertEqual('bargam',
+            self.callDeprecated([osutils._revision_id_warning],
+                                osutils.safe_revision_id, u'bargam'))
     def test_from_unicode_string_unicode_contents(self):
-                         osutils.safe_revision_id(u'bargam\xae'))
+                         osutils.safe_revision_id(u'bargam\xae', warn=False))
     def test_from_utf8_string(self):
-    def test_bad_utf8_string(self):
-        # This check may eventually go away
-        self.assertRaises(BzrBadParameterNotUnicode,
-                          osutils.safe_revision_id, '\xbb\xbb')
     def test_none(self):
         """Currently, None is a valid revision_id"""
         self.assertEqual(None, osutils.safe_revision_id(None))
@@ -312,25 +311,24 @@
 class TestSafeFileId(TestCase):
     def test_from_ascii_string(self):
-        f = 'foobar'
-        self.assertEqual('foobar', osutils.safe_file_id(f))
+        self.assertEqual('foobar', osutils.safe_file_id('foobar'))
     def test_from_unicode_string_ascii_contents(self):
-        self.assertEqual('bargam', osutils.safe_file_id(u'bargam'))
+        self.assertEqual('bargam', osutils.safe_file_id(u'bargam', warn=False))
+    def test_from_unicode_deprecated(self):
+        self.assertEqual('bargam',
+            self.callDeprecated([osutils._file_id_warning],
+                                osutils.safe_file_id, u'bargam'))
     def test_from_unicode_string_unicode_contents(self):
-                         osutils.safe_file_id(u'bargam\xae'))
+                         osutils.safe_file_id(u'bargam\xae', warn=False))
     def test_from_utf8_string(self):
-    def test_bad_utf8_string(self):
-        # This check may eventually go away
-        self.assertRaises(BzrBadParameterNotUnicode,
-                          osutils.safe_file_id, '\xbb\xbb')
     def test_none(self):
         """Currently, None is a valid revision_id"""
         self.assertEqual(None, osutils.safe_file_id(None))

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