Rev 2492: Fix tests broken by dirstate caching sha1 and stat values. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Mar 2 02:34:36 GMT 2007


revno: 2492
revision-id: john at
parent: robertc at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: dirstate
timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 20:33:27 -0600
  Fix tests broken by dirstate caching sha1 and stat values.
  Change _iter_changes so that it call update_entry() at the beginning.
  this gives us a chance to have files change kind, and still get
  the sha1 value from the cache rather than re-reading the file.
  Some small updates for executable bits on win32.
    revno: 2489.1.9
    merged: john at
    parent: john at
    committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
    branch nick: dirstate-nohc
    timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 20:30:56 -0600
      one more test that needs to ignore dirstate
    revno: 2489.1.8
    merged: john at
    parent: john at
    committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
    branch nick: dirstate-nohc
    timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 20:22:58 -0600
      Fix another tests that was assuming dirstate was identical
      between branches.
    revno: 2489.1.7
    merged: john at
    parent: john at
    committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
    branch nick: dirstate-nohc
    timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 20:11:59 -0600
      Some updates to how we handle the executable bit. In preparation for supporting Win32
    revno: 2489.1.6
    merged: john at
    parent: john at
    committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
    branch nick: dirstate-nohc
    timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 19:38:06 -0600
      Save approx 30-60ms (5-10%) on a LP tree by not calling time.time() for every entry.
    revno: 2489.1.5
    merged: john at
    parent: john at
    committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
    branch nick: dirstate-nohc
    timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 19:27:53 -0600
      Fix a small bug when we have a symlink that does not need to be re-read.
    revno: 2489.1.4
    merged: john at
    parent: john at
    committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
    branch nick: dirstate-nohc
    timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 18:27:06 -0600
      do not update_entry from disk if it is supposed to be absent or renamed
      and make sure to use the current target_details afterwards
      in case something has changed.
    revno: 2489.1.3
    merged: john at
    parent: john at
    committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
    branch nick: dirstate-nohc
    timestamp: Thu 2007-03-01 18:07:29 -0600
      (broken) Change get_sha1_for_entry into update_entry
      which reads off of the disk, and updates dirblocks.
      This includes handling when files change into directories, and other
      such content changes.
      For some reason it breaks higher level tests, so for now, I'm
      leaving this as a local commit until I can sort out the rest.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-03-01 21:56:19 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-03-02 02:11:59 +0000
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@
 import bisect
 import codecs
-import cStringIO
 import errno
 import os
-import sha
+from stat import S_IEXEC
 import struct
+import sys
 import time
 import zlib
@@ -208,12 +208,6 @@
-from bzrlib.osutils import (
-    pathjoin,
-    sha_file,
-    sha_string,
-    walkdirs,
-    )
 class _Bisector(object):
@@ -289,6 +283,7 @@
         self._lock_state = None
         self._id_index = None
         self._end_of_header = None
+        self._cutoff_time = None
         self._split_path_cache = {}
         self._bisect_page_size = DirState.BISECT_PAGE_SIZE
@@ -1017,55 +1012,84 @@
         return result
-    def get_sha1_for_entry(self, entry, abspath, stat_value=None):
-        """Return the sha1 sum for a given file.
+    def update_entry(self, entry, abspath, stat_value=None):
+        """Update the entry based on what is actually on disk.
         :param entry: This is the dirblock entry for the file in question.
         :param abspath: The path on disk for this file.
         :param stat_value: (optional) if we already have done a stat on the
             file, re-use it.
-        :return: The sha1 hexdigest of the file (40 bytes)
+        :return: The sha1 hexdigest of the file (40 bytes) or link target of a
+                symlink.
         # This code assumes that the entry passed in is directly held in one of
         # the internal _dirblocks. So the dirblock state must have already been
         # read.
         assert self._dirblock_state != DirState.NOT_IN_MEMORY
-        # TODO: jam 20070301 Because we now allow kind changes (files => dirs)
-        #       we should actually base this check on the stat value, since
-        #       that is the absolute measurement of whether we have a file or
-        #       directory or link. That means that this function might actually
-        #       change an entry from being a file => dir or dir => file, etc.
-        if entry[1][0][0] != 'f':
+        if stat_value is None:
+            try:
+                # We could inline os.lstat but the common case is that
+                # stat_value will be passed in, not read here.
+                stat_value = self._lstat(abspath, entry)
+            except (OSError, IOError), e:
+                if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EACCES,
+                               errno.EPERM):
+                    # The entry is missing, consider it gone
+                    return None
+                raise
+        kind = osutils.file_kind_from_stat_mode(stat_value.st_mode)
+        try:
+            minikind = DirState._kind_to_minikind[kind]
+        except KeyError: # Unknown kind
             return None
-        if stat_value is None:
-            stat_value = os.lstat(abspath)
         packed_stat = pack_stat(stat_value)
-        saved_sha1_digest = entry[1][0][1]
-        saved_file_size = entry[1][0][2]
-        saved_packed_stat = entry[1][0][4]
-        if (packed_stat == saved_packed_stat
-            and saved_sha1_digest != ''
+        (saved_minikind, saved_link_or_sha1, saved_file_size,
+         saved_executable, saved_packed_stat) = entry[1][0]
+        if (minikind == saved_minikind
+            and packed_stat == saved_packed_stat
             # size should also be in packed_stat
             and saved_file_size == stat_value.st_size):
             # The stat hasn't changed since we saved, so we can potentially
             # re-use the saved sha hash.
-            cutoff = self._sha_cutoff_time()
-            if (stat_value.st_mtime < cutoff
-                and stat_value.st_ctime < cutoff):
+            if minikind == 'd':
+                return None
+            if self._cutoff_time is None:
+                self._sha_cutoff_time()
+            if (stat_value.st_mtime < self._cutoff_time
+                and stat_value.st_ctime < self._cutoff_time):
                 # Return the existing fingerprint
-                return saved_sha1_digest
+                return saved_link_or_sha1
         # If we have gotten this far, that means that we need to actually
-        # process the file.
-        new_sha1_digest = self._sha1_file(abspath)
-        # TODO: jam 20070301 Is it worth checking to see if the new sha is
-        #       actually different? I'm guessing not, because we wouldn't have
-        #       gotten this far otherwise.
-        entry[1][0] = ('f', new_sha1_digest, stat_value.st_size,
-                       entry[1][0][3], # Executable?
-                       packed_stat
-                      )
+        # process this entry.
+        link_or_sha1 = None
+        if minikind == 'f':
+            link_or_sha1 = self._sha1_file(abspath, entry)
+            executable = self._is_executable(stat_value.st_mode,
+                                             saved_executable)
+            entry[1][0] = ('f', link_or_sha1, stat_value.st_size,
+                           executable, packed_stat)
+        elif minikind == 'd':
+            link_or_sha1 = None
+            entry[1][0] = ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat)
+            if saved_minikind != 'd':
+                # This changed from something into a directory. Make sure we
+                # have a directory block for it. This doesn't happen very
+                # often, so this doesn't have to be super fast.
+                block_index, entry_index, dir_present, file_present = \
+                    self._get_block_entry_index(entry[0][0], entry[0][1], 0)
+                self._ensure_block(block_index, entry_index,
+                                   osutils.pathjoin(entry[0][0], entry[0][1]))
+        elif minikind == 'l':
+            link_or_sha1 = self._read_link(abspath, saved_link_or_sha1)
+            entry[1][0] = ('l', link_or_sha1, stat_value.st_size,
+                           False, packed_stat)
         self._dirblock_state = DirState.IN_MEMORY_MODIFIED
-        return new_sha1_digest
+        return link_or_sha1
     def _sha_cutoff_time(self):
         """Return cutoff time.
@@ -1073,9 +1097,18 @@
         Files modified more recently than this time are at risk of being
         undetectably modified and so can't be cached.
-        return int(time.time()) - 3
-    def _sha1_file(self, abspath):
+        # Cache the cutoff time as long as we hold a lock.
+        # time.time() isn't super expensive (approx 3.38us), but
+        # when you call it 50,000 times it adds up.
+        # For comparison, os.lstat() costs 7.2us if it is hot.
+        self._cutoff_time = int(time.time()) - 3
+        return self._cutoff_time
+    def _lstat(self, abspath, entry):
+        """Return the os.lstat value for this path."""
+        return os.lstat(abspath)
+    def _sha1_file(self, abspath, entry):
         """Calculate the SHA1 of a file by reading the full text"""
         f = file(abspath, 'rb', buffering=65000)
@@ -1083,6 +1116,25 @@
+    def _is_executable(self, mode, old_executable):
+        """Is this file executable?"""
+        return bool(S_IEXEC & mode)
+    def _is_executable_win32(self, mode, old_executable):
+        """On win32 the executable bit is stored in the dirstate."""
+        return old_executable
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        _is_executable = _is_executable_win32
+    def _read_link(self, abspath, old_link):
+        """Read the target of a symlink"""
+        # TODO: jam 200700301 On Win32, this could just return the value
+        #       already in memory. However, this really needs to be done at a
+        #       higher level, because there either won't be anything on disk,
+        #       or the thing on disk will be a file.
+        return os.readlink(abspath)
     def get_ghosts(self):
         """Return a list of the parent tree revision ids that are ghosts."""
@@ -2079,6 +2131,10 @@
         self._parents = []
         self._ghosts = []
         self._dirblocks = []
+        self._id_index = None
+        self._end_of_header = None
+        self._cutoff_time = None
+        self._split_path_cache = {}
     def lock_read(self):
         """Acquire a read lock on the dirstate"""

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/	2007-02-25 22:50:34 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/	2007-03-02 02:30:56 +0000
@@ -415,6 +415,7 @@
         self.assertNotEqual(dir.transport.base, target.transport.base)
         self.assertDirectoriesEqual(dir.root_transport, target.root_transport,
+                                     './.bzr/checkout/dirstate',
@@ -433,6 +434,7 @@
         self.assertDirectoriesEqual(dir.root_transport, target.root_transport,
+                                     './.bzr/checkout/dirstate',
@@ -442,6 +444,7 @@
         self.assertDirectoriesEqual(dir.root_transport, target.root_transport,
+                                     './.bzr/checkout/dirstate',
@@ -850,6 +853,7 @@
+                                     './.bzr/checkout/dirstate',

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-17 03:34:50 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-03-02 01:27:53 +0000
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
             delta = tree.changes_from(self.b1.repository.revision_tree(rev_id))
-                             'Working tree has modifications')
+                             'Working tree has modifications: %s' % delta)
         return tree
     def valid_apply_bundle(self, base_rev_id, info, checkout_dir=None):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-03-01 21:56:19 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-03-02 02:11:59 +0000
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import bisect
 import os
+import time
 from bzrlib import (
@@ -1005,21 +1006,34 @@
         self.assertEqual(expected, dirblock_names)
-class Sha1InstrumentedDirState(dirstate.DirState):
+class InstrumentedDirState(dirstate.DirState):
     """An DirState with instrumented sha1 functionality."""
     def __init__(self, path):
-        super(Sha1InstrumentedDirState, self).__init__(path)
+        super(InstrumentedDirState, self).__init__(path)
         self._time_offset = 0
-        self._sha1_log = []
+        self._log = []
     def _sha_cutoff_time(self):
-        timestamp = super(Sha1InstrumentedDirState, self)._sha_cutoff_time()
-        return timestamp + self._time_offset
-    def _sha1_file(self, abspath):
-        self._sha1_log.append(abspath)
-        return super(Sha1InstrumentedDirState, self)._sha1_file(abspath)
+        timestamp = super(InstrumentedDirState, self)._sha_cutoff_time()
+        self._cutoff_time = timestamp + self._time_offset
+    def _sha1_file(self, abspath, entry):
+        self._log.append(('sha1', abspath))
+        return super(InstrumentedDirState, self)._sha1_file(abspath, entry)
+    def _read_link(self, abspath, old_link):
+        self._log.append(('read_link', abspath, old_link))
+        return super(InstrumentedDirState, self)._read_link(abspath, old_link)
+    def _lstat(self, abspath, entry):
+        self._log.append(('lstat', abspath))
+        return super(InstrumentedDirState, self)._lstat(abspath, entry)
+    def _is_executable(self, mode, old_executable):
+        self._log.append(('is_exec', mode, old_executable))
+        return super(InstrumentedDirState, self)._is_executable(mode,
+                                                                old_executable)
     def adjust_time(self, secs):
         """Move the clock forward or back.
@@ -1029,6 +1043,7 @@
         are in the past.
         self._time_offset += secs
+        self._cutoff_time = None
 class _FakeStat(object):
@@ -1043,16 +1058,21 @@
         self.st_mode = mode
-class TestDirStateGetSha1(TestCaseWithDirState):
-    """Test the DirState.get_sha1 functions"""
+class TestUpdateEntry(TestCaseWithDirState):
+    """Test the DirState.update_entry functions"""
-    def test_get_sha1_from_entry(self):
-        state = Sha1InstrumentedDirState.initialize('dirstate')
+    def get_state_with_a(self):
+        """Create a DirState tracking a single object named 'a'"""
+        state = InstrumentedDirState.initialize('dirstate')
+        state.add('a', 'a-id', 'file', None, '')
+        entry = state._get_entry(0, path_utf8='a')
+        return state, entry
+    def test_update_entry(self):
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
         # Add one where we don't provide the stat or sha already
-        state.add('a', 'a-id', 'file', None, '')
-        entry = state._get_entry(0, path_utf8='a')
         self.assertEqual(('', 'a', 'a-id'), entry[0])
         self.assertEqual([('f', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT)],
@@ -1062,16 +1082,19 @@
         stat_value = os.lstat('a')
-        digest = state.get_sha1_for_entry(entry, abspath='a',
+        packed_stat = dirstate.pack_stat(stat_value)
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a',
-        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6', digest)
-        packed_stat = dirstate.pack_stat(stat_value)
+        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6',
+                         link_or_sha1)
         # The dirblock entry should be updated with the new info
-        self.assertEqual([('f', digest, 14, False, packed_stat)], entry[1])
+        self.assertEqual([('f', link_or_sha1, 14, False, packed_stat)],
+                         entry[1])
-        self.assertEqual(['a'], state._sha1_log)
+        mode = stat_value.st_mode
+        self.assertEqual([('sha1', 'a'), ('is_exec', mode, False)], state._log)
@@ -1082,10 +1105,13 @@
         # guaranteed to look too new.
-        digest = state.get_sha1_for_entry(entry, abspath='a',
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a',
-        self.assertEqual(['a', 'a'], state._sha1_log)
-        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6', digest)
+        self.assertEqual([('sha1', 'a'), ('is_exec', mode, False),
+                          ('sha1', 'a'), ('is_exec', mode, False),
+                         ], state._log)
+        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6',
+                         link_or_sha1)
@@ -1093,29 +1119,228 @@
         # However, if we move the clock forward so the file is considered
         # "stable", it should just returned the cached value.
-        digest = state.get_sha1_for_entry(entry, abspath='a',
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a',
-        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6', digest)
-        self.assertEqual(['a', 'a'], state._sha1_log)
+        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6',
+                         link_or_sha1)
+        self.assertEqual([('sha1', 'a'), ('is_exec', mode, False),
+                          ('sha1', 'a'), ('is_exec', mode, False),
+                         ], state._log)
-    def test_get_sha1_from_entry_no_stat_value(self):
+    def test_update_entry_no_stat_value(self):
         """Passing the stat_value is optional."""
-        state = Sha1InstrumentedDirState.initialize('dirstate')
-        self.addCleanup(state.unlock)
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        state.adjust_time(-10) # Make sure the file looks new
         # Add one where we don't provide the stat or sha already
-        state.add('a', 'a-id', 'file', None, '')
-        entry = state._get_entry(0, path_utf8='a')
-        digest = state.get_sha1_for_entry(entry, abspath='a')
-        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6', digest)
-    def test_get_sha1_from_entry_dir(self):
-        state = Sha1InstrumentedDirState.initialize('dirstate')
-        self.addCleanup(state.unlock)
-        self.build_tree(['a/'])
-        state.add('a', 'a-id', 'directory', None, '')
-        entry = state._get_entry(0, path_utf8='a')
-        self.assertIs(None, state.get_sha1_for_entry(entry, 'a'))
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a')
+        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6',
+                         link_or_sha1)
+        stat_value = os.lstat('a')
+        self.assertEqual([('lstat', 'a'), ('sha1', 'a'),
+                          ('is_exec', stat_value.st_mode, False),
+                         ], state._log)
+    def test_update_entry_symlink(self):
+        """Update entry should read symlinks."""
+        if not osutils.has_symlinks():
+            return # PlatformDeficiency / TestSkipped
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.assertEqual(dirstate.DirState.IN_MEMORY_UNMODIFIED,
+                         state._dirblock_state)
+        os.symlink('target', 'a')
+        state.adjust_time(-10) # Make the symlink look new
+        stat_value = os.lstat('a')
+        packed_stat = dirstate.pack_stat(stat_value)
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a',
+                                          stat_value=stat_value)
+        self.assertEqual('target', link_or_sha1)
+        self.assertEqual([('read_link', 'a', '')], state._log)
+        # Dirblock is updated
+        self.assertEqual([('l', link_or_sha1, 6, False, packed_stat)],
+                         entry[1])
+        self.assertEqual(dirstate.DirState.IN_MEMORY_MODIFIED,
+                         state._dirblock_state)
+        # Because the stat_value looks new, we should re-read the target
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a',
+                                          stat_value=stat_value)
+        self.assertEqual('target', link_or_sha1)
+        self.assertEqual([('read_link', 'a', ''),
+                          ('read_link', 'a', 'target'),
+                         ], state._log)
+        state.adjust_time(+20) # Skip into the future, all files look old
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a',
+                                          stat_value=stat_value)
+        self.assertEqual('target', link_or_sha1)
+        # There should not be a new read_link call.
+        # (this is a weak assertion, because read_link is fairly inexpensive,
+        # versus the number of symlinks that we would have)
+        self.assertEqual([('read_link', 'a', ''),
+                          ('read_link', 'a', 'target'),
+                         ], state._log)
+    def test_update_entry_dir(self):
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.build_tree(['a/'])
+        self.assertIs(None, state.update_entry(entry, 'a'))
+    def create_and_test_file(self, state, entry):
+        """Create a file at 'a' and verify the state finds it.
+        The state should already be versioning *something* at 'a'. This makes
+        sure that state.update_entry recognizes it as a file.
+        """
+        self.build_tree(['a'])
+        stat_value = os.lstat('a')
+        packed_stat = dirstate.pack_stat(stat_value)
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a')
+        self.assertEqual('b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6',
+                         link_or_sha1)
+        self.assertEqual([('f', link_or_sha1, 14, False, packed_stat)],
+                         entry[1])
+        return packed_stat
+    def create_and_test_dir(self, state, entry):
+        """Create a directory at 'a' and verify the state finds it.
+        The state should already be versioning *something* at 'a'. This makes
+        sure that state.update_entry recognizes it as a directory.
+        """
+        self.build_tree(['a/'])
+        stat_value = os.lstat('a')
+        packed_stat = dirstate.pack_stat(stat_value)
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a')
+        self.assertIs(None, link_or_sha1)
+        self.assertEqual([('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat)], entry[1])
+        return packed_stat
+    def create_and_test_symlink(self, state, entry):
+        """Create a symlink at 'a' and verify the state finds it.
+        The state should already be versioning *something* at 'a'. This makes
+        sure that state.update_entry recognizes it as a symlink.
+        This should not be called if this platform does not have symlink
+        support.
+        """
+        os.symlink('path/to/foo', 'a')
+        stat_value = os.lstat('a')
+        packed_stat = dirstate.pack_stat(stat_value)
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a')
+        self.assertEqual('path/to/foo', link_or_sha1)
+        self.assertEqual([('l', 'path/to/foo', 11, False, packed_stat)],
+                         entry[1])
+        return packed_stat
+    def test_update_missing_file(self):
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        packed_stat = self.create_and_test_file(state, entry)
+        # Now if we delete the file, update_entry should recover and
+        # return None.
+        os.remove('a')
+        self.assertIs(None, state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a'))
+        # And the record shouldn't be changed.
+        digest = 'b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6'
+        self.assertEqual([('f', digest, 14, False, packed_stat)],
+                         entry[1])
+    def test_update_missing_dir(self):
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        packed_stat = self.create_and_test_dir(state, entry)
+        # Now if we delete the directory, update_entry should recover and
+        # return None.
+        os.rmdir('a')
+        self.assertIs(None, state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a'))
+        self.assertEqual([('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat)], entry[1])
+    def test_update_missing_symlink(self):
+        if not osutils.has_symlinks():
+            return # PlatformDeficiency / TestSkipped
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        packed_stat = self.create_and_test_symlink(state, entry)
+        os.remove('a')
+        self.assertIs(None, state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a'))
+        # And the record shouldn't be changed.
+        self.assertEqual([('l', 'path/to/foo', 11, False, packed_stat)],
+                         entry[1])
+    def test_update_file_to_dir(self):
+        """If a file changes to a directory we return None for the sha.
+        We also update the inventory record.
+        """
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.create_and_test_file(state, entry)
+        os.remove('a')
+        self.create_and_test_dir(state, entry)
+    def test_update_file_to_symlink(self):
+        """File becomes a symlink"""
+        if not osutils.has_symlinks():
+            return # PlatformDeficiency / TestSkipped
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.create_and_test_file(state, entry)
+        os.remove('a')
+        self.create_and_test_symlink(state, entry)
+    def test_update_dir_to_file(self):
+        """Directory becoming a file updates the entry."""
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.create_and_test_dir(state, entry)
+        os.rmdir('a')
+        self.create_and_test_file(state, entry)
+    def test_update_dir_to_symlink(self):
+        """Directory becomes a symlink"""
+        if not osutils.has_symlinks():
+            return # PlatformDeficiency / TestSkipped
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.create_and_test_dir(state, entry)
+        os.rmdir('a')
+        self.create_and_test_symlink(state, entry)
+    def test_update_symlink_to_file(self):
+        """Symlink becomes a file"""
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.create_and_test_symlink(state, entry)
+        os.remove('a')
+        self.create_and_test_file(state, entry)
+    def test_update_symlink_to_dir(self):
+        """Symlink becomes a directory"""
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.create_and_test_symlink(state, entry)
+        os.remove('a')
+        self.create_and_test_dir(state, entry)
+    def test__is_executable_win32(self):
+        state, entry = self.get_state_with_a()
+        self.build_tree(['a'])
+        # Make sure we are using the win32 implementation of _is_executable
+        state._is_executable = state._is_executable_win32
+        # The file on disk is not executable, but we are marking it as though
+        # it is. With _is_executable_win32 we ignore what is on disk.
+        entry[1][0] = ('f', '', 0, True, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT)
+        stat_value = os.lstat('a')
+        packed_stat = dirstate.pack_stat(stat_value)
+        state.adjust_time(-10) # Make sure everything is new
+        # Make sure it wants to kkkkkkkk
+        state.update_entry(entry, abspath='a', stat_value=stat_value)
+        # The row is updated, but the executable bit stays set.
+        digest = 'b50e5406bb5e153ebbeb20268fcf37c87e1ecfb6'
+        self.assertEqual([('f', digest, 14, True, packed_stat)], entry[1])
 class TestPackStat(TestCaseWithTransport):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-03-02 01:06:12 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-03-02 02:33:27 +0000
@@ -361,8 +361,11 @@
         file_abspath = self.abspath(path)
         state = self.current_dirstate()
-        return state.get_sha1_for_entry(entry, file_abspath,
-                                        stat_value=stat_value)
+        link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, file_abspath,
+                                          stat_value=stat_value)
+        if entry[1][0][0] == 'f':
+            return link_or_sha1
+        return None
     def _get_inventory(self):
         """Get the inventory for the tree. This is only valid within a lock."""
@@ -1603,8 +1606,17 @@
                 source_details = entry[1][source_index]
             target_details = entry[1][target_index]
+            target_minikind = target_details[0]
+            if path_info is not None and target_minikind in 'fdl':
+                assert target_index == 0
+                link_or_sha1 = state.update_entry(entry, abspath=path_info[4],
+                                                  stat_value=path_info[3])
+                # The entry may have been modified by update_entry
+                target_details = entry[1][target_index]
+                target_minikind = target_details[0]
+            else:
+                link_or_sha1 = None
             source_minikind = source_details[0]
-            target_minikind = target_details[0]
             if source_minikind in 'fdlr' and target_minikind in 'fdl':
                 # claimed content in both: diff
                 #   r    | fdl    |      | add source to search, add id path move and perform
@@ -1652,15 +1664,10 @@
                         if source_minikind != 'f':
                             content_change = True
-                            # has it changed? fast path: size, slow path: sha1.
-                            if source_details[2] != path_info[3].st_size:
-                                content_change = True
-                            else:
-                                # maybe the same. Get the hash
-                                new_hash = state.get_sha1_for_entry(entry,
-                                                abspath=path_info[4],
-                                                stat_value=path_info[3])
-                                content_change = (new_hash != source_details[1])
+                            # We could check the size, but we already have the
+                            # sha1 hash.
+                            content_change = (link_or_sha1 != source_details[1])
+                        # Target details is updated at update_entry time
                         target_exec = bool(
                             and stat.S_IEXEC & path_info[3].st_mode)
@@ -1668,10 +1675,7 @@
                         if source_minikind != 'l':
                             content_change = True
-                            # TODO: check symlink supported for windows users
-                            # and grab from target state here.
-                            link_target = os.readlink(path_info[4])
-                            content_change = (link_target != source_details[1])
+                            content_change = (link_or_sha1 != source_details[1])
                         target_exec = False
                         raise Exception, "unknown kind %s" % path_info[2]
@@ -1708,7 +1712,6 @@
                         last_target_parent[2] = target_parent_entry
                 source_exec = source_details[3]
-                #path_unicode = utf8_decode(path)[0]
                 return ((entry[0][2], path, content_change,
                         (True, True),
                         (source_parent_id, target_parent_id),
@@ -1721,20 +1724,19 @@
                     path = pathjoin(entry[0][0], entry[0][1])
                     # parent id is the entry for the path in the target tree
                     # TODO: these are the same for an entire directory: cache em.
-                    parent_id = state._get_entry(target_index, path_utf8=entry[0][0])[0][2]
+                    parent_id = state._get_entry(target_index,
+                                                 path_utf8=entry[0][0])[0][2]
                     if parent_id == entry[0][2]:
                         parent_id = None
-                    # basename
-                    new_executable = bool(
+                    target_exec = bool(
                         and stat.S_IEXEC & path_info[3].st_mode)
-                    #path_unicode = utf8_decode(path)[0]
                     return ((entry[0][2], path, True,
                             (False, True),
                             (None, parent_id),
                             (None, entry[0][1]),
                             (None, path_info[2]),
-                            (None, new_executable)),)
+                            (None, target_exec)),)
                     # but its not on disk: we deliberately treat this as just
                     # never-present. (Why ?! - RBC 20070224)
@@ -1749,7 +1751,6 @@
                 parent_id = state._get_entry(source_index, path_utf8=entry[0][0])[0][2]
                 if parent_id == entry[0][2]:
                     parent_id = None
-                #old_path_unicode = utf8_decode(old_path)[0]
                 return ((entry[0][2], old_path, True,
                         (True, False),
                         (parent_id, None),

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