Rev 13: Add progress bar, some optimizations. Make merge type configurable. in file:///data/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Thu Jul 12 09:22:40 BST 2007

At file:///data/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk/

revno: 13
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: bzr-rebase
timestamp: Thu 2007-07-05 12:05:56 +0200
  Add progress bar, some optimizations. Make merge type configurable.
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-07-04 22:27:09 +0000
+++ b/	2007-07-05 10:05:56 +0000
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
     takes_args = ['upstream_location?']
-    takes_options = ['revision', Option('onto', help='Different revision to replay onto')]
+    takes_options = ['revision', 'merge-type', 
+                     Option('onto', help='Different revision to replay onto')]
-    def run(self, upstream_location=None, onto=None, revision=None):
+    def run(self, upstream_location=None, onto=None, revision=None, merge_type=None):
         from bzrlib.branch import Branch
         from bzrlib.revisionspec import RevisionSpec
         from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
             # Start executing plan
-                rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map, workingtree_replay(wt))
+                rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map, workingtree_replay(wt, merge_type=merge_type))
             except ConflictsInTree:
                 raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred replaying a commit. Resolve the conflict and run 'bzr rebase-continue' or run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
             # Remove plan file
@@ -117,9 +118,10 @@
     """Continue an interrupted rebase after resolving conflicts
+    takes_options = ['merge-type']
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, merge_type=None):
         from rebase import read_rebase_plan, rebase_plan_exists, workingtree_replay, rebase, remove_rebase_plan, commit_rebase, read_active_rebase_revid
         from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
         wt ='.')
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@
                 commit_rebase(wt, oldrev, replace_map[oldrevid][0])
                 # Start executing plan from current Branch.last_revision()
-                rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map, workingtree_replay(wt))
+                rebase(wt.branch.repository, replace_map, workingtree_replay(wt, merge_type=merge_type))
             except ConflictsInTree:
                 raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred replaying a commit. Resolve the conflict and run 'bzr rebase-continue' or run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
             # Remove plan file  

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-07-04 22:09:38 +0000
+++ b/	2007-07-05 10:05:56 +0000
@@ -159,32 +159,44 @@
         replace_map[r] = (renames[r], 
-    def find_revision_children(revid):
-        for x in graph: 
-            if revid in graph[x]: 
-                yield x
-    while len(todo) > 0:
-        r = todo.pop()
-        # Find children of r in graph
-        children = list(find_revision_children(r))
-        # Add entry for them in replace_map
-        for c in children:
-            if c in renames:
-                continue
-            rev = repository.get_revision(c)
-            if replace_map.has_key(c):
-                parents = replace_map[c][1]
-            else:
-                parents = rev.parent_ids
-            # replace r in parents with replace_map[r][0]
-            if not replace_map[r][0] in parents:
-                parents[parents.index(r)] = replace_map[r][0]
-            replace_map[c] = (generate_revid(rev), parents)
-            assert replace_map[c][0] != rev.revision_id
-        # Add them to todo[]
-        todo.extend(children)
+    children = {}
+    for r in graph:
+        if not children.has_key(r):
+            children[r] = []
+        for p in graph[r]:
+            if not children.has_key(p):
+                children[p] = []
+            children[p].append(r)
+    total = len(todo)
+    processed = set()
+    i = 0
+    pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+    try:
+        while len(todo) > 0:
+            r = todo.pop()
+            i += 1
+            pb.update('determining dependencies', i, total)
+            # Add entry for them in replace_map
+            for c in children[r]:
+                if c in renames:
+                    continue
+                rev = repository.get_revision(c)
+                if replace_map.has_key(c):
+                    parents = replace_map[c][1]
+                else:
+                    parents = rev.parent_ids
+                # replace r in parents with replace_map[r][0]
+                if not replace_map[r][0] in parents:
+                    parents[parents.index(r)] = replace_map[r][0]
+                replace_map[c] = (generate_revid(rev), parents)
+                assert replace_map[c][0] != rev.revision_id
+            processed.add(r)
+            # Add them to todo[]
+            todo.extend(filter(lambda x: x in processed, children[r]))
+    finally:
+        pb.finished()
     return replace_map
@@ -384,7 +396,7 @@
     commit_rebase(wt, oldrev, newrevid)
-def workingtree_replay(wt, map_ids=False):
+def workingtree_replay(wt, map_ids=False, merge_type=None):
     """Returns a function that can replay revisions in wt.
     :param wt: Working tree in which to do the replays.
@@ -392,7 +404,7 @@
     def replay(repository, oldrevid, newrevid, newparents):
         assert wt.branch.repository == repository
-        return replay_delta_workingtree(wt, oldrevid, newrevid, newparents)
+        return replay_delta_workingtree(wt, oldrevid, newrevid, newparents, merge_type=merge_type)
     return replay

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