Rev 5: Import change_revision_parent from bzr-svn. in file:///data/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Thu Jul 12 09:22:36 BST 2007

At file:///data/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk/

revno: 5
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: bzr-rebase
timestamp: Wed 2007-07-04 16:24:05 +0200
  Import change_revision_parent from bzr-svn.
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-07-04 13:05:30 +0000
+++ b/	2007-07-04 14:24:05 +0000
@@ -14,9 +14,11 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from bzrlib.config import Config
 from bzrlib.errors import UnknownFormatError
 from bzrlib.generate_ids import gen_revision_id
 from bzrlib.trace import mutter
+import bzrlib.ui as ui
 REBASE_PLAN_FILENAME = 'rebase-plan'
@@ -115,3 +117,98 @@
     for revid in need_rewrite:
         replace_map[revid] = gen_revision_id()
     # TODO
+def rebase(wt, replace_map):
+    """Rebase a working tree according to the specified map.
+    :param wt: Working tree to rebase
+    :param replace_map: Dictionary with revisions to (optionally) rewrite
+    """
+    #TODO
+# Change the parent of a revision
+def change_revision_parent(repository, oldrevid, newrevid, new_parents):
+    """Create a copy of a revision with different parents.
+    :param repository: Repository in which the revision is present.
+    :param oldrevid: Revision id of the revision to copy.
+    :param newrevid: Revision id of the revision to create.
+    :param new_parents: Revision ids of the new parent revisions.
+    """
+    assert isinstance(new_parents, list)
+    mutter('creating copy %r of %r with new parents %r' % (newrevid, oldrevid, new_parents))
+    oldrev = repository.get_revision(oldrevid)
+    builder = repository.get_commit_builder(branch=None, parents=new_parents, 
+                                  config=Config(),
+                                  committer=oldrev.committer,
+                                  timestamp=oldrev.timestamp,
+                                  timezone=oldrev.timezone,
+                        ,
+                                  revision_id=newrevid)
+    # Check what new_ie.file_id should be
+    # use old and new parent inventories to generate new_id map
+    old_parents = oldrev.parent_ids
+    new_id = {}
+    for (oldp, newp) in zip(old_parents, new_parents):
+        oldinv = repository.get_revision_inventory(oldp)
+        newinv = repository.get_revision_inventory(newp)
+        for path, ie in oldinv.iter_entries():
+            if newinv.has_filename(path):
+                new_id[ie.file_id] = newinv.path2id(path)
+    i = 0
+    class MapTree:
+        def __init__(self, oldtree, map):
+            self.oldtree = oldtree
+   = map
+        def old_id(self, file_id):
+            for x in
+                if[x] == file_id:
+                    return x
+            return file_id
+        def get_file_sha1(self, file_id, path=None):
+            return self.oldtree.get_file_sha1(file_id=self.old_id(file_id), 
+                                              path=path)
+        def get_file(self, file_id):
+            return self.oldtree.get_file(self.old_id(file_id=file_id))
+        def is_executable(self, file_id, path=None):
+            return self.oldtree.is_executable(self.old_id(file_id=file_id), 
+                                              path=path)
+    oldtree = MapTree(repository.revision_tree(oldrevid), new_id)
+    oldinv = repository.get_revision_inventory(oldrevid)
+    total = len(oldinv)
+    pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+    transact = repository.get_transaction()
+    try:
+        for path, ie in oldinv.iter_entries():
+            pb.update('upgrading file', i, total)
+            i += 1
+            new_ie = ie.copy()
+            if new_ie.revision == oldrevid:
+                new_ie.revision = None
+            def lookup(file_id):
+                try:
+                    return new_id[file_id]
+                except KeyError:
+                    return file_id
+            new_ie.file_id = lookup(new_ie.file_id)
+            new_ie.parent_id = lookup(new_ie.parent_id)
+            builder.record_entry_contents(new_ie, 
+                   map(repository.get_revision_inventory, new_parents), 
+                   path, oldtree)
+    finally:
+        pb.finished()
+    builder.finish_inventory()
+    return builder.commit(oldrev.message)

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-07-04 13:05:30 +0000
+++ b/	2007-07-04 14:24:05 +0000
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 from bzrlib.errors import UnknownFormatError
-from bzrlib.tests import TestCase
-from rebase import marshall_rebase_plan, unmarshall_rebase_plan
+from bzrlib.tests import TestCase, TestCaseWithTransport
+from rebase import (marshall_rebase_plan, unmarshall_rebase_plan, 
+                    change_revision_parent) 
 class RebasePlanReadWriterTests(TestCase):
     def test_simple_marshall_rebase_plan(self):
@@ -42,3 +44,24 @@
 1 bla
 oldrev newrev newparent1 newparent2
+class ConversionTests(TestCaseWithTransport):
+    def test_simple(self):
+        wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
+        b = wt.branch
+        file('hello', 'w').write('hello world')
+        wt.add('hello')
+        wt.commit(message='add hello', rev_id="bla")
+        file('hello', 'w').write('world')
+        wt.commit(message='change hello', rev_id="bloe")
+        wt.set_last_revision("bla")
+        b.set_revision_history(["bla"])
+        file('hello', 'w').write('world')
+        wt.commit(message='change hello', rev_id="bla2")
+        newrev = change_revision_parent(wt.branch.repository, "bla2", "bla4", 
+                                        ["bloe"])
+        self.assertEqual("bla4", newrev)
+        self.assertTrue(wt.branch.repository.has_revision(newrev))
+        self.assertEqual(["bloe"], wt.branch.repository.revision_parents(newrev))

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