Rev 3: Fill in commands. in file:///home/jelmer/bzr/bzr-rebase/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Wed Jul 4 01:01:46 BST 2007

At file:///home/jelmer/bzr/bzr-rebase/

revno: 3
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: bzr-rebase
timestamp: Wed 2007-06-27 02:04:48 +0200
  Fill in commands.
=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-06-26 22:49:45 +0000
+++ b/	2007-06-27 00:04:48 +0000
@@ -14,29 +14,59 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from bzrlib.branch import Branch
 from bzrlib.commands import Command, Option, display_command
+from bzrlib.errors import BzrCommandError
 from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
 class cmd_rebase(Command):
     """Re-base a branch.
-    takes_args = ['upstream']
+    takes_args = ['upstream_location']
     takes_options = [Option('onto', help='Different revision to replay onto')]
-    def run(self, upstream, onto=None):
+    def run(self, upstream_location, onto=None):
+        from rebase import (generate_simple_plan, rebase, 
+                            rebase_plan_exists, write_rebase_plan, 
+                            read_rebase_plan)
+        upstream =
         wt ='.')
-        # TODO: Abort if there are any pending changes
-        # TODO: Abort if there are any conflicts
-        # TODO: Pull required revisions
-        # TODO: Write plan file
-        # TODO: Start executing plan
-        # If any conflicts occur:
-        #   TODO: Apply failed merge to the working tree
-        #   TODO: Inform user about rebase-continue and rebase-abort
-        #   TODO: Abort
-        # TODO: Remove plan file
+        wt.write_lock()
+        try:
+            # Abort if there already is a plan file
+            if rebase_plan_exists(wt):
+                raise BzrCommandError("A rebase operation was interrupted. Continue using 'bzr rebase-continue' or abort using 'bzr rebase-abort'")
+            # Pull required revisions
+            wt.branch.repository.fetch(upstream.repository, 
+                                       upstream.last_revision())
+            if onto is not None:
+                wt.branch.repository.fetch(upstream.repository, onto)
+            if onto is None:
+                onto = upstream.last_revision()
+            # Create plan
+            (start_rev, replace_map, rewrite_map) = generate_simple_plan(
+                    wt.branch, upstream, onto)
+            # Write plan file
+            write_rebase_plan(wt, replace_map, rewrite_map)
+            # Set last-revision back to start revision
+            wt.set_last_revision(start_rev)
+            # Start executing plan
+            try:
+                rebase(wt, replace_map, rewrite_map)
+            except Conflict:
+                raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred applying a patch. Resolve the conflict and run 'bzr rebase-continue' or run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
+            # Remove plan file
+            remove_rebase_plan(wt)
+        finally:
+            wt.unlock()
 class cmd_rebase_abort(Command):
     """Abort an interrupted rebase
@@ -45,9 +75,14 @@
     def run(self):
+        from rebase import read_rebase_plan
         wt ='.')
-        # TODO: Read plan file
-        # TODO: Set last revision
+        wt.write_lock()
+        try:
+            # Read plan file and set last revision
+            wt.set_last_revision_info(read_rebase_plan(wt)[0])
+        finally:
+            wt.unlock()
 class cmd_rebase_continue(Command):
@@ -57,15 +92,25 @@
     def run(self):
+        from rebase import read_rebase_plan, rebase_plan_exists
         wt ='.')
-        # TODO: Read plan file
-        # TODO: Abort if there are any conflicts
-        # TODO: Start executing plan from current Branch.last_revision()
-        # If conflict appears:
-        #   TODO: Apply failed merge to the working tree
-        #   TODO: Inform user about rebase-continue and rebase-abort
-        #   TODO: Abort
-        # TODO: Remove plan file  
+        wt.write_lock()
+        try:
+            # Abort if there are any conflicts
+            if len(wt.conflicts()) != 0:
+                raise BzrCommandError("There are still conflicts present")
+            # Read plan file
+            (replace_map, rewrite_map) = read_rebase_plan(wt)[1:2]
+            try:
+                # Start executing plan from current Branch.last_revision()
+                rebase(wt, replace_map, rewrite_map)
+            except Conflict:
+                raise BzrCommandError("A conflict occurred applying a patch. Resolve the conflict and run 'bzr rebase-continue' or run 'bzr rebase-abort'.")
+            # Remove plan file  
+            remove_rebase_plan(wt)
+        finally:
+            wt.unlock()
 def test_suite():

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-06-26 22:49:45 +0000
+++ b/	2007-06-27 00:04:48 +0000
@@ -13,3 +13,78 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+REBASE_PLAN_FILENAME = 'rebase-plan'
+def rebase_plan_exists(wt):
+    """Check whether there is a rebase plan present.
+    :param wt: Working tree for which to check.
+    :return: boolean
+    """
+    return wt._control_files.get(REBASE_PLAN_FILENAME).read() != ''
+def read_rebase_plan(wt):
+    """Read a rebase plan file.
+    :param wt: Working Tree for which to write the plan.
+    :return: Tuple with last revision info, replace map and rewrite map.
+    """
+    text = wt._control_files.get(REBASE_PLAN_FILENAME).read()
+    if text == '':
+        raise BzrError("No rebase plan exists")
+    return parse_rebase_plan(text)
+def write_rebase_plan(wt, replace_map, rewrite_map):
+    """Write a rebase plan file.
+    :param wt: Working Tree for which to write the plan.
+    :param replace_map: Replace map (old revid -> new revid)
+    :param rewrite_map: Rewrite map (old revid -> new revid)
+    """
+    wt._control_files.put(REBASE_PLAN_FILENAME, 
+            generate_rebase_plan(wt.last_revision_info(), replace_map, 
+                                 rewrite_map))
+def remove_rebase_plan(wt):
+    """Remove a rebase plan file.
+    :param wt: Working Tree for which to remove the plan.
+    """
+    wt._control_files.put(REBASE_PLAN_FILENAME, '')
+def generate_rebase_plan(last_rev_info, replace_map, rewrite_map):
+    """Marshall a rebase plan.
+    :param last_rev_info: Last revision info tuple.
+    :param replace_map: Replace map (old revid -> new revid)
+    :param rewrite_map: Rewrite map (old revid -> new revid)
+    :return: string
+    """
+    # TODO
+def parse_rebase_plan(text):
+    """Unmarshall a rebase plan.
+    :param text: Text to parse
+    :return: Tuple with last revision info, replace map and rewrite map.
+    """
+    # TODO
+def generate_simple_plan(subject_branch, upstream_branch, onto):
+    """Create a simple rebase plan that replays history based 
+    on one revision being mapped.
+    :param subject_branch: Branch that will be changed
+    :param upstream_branch: Branch 
+    :param onto: Revision on top of which subject will be replayed 
+    :return: tuple with last_revision_info, replace map and rewrite map
+    """
+    # TODO

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-06-26 22:49:45 +0000
+++ b/	2007-06-27 00:04:48 +0000
@@ -14,3 +14,7 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from bzrlib.tests import TestCase
+class RebasePlanReadWriterTests(TestCase):
+    pass

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