Rev 2386: Change the return values for bisect functions so they just return in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sat Feb 24 16:46:44 GMT 2007


revno: 2386
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: dirstate
timestamp: Sat 2007-02-24 10:45:55 -0600
  Change the return values for bisect functions so they just return
  the found dictionaries. This saves processing, and is more useful for a future
  _bisect_recursive function.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-02-24 16:00:33 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-02-24 16:45:55 +0000
@@ -361,7 +361,12 @@
         self._dirblock_state = DirState.IN_MEMORY_MODIFIED
     def _bisect(self, dir_name_list):
-        """Bisect through the disk structure for specific rows."""
+        """Bisect through the disk structure for specific rows.
+        :param dir_name_list: A list of (dir, name) pairs.
+        :return: A dict mapping (dir, name) => entry for found entries. Missing
+                 entries will not be in the map.
+        """
         # We need the file pointer to be right after the initial header block
@@ -530,7 +535,7 @@
         # Consider that we may want to return the directory entries in sorted
         # order. For now, we just return them in whatever order we found them,
         # and leave it up to the caller if they care if it is ordered or not.
-        return [found.get(dir_name, None) for dir_name in dir_name_list]
+        return found
     def _bisect_dirblocks(self, dir_list):
         """Bisect through the disk structure to find entries in given dirs.
@@ -539,7 +544,7 @@
         differs from _bisect, which only finds individual entries.
         :param dir_list: An sorted list of directory names ['', 'dir', 'foo'].
-        :return: The contents of each directory.
+        :return: A map from dir => entries_for_dir
         # TODO: jam 20070223 A lot of the bisecting logic could be shared
         #       between this and _bisect. It would require parameterizing the
@@ -709,8 +714,7 @@
             if pre:
                 pending.append((low, start-1, pre))
-        return [found.get(cur_dir, None) for cur_dir in dir_list]
+        return found
     def _empty_parent_info(self):
         return [DirState.NULL_PARENT_DETAILS] * (len(self._parents) -

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-24 16:00:33 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-24 16:45:55 +0000
@@ -1049,10 +1049,11 @@
         return tree, state, expected
-    def assertBisect(self, expected, state, paths):
+    def assertBisect(self, expected_map, map_keys, state, paths):
         """Assert that bisecting for paths returns the right result.
-        :param expected: The list of extracted entries.
+        :param expected_map: A map from key => entry value
+        :param map_keys: The keys to expect for each path
         :param state: The DirState object.
         :param paths: A list of paths, these will automatically be split into
                       (dir, name) tuples, and sorted according to how _bisect
@@ -1063,77 +1064,82 @@
         # For now, results are just returned in whatever order we read them.
         # We could sort by (dir, name, file_id) or something like that, but in
         # the end it would still be fairly arbitrary, and we don't want the
-        # extra overhead if we can avoid it.
-        for expected_entries, actual_entries in zip(expected, result):
-            if expected_entries is not None:
-                expected_entries.sort()
-            if actual_entries is not None:
-                actual_entries.sort()
-            self.assertEqual(expected_entries, actual_entries)
-        self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(result))
-    def assertBisectDirBlocks(self, expected_map, entries, state, paths):
+        # extra overhead if we can avoid it. So sort everything to make sure
+        # equality is true
+        assert len(map_keys) == len(dir_names)
+        expected = {}
+        for dir_name, keys in zip(dir_names, map_keys):
+            if keys is None:
+                # This should not be present in the output
+                continue
+            expected[dir_name] = sorted(expected_map[k] for k in keys)
+        for dir_name in result:
+            result[dir_name].sort()
+        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+    def assertBisectDirBlocks(self, expected_map, map_keys, state, paths):
         """Assert that bisecting for dirbblocks returns the right result.
         :param expected: A map from path => expected values
-        :param entries: A nested list of paths we expect to be returned.
+        :param map_keys: A nested list of paths we expect to be returned.
             Something like [['a', 'b', 'f'], ['b/c', 'b/d']]
         :param state: The DirState object.
         :param paths: A list of directories
         result = state._bisect_dirblocks(paths)
-        # For now, results are just returned in whatever order we read them.
-        # We could sort by (dir, name, file_id) or something like that, but in
-        for subentries, actual in zip(entries, result):
-            if subentries is None:
-                expected = None
-            else:
-                expected = sorted(expected_map[e] for e in subentries)
-            if actual is not None:
-                actual.sort()
-            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
-        self.assertEqual(len(entries), len(result))
+        assert len(map_keys) == len(paths)
+        expected = {}
+        for path, keys in zip(paths, map_keys):
+            if keys is None:
+                # This should not be present in the output
+                continue
+            expected[path] = sorted(expected_map[k] for k in keys)
+        for path in result:
+            result[path].sort()
+        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
     def test_bisect_each(self):
         """Find a single record using bisect."""
         tree, state, expected = self.create_basic_dirstate()
         # Bisect should return the rows for the specified files.
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['']]], state, [''])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a']]], state, ['a'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b']]], state, ['b'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/c']]], state, ['b/c'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d']]], state, ['b/d'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d/e']]], state, ['b/d/e'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['f']]], state, ['f'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['']], state, [''])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['a']], state, ['a'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b']], state, ['b'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/c']], state, ['b/c'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/d']], state, ['b/d'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/d/e']], state, ['b/d/e'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['f']], state, ['f'])
     def test_bisect_multi(self):
         """Bisect can be used to find multiple records at the same time."""
         tree, state, expected = self.create_basic_dirstate()
         # Bisect should be capable of finding multiple entries at the same time
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a']], [expected['b']], [expected['f']]],
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['a'], ['b'], ['f']],
                           state, ['a', 'b', 'f'])
         # ('', 'f') sorts before the others
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['f']], [expected['b/d']],
-                           [expected['b/d/e']]],
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['f'], ['b/d'], ['b/d/e']],
                           state, ['b/d', 'b/d/e', 'f'])
     def test_bisect_one_page(self):
         """Test bisect when there is only 1 page to read"""
         tree, state, expected = self.create_basic_dirstate()
         state._bisect_page_size = 5000
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['']]], state, [''])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a']]], state, ['a'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b']]], state, ['b'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/c']]], state, ['b/c'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d']]], state, ['b/d'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d/e']]], state, ['b/d/e'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['f']]], state, ['f'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a']], [expected['b']], [expected['f']]],
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['']], state, [''])
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['a']], state, ['a'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['b']], state, ['b'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['b/c']], state, ['b/c'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['b/d']], state, ['b/d'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['b/d/e']], state, ['b/d/e'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['f']], state, ['f'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected,[['a'], ['b'], ['f']],
                           state, ['a', 'b', 'f'])
         # ('', 'f') sorts before the others
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['f']], [expected['b/d']],
-                           [expected['b/d/e']]],
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['f'], ['b/d'], ['b/d/e']],
                           state, ['b/d', 'b/d/e', 'f'])
     def test_bisect_duplicate_paths(self):
@@ -1141,35 +1147,35 @@
         tree, state, expected = self.create_duplicated_dirstate()
         # Now make sure that both records are properly returned.
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['']]], state, [''])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a'], expected['a2']]], state, ['a'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b'], expected['b2']]], state, ['b'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/c'], expected['b/c2']]], state, ['b/c'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d'], expected['b/d2']]], state, ['b/d'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d/e'], expected['b/d/e2']]],
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['']], state, [''])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['a', 'a2']], state, ['a'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b', 'b2']], state, ['b'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/c', 'b/c2']], state, ['b/c'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/d', 'b/d2']], state, ['b/d'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/d/e', 'b/d/e2']],
                           state, ['b/d/e'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['f'], expected['f2']]], state, ['f'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['f', 'f2']], state, ['f'])
     def test_bisect_page_size_too_small(self):
         """If the page size is too small, we will auto increase it."""
         tree, state, expected = self.create_basic_dirstate()
         state._bisect_page_size = 50
-        self.assertBisect([None], state, ['b/e'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a']]], state, ['a'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b']]], state, ['b'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/c']]], state, ['b/c'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d']]], state, ['b/d'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/d/e']]], state, ['b/d/e'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['f']]], state, ['f'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [None], state, ['b/e'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['a']], state, ['a'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b']], state, ['b'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/c']], state, ['b/c'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/d']], state, ['b/d'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/d/e']], state, ['b/d/e'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['f']], state, ['f'])
     def test_bisect_missing(self):
         """Test that bisect return None if it cannot find a path."""
         tree, state, expected = self.create_basic_dirstate()
-        self.assertBisect([None], state, ['foo'])
-        self.assertBisect([None], state, ['b/foo'])
-        self.assertBisect([None], state, ['bar/foo'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [None], state, ['foo'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [None], state, ['b/foo'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [None], state, ['bar/foo'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a']], None, [expected['b/d']]],
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['a'], None, ['b/d']],
                           state, ['a', 'foo', 'b/d'])
     def test_bisect_rename(self):
@@ -1177,8 +1183,8 @@
         tree, state, expected = self.create_renamed_dirstate()
         # Search for the pre and post renamed entries
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['a']]], state, ['a'])
-        self.assertBisect([[expected['b/g']]], state, ['b/g'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['a']], state, ['a'])
+        self.assertBisect(expected, [['b/g']], state, ['b/g'])
     def test_bisect_dirblocks(self):
         tree, state, expected = self.create_duplicated_dirstate()

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