Rev 2368: 545ms, 600ms: Switch memory model from storing kind to using minikind in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Feb 22 18:43:38 GMT 2007


revno: 2368
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: dirstate
timestamp: Thu 2007-02-22 12:42:35 -0600
  545ms, 600ms: Switch memory model from storing kind to using minikind
  Need to profile effect on _generate_inventory, but makes a significant improvement for
  both fast path and slow path, and should have minimal effect elsewhere.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-02-22 18:11:11 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-02-22 18:42:35 +0000
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 entry[1][1]: The second tree
 For an entry for a tree, we have (using tree 0 - current tree) to demonstrate:
-entry[1][0][0]: kind
+entry[1][0][0]: minikind
 entry[1][0][1]: fingerprint
 entry[1][0][2]: size
 entry[1][0][3]: executable
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
     # A pack_stat (the x's) that is just noise and will never match the output
     # of base64 encode.
     NULLSTAT = 'x' * 32
-    NULL_PARENT_DETAILS = ('absent', '', 0, False, '')
+    NULL_PARENT_DETAILS = ('a', '', 0, False, '')
     def __init__(self):
         """Create a  DirState object.
@@ -325,17 +325,18 @@
             size = stat.st_size
             packed_stat = pack_stat(stat)
         parent_info = self._empty_parent_info()
+        minikind = DirState._kind_to_minikind[kind]
         if kind == 'file':
             entry_data = entry_key, [
-                (kind, link_or_sha1, size, False, packed_stat),
+                (minikind, link_or_sha1, size, False, packed_stat),
                 ] + parent_info
         elif kind == 'directory':
             entry_data = entry_key, [
-                (kind, '', 0, False, packed_stat),
+                (minikind, '', 0, False, packed_stat),
                 ] + parent_info
         elif kind == 'symlink':
             entry_data = entry_key, [
-                (kind, link_or_sha1, size, False, packed_stat),
+                (minikind, link_or_sha1, size, False, packed_stat),
                 ] + parent_info
             raise errors.BzrError('unknown kind %r' % kind)
@@ -442,12 +443,12 @@
         entire_entry = list(entry[0])
         for tree_number, tree_data in enumerate(entry[1]):
-            # (kind, fingerprint, size, executable, tree_specific_string)
+            # (minikind, fingerprint, size, executable, tree_specific_string)
             # 3 for the key, 5 for the fields per tree.
             tree_offset = 3 + tree_number * 5
-            # kind
-            entire_entry[tree_offset + 0] = DirState._kind_to_minikind[tree_data[0]]
+            # minikind
+            entire_entry[tree_offset + 0] = tree_data[0]
             # size
             entire_entry[tree_offset + 2] = str(tree_data[2])
             # executable
@@ -570,7 +571,7 @@
     def _get_fields_to_entry(self):
         """Get a function which converts entry fields into a entry record.
-        This handles kind, size, and executable, as well as parent records.
+        This handles size and executable, as well as parent records.
         :return: A function which takes a list of fields, and returns an
             appropriate record for storing in memory.
@@ -578,12 +579,11 @@
         # This is intentionally unrolled for performance
         num_present_parents = self._num_present_parents()
         if num_present_parents == 0:
-            def fields_to_entry_0_parents(fields, _int=int, _tuple=tuple,
-                                          _mini_to_kind=self._minikind_to_kind):
+            def fields_to_entry_0_parents(fields, _int=int):
                 path_name_file_id_key = (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])
                 return (path_name_file_id_key, [
                     ( # Current tree
-                        _mini_to_kind[fields[3]], # kind
+                        fields[3],                # minikind
                         fields[4],                # fingerprint
                         _int(fields[5]),          # size
                         fields[6] == 'y',         # executable
@@ -591,19 +591,18 @@
             return fields_to_entry_0_parents
         elif num_present_parents == 1:
-            def fields_to_entry_1_parent(fields, _int=int, _tuple=tuple,
-                                         _mini_to_kind=self._minikind_to_kind):
+            def fields_to_entry_1_parent(fields, _int=int):
                 path_name_file_id_key = (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])
                 return (path_name_file_id_key, [
                     ( # Current tree
-                        _mini_to_kind[fields[3]], # kind
+                        fields[3],                # minikind
                         fields[4],                # fingerprint
                         _int(fields[5]),          # size
                         fields[6] == 'y',         # executable
                         fields[7],                # packed_stat or revision_id
                     ( # Parent 1
-                        _mini_to_kind[fields[8]], # kind
+                        fields[8],                # minikind
                         fields[9],                # fingerprint
                         _int(fields[10]),         # size
                         fields[11] == 'y',        # executable
@@ -612,26 +611,25 @@
             return fields_to_entry_1_parent
         elif num_present_parents == 2:
-            def fields_to_entry_2_parents(fields, _int=int, _tuple=tuple,
-                                          _mini_to_kind=self._minikind_to_kind):
+            def fields_to_entry_2_parents(fields, _int=int):
                 path_name_file_id_key = (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])
                 return (path_name_file_id_key, [
                     ( # Current tree
-                        _mini_to_kind[fields[3]], # kind
+                        fields[3],                # minikind
                         fields[4],                # fingerprint
                         _int(fields[5]),          # size
                         fields[6] == 'y',         # executable
                         fields[7],                # packed_stat or revision_id
                     ( # Parent 1
-                        _mini_to_kind[fields[8]], # kind
+                        fields[8],                # minikind
                         fields[9],                # fingerprint
                         _int(fields[10]),         # size
                         fields[11] == 'y',        # executable
                         fields[12],               # packed_stat or revision_id
                     ( # Parent 2
-                        _mini_to_kind[fields[13]],# kind
+                        fields[13],               # minikind
                         fields[14],               # fingerprint
                         _int(fields[15]),         # size
                         fields[16] == 'y',        # executable
@@ -640,10 +638,9 @@
             return fields_to_entry_2_parents
-            def fields_to_entry_n_parents(fields, _int=int, _tuple=tuple,
-                                          _mini_to_kind=self._minikind_to_kind):
+            def fields_to_entry_n_parents(fields, _int=int):
                 path_name_file_id_key = (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])
-                trees = [(_mini_to_kind[fields[cur]], # kind
+                trees = [(fields[cur],                # minikind
                           fields[cur+1],              # fingerprint
                           _int(fields[cur+2]),        # size
                           fields[cur+3] == 'y',       # executable
@@ -689,7 +686,7 @@
         # requested.
         while entry_index < len(block) and block[entry_index][0][1] == basename:
             if block[entry_index][1][tree_index][0] not in \
-                       ('absent', 'relocated'):
+                       ('a', 'r'): # absent, relocated
                 return block_index, entry_index, True, True
             entry_index += 1
         return block_index, entry_index, True, False
@@ -718,7 +715,7 @@
             if not file_present:
                 return None, None
             entry = self._dirblocks[block_index][1][entry_index]
-            assert entry[0][2] and entry[1][tree_index][0] not in ('absent', 'relocated'), 'unversioned entry?!?!'
+            assert entry[0][2] and entry[1][tree_index][0] not in ('a', 'r'), 'unversioned entry?!?!'
             if fileid_utf8:
                 if entry[0][2] != fileid_utf8:
                     raise BzrError('integrity error ? : mismatching tree_index, file_id and path')
@@ -726,12 +723,12 @@
             for entry in self._iter_entries():
                 if entry[0][2] == fileid_utf8:
-                    if entry[1][tree_index][0] == 'relocated':
+                    if entry[1][tree_index][0] == 'r': # relocated
                         # look up the real location directly by path
                         return self._get_entry(tree_index,
-                    if entry[1][tree_index][0] == 'absent':
+                    if entry[1][tree_index][0] == 'a': # absent
                         # not in the tree at all.
                         return None, None
                     return entry
@@ -759,7 +756,7 @@
         # a new root directory, with a NULLSTAT.
             (('', '', bzrlib.inventory.ROOT_ID), [
-                ('directory', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT),
+                ('d', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT),
         result._set_data([], empty_tree_dirblocks)
@@ -778,6 +775,7 @@
         kind = inv_entry.kind
+        minikind = DirState._kind_to_minikind[kind]
         tree_data = inv_entry.revision
         assert len(tree_data) > 0, 'empty revision for the inv_entry.'
         if kind == 'directory':
@@ -794,7 +792,7 @@
             executable = inv_entry.executable
             raise Exception
-        return (kind, fingerprint, size, executable, tree_data)
+        return (minikind, fingerprint, size, executable, tree_data)
     def _iter_entries(self):
         """Iterate over all the entries in the dirstate.
@@ -892,7 +890,6 @@
             if num_present_parents == 1:
                 # Bind external functions to local names
-                _mini_to_kind = DirState._minikind_to_kind
                 _int = int
                 # We access all fields in order, so we can just iterate over
                 # them. Grab an straight iterator over the fields. (We use an
@@ -922,14 +919,14 @@
                     # creating new strings
                     entry = ((current_dirname, name, file_id),
                              [(# Current Tree
-                                 _mini_to_kind[next()], # kind
+                                 next(),                # minikind
                                  next(),                # fingerprint
                                  _int(next()),          # size
                                  next() == 'y',         # executable
                                  next(),                # packed_stat or revision_id
                              ( # Parent 1
-                                 _mini_to_kind[next()], # kind
+                                 next(),                # minikind
                                  next(),                # fingerprint
                                  _int(next()),          # size
                                  next() == 'y',         # executable
@@ -1113,7 +1110,7 @@
         # one: the current tree
         for entry in self._iter_entries():
             # skip entries not in the current tree
-            if entry[1][0][0] in ('absent', 'relocated'):
+            if entry[1][0][0] in ('a', 'r'): # absent, relocated
             by_path[entry[0]] = [entry[1][0]] + \
                 [DirState.NULL_PARENT_DETAILS] * parent_count
@@ -1154,7 +1151,7 @@
                         # other trees, so put absent pointers there
                         # This is the vertical axis in the matrix, all pointing
                         # tot he real path.
-                        by_path[entry_key][tree_index] = ('relocated', path_utf8, 0, False, '')
+                        by_path[entry_key][tree_index] = ('r', path_utf8, 0, False, '')
                 # by path consistency: Insert into an existing path record (trivial), or 
                 # add a new one with relocation pointers for the other tree indexes.
                 if new_entry_key in id_index[file_id]:
@@ -1178,13 +1175,13 @@
                             # fragmented situations by reusing the relocation
                             # records.
                             a_key = iter(id_index[file_id]).next()
-                            if by_path[a_key][lookup_index][0] in ('relocated', 'absent'):
+                            if by_path[a_key][lookup_index][0] in ('r', 'a'):
                                 # its a pointer or missing statement, use it as is.
                                 # we have the right key, make a pointer to it.
                                 real_path = ('/'.join(a_key[0:2])).strip('/')
-                                new_details.append(('relocated', real_path, 0, False, ''))
+                                new_details.append(('r', real_path, 0, False, ''))
                     by_path[new_entry_key] = new_details
@@ -1230,7 +1227,8 @@
                 return None
         while current_new or current_old:
             # skip entries in old that are not really there
-            if current_old and current_old[1][0][0] in ('relocated', 'absent'):
+            if current_old and current_old[1][0][0] in ('r', 'a'):
+                # relocated or absent
                 current_old = advance(old_iterator)
             if current_new:
@@ -1259,8 +1257,9 @@
                 # TODO: update the record if anything significant has changed.
                 # the minimal required trigger is if the execute bit or cached
                 # kind has changed.
+                kind = DirState._minikind_to_kind[current_old[1][0][0]]
                 if (current_old[1][0][3] != current_new[1].executable or
-                    current_old[1][0][0] != current_new[1].kind):
+                    kind != current_new[1].kind):
                     self.update_minimal(current_old[0], current_new[1].kind,
@@ -1295,9 +1294,9 @@
         all_remaining_keys = set()
         # Dont check the working tree, because its going.
         for details in current_old[1][1:]:
-            if details[0] not in ('absent', 'relocated'):
+            if details[0] not in ('a', 'r'): # absent, relocated
-            elif details[0] == 'relocated':
+            elif details[0] == 'r': # relocated
                 # record the key for the real path.
                 all_remaining_keys.add(tuple(os.path.split(details[1])) + (current_old[0][2],))
             # absent rows are not present at any path.
@@ -1326,7 +1325,7 @@
             assert present
             update_tree_details = self._dirblocks[update_block_index][1][update_entry_index][1]
             # it must not be absent at the moment
-            assert update_tree_details[0][0] != 'absent'
+            assert update_tree_details[0][0] != 'a' # absent
             update_tree_details[0] = DirState.NULL_PARENT_DETAILS
         self._dirblock_state = DirState.IN_MEMORY_MODIFIED
         return last_reference
@@ -1339,7 +1338,8 @@
         if packed_stat is None:
             packed_stat = DirState.NULLSTAT
         entry_index, present = self._find_entry_index(key, block)
-        new_details = (kind, fingerprint, size, executable, packed_stat)
+        minikind = DirState._kind_to_minikind[kind]
+        new_details = (minikind, fingerprint, size, executable, packed_stat)
         assert id_index is not None, 'need an id index to do updates for now !'
         if not present:
             # new entry, synthesis cross reference here,
@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@
                     assert present
                     assert path_utf8 is not None
                     self._dirblocks[other_block_index][1][other_entry_index][1][0] = \
-                        ('relocated', path_utf8, 0, False, '')
+                        ('r', path_utf8, 0, False, '')
                 for lookup_index in xrange(1, num_present_parents + 1):
                     # grab any one entry, use it to find the right path.
@@ -1378,14 +1378,14 @@
                         self._find_entry_index(other_key, self._dirblocks[update_block_index][1])
                     assert present
                     update_details = self._dirblocks[update_block_index][1][update_entry_index][1][lookup_index]
-                    if update_details[0] in ('relocated', 'absent'):
+                    if update_details[0] in ('r', 'a'): # relocated, absent
                         # its a pointer or absent in lookup_index's tree, use
                         # it as is.
                         # we have the right key, make a pointer to it.
                         pointer_path = os.path.join(*other_key[0:2])
-                        new_entry[1].append(('relocated', pointer_path, 0, False, ''))
+                        new_entry[1].append(('r', pointer_path, 0, False, ''))
             block.insert(entry_index, new_entry)
@@ -1415,9 +1415,9 @@
                     entry_index, present = self._find_entry_index(entry_key, self._dirblocks[block_index][1])
                     assert present
                     self._dirblocks[block_index][1][entry_index][1][0] = \
-                        ('relocated', path_utf8, 0, False, '')
+                        ('r', path_utf8, 0, False, '')
         # add a containing dirblock if needed.
-        if new_details[0] == 'directory':
+        if new_details[0] == 'd':
             subdir_key = (os.path.join(*key[0:2]), '', '')
             block_index, present = self._find_block_index_from_key(subdir_key)
             if not present:

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-21 11:10:37 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-22 18:42:35 +0000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
         state = self.create_empty_dirstate()
         packed_stat = 'AAAAREUHaIpFB2iKAAADAQAtkqUAAIGk'
         root_entry_direntry = ('', '', 'a-root-value'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
         dirblocks = []
         dirblocks.append(('', [root_entry_direntry]))
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
         packed_stat = 'AAAAREUHaIpFB2iKAAADAQAtkqUAAIGk'
         dirblocks = list(state._dirblocks)
         subdir_entry = ('', 'subdir', 'subdir-id'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
         state._set_data([], dirblocks)
@@ -100,31 +100,31 @@
         packed_stat = 'AAAAREUHaIpFB2iKAAADAQAtkqUAAIGk'
         null_sha = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
         root_entry = ('', '', 'a-root-value'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
         a_entry = ('', 'a', 'a-dir'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
         b_entry = ('', 'b', 'b-dir'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
         c_entry = ('', 'c', 'c-file'), [
-            ('file', null_sha, 10, False, packed_stat),
+            ('f', null_sha, 10, False, packed_stat),
         d_entry = ('', 'd', 'd-file'), [
-            ('file', null_sha, 20, False, packed_stat),
+            ('f', null_sha, 20, False, packed_stat),
         e_entry = ('a', 'e', 'e-dir'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat),
         f_entry = ('a', 'f', 'f-file'), [
-            ('file', null_sha, 30, False, packed_stat),
+            ('f', null_sha, 30, False, packed_stat),
         g_entry = ('b', 'g', 'g-file'), [
-            ('file', null_sha, 30, False, packed_stat),
+            ('f', null_sha, 30, False, packed_stat),
         h_entry = ('b', 'h\xc3\xa5', 'h-\xc3\xa5-file'), [
-            ('file', null_sha, 40, False, packed_stat),
+            ('f', null_sha, 40, False, packed_stat),
         dirblocks = []
         dirblocks.append(('', [root_entry]))
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.from_tree(tree, 'dirstate')
         expected_result = ([], [
             (('', '', tree.path2id('')), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
         root_stat_pack = dirstate.pack_stat(os.stat(tree.basedir))
         expected_result = ([rev_id], [
             (('', '', tree.path2id('')), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+              ('d', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.from_tree(tree, 'dirstate')
         expected_result = ([rev_id, rev_id2], [
             (('', '', tree.path2id('')), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, rev_id2), # second parent details
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+              ('d', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
+              ('d', '', 0, False, rev_id2), # second parent details
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.from_tree(tree, 'dirstate')
         expected_result = ([], [
             (('', '', tree.path2id('')), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -217,10 +217,10 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.from_tree(tree, 'dirstate')
         expected_result = ([], [
             (('', '', tree.path2id('')), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
             (('', 'a file', 'a file id'), # common
-             [('file', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current
+             [('f', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.from_tree(tree, 'dirstate')
         expected_result = ([rev_id], [
             (('', '', tree.path2id('')), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+              ('d', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
             (('', 'a file', 'a file id'), # common
-             [('file', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current
-              ('file', 'c3ed76e4bfd45ff1763ca206055bca8e9fc28aa8', 24, False, rev_id), # first parent
+             [('f', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current
+              ('f', 'c3ed76e4bfd45ff1763ca206055bca8e9fc28aa8', 24, False, rev_id), # first parent
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -261,14 +261,14 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.from_tree(tree, 'dirstate')
         expected_result = ([rev_id, rev_id2], [
             (('', '', tree.path2id('')), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, rev_id2), # second parent details
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+              ('d', '', 0, False, rev_id), # first parent details
+              ('d', '', 0, False, rev_id2), # second parent details
             (('', 'a file', 'a file id'), # common
-             [('file', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current
-              ('file', 'c3ed76e4bfd45ff1763ca206055bca8e9fc28aa8', 24, False, rev_id), # first parent
-              ('file', '314d796174c9412647c3ce07dfb5d36a94e72958', 14, False, rev_id2), # second parent
+             [('f', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current
+              ('f', 'c3ed76e4bfd45ff1763ca206055bca8e9fc28aa8', 24, False, rev_id), # first parent
+              ('f', '314d796174c9412647c3ce07dfb5d36a94e72958', 14, False, rev_id2), # second parent
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
              # current tree details, but new from_tree skips statting, it
              # uses set_state_from_inventory, and thus depends on the
              # inventory state.
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT),
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT),
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
         expected_result = ([], [
             (('', '', 'TREE_ROOT'), # common details
-             [('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree
+             [('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(DirState.IN_MEMORY_MODIFIED, state._dirblock_state)
         expected_result = [], [
             (('', '', root_id), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT)])]
+             ('d', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT)])]
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
     def test_set_path_id_no_parents(self):
@@ -345,11 +345,11 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.initialize('dirstate')
         # check precondition to be sure the state does change appropriately.
-            [(('', '', 'TREE_ROOT'), [('directory', '', 0, False, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')])],
+            [(('', '', 'TREE_ROOT'), [('d', '', 0, False, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')])],
         state.set_path_id('', 'foobarbaz')
         expected_rows = [
-            (('', '', 'foobarbaz'), [('directory', '', 0, False, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')])]
+            (('', '', 'foobarbaz'), [('d', '', 0, False, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')])]
         self.assertEqual(expected_rows, list(state._iter_entries()))
         # should work across save too
@@ -398,9 +398,9 @@
         self.assertEqual(['ghost-rev'], state.get_ghosts())
             [(('', '', root_id), [
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT),
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, revid1),
-              ('directory', '', 0, False, revid2)
+              ('d', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT),
+              ('d', '', 0, False, revid1),
+              ('d', '', 0, False, revid2)
@@ -432,13 +432,13 @@
         # check the layout in memory
         expected_result = [revid1.encode('utf8'), revid2.encode('utf8')], [
             (('', '', root_id), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT),
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, revid1.encode('utf8')),
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, revid2.encode('utf8'))]),
+             ('d', '', 0, False, DirState.NULLSTAT),
+             ('d', '', 0, False, revid1.encode('utf8')),
+             ('d', '', 0, False, revid2.encode('utf8'))]),
             (('', 'a file', 'file-id'), [
-             ('absent', '', 0, False, ''),
-             ('file', '2439573625385400f2a669657a7db6ae7515d371', 12, False, revid1.encode('utf8')),
-             ('file', '542e57dc1cda4af37cb8e55ec07ce60364bb3c7d', 16, False, revid2.encode('utf8'))])
+             ('a', '', 0, False, ''),
+             ('f', '2439573625385400f2a669657a7db6ae7515d371', 12, False, revid1.encode('utf8')),
+             ('f', '542e57dc1cda4af37cb8e55ec07ce60364bb3c7d', 16, False, revid2.encode('utf8'))])
         self.check_state_with_reopen(expected_result, state)
@@ -456,10 +456,10 @@
         # having added it, it should be in the output of iter_entries.
         expected_entries = [
             (('', '', 'TREE_ROOT'), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+             ('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
             (('', 'a file', 'a file id'), [
-             ('file', '1'*20, 19, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
+             ('f', '1'*20, 19, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
         self.assertEqual(expected_entries, list(state._iter_entries()))
@@ -490,10 +490,10 @@
         # having added it, it should be in the output of iter_entries.
         expected_entries = [
             (('', '', 'TREE_ROOT'), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+             ('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
             (('', 'a dir', 'a dir id'), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
+             ('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
         self.assertEqual(expected_entries, list(state._iter_entries()))
@@ -514,10 +514,10 @@
         # having added it, it should be in the output of iter_entries.
         expected_entries = [
             (('', '', 'TREE_ROOT'), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+             ('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
             (('', 'a link', 'a link id'), [
-             ('symlink', 'target', 6, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
+             ('l', 'target', 6, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
         self.assertEqual(expected_entries, list(state._iter_entries()))
@@ -537,13 +537,13 @@
         # having added it, it should be in the output of iter_entries.
         expected_entries = [
             (('', '', 'TREE_ROOT'), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
+             ('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.DirState.NULLSTAT), # current tree details
             (('', 'a dir', 'a dir id'), [
-             ('directory', '', 0, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
+             ('d', '', 0, False, dirstate.pack_stat(stat)), # current tree details
             (('a dir', 'a file', 'a file id'), [
-             ('file', '1'*20, 25, False, dirstate.pack_stat(filestat)), # current tree details
+             ('f', '1'*20, 25, False, dirstate.pack_stat(filestat)), # current tree details
         self.assertEqual(expected_entries, list(state._iter_entries()))
@@ -578,8 +578,8 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.initialize('dirstate')
         packed_stat = 'AAAAREUHaIpFB2iKAAADAQAtkqUAAIGk'
         root_entry = ('', '', 'a-root-value'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
-            ('absent', 'dirname/basename', 0, False, ''), # first: a pointer to the current location
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
+            ('a', 'dirname/basename', 0, False, ''), # first: a pointer to the current location
@@ -592,9 +592,9 @@
         state = dirstate.DirState.initialize('dirstate')
         packed_stat = 'AAAAREUHaIpFB2iKAAADAQAtkqUAAIGk'
         root_entry = ('', '', 'a-root-value'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, 'rev_id'), # first parent details
-            ('absent', 'dirname/basename', 0, False, ''), # second: a pointer to the current location
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
+            ('d', '', 0, False, 'rev_id'), # first parent details
+            ('a', 'dirname/basename', 0, False, ''), # second: a pointer to the current location
@@ -610,20 +610,20 @@
         packed_stat = 'AAAAREUHaIpFB2iKAAADAQAtkqUAAIGk'
         dirblocks = []
         root_entries = [(('', '', 'a-root-value'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
         dirblocks.append(('', root_entries))
         # add two files in the root
         subdir_entry = ('', 'subdir', 'subdir-id'), [
-            ('directory', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
+            ('d', '', 0, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
         afile_entry = ('', 'afile', 'afile-id'), [
-            ('file', 'sha1value', 34, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
+            ('f', 'sha1value', 34, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
         dirblocks.append(('', [subdir_entry, afile_entry]))
         # and one in subdir
         file_entry2 = ('subdir', '2file', '2file-id'), [
-            ('file', 'sha1value', 23, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
+            ('f', 'sha1value', 23, False, packed_stat), # current tree details
         dirblocks.append(('subdir', [file_entry2]))
         state._set_data([], dirblocks)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-02-22 15:39:23 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-02-22 18:42:35 +0000
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
         root_key, current_entry = self._get_entry(path='')
         current_id = root_key[2]
-        assert current_entry[0][0] == 'directory'
+        assert current_entry[0][0] == 'd' # directory
         inv = Inventory(root_id=current_id)
         # we could do this straight out of the dirstate; it might be fast
         # and should be profiled - RBC 20070216
@@ -246,13 +246,14 @@
                 # all the paths in this block are not versioned in this tree
             for key, entry in block[1]:
-                if entry[0][0] in ('absent', 'relocated'):
+                if entry[0][0] in ('a', 'r'): # absent, relocated
                     # a parent tree only entry
                 name = key[1]
                 name_unicode = name.decode('utf8')
                 file_id = key[2]
-                kind, link_or_sha1, size, executable, stat = entry[0]
+                minikind, link_or_sha1, size, executable, stat = entry[0]
+                kind = dirstate.DirState._minikind_to_kind[minikind]
                 inv_entry = entry_factory[kind](file_id, name_unicode, parent_id)
                 if kind == 'file':
                     # not strictly needed: working tree
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@
         result = []
         for key, tree_details in self.current_dirstate()._iter_entries():
-            if tree_details[0][0] in ('absent', 'relocated'):
+            if tree_details[0][0] in ('a', 'r'): # absent, relocated
                 # not relevant to the working tree
             path = pathjoin(self.basedir, key[0].decode('utf8'), key[1].decode('utf8'))
@@ -397,7 +398,7 @@
             raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError('',to_dir,
-        if to_entry[1][0][0] != 'directory':
+        if to_entry[1][0][0] != 'd':
             raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError('',to_dir,
@@ -494,9 +495,11 @@
                 from_key = old_block[old_entry_index][0]
                 to_key = ((to_block[0],) + from_key[1:3])
+                minikind = old_entry_details[0][0]
+                kind = dirstate.DirState._minikind_to_kind[minikind]
-                        old_entry_details[0][0],
+                        kind,
                         num_present_parents=len(old_entry_details) - 1,
@@ -506,7 +509,7 @@
                 # create new row in current block
-                        old_entry_details[0][0],
+                        kind,
                         num_present_parents=len(old_entry_details) - 1,
@@ -517,7 +520,7 @@
                 added_entry_index, _ = state._find_entry_index(to_key, to_block[1])
                 new_entry = to_block[added_entry_index]
-                if new_entry[1][0][0] == 'directory':
+                if new_entry[1][0][0] == 'd':
                     import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
                     # if a directory, rename all the contents of child blocks
                     # adding rollbacks as each is inserted to remove them and
@@ -604,12 +607,12 @@
                 for entry in path_entries:
                     # for each tree.
                     for index in search_indexes:
-                        if entry[1][index][0] != 'absent':
+                        if entry[1][index][0] != 'a': # absent
                             found_versioned = True
                             # all good: found a versioned cell
                 if not found_versioned:
-                    # non of the indexes was not 'absent' at all ids for this
+                    # none of the indexes was not 'absent' at all ids for this
                     # path.
                     all_versioned = False
@@ -637,10 +640,10 @@
             nothing. Otherwise add the id to found_ids.
             for index in search_indexes:
-                if entry[1][index][0] == 'relocated':
+                if entry[1][index][0] == 'r': # relocated
                     if not osutils.is_inside_any(searched_paths, entry[1][index][1]):
-                elif entry[1][index][0] != 'absent':
+                elif entry[1][index][0] != 'a': # absent
         while search_paths:
             current_root = search_paths.pop()
@@ -800,7 +803,7 @@
         # walk the state marking unversioned things as absent.
         # if there are any un-unversioned ids at the end, raise
         for key, details in state._dirblocks[0][1]:
-            if (details[0][0] not in ('absent', 'relocated') and
+            if (details[0][0] not in ('a', 'r') and # absent or relocated
                 key[2] in ids_to_unversion):
                 # I haven't written the code to unversion / yet - it should be
                 # supported.
@@ -836,13 +839,13 @@
             entry_index = 0
             while entry_index < len(block[1]):
                 entry = block[1][entry_index]
-                if (entry[1][0][0] in ('absent', 'relocated') or
+                if (entry[1][0][0] in ('a', 'r') or # absent, relocated
                     # ^ some parent row.
                     entry[0][2] not in ids_to_unversion):
                     # ^ not an id to unversion
                     entry_index += 1
-                if entry[1][0][0] == 'directory':
+                if entry[1][0][0] == 'd':
                 if not state._make_absent(entry):
                     entry_index += 1
@@ -1010,7 +1013,7 @@
         # for the tree index use.
         root_key, current_entry = self._dirstate._get_entry(parent_index, path_utf8='')
         current_id = root_key[2]
-        assert current_entry[parent_index][0] == 'directory'
+        assert current_entry[parent_index][0] == 'd'
         inv = Inventory(root_id=current_id, revision_id=self._revision_id)
         inv.root.revision = current_entry[parent_index][4]
         # we could do this straight out of the dirstate; it might be fast
@@ -1024,13 +1027,14 @@
                 # all the paths in this block are not versioned in this tree
             for key, entry in block[1]:
-                if entry[parent_index][0] in ('absent', 'relocated'):
+                if entry[parent_index][0] in ('a', 'r'): # absent, relocated
                     # not this tree
                 name = key[1]
                 name_unicode = name.decode('utf8')
                 file_id = key[2]
-                kind, link_or_sha1, size, executable, revid = entry[parent_index]
+                minikind, link_or_sha1, size, executable, revid = entry[parent_index]
+                kind = dirstate.DirState._minikind_to_kind[minikind]
                 inv_entry = entry_factory[kind](file_id, name_unicode, parent_id)
                 inv_entry.revision = revid
                 if kind == 'file':

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