Rev 2247: Move Knit repositories into the submodule bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo and in file:///home/mbp/bzr/Work/repoformats/

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Feb 7 09:11:32 GMT 2007

revno: 2247
revision-id: mbp at
parent: mbp at
committer: Martin Pool <mbp at>
branch nick: repoformats
timestamp: Wed 2007-02-07 20:11:31 +1100
  Move Knit repositories into the submodule bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo and
  lazily load from the registry.
  InterRepo._matching_repo_format is now a method not a class field so that
  it can load repositories when we need them.
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-02-06 08:16:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -2103,9 +2103,12 @@
 format_registry = BzrDirFormatRegistry()
 format_registry.register('weave', BzrDirFormat6,
     'Pre-0.8 format.  Slower than knit and does not'
-    ' support checkouts or shared repositories.', deprecated=True)
-format_registry.register_metadir('knit', 'RepositoryFormatKnit1',
-    'Format using knits.  Recommended.')
+    ' support checkouts or shared repositories.',
+    deprecated=True)
+    'RepositoryFormatKnit1',
+    'Format using knits.  Recommended.',
+    repo_module='bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo')
 format_registry.register_metadir('metaweave', 'RepositoryFormat7',
     'Transitional format in 0.8.  Slower than knit.',

=== modified file 'bzrlib/repofmt/'
--- a/bzrlib/repofmt/	2007-02-06 08:16:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/repofmt/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -16,17 +16,173 @@
 from bzrlib import (
+    graph,
+    knit,
+    transactions,
+from bzrlib.decorators import needs_read_lock, needs_write_lock
 from bzrlib.repository import (
-    KnitRepository,
+    MetaDirRepository,
+    MetaDirRepositoryFormat,
-    RepositoryFormatKnit,
+import bzrlib.revision as _mod_revision
+from import VersionedFileStore
+from bzrlib.trace import mutter, note, warning
+class KnitRepository(MetaDirRepository):
+    """Knit format repository."""
+    def _warn_if_deprecated(self):
+        # This class isn't deprecated
+        pass
+    def _inventory_add_lines(self, inv_vf, revid, parents, lines):
+        inv_vf.add_lines_with_ghosts(revid, parents, lines)
+    @needs_read_lock
+    def _all_revision_ids(self):
+        """See Repository.all_revision_ids()."""
+        # Knits get the revision graph from the index of the revision knit, so
+        # it's always possible even if they're on an unlistable transport.
+        return self._revision_store.all_revision_ids(self.get_transaction())
+    def fileid_involved_between_revs(self, from_revid, to_revid):
+        """Find file_id(s) which are involved in the changes between revisions.
+        This determines the set of revisions which are involved, and then
+        finds all file ids affected by those revisions.
+        """
+        vf = self._get_revision_vf()
+        from_set = set(vf.get_ancestry(from_revid))
+        to_set = set(vf.get_ancestry(to_revid))
+        changed = to_set.difference(from_set)
+        return self._fileid_involved_by_set(changed)
+    def fileid_involved(self, last_revid=None):
+        """Find all file_ids modified in the ancestry of last_revid.
+        :param last_revid: If None, last_revision() will be used.
+        """
+        if not last_revid:
+            changed = set(self.all_revision_ids())
+        else:
+            changed = set(self.get_ancestry(last_revid))
+        if None in changed:
+            changed.remove(None)
+        return self._fileid_involved_by_set(changed)
+    @needs_read_lock
+    def get_ancestry(self, revision_id):
+        """Return a list of revision-ids integrated by a revision.
+        This is topologically sorted.
+        """
+        if revision_id is None:
+            return [None]
+        vf = self._get_revision_vf()
+        try:
+            return [None] + vf.get_ancestry(revision_id)
+        except errors.RevisionNotPresent:
+            raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self, revision_id)
+    @needs_read_lock
+    def get_revision(self, revision_id):
+        """Return the Revision object for a named revision"""
+        return self.get_revision_reconcile(revision_id)
+    @needs_read_lock
+    def get_revision_graph(self, revision_id=None):
+        """Return a dictionary containing the revision graph.
+        :param revision_id: The revision_id to get a graph from. If None, then
+        the entire revision graph is returned. This is a deprecated mode of
+        operation and will be removed in the future.
+        :return: a dictionary of revision_id->revision_parents_list.
+        """
+        # special case NULL_REVISION
+        if revision_id == _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION:
+            return {}
+        a_weave = self._get_revision_vf()
+        entire_graph = a_weave.get_graph()
+        if revision_id is None:
+            return a_weave.get_graph()
+        elif revision_id not in a_weave:
+            raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self, revision_id)
+        else:
+            # add what can be reached from revision_id
+            result = {}
+            pending = set([revision_id])
+            while len(pending) > 0:
+                node = pending.pop()
+                result[node] = a_weave.get_parents(node)
+                for revision_id in result[node]:
+                    if revision_id not in result:
+                        pending.add(revision_id)
+            return result
+    @needs_read_lock
+    def get_revision_graph_with_ghosts(self, revision_ids=None):
+        """Return a graph of the revisions with ghosts marked as applicable.
+        :param revision_ids: an iterable of revisions to graph or None for all.
+        :return: a Graph object with the graph reachable from revision_ids.
+        """
+        result = graph.Graph()
+        vf = self._get_revision_vf()
+        versions = set(vf.versions())
+        if not revision_ids:
+            pending = set(self.all_revision_ids())
+            required = set([])
+        else:
+            pending = set(revision_ids)
+            # special case NULL_REVISION
+            if _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION in pending:
+                pending.remove(_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION)
+            required = set(pending)
+        done = set([])
+        while len(pending):
+            revision_id = pending.pop()
+            if not revision_id in versions:
+                if revision_id in required:
+                    raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self, revision_id)
+                # a ghost
+                result.add_ghost(revision_id)
+                # mark it as done so we don't try for it again.
+                done.add(revision_id)
+                continue
+            parent_ids = vf.get_parents_with_ghosts(revision_id)
+            for parent_id in parent_ids:
+                # is this queued or done ?
+                if (parent_id not in pending and
+                    parent_id not in done):
+                    # no, queue it.
+                    pending.add(parent_id)
+            result.add_node(revision_id, parent_ids)
+            done.add(revision_id)
+        return result
+    def _get_revision_vf(self):
+        """:return: a versioned file containing the revisions."""
+        vf = self._revision_store.get_revision_file(self.get_transaction())
+        return vf
+    @needs_write_lock
+    def reconcile(self, other=None, thorough=False):
+        """Reconcile this repository."""
+        from bzrlib.reconcile import KnitReconciler
+        reconciler = KnitReconciler(self, thorough=thorough)
+        reconciler.reconcile()
+        return reconciler
+    def revision_parents(self, revision_id):
+        return self._get_revision_vf().get_parents(revision_id)
 class KnitRepository2(KnitRepository):
@@ -75,6 +231,141 @@
                                  committer, revprops, revision_id)
+class RepositoryFormatKnit(MetaDirRepositoryFormat):
+    """Bzr repository knit format (generalized). 
+    This repository format has:
+     - knits for file texts and inventory
+     - hash subdirectory based stores.
+     - knits for revisions and signatures
+     - TextStores for revisions and signatures.
+     - a format marker of its own
+     - an optional 'shared-storage' flag
+     - an optional 'no-working-trees' flag
+     - a LockDir lock
+    """
+    def _get_control_store(self, repo_transport, control_files):
+        """Return the control store for this repository."""
+        return VersionedFileStore(
+            repo_transport,
+            prefixed=False,
+            file_mode=control_files._file_mode,
+            versionedfile_class=knit.KnitVersionedFile,
+            versionedfile_kwargs={'factory':knit.KnitPlainFactory()},
+            )
+    def _get_revision_store(self, repo_transport, control_files):
+        """See RepositoryFormat._get_revision_store()."""
+        from import KnitRevisionStore
+        versioned_file_store = VersionedFileStore(
+            repo_transport,
+            file_mode=control_files._file_mode,
+            prefixed=False,
+            precious=True,
+            versionedfile_class=knit.KnitVersionedFile,
+            versionedfile_kwargs={'delta':False,
+                                  'factory':knit.KnitPlainFactory(),
+                                 },
+            escaped=True,
+            )
+        return KnitRevisionStore(versioned_file_store)
+    def _get_text_store(self, transport, control_files):
+        """See RepositoryFormat._get_text_store()."""
+        return self._get_versioned_file_store('knits',
+                                  transport,
+                                  control_files,
+                                  versionedfile_class=knit.KnitVersionedFile,
+                                  versionedfile_kwargs={
+                                      'create_parent_dir':True,
+                                      'delay_create':True,
+                                      'dir_mode':control_files._dir_mode,
+                                  },
+                                  escaped=True)
+    def initialize(self, a_bzrdir, shared=False):
+        """Create a knit format 1 repository.
+        :param a_bzrdir: bzrdir to contain the new repository; must already
+            be initialized.
+        :param shared: If true the repository will be initialized as a shared
+                       repository.
+        """
+        mutter('creating repository in %s.', a_bzrdir.transport.base)
+        dirs = ['revision-store', 'knits']
+        files = []
+        utf8_files = [('format', self.get_format_string())]
+        self._upload_blank_content(a_bzrdir, dirs, files, utf8_files, shared)
+        repo_transport = a_bzrdir.get_repository_transport(None)
+        control_files = lockable_files.LockableFiles(repo_transport,
+                                'lock', lockdir.LockDir)
+        control_store = self._get_control_store(repo_transport, control_files)
+        transaction = transactions.WriteTransaction()
+        # trigger a write of the inventory store.
+        control_store.get_weave_or_empty('inventory', transaction)
+        _revision_store = self._get_revision_store(repo_transport, control_files)
+        # the revision id here is irrelevant: it will not be stored, and cannot
+        # already exist.
+        _revision_store.has_revision_id('A', transaction)
+        _revision_store.get_signature_file(transaction)
+        return, _found=True)
+    def open(self, a_bzrdir, _found=False, _override_transport=None):
+        """See
+        :param _override_transport: INTERNAL USE ONLY. Allows opening the
+                                    repository at a slightly different url
+                                    than normal. I.e. during 'upgrade'.
+        """
+        if not _found:
+            format = RepositoryFormat.find_format(a_bzrdir)
+            assert format.__class__ ==  self.__class__
+        if _override_transport is not None:
+            repo_transport = _override_transport
+        else:
+            repo_transport = a_bzrdir.get_repository_transport(None)
+        control_files = lockable_files.LockableFiles(repo_transport,
+                                'lock', lockdir.LockDir)
+        text_store = self._get_text_store(repo_transport, control_files)
+        control_store = self._get_control_store(repo_transport, control_files)
+        _revision_store = self._get_revision_store(repo_transport, control_files)
+        return KnitRepository(_format=self,
+                              a_bzrdir=a_bzrdir,
+                              control_files=control_files,
+                              _revision_store=_revision_store,
+                              control_store=control_store,
+                              text_store=text_store)
+class RepositoryFormatKnit1(RepositoryFormatKnit):
+    """Bzr repository knit format 1.
+    This repository format has:
+     - knits for file texts and inventory
+     - hash subdirectory based stores.
+     - knits for revisions and signatures
+     - TextStores for revisions and signatures.
+     - a format marker of its own
+     - an optional 'shared-storage' flag
+     - an optional 'no-working-trees' flag
+     - a LockDir lock
+    This format was introduced in bzr 0.8.
+    """
+    def get_format_string(self):
+        """See RepositoryFormat.get_format_string()."""
+        return "Bazaar-NG Knit Repository Format 1"
+    def get_format_description(self):
+        """See RepositoryFormat.get_format_description()."""
+        return "Knit repository format 1"
+    def check_conversion_target(self, target_format):
+        pass
 class RepositoryFormatKnit2(RepositoryFormatKnit):
     """Bzr repository knit format 2.
@@ -134,4 +425,5 @@
+RepositoryFormatKnit1_instance = RepositoryFormatKnit1()
 RepositoryFormatKnit2_instance = RepositoryFormatKnit2()

=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-02-06 08:16:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -869,155 +869,6 @@
         return not self.control_files._transport.has('no-working-trees')
-class KnitRepository(MetaDirRepository):
-    """Knit format repository."""
-    def _warn_if_deprecated(self):
-        # This class isn't deprecated
-        pass
-    def _inventory_add_lines(self, inv_vf, revid, parents, lines):
-        inv_vf.add_lines_with_ghosts(revid, parents, lines)
-    @needs_read_lock
-    def _all_revision_ids(self):
-        """See Repository.all_revision_ids()."""
-        # Knits get the revision graph from the index of the revision knit, so
-        # it's always possible even if they're on an unlistable transport.
-        return self._revision_store.all_revision_ids(self.get_transaction())
-    def fileid_involved_between_revs(self, from_revid, to_revid):
-        """Find file_id(s) which are involved in the changes between revisions.
-        This determines the set of revisions which are involved, and then
-        finds all file ids affected by those revisions.
-        """
-        vf = self._get_revision_vf()
-        from_set = set(vf.get_ancestry(from_revid))
-        to_set = set(vf.get_ancestry(to_revid))
-        changed = to_set.difference(from_set)
-        return self._fileid_involved_by_set(changed)
-    def fileid_involved(self, last_revid=None):
-        """Find all file_ids modified in the ancestry of last_revid.
-        :param last_revid: If None, last_revision() will be used.
-        """
-        if not last_revid:
-            changed = set(self.all_revision_ids())
-        else:
-            changed = set(self.get_ancestry(last_revid))
-        if None in changed:
-            changed.remove(None)
-        return self._fileid_involved_by_set(changed)
-    @needs_read_lock
-    def get_ancestry(self, revision_id):
-        """Return a list of revision-ids integrated by a revision.
-        This is topologically sorted.
-        """
-        if revision_id is None:
-            return [None]
-        vf = self._get_revision_vf()
-        try:
-            return [None] + vf.get_ancestry(revision_id)
-        except errors.RevisionNotPresent:
-            raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self, revision_id)
-    @needs_read_lock
-    def get_revision(self, revision_id):
-        """Return the Revision object for a named revision"""
-        return self.get_revision_reconcile(revision_id)
-    @needs_read_lock
-    def get_revision_graph(self, revision_id=None):
-        """Return a dictionary containing the revision graph.
-        :param revision_id: The revision_id to get a graph from. If None, then
-        the entire revision graph is returned. This is a deprecated mode of
-        operation and will be removed in the future.
-        :return: a dictionary of revision_id->revision_parents_list.
-        """
-        # special case NULL_REVISION
-        if revision_id == _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION:
-            return {}
-        a_weave = self._get_revision_vf()
-        entire_graph = a_weave.get_graph()
-        if revision_id is None:
-            return a_weave.get_graph()
-        elif revision_id not in a_weave:
-            raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self, revision_id)
-        else:
-            # add what can be reached from revision_id
-            result = {}
-            pending = set([revision_id])
-            while len(pending) > 0:
-                node = pending.pop()
-                result[node] = a_weave.get_parents(node)
-                for revision_id in result[node]:
-                    if revision_id not in result:
-                        pending.add(revision_id)
-            return result
-    @needs_read_lock
-    def get_revision_graph_with_ghosts(self, revision_ids=None):
-        """Return a graph of the revisions with ghosts marked as applicable.
-        :param revision_ids: an iterable of revisions to graph or None for all.
-        :return: a Graph object with the graph reachable from revision_ids.
-        """
-        result = graph.Graph()
-        vf = self._get_revision_vf()
-        versions = set(vf.versions())
-        if not revision_ids:
-            pending = set(self.all_revision_ids())
-            required = set([])
-        else:
-            pending = set(revision_ids)
-            # special case NULL_REVISION
-            if _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION in pending:
-                pending.remove(_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION)
-            required = set(pending)
-        done = set([])
-        while len(pending):
-            revision_id = pending.pop()
-            if not revision_id in versions:
-                if revision_id in required:
-                    raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self, revision_id)
-                # a ghost
-                result.add_ghost(revision_id)
-                # mark it as done so we don't try for it again.
-                done.add(revision_id)
-                continue
-            parent_ids = vf.get_parents_with_ghosts(revision_id)
-            for parent_id in parent_ids:
-                # is this queued or done ?
-                if (parent_id not in pending and
-                    parent_id not in done):
-                    # no, queue it.
-                    pending.add(parent_id)
-            result.add_node(revision_id, parent_ids)
-            done.add(revision_id)
-        return result
-    def _get_revision_vf(self):
-        """:return: a versioned file containing the revisions."""
-        vf = self._revision_store.get_revision_file(self.get_transaction())
-        return vf
-    @needs_write_lock
-    def reconcile(self, other=None, thorough=False):
-        """Reconcile this repository."""
-        from bzrlib.reconcile import KnitReconciler
-        reconciler = KnitReconciler(self, thorough=thorough)
-        reconciler.reconcile()
-        return reconciler
-    def revision_parents(self, revision_id):
-        return self._get_revision_vf().get_parents(revision_id)
 class RepositoryFormatRegistry(registry.Registry):
     """Registry of RepositoryFormats.
@@ -1140,6 +991,8 @@
         _revision_store = TextRevisionStore(text_store, serializer)
         return _revision_store
+    # TODO: this shouldn't be in the base class, it's specific to things that
+    # use weaves or knits -- mbp 20070207
     def _get_versioned_file_store(self,
@@ -1224,141 +1077,6 @@
-class RepositoryFormatKnit(MetaDirRepositoryFormat):
-    """Bzr repository knit format (generalized). 
-    This repository format has:
-     - knits for file texts and inventory
-     - hash subdirectory based stores.
-     - knits for revisions and signatures
-     - TextStores for revisions and signatures.
-     - a format marker of its own
-     - an optional 'shared-storage' flag
-     - an optional 'no-working-trees' flag
-     - a LockDir lock
-    """
-    def _get_control_store(self, repo_transport, control_files):
-        """Return the control store for this repository."""
-        return VersionedFileStore(
-            repo_transport,
-            prefixed=False,
-            file_mode=control_files._file_mode,
-            versionedfile_class=knit.KnitVersionedFile,
-            versionedfile_kwargs={'factory':knit.KnitPlainFactory()},
-            )
-    def _get_revision_store(self, repo_transport, control_files):
-        """See RepositoryFormat._get_revision_store()."""
-        from import KnitRevisionStore
-        versioned_file_store = VersionedFileStore(
-            repo_transport,
-            file_mode=control_files._file_mode,
-            prefixed=False,
-            precious=True,
-            versionedfile_class=knit.KnitVersionedFile,
-            versionedfile_kwargs={'delta':False,
-                                  'factory':knit.KnitPlainFactory(),
-                                 },
-            escaped=True,
-            )
-        return KnitRevisionStore(versioned_file_store)
-    def _get_text_store(self, transport, control_files):
-        """See RepositoryFormat._get_text_store()."""
-        return self._get_versioned_file_store('knits',
-                                  transport,
-                                  control_files,
-                                  versionedfile_class=knit.KnitVersionedFile,
-                                  versionedfile_kwargs={
-                                      'create_parent_dir':True,
-                                      'delay_create':True,
-                                      'dir_mode':control_files._dir_mode,
-                                  },
-                                  escaped=True)
-    def initialize(self, a_bzrdir, shared=False):
-        """Create a knit format 1 repository.
-        :param a_bzrdir: bzrdir to contain the new repository; must already
-            be initialized.
-        :param shared: If true the repository will be initialized as a shared
-                       repository.
-        """
-        mutter('creating repository in %s.', a_bzrdir.transport.base)
-        dirs = ['revision-store', 'knits']
-        files = []
-        utf8_files = [('format', self.get_format_string())]
-        self._upload_blank_content(a_bzrdir, dirs, files, utf8_files, shared)
-        repo_transport = a_bzrdir.get_repository_transport(None)
-        control_files = lockable_files.LockableFiles(repo_transport,
-                                'lock', lockdir.LockDir)
-        control_store = self._get_control_store(repo_transport, control_files)
-        transaction = transactions.WriteTransaction()
-        # trigger a write of the inventory store.
-        control_store.get_weave_or_empty('inventory', transaction)
-        _revision_store = self._get_revision_store(repo_transport, control_files)
-        # the revision id here is irrelevant: it will not be stored, and cannot
-        # already exist.
-        _revision_store.has_revision_id('A', transaction)
-        _revision_store.get_signature_file(transaction)
-        return, _found=True)
-    def open(self, a_bzrdir, _found=False, _override_transport=None):
-        """See
-        :param _override_transport: INTERNAL USE ONLY. Allows opening the
-                                    repository at a slightly different url
-                                    than normal. I.e. during 'upgrade'.
-        """
-        if not _found:
-            format = RepositoryFormat.find_format(a_bzrdir)
-            assert format.__class__ ==  self.__class__
-        if _override_transport is not None:
-            repo_transport = _override_transport
-        else:
-            repo_transport = a_bzrdir.get_repository_transport(None)
-        control_files = lockable_files.LockableFiles(repo_transport,
-                                'lock', lockdir.LockDir)
-        text_store = self._get_text_store(repo_transport, control_files)
-        control_store = self._get_control_store(repo_transport, control_files)
-        _revision_store = self._get_revision_store(repo_transport, control_files)
-        return KnitRepository(_format=self,
-                              a_bzrdir=a_bzrdir,
-                              control_files=control_files,
-                              _revision_store=_revision_store,
-                              control_store=control_store,
-                              text_store=text_store)
-class RepositoryFormatKnit1(RepositoryFormatKnit):
-    """Bzr repository knit format 1.
-    This repository format has:
-     - knits for file texts and inventory
-     - hash subdirectory based stores.
-     - knits for revisions and signatures
-     - TextStores for revisions and signatures.
-     - a format marker of its own
-     - an optional 'shared-storage' flag
-     - an optional 'no-working-trees' flag
-     - a LockDir lock
-    This format was introduced in bzr 0.8.
-    """
-    def get_format_string(self):
-        """See RepositoryFormat.get_format_string()."""
-        return "Bazaar-NG Knit Repository Format 1"
-    def get_format_description(self):
-        """See RepositoryFormat.get_format_description()."""
-        return "Knit repository format 1"
-    def check_conversion_target(self, target_format):
-        pass
 # formats which have no format string are not discoverable
 # and not independently creatable, so are not registered.  They're 
 # all in bzrlib.repofmt.weaverepo now.
@@ -1369,14 +1087,19 @@
 # KEEP in sync with bzrdir.format_registry default, which controls the overall
 # default control directory format
-_default_format = RepositoryFormatKnit1()
+    'Bazaar-NG Knit Repository Format 1',
+    'bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo',
+    'RepositoryFormatKnit1_instance',
+    )
+format_registry.default_key = 'Bazaar-NG Knit Repository Format 1'
     'Bazaar Knit Repository Format 2\n',
 class InterRepository(InterObject):
@@ -1442,8 +1165,10 @@
     Data format and model must match for this to work.
-    _matching_repo_format = _default_format
-    """Repository format for testing with."""
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_matching_repo_format(self):
+        """Repository format for testing with."""
+        return RepositoryFormat.get_default_format()
     def is_compatible(source, target):
@@ -1497,8 +1222,10 @@
 class InterKnitRepo(InterSameDataRepository):
     """Optimised code paths between Knit based repositories."""
-    _matching_repo_format = RepositoryFormatKnit1()
-    """Repository format for testing with."""
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_matching_repo_format(self):
+        from bzrlib.repofmt import knitrepo
+        return knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
     def is_compatible(source, target):
@@ -1508,6 +1235,7 @@
         could lead to confusing results, and there is no need to be 
         overly general.
+        from bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo import RepositoryFormatKnit1
             return (isinstance(source._format, (RepositoryFormatKnit1)) and
                     isinstance(target._format, (RepositoryFormatKnit1)))
@@ -1559,7 +1287,9 @@
 class InterModel1and2(InterRepository):
-    _matching_repo_format = None
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_matching_repo_format(self):
+        return None
     def is_compatible(source, target):
@@ -1609,13 +1339,17 @@
 class InterKnit1and2(InterKnitRepo):
-    _matching_repo_format = None
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_matching_repo_format(self):
+        return None
     def is_compatible(source, target):
         """Be compatible with Knit1 source and Knit2 target"""
         from bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo import RepositoryFormatKnit2
+            from bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo import RepositoryFormatKnit1, \
+                    RepositoryFormatKnit2
             return (isinstance(source._format, (RepositoryFormatKnit1)) and
                     isinstance(target._format, (RepositoryFormatKnit2)))
         except AttributeError:
@@ -1713,18 +1447,18 @@
         #               RepositoryFormat6(),
         #               RepositoryFormatKnit1()))
-        for optimiser in InterRepository._optimisers:
-            if optimiser._matching_repo_format is not None:
-                result.append((optimiser,
-                               optimiser._matching_repo_format,
-                               optimiser._matching_repo_format
-                               ))
+        for optimiser_class in InterRepository._optimisers:
+            format_to_test = optimiser_class._get_matching_repo_format()
+            if format_to_test is not None:
+                result.append((optimiser_class,
+                               format_to_test, format_to_test))
         # if there are specific combinations we want to use, we can add them 
         # here.
-        result.append((InterKnit1and2, RepositoryFormatKnit1(),
+        result.append((InterKnit1and2,
+                       knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1(),
         return result

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2006-10-11 23:08:27 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import os
 from bzrlib import branch, bzrdir
-from bzrlib.repository import RepositoryFormatKnit1
+from bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo import RepositoryFormatKnit1
 from bzrlib.tests.blackbox import ExternalBase
 from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2006-10-16 01:25:46 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 from bzrlib.branch import Branch
 from bzrlib.bzrdir import BzrDirMetaFormat1
 from bzrlib.osutils import abspath
-from bzrlib.repository import RepositoryFormatKnit1
+from bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo import RepositoryFormatKnit1
 from bzrlib.tests.blackbox import ExternalBase
 from bzrlib.uncommit import uncommit
 from bzrlib.urlutils import local_path_from_url

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2007-01-05 17:12:03 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
 from bzrlib.tests.test_sftp_transport import TestCaseWithSFTPServer
 from bzrlib.transport import get_transport
 import bzrlib.ui as ui
+from bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo import (
+    RepositoryFormatKnit1,
+    RepositoryFormatKnit2,
+    )
 class TestWithUpgradableBranches(TestCaseWithTransport):
@@ -140,7 +144,7 @@
-                                   repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1))
+                                   RepositoryFormatKnit1))
     def test_upgrade_repo(self):
         self.run_bzr('init-repository', '--format=metaweave', 'repo')

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-06 08:16:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Canonical Ltd
+# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Canonical Ltd
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
         format = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1()
-        format.repository_format = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
+        format.repository_format = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
         target = self.make_branch('target', format=format)
         self.assertRaises(errors.IncompatibleRevision, install_bundle, 
                           target.repository, read_bundle(text))
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
     def bzrdir_format(self):
         format = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1()
-        format.repository_format = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
+        format.repository_format = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
         return format
     def make_branch_and_tree(self, path, format=None):
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@
     def bzrdir_format(self):
         format = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1()
-        format.repository_format = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
+        format.repository_format = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
         return format

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-06 08:16:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -72,11 +72,13 @@
         my_format_registry.register_lazy('lazy', 'bzrlib.bzrdir', 
             'BzrDirFormat6', 'Format registered lazily', deprecated=True)
         my_format_registry.register_metadir('knit', 'RepositoryFormatKnit1',
-            'Format using knits')
+            'Format using knits',
+            repo_module='bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo')
-        my_format_registry.register_metadir('experimental-knit2', 
+        my_format_registry.register_metadir('experimental-knit2',
-            'Experimental successor to knit.  Use at your own risk.')
+            'Experimental successor to knit.  Use at your own risk.',
+            repo_module='bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo')
         return my_format_registry
     def test_format_registry(self):
@@ -87,10 +89,10 @@
         self.assertIsInstance(my_bzrdir, bzrdir.BzrDirFormat6)
         my_bzrdir = my_format_registry.make_bzrdir('default')
-            repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1)
+            knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1)
         my_bzrdir = my_format_registry.make_bzrdir('knit')
-            repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1)
+            knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1)
     def test_get_help(self):
         my_format_registry = self.make_format_registry()

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-06 08:16:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
         corresponding filename, parent, contents or other changes.
         knit1_format = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1()
-        knit1_format.repository_format = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
+        knit1_format.repository_format = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
         knit2_format = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1()
         knit2_format.repository_format = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit2()
         # we start with a knit1 repository because that causes the

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-01-17 16:32:40 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 from bzrlib.builtins import cmd_commit, cmd_log, cmd_status
 from bzrlib.commands import Command, parse_args
 from bzrlib.tests import TestCase
+from bzrlib.repofmt import knitrepo
 def parse(options, args):
     parser = option.get_optparser(dict((, o) for o in options))
@@ -162,12 +163,13 @@
                    bzrdir.format_registry, builtins.get_format_type)]
         opts, args = self.parse(options, ['--format', 'knit'])
-                              repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1)
+                              knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1)
     def test_help(self):
         registry = bzrdir.BzrDirFormatRegistry()
         registry.register_metadir('one', 'RepositoryFormat7', 'one help')
-        registry.register_metadir('two', 'RepositoryFormatKnit1', 'two help')
+        registry.register_metadir('two', 'RepositoryFormatKnit1', 'two help',
+            repo_module='bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo')
         options = [option.RegistryOption('format', 'format help', registry,
                    str, value_switches=True)]
@@ -188,7 +190,8 @@
                          [('hello', None, 'GAR', 'fg')])
         registry = bzrdir.BzrDirFormatRegistry()
         registry.register_metadir('one', 'RepositoryFormat7', 'one help')
-        registry.register_metadir('two', 'RepositoryFormatKnit1', 'two help')
+        registry.register_metadir('two', 'RepositoryFormatKnit1', 'two help',
+            repo_module='bzrlib.repofmt.knitrepo')
         opt = option.RegistryOption('format', 'format help', registry,

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-06 08:16:13 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-02-07 09:11:31 +0000
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     def test_disk_layout(self):
         control = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1().initialize(self.get_url())
-        repo = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1().initialize(control)
+        repo = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1().initialize(control)
         # in case of side effects of locking.
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
     def test_shared_disk_layout(self):
         control = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1().initialize(self.get_url())
-        repo = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1().initialize(control, shared=True)
+        repo = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1().initialize(control, shared=True)
         # we want:
         # format 'Bazaar-NG Knit Repository Format 1'
         # lock: is a directory
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
     def test_shared_no_tree_disk_layout(self):
         control = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1().initialize(self.get_url())
-        repo = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1().initialize(control, shared=True)
+        repo = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1().initialize(control, shared=True)
         # we want:
         # format 'Bazaar-NG Knit Repository Format 1'
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
         repo_dir = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1().initialize('repository')
         repo = weaverepo.RepositoryFormat7().initialize(repo_dir)
-        target_format = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
+        target_format = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
         converter = repository.CopyConverter(target_format)
         pb = bzrlib.ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
     def test_convert(self):
         """Ensure the upgrade adds weaves for roots"""
         format = bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1()
-        format.repository_format = repository.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
+        format.repository_format = knitrepo.RepositoryFormatKnit1()
         tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('.', format)
         tree.commit("Dull commit", rev_id="dull")
         revision_tree = tree.branch.repository.revision_tree('dull')

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