Rev 606: Fix two more tests, simplify file id setting. in file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/revprops/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sat Dec 15 15:21:31 GMT 2007

At file:///data/jelmer/bzr-svn/revprops/

revno: 606
revision-id:jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: revprops
timestamp: Sat 2007-12-15 16:21:30 +0100
  Fix two more tests, simplify file id setting.
  BRANCH.TODO                    branch.todo-20070721175243-w23kkak0gm2jbr8b-1                    
=== modified file 'BRANCH.TODO'
--- a/BRANCH.TODO	2007-12-14 23:43:14 +0000
+++ b/BRANCH.TODO	2007-12-15 15:21:30 +0000
@@ -17,6 +17,4 @@
 Needs more tests...:
- * 
 Make sure that bzr revprops set as bzr:* in svn properties don't get converted to svn:bzr: in bzr revprops.

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-12-14 23:43:14 +0000
+++ b/	2007-12-15 15:21:30 +0000
@@ -104,16 +104,16 @@
             timestamp, timezone, committer, revprops)
         self._svnprops[SVN_PROP_BZR_FILEIDS] = ""
-        self._svn_revprops = {
-            SVN_REVPROP_BZR_FILEIDS: "",
-            SVN_REVPROP_BZR_TIMESTAMP: str(timestamp),
-            SVN_REVPROP_BZR_TIMEZONE: str(timezone),
-        }
+        self._svn_revprops = {}
+        if timestamp is not None:
+            self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_TIMESTAMP] = str(timestamp)
+        if timezone is not None:
+            self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_TIMEZONE] = str(timezone)
         if committer is not None:
             self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_COMMITTER] = committer.encode("utf-8")
-        else:
-            self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_COMMITTER] = None
         if revprops is not None:
             for name, value in revprops.items():
@@ -288,7 +288,6 @@
             # add them if they didn't exist in old_inv 
             if not child_ie.file_id in self.old_inv:
                 self.mutter('adding %s %r' % (child_ie.kind, new_child_path))
-                self._record_file_id(child_ie, new_child_path)
                 child_baton = self.editor.add_file(
                                   new_child_path), baton, None, -1, self.pool)
@@ -300,7 +299,6 @@
                 self.mutter('copy %s %r -> %r' % (child_ie.kind, 
-                self._record_file_id(child_ie, new_child_path)
                 child_baton = self.editor.add_file(
                     urlutils.join(self.branch.get_branch_path(), new_child_path), baton, 
                     urlutils.join(self.repository.transport.svn_url, self.base_path, self.old_inv.id2path(child_ie.file_id)),
@@ -363,7 +361,6 @@
             # add them if they didn't exist in old_inv 
             if not child_ie.file_id in self.old_inv:
                 self.mutter('adding dir %r' %
-                self._record_file_id(child_ie, new_child_path)
                 child_baton = self.editor.add_directory(
                                   new_child_path), baton, None, -1, self.pool)
@@ -372,7 +369,6 @@
             elif self.old_inv.id2path(child_ie.file_id) != new_child_path:
                 old_child_path = self.old_inv.id2path(child_ie.file_id)
                 self.mutter('copy dir %r -> %r' % (old_child_path, new_child_path))
-                self._record_file_id(child_ie, new_child_path)
                 child_baton = self.editor.add_directory(
                     urlutils.join(self.branch.get_branch_path(), new_child_path),
@@ -461,10 +457,6 @@
             self.revision_metadata = revision_data
-        # No point storing an empty revision property
-        if self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_FILEIDS] == "":
-            del self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_FILEIDS]
         self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_ROOT] = self.branch.get_branch_path()
         bp_parts = self.branch.get_branch_path().split("/")
         repository_latest_revnum = self.repository.transport.get_latest_revnum()
@@ -472,6 +464,35 @@
         set_revprops = self.repository.get_config().get_set_revprops()
         remaining_revprops = self._svn_revprops # Keep track of the revprops that haven't been set yet
+        # Store file ids
+        def _dir_process_file_id(old_inv, new_inv, path, file_id):
+            for child_name in new_inv[file_id].children:
+                child_ie = new_inv.get_child(file_id, child_name)
+                new_child_path = new_inv.id2path(child_ie.file_id)
+                assert child_ie is not None
+                if (not child_ie.file_id in old_inv or 
+                    old_inv.id2path(child_ie.file_id) != new_child_path or
+                    old_inv[child_ie.file_id].parent_id != child_ie.parent_id):
+                    yield (child_ie.file_id, new_child_path)
+                if (child_ie.kind == 'directory' and 
+                    child_ie.file_id in self.modified_dirs):
+                    _dir_process_file_id(old_inv, new_inv, new_child_path, child_ie.file_id)
+        fileids = []
+        if (self.old_inv.root is None or 
+            self.new_inventory.root.file_id != self.old_inv.root.file_id):
+            fileids.append((self.new_inventory.root.file_id, ""))
+        fileids += list(_dir_process_file_id(self.old_inv, self.new_inventory, "", self.new_inventory.root.file_id))
+        if fileids != []:
+            file_id_text = "".join(["%s\t%s\n" % (urllib.quote(path), file_id) for (path, file_id) in fileids])
+            self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_FILEIDS] = file_id_text
+            self._svnprops[SVN_PROP_BZR_FILEIDS] = file_id_text
             existing_bp_parts = _check_dirs_exist(self.repository.transport, 
                                               bp_parts, -1)
@@ -506,11 +527,6 @@
                 existing_bp_parts, self.base_path, self.base_revnum, 
-            # Make sure the root id is stored properly
-            if (self.old_inv.root is None or 
-                self.new_inventory.root.file_id != self.old_inv.root.file_id):
-                self._record_file_id(self.new_inventory.root, "")
             self._dir_process("", self.new_inventory.root.file_id, 
@@ -556,16 +572,6 @@
         return revid
-    def _record_file_id(self, ie, path):
-        """Store the file id of an inventory entry in a file property.
-        :param ie: Inventory entry.
-        :param path: Path of the inventory entry.
-        """
-        file_id_entry = "%s\t%s\n" % (urllib.quote(path), ie.file_id)
-        self._svnprops[SVN_PROP_BZR_FILEIDS] += file_id_entry
-        self._svn_revprops[SVN_REVPROP_BZR_FILEIDS] += file_id_entry
     def record_entry_contents(self, ie, parent_invs, path, tree,
         """Record the content of ie from tree into the commit if needed.

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-12-06 17:53:20 +0000
+++ b/	2007-12-15 15:21:30 +0000
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
         return ListBranchingScheme(parse_list_scheme_text(text))
     def set_property_scheme(self, scheme):
-        def done(revision, date, author):
+        def done(revmetadata, pool):
         editor = self.transport.get_commit_editor(
                 {svn.core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_LOG: "Updating branching scheme for Bazaar."},

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