Rev 3102: Add a failing test for an alternate ancestry. in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Dec 13 23:01:59 GMT 2007


revno: 3102
revision-id:john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: graph_update
timestamp: Thu 2007-12-13 17:01:36 -0600
  Add a failing test for an alternate ancestry.
  Implement _remove_simple_descedants with tests.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-12-12 18:41:35 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-12-13 23:01:36 +0000
@@ -241,10 +241,15 @@
     def find_difference(self, left_revision, right_revision):
         """Determine the graph difference between two revisions"""
-        border, common, (left, right) = self._find_border_ancestors(
+        border, common, searchers = self._find_border_ancestors(
             [left_revision, right_revision])
-        return (left.difference(right).difference(common),
-                right.difference(left).difference(common))
+        # Now that we have the superset of uncommon nodes, lets refine it with
+        # a bit more searching.
+        left = searchers[0].seen
+        right = searchers[1].seen
+        left_diff = left.difference(right).difference(common)
+        right_diff = right.difference(left).difference(common)
+        return left_diff, right_diff
     def _make_breadth_first_searcher(self, revisions):
         return _BreadthFirstSearcher(revisions, self)
@@ -325,8 +330,8 @@
                                             "\nStart_nodes: %s"
                                             "\nuncommon_nodes: %s"
                                             % (revisions, uncommon_nodes))
-                return border_ancestors, common_ancestors, [s.seen for s in
-                                                            searchers]
+                break
+        return border_ancestors, common_ancestors, searchers
     def heads(self, keys):
         """Return the heads from amongst keys.
@@ -476,6 +481,26 @@
         return set([candidate_descendant]) == self.heads(
             [candidate_ancestor, candidate_descendant])
+    def _remove_simple_descendants(self, revisions):
+        """remove revisions which are children of other ones in the set
+        This doesn't do any graph searching, it just checks the immediate
+        parents to find if there are any children which can be removed.
+        :param revisions: A set of revision_ids
+        :return: A set of revision_ids with the children removed
+        """
+        parents = self.get_parent_map(revisions)
+        simple_ancestors = revisions.copy()
+        for revision, parent_ids in parents.iteritems():
+            for parent_id in parent_ids:
+                if parent_id in revisions:
+                    # This node has a parent present in the set, so we can
+                    # remove it
+                    simple_ancestors.discard(revision)
+                    break
+        return simple_ancestors
 class HeadsCache(object):
     """A cache of results for graph heads calls."""

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-12-12 15:20:39 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-12-13 23:01:36 +0000
@@ -194,6 +194,78 @@
                     'i':['e', 'g'], 'j':['g'], 'k':['j'],
                     'l':['k'], 'm':['i', 'l'], 'n':['l', 'h']}
+#        a--
+#        |\ \
+#        b | c
+#        | | |
+#        d | e
+#        | | |
+#        f | |
+#        |\| |
+#        | g |
+#        | ./
+#        | h
+#        |/|
+#        i
+#        |
+#        j
+#        |
+#        k
+#     |
+#     a
+#     |
+#     b
+#     |
+#     c
+#     |
+#     d
+#     |\
+#     e f
+#     |\|\
+#     | g h
+#     | | |
+#     i j |
+#     | | |
+#     | k |
+#     | | |
+#     | l |
+#     |/|/
+#     m n
+complex_shortcut2 = {'a':[NULL_REVISION], 'b':['a'], 'c':['b'], 'd':['c'],
+                    'e':['d'], 'f':['d'], 'g':['f', 'i'], 'h':['f'],
+                    'i':['e'], 'j':['g'], 'k':['j'],
+                    'l':['k'], 'm':['i', 'l'], 'n':['l', 'h']}
+##     |
+##     a
+##     |
+##     b
+##     |
+##     c
+##     |
+##     d-.
+##     |\ \
+##     e f |
+##     |\| |
+##     | g h
+##     | | |
+##     i j |
+##     | | |
+##     | k |
+##     | |/
+##     | l
+##     |/
+##     m
+##     |
+##     n
+##complex_shortcut2 = {'a':[NULL_REVISION], 'b':['a'], 'c':['b'], 'd':['c'],
+##                   'e':['d'], 'f':['d'], 'g':['e', 'f'], 'h':['d'],
+##                   'i':['e'], 'j':['g'], 'k':['j'],
+##                   'l':['p', 'h'], 'm':['i', 'l'], 'n':['m']}
 # Shortcut with extra root
 # We have a long history shortcut, and an extra root, which is why we can't
 # stop searchers based on seeing NULL_REVISION
@@ -249,6 +321,7 @@
 class TestGraph(TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
     def make_graph(self, ancestors):
+        return _mod_graph.Graph(_mod_graph.DictParentsProvider(ancestors))
         tree = self.prepare_memory_tree('.')
         self.build_ancestry(tree, ancestors)
@@ -341,6 +414,27 @@
                          graph.find_unique_lca('rev2a', 'rev2b',
+    def test__remove_simple_descendants(self):
+        graph = self.make_graph(ancestry_1)
+        all_revisions = set(['rev1', 'rev2a', 'rev2b', 'rev3', 'rev4'])
+        self.assertEqual(set(['rev1']),
+                         graph._remove_simple_descendants(all_revisions))
+    def test__remove_simple_descendants_disjoint(self):
+        graph = self.make_graph(ancestry_1)
+        self.assertEqual(set(['rev1', 'rev3']),
+            graph._remove_simple_descendants(set(['rev1', 'rev3'])))
+    def test__remove_simple_descendants_chain(self):
+        graph = self.make_graph(ancestry_1)
+        self.assertEqual(set(['rev1']),
+            graph._remove_simple_descendants(set(['rev1', 'rev2a', 'rev3'])))
+    def test__remove_simple_descendants_siblings(self):
+        graph = self.make_graph(ancestry_1)
+        self.assertEqual(set(['rev2a', 'rev2b']),
+            graph._remove_simple_descendants(set(['rev2a', 'rev2b', 'rev3'])))
     def test_unique_lca_criss_cross(self):
         """Ensure we don't pick non-unique lcas in a criss-cross"""
         graph = self.make_graph(criss_cross)
@@ -426,6 +520,12 @@
         self.assertEqual((set(['m', 'i', 'e']), set(['n', 'h'])),
                          graph.find_difference('m', 'n'))
+    def test_graph_difference_complex_shortcut2(self):
+        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+        graph = _mod_graph.Graph(_mod_graph.DictParentsProvider(complex_shortcut2))
+        self.assertEqual((set(['m', 'i']), set(['h', 'n'])),
+                         graph.find_difference('m', 'n'))
     def test_graph_difference_shortcut_extra_root(self):
         graph = self.make_graph(shortcut_extra_root)
         self.assertEqual((set(['e']), set(['f', 'g'])),

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