Rev 2677: Remove the special code for _extract_lines_from_gzip in

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Aug 3 00:33:27 BST 2007


revno: 2677
revision-id: john at
parent: john at
committer: John Arbash Meinel <john at>
branch nick: pyrex_knit_extract
timestamp: Thu 2007-08-02 18:32:53 -0500
  Remove the special code for _extract_lines_from_gzip
  since we don't use it directly anymore.
  bzrlib/tests/ test__knit_helpers.p-20070724214127-vkhtjicq8lrlotz3-1
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/'
--- a/bzrlib/	2007-07-27 20:11:47 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/	2007-08-02 23:32:53 +0000
@@ -1415,28 +1415,6 @@
         return [parent for parent in self._cache[version_id][4] 
                 if parent in self._cache]
-    def get_build_chain(self, version_id):
-        """Get the chain that we need to get a fulltext for this version.
-        :return: [(version_id, start, size)] needed to extract this text.
-        """
-        cursor = version_id
-        chain = []
-        while cursor is not None:
-            v_id, options, pos, size, parents, idx = self._cache[cursor]
-            chain.append((v_id, pos, size))
-            if 'fulltext' in options:
-                cursor = None
-            elif 'line-delta' not in options:
-                raise errors.KnitIndexUnknownMethod(self._full_path(), options)
-            else:
-                # Line-delta is based on the first present parent
-                # Do we have to handle missing the primary parent?
-                cursor = parents[0]
-        # Put the fulltext first
-        chain.reverse()
-        return chain
     def get_parents_with_ghosts(self, version_id):
         """Return parents of specified version with ghosts."""
         return self._cache[version_id][4] 
@@ -1844,8 +1822,14 @@
         return df, rec
     def _parse_record(self, version_id, data):
+        # profiling notes:
+        # 4168 calls in 2880 217 internal
+        # 4168 calls to _parse_record_header in 2121
+        # 4168 calls to readlines in 330
+        df = GzipFile(mode='rb', fileobj=StringIO(data))
-            record_contents = _extract_lines_from_gzip(data)
+            record_contents = df.readlines()
         except Exception, e:
             raise KnitCorrupt(self._filename,
                               "While reading {%s} got %s(%s)"
@@ -1864,6 +1848,7 @@
             raise KnitCorrupt(self._filename,
                               'unexpected version end line %r, wanted %r' 
                               % (last_line, version_id))
+        df.close()
         return record_contents, rec[3]
     def read_records_iter_raw(self, records):
@@ -2326,14 +2311,12 @@
     from bzrlib._knit_helpers_c import (
         _load_data_c as _load_data,
-        _extract_lines_from_gzip_c as _extract_lines_from_gzip,
         _extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip_c as _extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip,
         _extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip_c as _extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip,
 except ImportError:
     from bzrlib._knit_helpers_py import (
         _load_data_py as _load_data,
-        _extract_lines_from_gzip_py as _extract_lines_from_gzip,
         _extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip_py as _extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip,
         _extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip_py as _extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip,

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-08-02 21:55:05 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-08-02 23:32:53 +0000
@@ -43,58 +43,6 @@
     return sio.getvalue()
-class TestExtractLines(tests.TestCase):
-    """We should be able to extract the lines from a gzip stream."""
-    def get_extract_lines_from_gzip(self):
-        """Get an implementation of extract lines.
-        Child classes can override this to provide custom implementations.
-        """
-        return _knit_helpers_py._extract_lines_from_gzip_py
-    def test_get_lines(self):
-        gz_value = gzip_compress('a\nbunch\nof\nlines\n')
-        extract_lines = self.get_extract_lines_from_gzip()
-        value = extract_lines(gz_value)
-        self.assertEqual(['a\n', 'bunch\n', 'of\n', 'lines\n'],
-                         value)
-    def test_with_carriage_return(self):
-        """make sure it works correctly if '\\r' is in the stream"""
-        gz_value = gzip_compress('some\rtext\rwith\ncarriage return\n')
-        extract_lines = self.get_extract_lines_from_gzip()
-        value = extract_lines(gz_value)
-        self.assertEqual(['some\rtext\rwith\n', 'carriage return\n'],
-                         value)
-    def test_large_buffer(self):
-        """A really long buffer, to watch out for mem errors."""
-        # A buffer of 256 characters
-        chars = [chr(x) for x in xrange(256) if x != 10]
-        chars.append('\n')
-        chars = ''.join(chars)
-        out = []
-        # Compress 10MB of data
-        for i in xrange(10240):
-            out.append(chars)
-        gz_value = gzip_compress(''.join(out))
-        extract_lines = self.get_extract_lines_from_gzip()
-        value = extract_lines(gz_value)
-        # Don't use assertEqual because we don't want to spew 10MB of data to
-        # the screen
-        if value != out:
-  'Decompressing a 10MB buffer failed.')
-class TestExtractLinesCompiled(TestExtractLines):
-    _test_needs_features = [CompiledKnitFeature]
-    def get_extract_lines_from_gzip(self):
-        return _knit_helpers_c._extract_lines_from_gzip_c
 class TestExtractKnitFulltextFromGzip(tests.TestCase):
     """Test implementations of _extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip.
@@ -281,12 +229,24 @@
             from bzrlib import _knit_helpers_py
             self.assertIs(_knit_helpers_py._load_data_py, knit._load_data)
-    def test_extract_lines_from_gzip(self):
-        if CompiledKnitFeature.available():
-            from bzrlib import _knit_helpers_c
-            self.assertIs(_knit_helpers_c._extract_lines_from_gzip_c,
-                          knit._extract_lines_from_gzip)
-        else:
-            from bzrlib import _knit_helpers_py
-            self.assertIs(_knit_helpers_py._extract_lines_from_gzip_py,
-                          knit._extract_lines_from_gzip)
+    def test_extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip(self):
+        if CompiledKnitFeature.available():
+            from bzrlib import _knit_helpers_c
+            self.assertIs(_knit_helpers_c._extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip_c,
+                          knit._extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip)
+        else:
+            from bzrlib import _knit_helpers_py
+            self.assertIs(_knit_helpers_py._extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip_py,
+                          knit._extract_knit_fulltext_from_gzip)
+    def test_extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip(self):
+        if CompiledKnitFeature.available():
+            from bzrlib import _knit_helpers_c
+            self.assertIs(
+                _knit_helpers_c._extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip_c,
+                knit._extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip)
+        else:
+            from bzrlib import _knit_helpers_py
+            self.assertIs(
+                _knit_helpers_py._extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip_py,
+                knit._extract_knit_linedelta_from_gzip)

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