Rev 2433: Add Smart{Client, Server}RequestProtocolTwo, that prefix args tuples with a version marker. in

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Tue Apr 24 06:12:27 BST 2007


revno: 2433
revision-id: andrew.bennetts at
parent: pqm at
committer: Andrew Bennetts <andrew.bennetts at>
branch nick: hpss-protocol2
timestamp: Tue 2007-04-24 15:11:06 +1000
  Add Smart{Client,Server}RequestProtocolTwo, that prefix args tuples with a version marker.
=== modified file 'bzrlib/smart/'
--- a/bzrlib/smart/	2007-04-10 14:12:35 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/smart/	2007-04-24 05:11:06 +0000
@@ -135,12 +135,19 @@
         """Send a smart server response down the output stream."""
         assert not self._finished, 'response already sent'
         self._finished = True
+        self._write_protocol_version()
         if body is not None:
             assert isinstance(body, str), 'body must be a str'
             bytes = self._encode_bulk_data(body)
+    def _write_protocol_version(self):
+        """Write any prefixes this protocol requires.
+        Version one doesn't send protocol versions.
+        """
     def next_read_size(self):
         if self._finished:
             return 0
@@ -150,6 +157,20 @@
             return self._body_decoder.next_read_size()
+class SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(SmartServerRequestProtocolOne):
+    r"""Version two of the server side of the smart protocol.
+    This prefixes responses with the protocol version: "2\x01".
+    """
+    def _write_protocol_version(self):
+        r"""Write any prefixes this protocol requires.
+        Version two sends "2\x01".
+        """
+        self._write_func('2\x01')
 class LengthPrefixedBodyDecoder(object):
     """Decodes the length-prefixed bulk data."""
@@ -254,8 +275,7 @@
         self._body_buffer = None
     def call(self, *args):
-        bytes = _encode_tuple(args)
-        self._request.accept_bytes(bytes)
+        self._write_args(args)
     def call_with_body_bytes(self, args, body):
@@ -263,8 +283,7 @@
         After calling this, call read_response_tuple to find the result out.
-        bytes = _encode_tuple(args)
-        self._request.accept_bytes(bytes)
+        self._write_args(args)
         bytes = self._encode_bulk_data(body)
@@ -275,8 +294,7 @@
         The body is encoded with one line per readv offset pair. The numbers in
         each pair are separated by a comma, and no trailing \n is emitted.
-        bytes = _encode_tuple(args)
-        self._request.accept_bytes(bytes)
+        self._write_args(args)
         readv_bytes = self._serialise_offsets(body)
         bytes = self._encode_bulk_data(readv_bytes)
@@ -336,8 +354,45 @@
         resp = self.read_response_tuple()
         if resp == ('ok', '1'):
             return 1
+        elif resp == ('ok', '2'):
+            return 2
             raise errors.SmartProtocolError("bad response %r" % (resp,))
+    def _write_args(self, args):
+        self._write_protocol_version()
+        bytes = _encode_tuple(args)
+        self._request.accept_bytes(bytes)
+    def _write_protocol_version(self):
+        """Write any prefixes this protocol requires.
+        Version one doesn't send protocol versions.
+        """
+class SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(SmartClientRequestProtocolOne):
+    r"""Version two of the client side of the smart protocol.
+    This prefixes the request with the protocol version: "2\x01".
+    """
+    _version_string = '2\x01'
+    def read_response_tuple(self, expect_body=False):
+        """Read a response tuple from the wire.
+        This should only be called once.
+        """
+        version = self._request.read_bytes(2)
+        if version != SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo._version_string:
+            raise errors.SmartProtocolError('bad protocol marker %r' % version)
+        return SmartClientRequestProtocolOne.read_response_tuple(self, expect_body)
+    def _write_protocol_version(self):
+        r"""Write any prefixes this protocol requires.
+        Version two sends "2\x01".
+        """
+        self._request.accept_bytes(SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo._version_string)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/smart/'
--- a/bzrlib/smart/	2007-04-11 02:01:18 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/smart/	2007-04-24 05:11:06 +0000
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
     """Answer a version request with my version."""
     def do(self):
-        return SmartServerResponse(('ok', '1'))
+        return SmartServerResponse(('ok', '2'))
 class GetBundleRequest(SmartServerRequest):

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/'
--- a/bzrlib/tests/	2007-04-16 18:08:53 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/	2007-04-24 05:11:06 +0000
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
         smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolOne(transport,
-        self.assertEqual('ok\0011\n',
+        self.assertEqual('ok\0012\n',
     def test_response_to_canned_get(self):
@@ -992,12 +992,15 @@
 class SmartServerCommandTests(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
     """Tests that call directly into the command objects, bypassing the network
     and the request dispatching.
+    Note: these tests are rudimentary versions of the command object tests in
     def test_hello(self):
         cmd = request.HelloRequest(None)
         response = cmd.execute()
-        self.assertEqual(('ok', '1'), response.args)
+        self.assertEqual(('ok', '2'), response.args)
         self.assertEqual(None, response.body)
     def test_get_bundle(self):
@@ -1032,7 +1035,7 @@
     def test_hello(self):
         handler = self.build_handler(None)
         handler.dispatch_command('hello', ())
-        self.assertEqual(('ok', '1'), handler.response.args)
+        self.assertEqual(('ok', '2'), handler.response.args)
         self.assertEqual(None, handler.response.body)
     def test_disable_vfs_handler_classes_via_environment(self):
@@ -1157,7 +1160,7 @@
         self._write_output_list = write_output_list
-class TestSmartProtocol(tests.TestCase):
+class TestSmartProtocolOne(tests.TestCase):
     """Tests for the smart protocol.
     Each test case gets a smart_server and smart_client created during setUp().
@@ -1171,7 +1174,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
-        super(TestSmartProtocol, self).setUp()
+        super(TestSmartProtocolOne, self).setUp()
         # XXX: self.server_to_client doesn't seem to be used.  If so,
         # InstrumentedServerProtocol is redundant too.
         self.server_to_client = []
@@ -1292,7 +1295,7 @@
         smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolOne(
             None, out_stream.write)
-        self.assertEqual("ok\x011\n", out_stream.getvalue())
+        self.assertEqual("ok\x012\n", out_stream.getvalue())
         self.assertEqual("hello\n", smart_protocol.excess_buffer)
         self.assertEqual("", smart_protocol.in_buffer)
@@ -1311,7 +1314,7 @@
         smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolOne(
             None, out_stream.write)
-        self.assertEqual("ok\x011\n", out_stream.getvalue())
+        self.assertEqual("ok\x012\n", out_stream.getvalue())
         self.assertEqual("hel", smart_protocol.excess_buffer)
@@ -1335,12 +1338,12 @@
         # accept_bytes(tuple_based_encoding_of_hello) and reads and parses the
         # response of tuple-encoded (ok, 1).  Also, seperately we should test
         # the error if the response is a non-understood version.
-        input = StringIO('ok\x011\n')
+        input = StringIO('ok\x012\n')
         output = StringIO()
         client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
         request = client_medium.get_request()
         smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolOne(request)
-        self.assertEqual(1, smart_protocol.query_version())
+        self.assertEqual(2, smart_protocol.query_version())
     def assertServerToClientEncoding(self, expected_bytes, expected_tuple,
@@ -1452,6 +1455,304 @@
             errors.ReadingCompleted, smart_protocol.read_body_bytes)
+class TestSmartProtocolTwo(tests.TestCase):
+    """Tests for the smart protocol version two.
+    Each test case gets a smart_server and smart_client created during setUp().
+    It is planned that the client can be called with self.call_client() giving
+    it an expected server response, which will be fed into it when it tries to
+    read. Likewise, self.call_server will call a servers method with a canned
+    serialised client request. Output done by the client or server for these
+    calls will be captured to self.to_server and self.to_client. Each element
+    in the list is a write call from the client or server respectively.
+    This test case is mostly the same as TestSmartProtocolOne.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestSmartProtocolTwo, self).setUp()
+        # XXX: self.server_to_client doesn't seem to be used.  If so,
+        # InstrumentedServerProtocol is redundant too.
+        self.server_to_client = []
+        self.to_server = StringIO()
+        self.to_client = StringIO()
+        self.client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(self.to_client,
+            self.to_server)
+        self.client_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(
+            self.client_medium)
+        self.smart_server = InstrumentedServerProtocol(self.server_to_client)
+        self.smart_server_request = request.SmartServerRequestHandler(
+            None, request.request_handlers)
+    def assertOffsetSerialisation(self, expected_offsets, expected_serialised,
+        client):
+        """Check that smart (de)serialises offsets as expected.
+        We check both serialisation and deserialisation at the same time
+        to ensure that the round tripping cannot skew: both directions should
+        be as expected.
+        :param expected_offsets: a readv offset list.
+        :param expected_seralised: an expected serial form of the offsets.
+        """
+        # XXX: '_deserialise_offsets' should be a method of the
+        # SmartServerRequestProtocol in future.
+        readv_cmd = vfs.ReadvRequest(None)
+        offsets = readv_cmd._deserialise_offsets(expected_serialised)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_offsets, offsets)
+        serialised = client._serialise_offsets(offsets)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_serialised, serialised)
+    def build_protocol_waiting_for_body(self):
+        out_stream = StringIO()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(None,
+                out_stream.write)
+        smart_protocol.has_dispatched = True
+        smart_protocol.request = self.smart_server_request
+        class FakeCommand(object):
+            def do_body(cmd, body_bytes):
+                self.end_received = True
+                self.assertEqual('abcdefg', body_bytes)
+                return request.SmartServerResponse(('ok', ))
+        smart_protocol.request._command = FakeCommand()
+        # Call accept_bytes to make sure that internal state like _body_decoder
+        # is initialised.  This test should probably be given a clearer
+        # interface to work with that will not cause this inconsistency.
+        #   -- Andrew Bennetts, 2006-09-28
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('')
+        return smart_protocol
+    def test_construct_version_two_server_protocol(self):
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(None, None)
+        self.assertEqual('', smart_protocol.excess_buffer)
+        self.assertEqual('', smart_protocol.in_buffer)
+        self.assertFalse(smart_protocol.has_dispatched)
+        self.assertEqual(1, smart_protocol.next_read_size())
+    def test_construct_version_two_client_protocol(self):
+        # we can construct a client protocol from a client medium request
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(None, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        client_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+    def test_server_offset_serialisation(self):
+        """The Smart protocol serialises offsets as a comma and \n string.
+        We check a number of boundary cases are as expected: empty, one offset,
+        one with the order of reads not increasing (an out of order read), and
+        one that should coalesce.
+        """
+        self.assertOffsetSerialisation([], '', self.client_protocol)
+        self.assertOffsetSerialisation([(1,2)], '1,2', self.client_protocol)
+        self.assertOffsetSerialisation([(10,40), (0,5)], '10,40\n0,5',
+            self.client_protocol)
+        self.assertOffsetSerialisation([(1,2), (3,4), (100, 200)],
+            '1,2\n3,4\n100,200', self.client_protocol)
+    def test_accept_bytes_of_bad_request_to_protocol(self):
+        out_stream = StringIO()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(
+            None, out_stream.write)
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('abc')
+        self.assertEqual('abc', smart_protocol.in_buffer)
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('\n')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "2\x01error\x01Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request 'abc'\n",
+            out_stream.getvalue())
+        self.assertTrue(smart_protocol.has_dispatched)
+        self.assertEqual(0, smart_protocol.next_read_size())
+    def test_accept_body_bytes_to_protocol(self):
+        protocol = self.build_protocol_waiting_for_body()
+        self.assertEqual(6, protocol.next_read_size())
+        protocol.accept_bytes('7\nabc')
+        self.assertEqual(9, protocol.next_read_size())
+        protocol.accept_bytes('defgd')
+        protocol.accept_bytes('one\n')
+        self.assertEqual(0, protocol.next_read_size())
+        self.assertTrue(self.end_received)
+    def test_accept_request_and_body_all_at_once(self):
+        self._captureVar('BZR_NO_SMART_VFS', None)
+        mem_transport = memory.MemoryTransport()
+        mem_transport.put_bytes('foo', 'abcdefghij')
+        out_stream = StringIO()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(mem_transport,
+                out_stream.write)
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('readv\x01foo\n3\n3,3done\n')
+        self.assertEqual(0, smart_protocol.next_read_size())
+        self.assertEqual('2\x01readv\n3\ndefdone\n', out_stream.getvalue())
+        self.assertEqual('', smart_protocol.excess_buffer)
+        self.assertEqual('', smart_protocol.in_buffer)
+    def test_accept_excess_bytes_are_preserved(self):
+        out_stream = StringIO()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(
+            None, out_stream.write)
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('hello\nhello\n')
+        self.assertEqual("2\x01ok\x012\n", out_stream.getvalue())
+        self.assertEqual("hello\n", smart_protocol.excess_buffer)
+        self.assertEqual("", smart_protocol.in_buffer)
+    def test_accept_excess_bytes_after_body(self):
+        # The excess bytes look like the start of another request.
+        protocol = self.build_protocol_waiting_for_body()
+        protocol.accept_bytes('7\nabcdefgdone\n2\x01')
+        self.assertTrue(self.end_received)
+        self.assertEqual("2\x01", protocol.excess_buffer)
+        self.assertEqual("", protocol.in_buffer)
+        protocol.accept_bytes('Y')
+        self.assertEqual("2\x01Y", protocol.excess_buffer)
+        self.assertEqual("", protocol.in_buffer)
+    def test_accept_excess_bytes_after_dispatch(self):
+        out_stream = StringIO()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(
+            None, out_stream.write)
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('hello\n')
+        self.assertEqual("2\x01ok\x012\n", out_stream.getvalue())
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('2\x01hel')
+        self.assertEqual("2\x01hel", smart_protocol.excess_buffer)
+        smart_protocol.accept_bytes('lo\n')
+        self.assertEqual("2\x01hello\n", smart_protocol.excess_buffer)
+        self.assertEqual("", smart_protocol.in_buffer)
+    def test__send_response_sets_finished_reading(self):
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(
+            None, lambda x: None)
+        self.assertEqual(1, smart_protocol.next_read_size())
+        smart_protocol._send_response(('x',))
+        self.assertEqual(0, smart_protocol.next_read_size())
+    def test_query_version(self):
+        """query_version on a SmartClientProtocolTwo should return a number.
+        The protocol provides the query_version because the domain level clients
+        may all need to be able to probe for capabilities.
+        """
+        # What we really want to test here is that SmartClientProtocolTwo calls
+        # accept_bytes(tuple_based_encoding_of_hello) and reads and parses the
+        # response of tuple-encoded (ok, 1).  Also, seperately we should test
+        # the error if the response is a non-understood version.
+        input = StringIO('2\x01ok\x012\n')
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+        self.assertEqual(2, smart_protocol.query_version())
+    def assertServerToClientEncoding(self, expected_bytes, expected_tuple,
+            input_tuples):
+        """Assert that each input_tuple serialises as expected_bytes, and the
+        bytes deserialise as expected_tuple.
+        """
+        # check the encoding of the server for all input_tuples matches
+        # expected bytes
+        for input_tuple in input_tuples:
+            server_output = StringIO()
+            server_protocol = protocol.SmartServerRequestProtocolTwo(
+                None, server_output.write)
+            server_protocol._send_response(input_tuple)
+            self.assertEqual(expected_bytes, server_output.getvalue())
+        # check the decoding of the client smart_protocol from expected_bytes:
+        input = StringIO(expected_bytes)
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_tuple, smart_protocol.read_response_tuple())
+    def test_client_call_empty_response(self):
+        # can get back an empty tuple as a response. This occurs
+        # when the parsed line is an empty line, and results in a tuple with
+        # one element - an empty string.
+        self.assertServerToClientEncoding('2\x01\n', ('', ), [(), ('', )])
+    def untest_client_call_three_element_response(self):
+        # can get back tuples of other lengths. A three element
+        # tuple should be unpacked as three strings.
+        self.assertServerToClientEncoding('2\x01a\x01b\x0134\n', ('a', 'b', '34'),
+            [('a', 'b', '34')])
+    def test_client_call_with_body_bytes_uploads(self):
+        # protocol.call_with_body_bytes should length-prefix the bytes onto the
+        # wire.
+        expected_bytes = "2\x01foo\n7\nabcdefgdone\n"
+        input = StringIO("\n")
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+        smart_protocol.call_with_body_bytes(('foo', ), "abcdefg")
+        self.assertEqual(expected_bytes, output.getvalue())
+    def test_client_call_with_body_readv_array(self):
+        # protocol.call_with_upload should encode the readv array and then
+        # length-prefix the bytes onto the wire.
+        expected_bytes = "2\x01foo\n7\n1,2\n5,6done\n"
+        input = StringIO("\n")
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+        smart_protocol.call_with_body_readv_array(('foo', ), [(1,2),(5,6)])
+        self.assertEqual(expected_bytes, output.getvalue())
+    def test_client_read_body_bytes_all(self):
+        # read_body_bytes should decode the body bytes from the wire into
+        # a response.
+        expected_bytes = "1234567"
+        server_bytes = "2\x01ok\n7\n1234567done\n"
+        input = StringIO(server_bytes)
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+        smart_protocol.read_response_tuple(True)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_bytes, smart_protocol.read_body_bytes())
+    def test_client_read_body_bytes_incremental(self):
+        # test reading a few bytes at a time from the body
+        # XXX: possibly we should test dribbling the bytes into the stringio
+        # to make the state machine work harder: however, as we use the
+        # LengthPrefixedBodyDecoder that is already well tested - we can skip
+        # that.
+        expected_bytes = "1234567"
+        server_bytes = "2\x01ok\n7\n1234567done\n"
+        input = StringIO(server_bytes)
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+        smart_protocol.read_response_tuple(True)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_bytes[0:2], smart_protocol.read_body_bytes(2))
+        self.assertEqual(expected_bytes[2:4], smart_protocol.read_body_bytes(2))
+        self.assertEqual(expected_bytes[4:6], smart_protocol.read_body_bytes(2))
+        self.assertEqual(expected_bytes[6], smart_protocol.read_body_bytes())
+    def test_client_cancel_read_body_does_not_eat_body_bytes(self):
+        # cancelling the expected body needs to finish the request, but not
+        # read any more bytes.
+        expected_bytes = "1234567"
+        server_bytes = "2\x01ok\n7\n1234567done\n"
+        input = StringIO(server_bytes)
+        output = StringIO()
+        client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)
+        request = client_medium.get_request()
+        smart_protocol = protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo(request)
+        smart_protocol.read_response_tuple(True)
+        smart_protocol.cancel_read_body()
+        self.assertEqual(5, input.tell())
+        self.assertRaises(
+            errors.ReadingCompleted, smart_protocol.read_body_bytes)
 class TestSmartClientUnicode(tests.TestCase):
     """_SmartClient tests for unicode arguments.
@@ -1611,7 +1912,7 @@
         post_body = 'hello\n'
-        expected_reply_body = 'ok\x011\n'
+        expected_reply_body = 'ok\x012\n'
         http_transport = get_transport(http_server.get_url())
         medium = http_transport.get_smart_medium()
@@ -1632,7 +1933,7 @@
         self.transport_readonly_server = HTTPServerWithSmarts
         post_body = 'hello\n'
-        expected_reply_body = 'ok\x011\n'
+        expected_reply_body = 'ok\x012\n'
         smart_server_url = self.get_readonly_url('.bzr/smart')
         reply = urllib2.urlopen(smart_server_url, post_body).read()
@@ -1658,7 +1959,7 @@
         response = socket.writefile.getvalue()
         self.assertStartsWith(response, 'HTTP/1.0 200 ')
         # This includes the end of the HTTP headers, and all the body.
-        expected_end_of_response = '\r\n\r\nok\x011\n'
+        expected_end_of_response = '\r\n\r\nok\x012\n'
         self.assertEndsWith(response, expected_end_of_response)

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