Rev 2: Basic client-server graph mockup working. in file:///home/robertc/source/baz/plugins/netsim/trunk/

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Apr 3 09:12:31 BST 2007

At file:///home/robertc/source/baz/plugins/netsim/trunk/

revno: 2
revision-id: robertc at
parent: robertc at
committer: Robert Collins <robertc at>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2007-04-03 18:12:30 +1000
  Basic client-server graph mockup working.
  NEWS                           news-20070401222807-st2hllnh0o1674h2-2           
=== modified file 'NEWS'
--- a/NEWS	2007-04-01 22:29:20 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	2007-04-03 08:12:30 +0000
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
+    * Get a mockup of client-server graph missing logic working.

=== modified file ''
--- a/	2007-04-01 22:29:20 +0000
+++ b/	2007-04-03 08:12:30 +0000
@@ -15,17 +15,94 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
-from bzrlib.graph import GraphDelta
+from bzrlib.graph import Graph, GraphDelta, NthNodeSelector
 from bzrlib.revision import NULL_REVISION
 """Missing revision algorithms."""
-def server_step(wanted_heads=[], repository=None):
-    """Step through the server portion of missing node selection."""
+def determine_diff_urls(cu, su):
+    import bzrlib.branch
+    cb =
+    sb =
+    cb.lock_read()
+    cg = cb.repository.get_revision_graph(cb.last_revision()) # limited to the branch graph
+    # for testing of the algorithm; should not limit to use shared repository facilities.
+    result = server_step(wanted_heads=[sb.last_revision()], repository=sb.repository)
+    results = [result]
+    iteration = 0
+    send_length=len(sb.last_revision())
+    while result[0] != 'missing':
+        got_length = len(''.join(result[1].heads)) + len(''.join(result[1].cut_from)) + len(''.join(result[2].heads)) + len(''.join(result[2].cut_from)) + len(''.join(result[3]))
+        print iteration, 'sent=', send_length, 'recieved=', got_length
+        iteration += 1
+        present = [cg.__contains__(node) for node in result[3]]
+        send_length=got_length - len(''.join(result[3])) + (len(result[3])+1)/8 + len(sb.last_revision())
+        result = server_step(wanted_heads=[sb.last_revision()], repository=sb.repository,
+            remove_present_delta=result[1], absent_delta=result[2], present=present)
+        results.append(result)
+    got_length = len(''.join(result[1].heads)) + len(''.join(result[1].cut_from))
+    print iteration, 'sent=', send_length, 'recieved=', got_length
+    cb.unlock()
+    return result, results
+def server_step(wanted_heads=[], repository=None, limit=300, remove_present_delta=None, absent_delta=None, present=None):
+    """Step through the server portion of missing node selection.
+    :param wanted_heads: The heads of the graph the client is interested in.
+        e.g. the last_revision of the branch being pulled.
+    :param repository: The repository to get graph data from.
+    :param limit: A parameter to the NodeSelector to set the total count of
+        returned nodes.
+    :param remove_present_delta: A GraphDelta which will remove the known
+        present nodes from the full search graph.
+    :param absent_delta: A GraphDelta which will remove the known absent nodes
+        from the missing-or-unknown search graph.
+    """
+    # TODO: having proved the concept this needs a rewrite to be a single pass
+    # algorithm rather than using multiple temporary graphs.
     assert repository is not None
     for pos, head in enumerate(wanted_heads):
         if head is None:
             wanted_heads[pos] = NULL_REVISION
     full_graph = repository.get_revision_graph_with_ghosts(wanted_heads)
-    if not len(full_graph.get_ancestors()):
-        return 'missing', GraphDelta()
+    if remove_present_delta:
+        assert absent_delta
+        assert present
+        missing_or_unknown_graph = remove_present_delta.apply_to(full_graph)
+        unknown_graph = absent_delta.apply_to(missing_or_unknown_graph)
+        # inferral:
+        last_nodes = zip(NthNodeSelector(limit).select(unknown_graph), present)
+        # now we have recreated the prior state we can apply new deltas 
+        # to reduce the graphs
+        # firstly, remove more known-present nodes by making a delta.
+        present_nodes = [node[0] for node in last_nodes if node[1]]
+        new_remove_present_delta = GraphDelta()
+        new_remove_present_delta.cut_from = set(present_nodes)
+        # apply this to both the missing_or_unknown_graph and unknown_graph
+        # graphs
+        missing_or_unknown_graph = \
+            new_remove_present_delta.apply_to(missing_or_unknown_graph)
+        unknown_graph = new_remove_present_delta.apply_to(unknown_graph)
+        # now remove nodes from the unknown graph which are marked absent
+        absent_nodes = [node[0] for node in last_nodes if not node[1]]
+        # mutate in place behind the scenes, as the delta interface isn't
+        # able to pithily describe this operation yet.
+        pending = set(absent_nodes)
+        done = set()
+        while pending:
+            node = pending.pop()
+            done.add(node)
+            descendants = unknown_graph.get_descendants().pop(node)
+            unknown_graph._graph_ancestors.pop(node)
+            pending.update(set(descendants).difference(done))
+    else:
+        missing_or_unknown_graph = full_graph
+        unknown_graph = full_graph
+    if not len(unknown_graph.get_ancestors()):
+        # with no unknowns, missing_or_unknown_graph == missing_graph.
+        return 'missing', missing_or_unknown_graph.changes_from(full_graph)
+    nodes = NthNodeSelector(limit).select(unknown_graph)
+    missing_unknown_delta = missing_or_unknown_graph.changes_from(full_graph)
+    unknown_delta = unknown_graph.changes_from(missing_or_unknown_graph)
+    return 'unknown', missing_unknown_delta, unknown_delta, nodes

=== modified file 'tests/'
--- a/tests/	2007-04-01 22:29:20 +0000
+++ b/tests/	2007-04-03 08:12:30 +0000
@@ -31,6 +31,42 @@
         # client has nothing to send except the branch tip
         result = server_step(wanted_heads=[server_tree.last_revision()],
-        # and the process should be finished now
+        # and the process should be finished now - everything is missing
         expected_result = ('missing', GraphDelta())
         self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+    def test_graph_size_under_selection_count(self):
+        # the entire graph should be returned for the first lookup.
+        server_tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('server')
+        rev1id = server_tree.commit('first post')
+        # client has nothing to send except the branch tip
+        result = server_step(wanted_heads=[server_tree.last_revision()],
+            repository=server_tree.branch.repository, limit=1)
+        # we should get back an unknown result
+        # with remove_present_delta of nothing, and absent delta of nothing
+        remove_present_delta = GraphDelta()
+        absent_delta = GraphDelta()
+        expected_selection = [rev1id]
+        expected_result = ('unknown', remove_present_delta, absent_delta,
+            expected_selection)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+        # now we send back our lookup result: Lets claim that we have rev1id
+        new_result = server_step(wanted_heads=[server_tree.last_revision()],
+            repository=server_tree.branch.repository,
+            limit=1, remove_present_delta=result[1], absent_delta=result[2],
+            present=[True])
+        # we should get back a final result with a selected empty graph
+        missing_delta = GraphDelta()
+        missing_delta.cut_from = set([rev1id])
+        expected_result = ('missing', missing_delta)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, new_result)
+        # alternatively, we could claim that we dont have rev1id, meaning
+        # we dont have anything.
+        new_result = server_step(wanted_heads=[server_tree.last_revision()],
+            repository=server_tree.branch.repository,
+            limit=1, remove_present_delta=result[1], absent_delta=result[2],
+            present=[False])
+        # we should get back a final result which includes the whole graph
+        missing_delta = GraphDelta()
+        expected_result = ('missing', missing_delta)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, new_result)

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