[ANN] QBzr 0.21.2 released

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Dec 7 16:44:42 UTC 2011

On behalf of QBzr developers I'd like to announce maintenance release
of QBzr 0.21.2. QBzr 0.21 series is companion to bzr 2.4 series.
Many thanks to all who sent patches.

Maintenance release.

  * qbrowse:
    * Does not crash anymore when called for shared repository.
      (André Bachmann, Alexander Belchenko, Bug #578935)
  * qconfig:
    * Fixed Set Default button in Merge tab. (Gordon Tyler, Bug #820635)
  * qdiff:
    * Fixed ignore whitespace changes code.
      (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #827391)
  * qlog:
    * Show context menu properly after re-load of branch(es).
      (IWATA Hidetaka, Bug #744904)
  * qrun:
    * Command-line arguments with spaces properly quoted.
      (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #824381)
  * qunshelve:
    * Disable OK button while executing unshelve. (IWATA Hidetaka, Bug 
    * Avoid NoSuchFile error when working tree has added and removed file.
      (IWATA Hidetaka, Bug #842842)
  * Updated translations.


All the dude wanted was his rug back

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