bzr-1.13rc1 released!

Bob Tanner tanner at
Tue Mar 10 07:34:14 GMT 2009

On behalf of the Bazaar team I'm happy to announce availability of the  
first release candidate for bzr 1.13.

This release includes bug fixes and a few performance and feature  
improvements. GNU Changelog output can now be produced by ``bzr log -- 
format gnu-changelog``. Debug flags can now be set in ``~/.bazaar/ 
bazaar.conf``. Lightweight Checkouts and Stacked Branches should both  
be much faster over remote connections.

Thanks to everyone who contributed patches, suggestions, and feedback.

bzr-1.13rc1 is now available for download from 
  as a source tarball; packages for various systems will be available  

bzr 1.13rc1 "paraskavedekatriaphobia" 2009-03-06


     * ``bzr log --line`` now indicates which revisions are merges with
       `[merge]` after the date.  Scripts which parse the output of this
       command may need to be adjusted.
       (Neil Martinsen-Burrell)


     * ``bzr reconfigure`` now supports --with-trees and --with-no-trees
       options to change the default tree-creation policy of shared
       repositories.  (Matthew Fuller, Marius Kruger, #145033)

     * Debug flags can now be set in ``~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf``.
       (Martin Pool)

     * Filtered views provide a mask over the tree so that users can  
       on a subset of a tree when doing their work. See ``Filtered  
       in chapter 7 of the User Guide and ``bzr help view`` for details.
       (Ian Clatworthy)

     * GNU Changelog output can now be produced by ``bzr log --format
       gnu-changelog``.  (Andrea Bolognani, Martin Pool)

     * The ``-Dmemory`` flag now gives memory information on Windows.
       (John Arbash Meinel)

     * Multiple authors for a commit can now be recorded by using the  
       option multiple times. (James Westby, #185772)

     * New command ``bzr launchpad-open`` opens a Launchpad web page  
for that
       branch in your web browser, as long as the branch is on  
Launchpad at all.
       (Jonathan Lange)


     * ``bzr add`` no longer prints ``add completed`` on success.  
       still prints an error message. (Robert Collins)

     * ``bzr branch`` now has a ``--no-tree`` option which turns off the
       generation of a working tree in the new branch.
       (Daniel Watkins, John Klinger, #273993)

     * Bazaar will now point out ``bzr+ssh://`` to the user when they
       use ssh://. (Jelmer Vernooij, #330535)

     * ``bzr -v info`` now omits the number of committers branch  
       making it many times faster for large projects. To include that
       statistic in the output, use ``bzr -vv info``.
       (Ian Clatworthy)

     * ``bzr push`` to a ``bzr`` url (``bzr://``, ``bzr+ssh://`` etc)  
       stream if the server is version 1.13 or greater, reducing  
       significantly. (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

     * Lightweight Checkouts and Stacked Branches should both be much
       faster over remote connections. Building the working tree now
       batches up requests into approx 5MB requests, rather than a  
       request for each file. (John Arbash Meinel)

     * Support for GSSAPI authentication when using HTTP or HTTPS.
       (Jelmer Vernooij)

     * The ``bzr shelve`` prompt now includes a '?' help option to  
explain the
       short options better. (Daniel Watkins, #327429)

     * ``bzr lp-open`` now falls back to the push location if it  
cannot find a
       public location. (Jonathan Lange, #332372)

     * ``bzr lp-open`` will try to find the Launchpad URL for the  
       passed on the command line. This makes ``bzr lp-open lp:foo``  
work as
       expected. (Jonathan Lange, #332705)

     * ``bzr send`` now supports MH-E via ``emacsclient``. (Eric  


     * ``bzr missing`` now uses ``Repository.get_revision_delta()``  
       than fetching trees and determining a delta itself. (Jelmer
       Vernooij, #315048)

     * ``bzr push`` to a smart server no longer causes "Revision
       {set([('null:',)])} not present ..." errors when the branch has
       multiple root revisions. (Andrew Bennetts, #317654)

     * ``bzr shelve`` now properly handle patches with no terminating  
       (Benoît PIERRE, #303569)

     * ``bzr unshelve`` gives a more palatable error if passed a non- 
       shelf id. (Daniel Watkins)

     * Export now handles files that are not present in the tree.
       (James Westby, #174539)

     * Fixed "sprout() got an unexpected keyword argument  
       error branching from old repositories.
       (Martin Pool, #321695)

     * Many Branch hooks would not fire with ``bzr://`` and ``bzr 
       branches, and this was not noticed due to a bug in the test logic
       for branches. This is now fixed and a test added to prevent it
       reoccuring. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

     * Under rare circumstances (aka nobody reported a bug about it),  
the ftp
       transport could revert to ascii mode. It now stays in binary  
mode except
       when needed.
       (Vincent Ladeuil)

     * Make ``bzr push --quiet <non-local location>`` less chatty.
       (Kent Gibson, #221461)


     * Added ``Organizing your workspace`` to the User Guide appendices,
       summarizing some common ways of organizing trees, branches and
       repositories and the processes/workflows implied/enabled by each.
       (Ian Clatworthy)

     * The documentation for ``shelve`` and ``unshelve`` has been  
       (Daniel Watkins, #327421, #327425)


     * ``bzr selftest`` now fails if the bazaar sources contain trailing
       whitespace, non-unix style line endings and files not ending in a
       newline. About 372 files and 3243 lines with trailing  
whitespace was
       updated to comply with this. The code already complied with the  
       criteria, but now it is enforced. (Marius Kruger)

     * ``Branch.fetch`` and ``Repository.fetch`` now return None rather
       than a count of copied revisions and failed revisions. A while  
       we stopped ever reporting failed revisions because we started
       erroring instead, and the copied revisions count is not used in  
       UI at all - indeed it only reflects the repository status not
       changes to the branch itself. (Robert Collins)

     * MutableTree.commit now favours the "authors" argument, with the  
       "author" argument being deprecated.

     * Remove deprecated EmptyTree.  (Martin Pool)

     * ``Repository.fetch`` now accepts an optional ``fetch_spec``
       parameter.  A ``SearchResult`` or ``MiniSearchResult`` may be  
       to ``fetch_spec`` instead of a ``last_revision`` to specify  
       which revisions to fetch. (Andrew Bennetts)

     * ``RepositoryAcquisitionPolicy.acquire_repository`` now returns a
       tuple of ``(repository, is_new_flag)``, rather than just the
       repository.  (Andrew Bennetts)

     * Revision.get_apparent_author() is now deprecated, replaced by
       Revision.get_apparent_authors(), which returns a list. The former
       now returns the first item that would be returned from the  

     * The ``BranchBuilder`` test helper now accepts a ``timestamp``
       parameter to ``build_commit`` and ``build_snapshot``.  (Martin  

     * The ``_fetch_*`` attributes on ``Repository`` are now on
       ``RepositoryFormat``, more accurately reflecting their intent  
       describe a disk format capability, not state of a particular
       repository of that format). (Robert Collins)


     * Branching from a non-stacked branch on a smart protocol is now
       free of virtual file system methods.
       (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

     * Branch and Repository creation on a bzr+ssh://server are now done
       via RPC calls rather than VFS calls, reducing round trips for
       pushing new branches substantially. (Robert Collins)

     * ``Branch.clone`` now takes the ``repository_policy`` formerly  
       inside ``BzrDir.clone_on_transport``, allowing stacking to be
       configured before the branch tags and revision tip are set. This
       fixes a race condition cloning stacked branches that would cause
       plugins to have hooks called on non-stacked instances.
       (Robert Collins, #334187)

     * ``BzrDir.cloning_metadir`` now has a RPC call. (Robert Collins)

     * ``BzrDirFormat.__str__`` now uses the human readable description
       rather than the sometimes-absent disk label. (Robert Collins)

     * ``bzrlib.fetch`` is now composed of a sender and a sink component
       allowing for decoupling over a network connection. Fetching from
       or into a RemoteRepository with a 1.13 server will use this to
       stream the operation.
       (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

     * ``bzrlib.tests.run_suite`` accepts a runner_class parameter
       supporting the use of different runners. (Robert Collins)

     * New branch method ``create_clone_on_transport`` that returns a
       branch object. (Robert Collins)

     * New hook Commands['extend_command'] to allow plugins to access a
       command object before the command is run (or help generated from
       it), without overriding the command. (Robert Collins)

     * New version of the ``BzrDir.find_repository`` verb supporting
       ``_network_name`` to support removing more _ensure_real calls.
       (Robert Collins)

     * ``RemoteBranchFormat`` no longer claims to have a disk format  
       (Robert Collins)

     * ``Repository`` objects now have ``suspend_write_group`` and
       ``resume_write_group`` methods.  These are currently only useful
       with pack repositories. (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

     * ``BzrDirFormat``, ``BranchFormat`` and ``RepositoryFormat``  
       now have a ``network_name`` for passing the format across RPC  
       (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

     * ``RepositoryFormat`` objects now all have a new attribute
       ``_serializer`` used by fetch when reserialising is required.
       (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

     * Some methods have been pulled up from ``BzrBranch`` to ``Branch``
       to aid branch types that are not bzr branch objects (like
       RemoteBranch). (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

     * ``TestSkipped`` is now detected by TestCase and passed to the
       ``TestResult`` by calling ``addSkip``. For older TestResult  
       where ``addSkip`` is not available, ``addError`` is still called.
       This permits test filtering in subunit to strip out skipped tests
       resulting in a faster fix-shrink-list-run cycle. This is  
       with the testtools protocol for skips. (Robert Collins)

     * The ``_index`` of ``KnitVersionedFiles`` now supports the ability
       to scan an underlying index that is going to be incorporated into
       the ``KnitVersionedFiles`` object, to determine if it has missing
       delta references. The method is ``scan_unvalidated_index``.
       (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

     * There is a RemoteSink object which handles pushing to smart  
       (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

     * ``TransportTraceDecorator`` now logs ``put_bytes_non_atomic`` and
       ``rmdir`` calls. (Robert Collins)

     * ``VersionedFiles`` record adapters have had their signature  
       from ``(record, record.get_bytes_as(record.storage_kind))`` to
       ``(record)`` reducing excess duplication and allowing adapters
       to access private data in record to obtain content more
       efficiently. (Robert Collins)

     * We no longer probe to see if we should create a working tree  
       clone if we cannot get a local_abspath for the new bzrdir.
       (Robert Collins)

Bob Tanner <tanner at>
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