[apparmor] What are "AARE"s, exactly?

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Wed Feb 24 12:56:21 UTC 2021


Am Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2021, 11:17:01 CET schrieb TheDiveO at gmx.eu:
> The man page for apparmor.d mentions the "AARE" element in a lot of
> places, such as for specifying peers. Unfortunately, the man page (or
> its source parser/apparmor.d.pod) only says "AARE have special
> meanings; see below. May include VARIABLE". Further down, there is a
> terse "definition" in form of "?*[]{}" which I simply do not
> understand.
> Disclaimer: I've even found and read the documents in
> apparmor/documentation/*.odt, but might very well missed a crucial
> hint about AARE there.
> I can imagine that "AARE" means "AppArmor reg exp" and also found
> utils/apparmor/aare.py. Unfortunately, I'm still not clear from
> reading the Python source of aare.py about what AAREs really are and
> how they might differ from regular expressions (which ones) and if
> they include globbing or not?
> Can you please help out and explain what AAREs are from a user's
> perspective?

It seems the apparmor.d manpage lacks a mention of AARE at one place - 
the place they are explained ;-)

That place is the "Globbing" section. Have a look at it, it should help 
to understand the AARE syntax.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask - maybe the manpage needs 
more improvements ;-)


Christian Boltz
...........why use Windows, if there is a door.............
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