[apparmor] Proposal for a new AppArmor logo

Noah Davis noahadvs at gmail.com
Wed May 23 02:05:47 UTC 2018

Asymmetry isn't really part of the design, but the shadows all come
down at a 45 degree angle. The long legs fade back into the inner
shield backgrounds of the same color. The lower part of the long leg
of the cyan 'A' is actually a separate piece that blends the leg into
the shadow as if it was reaching back down below the source of the
shadow. I've changed the rate at which the color of the leg darkens to
make it appear longer and lengthened the gradient of the shadows cast
by the cyan 'A' and the leg of the white 'A'.

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:44 PM, Seth Arnold <seth.arnold at canonical.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 09:27:58PM -0400, Noah Davis wrote:
>> Whoops, I accidentally sent an older 32x32 version. I've attached the
>> 64x64 version with some slight adjustments to the size of the 'A's,
>> inner shield and height of the shadow on the leg of the white 'A'.
>> This kind of logo isn't really suitable for icon resolutions smaller
>> than 32x32, so I could make an alternative logo specifically for 22x22
>> and 16x16.
> This is really cool :) thanks!
> I think my sense of symmetry would prefer if the lower, left-side shadow
> would reach a point at the same level of the right-side inverted A,
> to match the pointy shadow at the top on the upper left side... have
> you tried more symmetry? or is the asymmetry important to the design?
> Thanks
> --
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