[apparmor] unexpected apparmor logs

apparmor at raf.org apparmor at raf.org
Mon Mar 26 12:24:07 UTC 2018

intrigeri wrote:

> Hi,
> apparmor at raf.org:
> > however, there is this rule in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.apache2:
> >   /{var/,}run/lock/apache2/mpm-accept.[0-9]* wk,
> > any idea why this rule is not being recognised?
> This does not match name="/run/lock/apache2/mpm-accept-0.22001"
> What about the broader:
>    /{var/,}run/lock/apache2/mpm-accept* wk,
> ?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> intrigeri


ah, i see it now. there's a "-" before the 0 where the rule
is expecting a ".".

so, a better rule is:

  /{var/,}run/lock/apache2/mpm-accept[.-][0-9]* wk,

to accept either a "." or "-" before the first digit.

i wonder why that rule has been fine elsewhere. e.g.
on debian8 hosts and other debian9 hosts that were
previously debian8 hosts. this is a fresh debian9
host. maybe that has something to do with it.
maybe the "-0" has been inserted where it previously
didn't appear.


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