[apparmor] [Mesa-users] About ~/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/

Vincas Dargis vindrg at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 17:53:25 UTC 2018

On 6/18/18 4:04 PM, Brian Paul wrote:
> On 06/16/2018 12:27 PM, Vincas Dargis wrote:
>> I would like to propose appropriate changes to AppArmor 
>> profiles/abstractions to fix current denied access to this cache when 
>> needed. But this implies.. naming, documenting things, and I am not 
>> sure if these changes in AppArmor should be handled as X-related, 
>> Mesa-related, Intel-related, some-specific-API-related, etc, etc.
> This is not a feature that I've personally worked on, but basically, any 
> application which uses OpenGL (Mesa) might try to use the shader cache 
> directory.  Also, some drivers might use it while others don't.  Since 
> that will probably change over time, I would not filter by GPU type.

Thank you, that was really helpful!

I will work on new "mesa" abstraction then.

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