[apparmor] [PATCH profile 1/2] dnsmasq: Adjust pattern for log files to comply SELinux

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Dec 7 22:56:58 UTC 2018


Am Freitag, 7. Dezember 2018, 11:17:10 CET schrieb Petr Vorel:
> Ping, please.

I forwarded your patches to 

Now I only need someone to press the "Approve" button so that I can 
merge it ;-)

BTW: For future patches, you can do merge requests yourself ;-)


Christian Boltz
>> Why? As long as [the bug] is not solved, somebody is working on it.
> or sleeping on it :-)
You mean like zmd? :)
[>> houghi, > jdd and Anders Norrbring in opensuse]
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