[apparmor] [PATCH] regression test: conditionaly run pivot_root domain, transitions

John Johansen john.johansen at canonical.com
Thu Sep 7 23:25:19 UTC 2017

On 09/07/2017 04:21 PM, Tyler Hicks wrote:
> On 09/07/2017 05:50 PM, John Johansen wrote:
>> On 09/07/2017 01:27 PM, Tyler Hicks wrote:
>>> On 09/06/2017 03:09 PM, John Johansen wrote:
>>>> Update the tests to test whether the kernel and parser support domain
>>>> transitions on pivot_root.
>>>> Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen at canonical.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>  tests/regression/apparmor/pivot_root.sh | 68 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
>>>>  tests/regression/apparmor/prologue.inc  | 24 ++++++++++++
>>>>  2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/tests/regression/apparmor/pivot_root.sh b/tests/regression/apparmor/pivot_root.sh
>>>> index b68f6cf..0e13a0a 100755
>>>> --- a/tests/regression/apparmor/pivot_root.sh
>>>> +++ b/tests/regression/apparmor/pivot_root.sh
>>>> @@ -155,34 +155,42 @@ do_test "bad put_old, new_root" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$test"
>>>>  genprofile $cur $cap "pivot_root:oldroot=$put_old $bad"
>>>>  do_test "put_old, bad new_root" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$test"
>>>> -# Give sufficient perms and perform a profile transition
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> -do_test "transition" pass "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +if [ "$(kernel_features_istrue namespaces/pivot_root)" != "true" ] ; then
>>>> +    echo "	kernel does not support pivot_root domain transitions skipping tests ..."
>>>> +elif [ "$(parser_supports 'pivot_root -> foo,')"  != "true" ] ; then
>>>> +    #pivot_root domain transitions not supported
>>>> +    echo "	parser does not support pivot root domain transitions skipping tests ..."
>>>> +else
>>>> +    # Give sufficient perms and perform a profile transition
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> +    do_test "transition" pass "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +
>>>> +    # Ensure failure when the the new profile can't read /proc/<PID>/attr/current
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof
>>>> +    do_test "transition, no perms" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +
>>>> +    # Ensure failure when the new profile doesn't exist
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $bad" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> +    do_test "bad transition" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +
>>>> +    # Ensure the test binary is accurately doing post pivot_root profile verification
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> +    do_test "bad transition comparison" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$test"
>>>> +
>>>> +    # Give sufficient perms with new_root and a transition
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:$new_root -> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> +    do_test "new_root, transition" pass "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +
>>>> +    # Ensure failure when the new profile doesn't exist and new_root is specified
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:$new_root -> $bad" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> +    do_test "new_root, bad transition" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +
>>>> +    # Give sufficient perms with new_root, put_old, and a transition
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:oldroot=$put_old $new_root -> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> +    do_test "put_old, new_root, transition" pass "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +
>>>> +    # Ensure failure when the new profile doesn't exist and new_root and put_old are specified
>>>> +    genprofile $cap "pivot_root:oldroot=$put_old $new_root -> $bad" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> +    do_test "put_old, new_root, bad transition" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> -# Ensure failure when the the new profile can't read /proc/<PID>/attr/current
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof
>>>> -do_test "transition, no perms" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> -
>>>> -# Ensure failure when the new profile doesn't exist
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $bad" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> -do_test "bad transition" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> -
>>>> -# Ensure the test binary is accurately doing post pivot_root profile verification
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:-> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> -do_test "bad transition comparison" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$test"
>>>> -
>>>> -# Give sufficient perms with new_root and a transition
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:$new_root -> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> -do_test "new_root, transition" pass "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> -
>>>> -# Ensure failure when the new profile doesn't exist and new_root is specified
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:$new_root -> $bad" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> -do_test "new_root, bad transition" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> -
>>>> -# Give sufficient perms with new_root, put_old, and a transition
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:oldroot=$put_old $new_root -> $new_prof" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> -do_test "put_old, new_root, transition" pass "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> -
>>>> -# Ensure failure when the new profile doesn't exist and new_root and put_old are specified
>>>> -genprofile $cap "pivot_root:oldroot=$put_old $new_root -> $bad" -- image=$new_prof $cur
>>>> -do_test "put_old, new_root, bad transition" fail "$put_old" "$new_root" "$new_prof"
>>>> +fi
>>>> diff --git a/tests/regression/apparmor/prologue.inc b/tests/regression/apparmor/prologue.inc
>>>> index a77fda5..66a0edc 100755
>>>> --- a/tests/regression/apparmor/prologue.inc
>>>> +++ b/tests/regression/apparmor/prologue.inc
>>>> @@ -22,6 +22,30 @@
>>>>  # For this file, functions are first, entry point code is at end, see "MAIN"
>>>>  #use $() to retreive the failure message or "true" if success
>>>> +
>>>> +kernel_features_istrue()
>>>> +{
>>>> +	if [ ! -e "/sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/" ] ; then
>>>> +		echo "Kernel feature masks not supported."
>>>> +		return 1;
>>>> +	fi
>>>> +
>>>> +	for f in $@ ; do
>>>> +		if [ ! -e "/sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/$f" ] ; then
>>>> +			echo "Required feature '$f' not available."
>>>> +			return 2;
>>>> +		fi
>>>> +		if [ ! -f "/sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/$f" -o \
>>>> +		     `cat "/sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/$f"` == 'no' ] ; then
>>>> +			echo "Required feature '$f' not available."
>>>> +			return 3;
>>>> +		fi
>>>> +        done
>>>> +
>>>> +	echo "true"
>>>> +	return 0;
>>>> +}
>>> I don't think I'd know when to call kernel_features_istrue() and when to
>>> call kernel_features(). Is there really a need for both of them or can
>>> you just add the additional check for "no" to the existing
>>> kernel_features()?
>> yes, but we need to patch some of the tests that are just checking a directory
>> path exists vs. a file's value
> Ah, I didn't think about that.
>> I can work on a more comprehensive patch
> How about just a quick couple of comments describing when to use each
> function?

Certainly, I can do that one right now, and worry about a broader cleanup

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