[apparmor] [patch] [32/38] Re-implement exec conflict handling in aa-mergeprof

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Aug 12 21:05:46 UTC 2016


this patch eplaces the old (hasher-based) conflict_mode() with the new
(FileRule-based) ask_conflict_mode() function. If it detects conflicting
exec rules, it asks the user which one to keep.

Also call ask_conflict_mode() from ask_the_questions() so that it is
actually used.

Note: This patch isn't covered by unittests, but I did some manual
testing to make sure it works as expected.

[ 32-mergeprof-handle-conflicts.diff ]

=== modified file ./utils/aa-mergeprof
--- utils/aa-mergeprof	2016-08-07 17:34:12.130102417 +0200
+++ utils/aa-mergeprof	2016-08-07 22:38:42.828390930 +0200
@@ -207,26 +207,19 @@
             base_other = cleanprofile.CleanProf(False, self.base, self.other)
             deleted += base_other.compare_profiles()
-    def conflict_mode(self, profile, hat, allow, path, mode, new_mode, old_mode):
-        m = new_mode
-        o = old_mode
-        new_mode = apparmor.aa.flatten_mode(new_mode)
-        old_mode = apparmor.aa.flatten_mode(old_mode)
-        conflict_modes = set('uUpPcCiIxX')
-        conflict_x= (old_mode | new_mode) & conflict_modes
-        if conflict_x:
-        #We may have conflicting x modes
-            if conflict_x & set('x'):
-                conflict_x.remove('x')
-            if conflict_x & set('X'):
-                conflict_x.remove('X')
-            if len(conflict_x) > 1:
+    def ask_conflict_mode(self, profile, hat, old_profile, merge_profile):
+        '''ask user about conflicting exec rules'''
+        for oldrule in old_profile['file'].rules:
+            conflictingrules = merge_profile['file'].get_exec_conflict_rules(oldrule)
+            if conflictingrules.rules:
                 q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
-                q.headers = [_('Path'), path]
+                q.headers = [_('Path'), oldrule.path.regex]
                 q.headers += [_('Select the appropriate mode'), '']
                 options = []
-                options.append('%s: %s' %(mode, apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(new_mode)))# - (old_mode & conflict_x))))
-                options.append('%s: %s' %(mode, apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(old_mode)))#(old_mode | new_mode) - (new_mode & conflict_x))))
+                options.append(oldrule.get_clean())
+                for rule in conflictingrules.rules:
+                    options.append(rule.get_clean())
                 q.options = options
                 q.functions = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_ABORT']
                 done = False
@@ -234,13 +227,17 @@
                     ans, selected = q.promptUser()
                     if ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
                         if selected == 0:
-                            self.user.aa[profile][hat][allow]['path'][path][mode] = m#apparmor.aa.owner_flatten_mode(new_mode)#(old_mode | new_mode) - (old_mode & conflict_x)
-                            return m
-                        elif selected == 1:
-                            return o
-                            pass#self.user.aa[profile][hat][allow][path][mode] = (old_mode | new_mode) - (new_mode & conflict_x)
+                            pass  # just keep the existing rule
+                        elif selected > 0:
+                            # replace existing rule with merged one
+                            old_profile['file'].delete(oldrule)
+                            old_profile['file'].add(conflictingrules.rules[selected - 1])
                             raise AppArmorException(_('Unknown selection'))
+                        for rule in conflictingrules.rules:
+                            merge_profile['file'].delete(rule)  # make sure aa-mergeprof doesn't ask to add conflicting rules later
                         done = True
     def ask_the_questions(self, other, profile):
@@ -324,6 +339,9 @@
                 elif ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
+            # check for and ask about conflicting exec modes
+            self.ask_conflict_mode(profile, hat, aa[profile][hat], other.aa[profile][hat])
             for ruletype in apparmor.aa.ruletypes:
                 if other.aa[profile][hat].get(ruletype, False): # needed until we have proper profile initialization
                     for rule_obj in other.aa[profile][hat][ruletype].rules:


Christian Boltz
Mein Name ist Ratti. Ich bin heute Abend hier hergekommen, weil ich ein
Problem habe, über das ich gerne sprechen würde.
Ich arbeite seit längerer Zeit mit Linux und habe noch niemals einen
Kernel kompiliert. Ich schäme mich deswegen sehr. [Ratti in suse-linux]
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