[apparmor] [patch] [24/38] Add propose_file_rules() to propose globbed etc. file rules in aa-logprof

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Aug 12 21:01:09 UTC 2016



aa.py changes:
- add propose_file_rules() - will propose matching paths from existing
  rules in the profile or one of the includes
- save user_globs if user selects '(N)ew' (will be re-used when
  proposing rules)
- change user_globs to a dict so that it can carry the human-readable
  path and an AARE object for it
- change order_globs() to ensure the original path (given as parameter)
  is always the last item in the resulting list
- add a ruletype switch to ask_the_questions() so that it uses
  propose_file_rules() for file events (I don't like this
  ruletype-specific solution too much, but everything else would make
  things even more complicated)

Also keep aa-mergeprof ask_the_questions() in sync with aa.py.

In FileRule, add original_perms (might be set by propose_file_rules())

Finally, add some tests to ensure propose_file_rules() does what it promises.

[ 24-propose_file_rules.diff ]

=== modified file ./utils/aa-mergeprof
--- utils/aa-mergeprof	2016-05-09 23:32:29.000080767 +0200
+++ utils/aa-mergeprof	2016-05-11 00:15:56.819607509 +0200
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ import apparmor.cleanprofile as cleanpro
 import apparmor.ui as aaui
 from apparmor.aa import (add_to_options, available_buttons, combine_name, delete_duplicates,
-                         get_profile_filename, is_known_rule, match_includes, selection_to_rule_obj)
+                         get_profile_filename, is_known_rule, match_includes,
+                         propose_file_rules, selection_to_rule_obj)
+from apparmor.aare import AARE
 from apparmor.common import AppArmorException
 from apparmor.regex import re_match_include
@@ -651,7 +652,10 @@
                         if newincludes:
                             options += list(map(lambda inc: '#include <%s>' % inc, sorted(set(newincludes))))
-                        options.append(rule_obj.get_clean())
+                        if ruletype == 'file' and rule_obj.path:
+                            options += propose_file_rules(aa[profile][hat], rule_obj)
+                        else:
+                            options.append(rule_obj.get_clean())
                         done = False
                         while not done:
@@ -755,6 +759,7 @@
                                         options, default_option = add_to_options(options, edit_rule_obj.get_raw())
+                                        apparmor.aa.user_globs[newpath] = AARE(newpath, True)
                                 done = False
=== modified file ./utils/apparmor/aa.py
--- utils/apparmor/aa.py	2016-05-09 23:45:35.023652554 +0200
+++ utils/apparmor/aa.py	2016-05-10 23:56:33.512680568 +0200
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 from copy import deepcopy
+from apparmor.aare import AARE
 from apparmor.common import (AppArmorException, AppArmorBug, open_file_read, valid_path, hasher,
                              open_file_write, convert_regexp, DebugLogger)
@@ -97,7 +99,8 @@
 seen_events = 0  # was our
 # To store the globs entered by users so they can be provided again
-user_globs = []
+# format: user_globs['/foo*'] = AARE('/foo*')
+user_globs = {}
 # The key for representing bare "file," rules
 ALL = '\0ALL'
@@ -1503,11 +1514,19 @@
     # To-Do
     return None
-def order_globs(globs, path):
+def order_globs(globs, original_path):
     """Returns the globs in sorted order, more specific behind"""
     # To-Do
     # ATM its lexicographic, should be done to allow better matches later
-    return sorted(globs)
+    globs = sorted(globs)
+    # make sure the original path is always the last option
+    if original_path in globs:
+        globs.remove(original_path)
+    globs.append(original_path)
+    return globs
 def ask_the_questions():
     found = 0
@@ -1553,7 +1572,10 @@
                         if newincludes:
                             options += list(map(lambda inc: '#include <%s>' % inc, sorted(set(newincludes))))
-                        options.append(rule_obj.get_clean())
+                        if ruletype == 'file' and rule_obj.path:
+                            options += propose_file_rules(aa[profile][hat], rule_obj)
+                        else:
+                            options.append(rule_obj.get_clean())
                         seen_events += 1
@@ -1666,6 +1688,7 @@
                                         options, default_option = add_to_options(options, edit_rule_obj.get_raw())
+                                        user_globs[newpath] = AARE(newpath, True)
                                 done = False
@@ -3825,6 +3848,44 @@
     return perms
+def propose_file_rules(profile_obj, rule_obj):
+    '''Propose merged file rules based on the existing profile and the log events
+       - permissions get merged
+       - matching paths from existing rules, common_glob() and user_globs get proposed
+       - IMPORTANT: modifies rule_obj.original_perms and rule_obj.perms'''
+    options = []
+    original_path = rule_obj.path.regex
+    merged_rule_obj = deepcopy(rule_obj)   # make sure not to modify the original rule object (with exceptions, see end of this function)
+    existing_perms = get_file_perms(profile_obj, rule_obj.path, False, False)
+    for perm in existing_perms['allow']['all']:  # XXX also handle owner-only perms
+        merged_rule_obj.perms.add(perm)
+        merged_rule_obj.raw_rule = None
+    pathlist = {original_path} | existing_perms['paths'] | set(glob_common(original_path))
+    for user_glob in user_globs:
+        if user_globs[user_glob].match(original_path):
+            pathlist.add(user_glob)
+    pathlist = order_globs(pathlist, original_path)
+    # paths in existing rules that match the original path
+    for path in pathlist:
+        merged_rule_obj.store_edit(path)
+        merged_rule_obj.raw_rule = None
+        options.append(merged_rule_obj.get_clean())
+    merged_rule_obj.exec_perms = None
+    rule_obj.original_perms = existing_perms
+    if rule_obj.perms != merged_rule_obj.perms:
+        rule_obj.perms = merged_rule_obj.perms
+        rule_obj.raw_rule = None
+    return options
 def reload_base(bin_path):
     if not check_for_apparmor():
         return None
=== modified file ./utils/apparmor/rule/file.py
--- utils/apparmor/rule/file.py	2016-05-09 23:32:28.988080835 +0200
+++ utils/apparmor/rule/file.py	2016-05-10 23:48:48.894737358 +0200
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
         if self.perms and 'a' in self.perms and 'w' in self.perms:
             raise AppArmorException("Conflicting permissions found: 'a' and 'w'")
+        self.original_perms = None  # might be set by aa-logprof / aa.py propose_file_rules()
         if exec_perms is None:
             self.exec_perms = None
         elif exec_perms == self.ANY_EXEC:
=== modified file ./utils/test/test-aa.py
--- utils/test/test-aa.py	2016-05-09 23:45:35.023652554 +0200
+++ utils/test/test-aa.py	2016-05-10 23:55:23.565005088 +0200
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 from apparmor.aa import (check_for_apparmor, get_output, get_reqs, get_interpreter_and_abstraction, create_new_profile,
      get_profile_flags, set_profile_flags, is_skippable_file, is_skippable_dir,
      parse_profile_start, parse_profile_data, separate_vars, store_list_var, write_header,
-     var_transform, serialize_parse_profile_start, get_file_perms)
+     var_transform, serialize_parse_profile_start, get_file_perms, propose_file_rules)
+from apparmor.aare import AARE
 from apparmor.common import AppArmorException, AppArmorBug
 from apparmor.rule.file import FileRule
@@ -786,6 +787,46 @@
         perms = get_file_perms(profile, params, False, False)  # only testing with audit and deny = False
         self.assertEqual(perms, expected)
+class AaTest_propose_file_rules(AATest):
+    tests = [
+        # log event path                   and perms    expected proposals
+        (['/usr/share/common-licenses/foo/bar', 'w'],   ['/usr/share/common*/foo/* rw,', '/usr/share/common-licenses/** rw,', '/usr/share/common-licenses/foo/bar rw,']         ),
+        (['/dev/null',                          'wk'],  ['/dev/null rwk,']                                                                                                      ),
+        (['/foo/bar',                           'rw'],  ['/foo/bar rw,']                                                                                                        ),
+        (['/usr/lib/ispell/',                   'w'],   ['/usr/lib{,32,64}/** rw,', '/usr/lib/ispell/ rw,']                                                                     ),
+        (['/usr/lib/aspell/some.so',            'k'],   ['/usr/lib/aspell/* mrk,', '/usr/lib/aspell/*.so mrk,', '/usr/lib{,32,64}/** mrk,', '/usr/lib/aspell/some.so mrk,']     ),
+    ]
+    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
+        self.createTmpdir()
+        #copy the local profiles to the test directory
+        self.profile_dir = '%s/profiles' % self.tmpdir
+        shutil.copytree('../../profiles/apparmor.d/', self.profile_dir, symlinks=True)
+        # load the abstractions we need in the test
+        apparmor.aa.profiledir = self.profile_dir
+        apparmor.aa.load_include('abstractions/base')
+        apparmor.aa.load_include('abstractions/bash')
+        apparmor.aa.load_include('abstractions/enchant')
+        apparmor.aa.load_include('abstractions/aspell')
+        # add some user_globs ('(N)ew') to simulate a professional aa-logprof user (and to make sure that part of the code also gets tested)
+        apparmor.aa.user_globs['/usr/share/common*/foo/*'] = AARE('/usr/share/common*/foo/*', True)
+        apparmor.aa.user_globs['/no/thi*ng'] = AARE('/no/thi*ng', True)
+        profile = apparmor.aa.profile_storage('/test', '/test', 'test-aa.py')
+        profile['include']['abstractions/base'] = True
+        profile['include']['abstractions/bash'] = True
+        profile['include']['abstractions/enchant'] = True  # includes abstractions/aspell
+        profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('owner /usr/share/common-licenses/**  w,'))
+        profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/dev/null rwk,'))
+        profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/foo/bar rwix,'))
+        rule_obj = FileRule(params[0], params[1], None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False, log_event=True)
+        proposals = propose_file_rules(profile, rule_obj)
+        self.assertEqual(proposals, expected)
 if __name__ == '__main__':


Christian Boltz
Wenn's eine kaputte Platte ist: Entsorgen, Backup zurückspielen.
Wenn's kein Backup gibt - nennt sich das ganze "lernen" ;-)
[Arno Lehmann in suse-linux]
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