[apparmor] [patch] [20/38] Re-add '(N)ew' to aa-logprof

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Aug 12 20:58:51 UTC 2016


this patch brings back the edit option for the path of file rules.

Also add it to aa-mergeprof to keep ask_the_questions() in sync.

Note: aa-mergeprof will ask about path mismatchs basically always.
That's because AARE is too careful on the matching - something to be
fixed in a later patch.

[ 20-re-add-new-to-logprof.diff ]

=== modified file ./utils/aa-mergeprof
--- utils/aa-mergeprof	2016-03-28 20:01:55.574692469 +0200
+++ utils/aa-mergeprof	2016-03-28 22:18:16.188493767 +0200
@@ -731,6 +731,28 @@
                                     options, default_option = add_to_options(options, globbed_rule_obj.get_raw())
+                            elif ans == 'CMD_NEW':
+                                if not re_match_include(selection):
+                                    edit_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
+                                    prompt, oldpath = edit_rule_obj.edit_header()
+                                    newpath = aaui.UI_GetString(prompt, oldpath)
+                                    if newpath:
+                                        try:
+                                            input_matches_path = rule_obj.validate_edit(newpath)  # note that we check against the original rule_obj here, not edit_rule_obj (which might be based on a globbed path)
+                                        except AppArmorException:
+                                            aaui.UI_Important(_('The path you entered is invalid (not starting with / or a variable)!'))
+                                            continue
+                                        if not input_matches_path:
+                                            ynprompt = _('The specified path does not match this log entry:\n\n  Log Entry: %(path)s\n  Entered Path:  %(ans)s\nDo you really want to use this path?') % { 'path': oldpath, 'ans': newpath }
+                                            key = aaui.UI_YesNo(ynprompt, 'n')
+                                            if key == 'n':
+                                                continue
+                                        edit_rule_obj.store_edit(newpath)
+                                        options, default_option = add_to_options(options, edit_rule_obj.get_raw())
                                 done = False
=== modified file ./utils/apparmor/aa.py
--- utils/apparmor/aa.py	2016-03-28 20:01:55.574692469 +0200
+++ utils/apparmor/aa.py	2016-03-28 22:18:54.340287309 +0200
@@ -1641,6 +1641,28 @@
                                     options, default_option = add_to_options(options, globbed_rule_obj.get_raw())
+                            elif ans == 'CMD_NEW':
+                                if not re_match_include(selection):
+                                    edit_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
+                                    prompt, oldpath = edit_rule_obj.edit_header()
+                                    newpath = aaui.UI_GetString(prompt, oldpath)
+                                    if newpath:
+                                        try:
+                                            input_matches_path = rule_obj.validate_edit(newpath)  # note that we check against the original rule_obj here, not edit_rule_obj (which might be based on a globbed path)
+                                        except AppArmorException:
+                                            aaui.UI_Important(_('The path you entered is invalid (not starting with / or a variable)!'))
+                                            continue
+                                        if not input_matches_path:
+                                            ynprompt = _('The specified path does not match this log entry:\n\n  Log Entry: %(path)s\n  Entered Path:  %(ans)s\nDo you really want to use this path?') % { 'path': oldpath, 'ans': newpath }
+                                            key = aaui.UI_YesNo(ynprompt, 'n')
+                                            if key == 'n':
+                                                continue
+                                        edit_rule_obj.store_edit(newpath)
+                                        options, default_option = add_to_options(options, edit_rule_obj.get_raw())
                                 done = False
                     # END of code (mostly) shared with aa-mergeprof
@@ -1960,6 +1982,9 @@
     if rule_obj.can_glob_ext:
         buttons += ['CMD_GLOBEXT']
+    if rule_obj.can_edit:
+        buttons += ['CMD_NEW']
     if rule_obj.audit:
         buttons += ['CMD_AUDIT_OFF']


Christian Boltz
Linux wurde nur möglich, weil 20 Jahre Betriessystemforschung
sorgfältig studiert, analysiert, diskutiert und verworfen
wurden.                        [Ingo Molnar auf linux-kernel]
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