[apparmor] [patch] type_is_str(): make pyflakes3 happy

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Thu Aug 11 21:34:38 UTC 2016


pyflakes3 doesn't check sys.version and therefore complains about 
'unicode' being undefined. 

This patch defines unicode as alias of str to make pyflakes3 happy, and 
as a side effect, simplifies type_is_str(). 

I propose this patch for trunk and 2.10. 

[ 01-type_is_str-make-pyflakes3-happy.diff ] 

--- utils/apparmor/common.py    2015-12-12 13:34:40.545997223 +0100 
+++ utils/apparmor/common.py    2016-08-11 23:28:00.228632532 +0200 
@@ -245,11 +245,12 @@ 
        return False 
    return True 
+if sys.version_info[0] > 2: 
+    unicode = str  # python 3 dropped the unicode type. To keep type_is_str() simple (and pyflakes3 happy), re-create it as alias of str. 
def type_is_str(var): 
    ''' returns True if the given variable is a str (or unicode string when using python 2)''' 
-    if type(var) == str: 
-        return True 
-    elif sys.version_info[0] < 3 and type(var) == unicode:  # python 2 sometimes uses the 'unicode' type 
+    if type(var) in [str, unicode]:  # python 2 sometimes uses the 'unicode' type 
        return True 
        return False 


Christian Boltz
"Wirklich praxisnah wären Münzen zu EUR 0,99."
[Wolfgang Schwanke in de.etc.sprache.deutsch]
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