[apparmor] [patch] deny capability net_admin in abstractions/samba

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Thu Aug 4 19:02:59 UTC 2016



quoting https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=991901#c2

  the net_admin DENIED error happens for smbd, winbind & nmb. This is
  related to systemd and how samba communicates with it. Additionally
  that the operation is denied is not a problem imho as the systemd code
  handles the EPERM gracefully.

  Briefly all the samba daemons call 'become_daemon', see
  The sd_notifyf in that function ends up calling fd_inc_sndbuf, see
  and this results in the strace snippet as shown in comment #0

I propose this patch for trunk, 2.10 and 2.9.

[ samba-deny-net_admin.diff ]

=== modified file 'profiles/apparmor.d/abstractions/samba'
--- profiles/apparmor.d/abstractions/samba      2016-07-26 19:12:35 +0000
+++ profiles/apparmor.d/abstractions/samba      2016-08-04 18:57:31 +0000
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+  deny capability net_admin,
   /etc/samba/* r,
   /usr/lib*/ldb/*.so mr,
   /usr/share/samba/*.dat r,


Christian Boltz
never touch a running system  ---->
for windows: never touch the keyboard of a running system
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