[apparmor] [patch] Samba 3.4 needs write access to /etc/samba/sock/

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Sep 13 22:15:36 UTC 2015


Am Sonntag, 13. September 2015 schrieb Seth Arnold:
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 09:50:18AM +0200, Christian Boltz wrote:
> > References: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=945563
> > 
> > +  /etc/samba/sock/ rw,
> > +  /etc/samba/sock/* w,
> This feels like a funny place for a socket to be stored. Are you sure
> that this doesn't infact show a regression or bug in the packaging? I
> can't find references to /etc/samba/sock/ anywhere else.

The SUSE Samba Maintainer (in CC) confirmed that it's necessary, so it 
can't be totally wrong ;-)

That said - /etc/samba/sock/ is indeed a slightly ;-) unusual place [1].
Lars, can you maybe find a better location for the sockets? 
(/var/lib/samba/ would look better to me...)


Christian Boltz

[1] says a developer of something that stores cache files in /etc when
    using the upstream default config *g,d&r*
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