[apparmor] [patch] move tests for convert_regexp() to (new) test-aare.py

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sat Sep 12 21:18:03 UTC 2015


the tests for convert_regexp() were hidden in common_test.py, where they
were never executed.

This patch moves them to the new file test-aare.py and also converts the
regex_tests.ini to a tests[] array to have the test data inside the test
file. (All tests from regex_tests.ini are in test-aare.py, and two tests
with prepended and appended path segments were added.)

Also add some tests that check the raw behaviour of convert_regexp() -
the tests "by example" are probably more useful and for sure more
readable ;-) but I want to have some examples of the converted regexes

One thing I noticed is that
gets converted to the regex
however I'd expect that \{ shouldn't be handled as alternation.
Do I expect something wrong, or is this a bug in convert_regexp()?

[ 86-move-test-convert-regexp.diff ]

=== modified file ./utils/test/common_test.py
--- utils/test/common_test.py   2015-09-12 23:11:45.924638052 +0200
+++ utils/test/common_test.py   2015-09-12 23:01:10.571758086 +0200
@@ -15,25 +15,10 @@
 import unittest
 import inspect
 import os
-import re
 import shutil
 import sys
 import tempfile
-import apparmor.common
-import apparmor.config
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_RegexParser(self):
-        tests = apparmor.config.Config('ini')
-        tests.CONF_DIR = '.'
-        regex_tests = tests.read_config('regex_tests.ini')
-        for regex in regex_tests.sections():
-            parsed_regex = re.compile(apparmor.common.convert_regexp(regex))
-            for regex_testcase in regex_tests.options(regex):
-                self.assertEqual(bool(parsed_regex.search(regex_testcase)), eval(regex_tests[regex][regex_testcase]), 'Incorrectly Parsed regex: %s' %regex)
     #def test_readkey(self):
     #    print("Please press the Y button on the keyboard.")
=== modified file ./utils/test/regex_tests.ini
--- utils/test/regex_tests.ini  2015-09-12 23:11:45.925637994 +0200
+++ utils/test/regex_tests.ini  2015-09-12 22:44:28.355335505 +0200
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#    Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592 at gmail.com>
-#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#    modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
-#    License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-       /foo/user/tools/bar/ = True
-       /foo/apparmor/bar/ = True
-       /foo/apparmor/bar = False
-       /foo/apparmor/bar/ = True
-       /foo/apparmor/tools/bar/ = False
-       /foo/apparmor/bar = False
-       /foo/user/bar/ = True
-       /foo/bar/bar/ = True
-       /foo/wrong/bar/ = False
-       /foo/user/test,ca}se/aa/bar/ = True
-       /foo/bar/test,ca}se/sd/bar/ = True
-       /foo/wrong/user/bar/ = False
-       /foo/user/wrong/bar/ = False
-       /foo/wrong/aa/bar/ = False
-       /foo/user/bar/ = True
-       /foo/user/bar/apparmor/ = False
-       /foo/user/ba/ = False
-       /foo/user/ba// = False
-       /foo/user/bar/apparmor = True
-       /foo/user/bar/apparmor/tools = True
-       /foo/user/bar/ = False
-       /foo/user/bar/apparmor = True
-       /foo/user/bar/apparmor/tools = False
-       /foo/user/bar/ = False
-       /foo/user/bar/apparmor/ = False
-       /foo/bar/baz/foobar.jpg = True
-       /foo/bar/foobar.jpg = True
-       /foo/bar/*.jpg = True
-       /foo/bar.jpg = True
-       /foo/barjpg = False
-       /foo/.* = False
-       /foo/**.jpg = True
-       /foo/*.jpg = True
-       /bar.jpg = False
-       /**.jpg = False
-       /*.jpg = False
-       /foo/*.bar = False
-       /foo/ = True
-       /foo/bar = True
-       /foo/bar/ = True
-       /foo/bar/baz = True
-       /foo/bar/baz/ = True
-       /bar/ = False
-       /foo/ = True
-       /foo/bar = True
-       /foo/bar/ = True
-       /foo/bar/baz = True
-       /foo/bar/baz/ = True
-       /bar/ = False
=== modified file ./utils/test/test-aare.py
--- utils/test/test-aare.py     2015-09-12 23:11:45.926637935 +0200
+++ utils/test/test-aare.py     2015-09-12 23:11:35.093270782 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+#    Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592 at gmail.com>
+#    Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#    modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
+#    License published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+import unittest
+from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
+import re
+from apparmor.common import convert_regexp
+class TestConvert_regexp(AATest):
+    tests = [
+        ('/foo',                '^/foo$'),
+        ('/{foo,bar}',          '^/(foo|bar)$'),
+        # ('/\{foo,bar}',         '^/\{foo,bar}$'), # XXX gets converted to ^/\(foo|bar)$
+        ('/fo[abc]',            '^/fo[abc]$'),
+        ('/foo bar',            '^/foo bar$'),
+        ('/x\y',                '^/x\y$'),
+        ('/x\[y',               '^/x\[y$'),
+        ('/x\\y',               '^/x\\y$'),
+        ('/fo?',                '^/fo[^/\000]$'),
+        ('/foo/*',              '^/foo/(((?<=/)[^/\000]+)|((?<!/)[^/\000]*))$'),
+        ('/foo/**.bar',         '^/foo/(((?<=/)[^\000]+)|((?<!/)[^\000]*))\.bar$'),
+    ]
+    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
+        self.assertEqual(convert_regexp(params), expected)
+class TestExamplesConvert_regexp(AATest):
+    tests = [
+        #  aare                  path to check                         match expected?
+        (['/foo/**/bar/',       '/foo/user/tools/bar/'              ], True),
+        (['/foo/**/bar/',       '/foo/apparmor/bar/'                ], True),
+        (['/foo/**/bar/',       '/foo/apparmor/bar'                 ], False),
+        (['/foo/**/bar/',       '/a/foo/apparmor/bar/'              ], False),
+        (['/foo/**/bar/',       '/foo/apparmor/bar/baz'             ], False),
+        (['/foo/*/bar/',        '/foo/apparmor/bar/'                ], True),
+        (['/foo/*/bar/',        '/foo/apparmor/tools/bar/'          ], False),
+        (['/foo/*/bar/',        '/foo/apparmor/bar'                 ], False),
+        (['/foo/user/ba?/',     '/foo/user/bar/'                    ], True),
+        (['/foo/user/ba?/',     '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/'           ], False),
+        (['/foo/user/ba?/',     '/foo/user/ba/'                     ], False),
+        (['/foo/user/ba?/',     '/foo/user/ba//'                    ], False),
+        (['/foo/user/bar/**',   '/foo/user/bar/apparmor'            ], True),
+        (['/foo/user/bar/**',   '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/tools'      ], True),
+        (['/foo/user/bar/**',   '/foo/user/bar/'                    ], False),
+        (['/foo/user/bar/*',    '/foo/user/bar/apparmor'            ], True),
+        (['/foo/user/bar/*',    '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/tools'      ], False),
+        (['/foo/user/bar/*',    '/foo/user/bar/'                    ], False),
+        (['/foo/user/bar/*',    '/foo/user/bar/apparmor/'           ], False),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/bar/baz/foobar.jpg'           ], True),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/bar/foobar.jpg'               ], True),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/bar/*.jpg'                    ], True),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/bar.jpg'                      ], True),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/**.jpg'                       ], True),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/*.jpg'                        ], True),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/barjpg'                       ], False),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/.*'                           ], False),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/bar.jpg'                          ], False),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/**.jpg'                           ], False),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/*.jpg'                            ], False),
+        (['/foo/**.jpg',        '/foo/*.bar'                        ], False),
+        (['/foo/{**,}',         '/foo/'                             ], True),
+        (['/foo/{**,}',         '/foo/bar'                          ], True),
+        (['/foo/{**,}',         '/foo/bar/'                         ], True),
+        (['/foo/{**,}',         '/foo/bar/baz'                      ], True),
+        (['/foo/{**,}',         '/foo/bar/baz/'                     ], True),
+        (['/foo/{**,}',         '/bar/'                             ], False),
+        (['/foo/{,**}',         '/foo/'                             ], True),
+        (['/foo/{,**}',         '/foo/bar'                          ], True),
+        (['/foo/{,**}',         '/foo/bar/'                         ], True),
+        (['/foo/{,**}',         '/foo/bar/baz'                      ], True),
+        (['/foo/{,**}',         '/foo/bar/baz/'                     ], True),
+        (['/foo/{,**}',         '/bar/'                             ], False),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/bar/',                         '/foo/user/bar/'                ], True),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/bar/',                         '/foo/bar/bar/'                 ], True),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/bar/',                         '/foo/wrong/bar/'               ], False),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/',   '/foo/user/test,ca}se/aa/bar/'  ], True),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/',   '/foo/bar/test,ca}se/sd/bar/'   ], True),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/',   '/foo/wrong/user/bar/'          ], False),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/',   '/foo/user/wrong/bar/'          ], False),
+        (['/foo/{foo,bar,user,other}/test,ca}se/{aa,sd,nd}/bar/',   '/foo/wrong/aa/bar/'            ], False),
+    ]
+    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
+        regex, path = params
+        parsed_regex = re.compile(convert_regexp(regex))
+        self.assertEqual(bool(parsed_regex.search(path)), expected, 'Incorrectly Parsed regex: %s' %regex)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(verbosity=2)


Christian Boltz
> Years ago, the installation of some packages sent emails to root [...]
> This is not done any more. Why? :-?
Because you didn't reply to them, the installation process then decided
that it was a waste of time sending you e-mails and so......stopped
sending them to you.
[> Carlos E. R. and Basil Chupin in opensuse-factory]

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