[apparmor] AppArmor - dac_override questions
jszigetvari at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 21:23:17 UTC 2015
Hello everyone,
I have encountered an interesting situation, where I was asked to correct a
user-created AppArmor ruleset for syslog-ng.
I'm kind of new to AppArmor, although I have some degree of experience with
SELinux, so most of the concepts of AA don't sound so foreign to me.
The point of the whole thing would be to run syslog-ng (not the open-source
version) in a custom non-system user account, however, the custom AA policy
doesn't seem to work well yet.
The relevant part of the AA profile looks like this:
#include <tunables/global>
/opt/syslog-ng/libexec/syslog-ng flags=(complain) {
#include <abstractions/base>
#include <abstractions/consoles>
#include <abstractions/nameservice>
audit capability dac_override,
audit capability syslog,
audit /proc/kmsg r,
When I run syslog-ng, I get an error message that syslog-ng is unable to
access /proc/kmsg:
$ /opt/syslog-ng/sbin/syslog-ng -Fedv -u syslog -g syslog -f
[2015-10-23T16:35:56-0400] Finishing include; content='source confgen
system', depth='1'
[2015-10-23T16:35:56-0400] Error opening file for reading;
filename='/proc/kmsg', error='Permission denied (13)'
[2015-10-23T16:35:56-0400] Error initializing source driver;
source='s_all', id='s_all#1'
[2015-10-23T16:35:56-0400] Closing log transport fd; fd='6'
[2015-10-23T16:35:56-0400] Error initializing message pipeline;
Of course /proc/kmsg is owned by root:root, and has 0400 access-rights set.
The interesting thing is that when I look at the kernel logs, I see the
[127951.664275] type=1400 audit(1445632556.846:970): apparmor="ALLOWED"
name="/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so" pid=2450 comm="cat"
requested_mask="mr" denied_mask="mr" fsuid=101 ouid=0
[127951.664459] type=1400 audit(1445632556.846:971): apparmor="ALLOWED"
name="/bin/cat" pid=2450 comm="cat" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r"
fsuid=101 ouid=0
[127951.664474] type=1400 audit(1445632556.846:972): apparmor="ALLOWED"
name="/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so" pid=2450 comm="cat"
requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=101 ouid=0
[127951.664649] type=1400 audit(1445632556.846:973): apparmor="ALLOWED"
name="/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive" pid=2450 comm="cat"
requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=101 ouid=0
[127951.664661] type=1400 audit(1445632556.846:974): apparmor="ALLOWED"
name="/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive" pid=2450 comm="cat"
requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=101 ouid=0
[127951.670498] type=1400 audit(1445632556.854:975): apparmor="AUDIT"
operation="getattr" profile="/opt/syslog-ng/libexec/syslog-ng"
name="/proc/kmsg" pid=2443 comm="syslog-ng" requested_mask="r" fsuid=101
The last log entry says that syslog-ng ran a getattr system call on
/proc/kmsg, and there are no more audit logs after that, and so there is no
DENY log either.
So it seems to me, that it's not AppArmor that's preventing syslog-ng from
accessing /proc/kmsg, but something else. And that is weird for me, because
the profile contains capability dac_override, which should allow the
running syslog-ng instance to circumvent the stabdard Linux DAC file access
Also, it may be worth explicitly saying, that the profile matches the
running process. By that I mean that when I comment out the config line
which makes syslog-ng try to open /proc/kmsg, then the process listing of
"ps auxwfZ" shows that syslog-ng receives the
/opt/syslog-ng/libexec/syslog-ng label.
Could you enlighten me, what I'm doing wrong here, or which of my
assumptions is wrong in this situation?
Kind regards,
János Szigetvári
RHCE, License no. 150-053-692
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