[apparmor] [patch 2/2] add tests for RE_PROFILE_START_2 and parse_profile_start_line()
Christian Boltz
apparmor at cboltz.de
Wed Mar 4 21:41:10 UTC 2015
this patch add tests for RE_PROFILE_START_2 and
It also adds AANamedRegexTest class that can be used to test a regex
with named match groups.
I propose this patch for trunk and 2.9.
[ test-re_profile_start_2-and-parse_profile_start_line.diff ]
--- .utils/test/test-regex_matches.py 2015-03-04 22:00:48.857858576 +0100
+++ utils/test/test-regex_matches.py 2015-03-04 22:16:48.509700824 +0100
@@ -13,13 +13,38 @@ import apparmor.aa as aa
import unittest
import sys
from common_test import AATest, setup_all_tests
+from apparmor.common import AppArmorBug
+from apparmor.regex import strip_quotes, parse_profile_start_line, RE_PROFILE_START_2
-from apparmor.regex import strip_quotes
class AARegexTest(AATest):
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
return regex_test(self, params, expected)
+class AANamedRegexTest(AATest):
+ def _run_test(self, line, expected):
+ '''Run a line through self.regex.search() and verify the result
+ Keyword arguments:
+ line -- the line to search
+ expected -- False if the search isn't expected to match or, if the search
+ is expected to match, a tuple of expected match groups.
+ '''
+ matches = self.regex.search(line)
+ if not expected:
+ self.assertFalse(matches)
+ return
+ self.assertTrue(matches)
+ for exp in expected:
+ match = matches.group(exp)
+ if match:
+ match = match
+ self.assertEqual(match, expected[exp], 'Group %s mismatch in rule %s' % (exp,line))
class AARegexHasComma(AATest):
'''Tests for apparmor.aa.RE_RULE_HAS_COMMA'''
@@ -368,6 +393,77 @@ class AARegexUnix(AARegexTest):
('deny unixlike,', False),
+class AANamedRegexProfileStart_2(AANamedRegexTest):
+ '''Tests for RE_PROFILE_START_2'''
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.regex = RE_PROFILE_START_2
+ tests = [
+ ('/bin/foo ', False), # no '{'
+ ('/bin/foo /bin/bar', False), # missing 'profile' keyword
+ ('profile {', False), # no attachment
+ (' profile foo bar /foo {', False), # missing quotes around "foo bar"
+ (' /foo {', { 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' "/foo" {', { 'plainprofile': '"/foo"', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile /foo {', { 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': '/foo', 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile "/foo" {', { 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': '"/foo"', 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile foo /foo {', { 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': 'foo', 'attachment': '/foo', 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile foo /foo (audit) {', { 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': 'foo', 'attachment': '/foo', 'flags': 'audit', 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile "foo" "/foo" {', { 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': '"foo"', 'attachment': '"/foo"', 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile "foo bar" /foo {', { 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': '"foo bar"', 'attachment': '/foo', 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' /foo (complain) {', { 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': 'complain', 'comment': None }),
+ (' /foo flags=(complain) {', { 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': 'complain', 'comment': None }),
+ (' /foo (complain) { # x', { 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': 'complain', 'comment': '# x'}),
+ (' /foo {', { 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'leadingspace': ' ' }),
+ ('/foo {', { 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'leadingspace': '' }),
+ ]
+class Test_parse_profile_start_line(AATest):
+ tests = [
+ (' /foo {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'profile_keyword': False, 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' "/foo" {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'profile_keyword': False, 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile /foo {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'profile_keyword': True, 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': '/foo', 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile "/foo" {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'profile_keyword': True, 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': '/foo', 'attachment': None, 'flags': None, 'comment': None }),
+ (' profile foo /foo {', { 'profile': 'foo /foo','profile_keyword': True, 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': 'foo', 'attachment': '/foo', 'flags': None, 'comment': None }), # XXX
+ (' profile foo /foo (audit) {', { 'profile': 'foo /foo','profile_keyword': True, 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': 'foo', 'attachment': '/foo', 'flags': 'audit', 'comment': None }), # XXX
+ (' profile "foo" "/foo" {', { 'profile': 'foo /foo','profile_keyword': True, 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': 'foo', 'attachment': '/foo', 'flags': None, 'comment': None }), # XXX
+ (' profile "foo bar" /foo {', { 'profile': 'foo bar /foo', 'profile_keyword': True, 'plainprofile': None, 'namedprofile': 'foo bar', 'attachment': '/foo', 'flags': None, 'comment': None }), # XXX
+ # XXX lines marked with XXX include the "broken" behaviour for 'profile' - they need to be changed when attachment is handled correctly
+ (' /foo (complain) {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'profile_keyword': False, 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': 'complain', 'comment': None }),
+ (' /foo flags=(complain) {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'profile_keyword': False, 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': 'complain', 'comment': None }),
+ (' /foo (complain) { # x', { 'profile': '/foo', 'profile_keyword': False, 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'namedprofile': None, 'attachment': None, 'flags': 'complain', 'comment': '# x'}),
+ (' /foo {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'leadingspace': ' ' }),
+ ('/foo {', { 'profile': '/foo', 'plainprofile': '/foo', 'leadingspace': None }),
+ ]
+ def _run_test(self, line, expected):
+ matches = parse_profile_start_line(line, 'somefile')
+ self.assertTrue(matches)
+ for exp in expected:
+ self.assertEqual(matches[exp], expected[exp], 'Group %s mismatch in rule %s' % (exp,line))
+class TestInvalid_parse_profile_start_line(AATest):
+ tests = [
+ ('/bin/foo ', False), # no '{'
+ ('/bin/foo /bin/bar', False), # missing 'profile' keyword
+ ('profile {', False), # no attachment
+ (' profile foo bar /foo {', False), # missing quotes around "foo bar"
+ ]
+ def _run_test(self, line, expected):
+ with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
+ parse_profile_start_line(line, 'somefile')
class TestStripQuotes(AATest):
def test_strip_quotes_01(self):
self.assertEqual('foo', strip_quotes('foo'))
Christian Boltz
A mouse is a device used to focus xterms.
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