[apparmor] query_label regression test failures

Steve Beattie steve at nxnw.org
Thu Jun 25 08:21:39 UTC 2015


When running the apparmor regression tests on wily with the trunk of
the userspace tools, I'm getting the following two failures in the
query_label test:

Error: query_label failed. Test 'QUERY file (all base perms #1)' was expected to 'pass'. Reason for failure 'FAIL: the access should not be allowed and should be audited'
Error: query_label failed. Test 'QUERY file (all base perms #2)' was expected to 'pass'. Reason for failure 'FAIL: the access should not be allowed and should be audited'

Does anyone know what's going wrong here? I haven't dug into when
they started failing. Running against the stock trusty generates a
half-dozen failures on this test.

Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
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