[apparmor] [patch 2/3] Add tests for NetworkRule and NetworkRuleset

Kshitij Gupta kgupta8592 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 02:22:57 UTC 2015


On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 2:51 AM, Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> Am Dienstag, 14. April 2015 schrieb Christian Boltz:
> > this patch adds utils/test/test-network.py with tests for NetworkRule
> > and NetworkRuleset.
> >
> > The tests are hopefully self-explaining, so let me just mention the
> > most important things:
> > - I started to play with namedtuple, which looks very useful (see
Interesting! Like a dictionary but without any overhead.

> "exp") - the test loops make the tests much more readable (compare
> > with test-capability.py!) and make it easy to add some more tests -
> > 100% coverage :-)

> Here's v2 which even applies if 31-enable-testloops-for-nosetests.diff
> is applied before ;-)
> [ 45-add-tests-for-NetworkRule.diff ]
> === modified file utils/test/test-network.py
> --- utils/test/test-network.py  2015-04-17 22:48:46.597933931 +0200
> +++ utils/test/test-network.py  2015-04-17 22:39:39.488813282 +0200
> @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python
> +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> +#    Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
> +#
> +#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +#    modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
> +#    License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
> +#
> +#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +#    GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +import unittest
> +from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
> +from collections import namedtuple
Nitpick: a non standard import surrounding apparmor specific import is odd.
Probably could re-use some shuffling around/separation.
quoting PEP 8 [1]:
"Imports should be grouped in the following order:

   1. standard library imports
   2. related third party imports
   3. local application/library specific imports

 You should put a blank line between each group of imports."

> +
> +from apparmor.rule.network import NetworkRule, NetworkRuleset
> +from apparmor.rule import BaseRule, parse_modifiers
> +from apparmor.common import AppArmorException, AppArmorBug
> +from apparmor.logparser import ReadLog
> +
> +import re
> +
> +exp = namedtuple('exp', ['audit', 'allow_keyword', 'deny', 'comment',
> +        'domain', 'all_domains', 'type_or_protocol',
> 'all_type_or_protocols'])
Didn't know about this. Pretty cool for readability.

> +# --- tests for single NetworkRule --- #
> +
> +class NetworkTest(AATest):
> +    def _compare_obj(self, obj, expected):
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.allow_keyword, obj.allow_keyword)
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.audit, obj.audit)
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.domain, obj.domain)
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.type_or_protocol, obj.type_or_protocol)
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.all_domains, obj.all_domains)
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.all_type_or_protocols,
> obj.all_type_or_protocols)
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.deny, obj.deny)
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.comment, obj.comment)
> +
> +class NetworkTestParse(NetworkTest):
> +    tests = [
> +        # rawrule                                     audit  allow  deny
>  comment        domain    all?   type/proto  all?
> +        ('network,'                             , exp(False, False,
> False, ''           , None  ,   True , None     , True )),
> +        ('network inet,'                        , exp(False, False,
> False, ''           , 'inet',   False, None     , True )),
> +        ('network inet stream,'                 , exp(False, False,
> False, ''           , 'inet',   False, 'stream' , False)),
> +        ('deny network inet stream, # comment'  , exp(False, False, True
> , ' # comment' , 'inet',   False, 'stream' , False)),
> +        ('audit allow network tcp,'             , exp(True , True ,
> False, ''           , None  ,   True , 'tcp'    , False)),
> +    ]
> +
> +    def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
> +        obj = NetworkRule.parse(rawrule)
> +        self.assertEqual(rawrule.strip(), obj.raw_rule)
> +        self._compare_obj(obj, expected)
> +
> +class NetworkTestParseInvalid(NetworkTest):
> +    tests = [
> +        ('network stream,'                  , AppArmorException), #
> domain missing
> +        ('network foo,'                     , AppArmorException),
> +        ('network foo bar,'                 , AppArmorException),
> +        ('network foo tcp,'                 , AppArmorException),
> +        ('network inet bar,'                , AppArmorException),
> +    ]
> +
> +    def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
> +        with self.assertRaises(expected):
> +            NetworkRule.parse(rawrule)
> +
> +class NetworkTestParseFromLog(NetworkTest):
> +    def test_net_from_log(self):
> +        parser = ReadLog('', '', '', '', '')
> +        event = 'type=AVC msg=audit(1428699242.551:386):
> apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="/bin/ping" pid=10589
> comm="ping" family="inet" sock_type="raw" protocol=1'
> +
> +        parsed_event = parser.parse_event(event)
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(parsed_event, {
> +            'request_mask': None,
> +            'denied_mask': None,
you switched from set() to None between the two versions of this patch?

+            'error_code': 0,
> +            'family': 'inet',
> +            'magic_token': 0,
> +            'parent': 0,
> +            'profile': '/bin/ping',
> +            'protocol': 'icmp',
> +            'sock_type': 'raw',
> +            'operation': 'create',
> +            'resource': None,
> +            'info': None,
> +            'aamode': 'REJECTING',
> +            'time': 1428699242,
> +            'active_hat': None,
> +            'pid': 10589,
> +            'task': 0,
> +            'attr': None,
> +            'name2': None,
> +            'name': None,
> +        })
> +
> +        obj = NetworkRule(parsed_event['family'],
> parsed_event['sock_type'], log_event=parsed_event)
> +
> +        #              audit  allow  deny   comment        domain
> all?   type/proto  all?
> +        expected = exp(False, False, False, ''           , 'inet',
>  False, 'raw'    , False)
> +
> +        self._compare_obj(obj, expected)
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(obj.get_raw(1), '  network inet raw,')
why obj.get_raw(1) and not assertEqual on obj.raw_rule? The depth code in
get_raw() should be already be under tests elsewhere, seems  redundant?
look below: comment about parse_modifiers

> +
> +
> +class NetworkFromInit(NetworkTest):
> +    tests = [
> +        # NetworkRule object                                  audit
> allow  deny   comment        domain    all?   type/proto  all?
> +        (NetworkRule('inet', 'raw', deny=True)          , exp(False,
> False, True , ''           , 'inet',   False, 'raw'    , False)),
> +        (NetworkRule('inet', 'raw')                     , exp(False,
> False, False, ''           , 'inet',   False, 'raw'    , False)),
> +        (NetworkRule('inet', NetworkRule.ALL)           , exp(False,
> False, False, ''           , 'inet',   False, None     , True )),
> +        (NetworkRule(NetworkRule.ALL, NetworkRule.ALL)  , exp(False,
> False, False, ''           , None  ,   True , None     , True )),
> +        (NetworkRule(NetworkRule.ALL, 'tcp')            , exp(False,
> False, False, ''           , None  ,   True , 'tcp'    , False)),
> +    ]
> +
> +    def _run_test(self, obj, expected):
> +        self._compare_obj(obj, expected)
> +
> +
> +class InvalidNetworkInit(AATest):
> +    tests = [
> +        # init params                     expected exception
> +        (['inet', ''               ]    , AppArmorBug), # empty
> type_or_protocol
> +        ([''    , 'tcp'            ]    , AppArmorBug), # empty domain
> +        (['    ', 'tcp'            ]    , AppArmorBug), # whitespace
> domain
> +        (['inet', '   '            ]    , AppArmorBug), # whitespace
> type_or_protocol
> +        (['xyxy', 'tcp'            ]    , AppArmorBug), # invalid domain
> +        (['inet', 'xyxy'           ]    , AppArmorBug), # invalid
> type_or_protocol
> +        ([dict(), 'tcp'            ]     , AppArmorBug), # wrong type for
> domain
> +        (['inet', dict()           ]    , AppArmorBug), # wrong type for
> type_or_protocol
Nitpick: would it be better/correct to use None instead of dict() here?
using dict() or list() seems arbitrary to me (I maybe wrong)?

+        ([NetworkRule.ALL, 'stream']    , AppArmorException), # stream
> requires a domain
> +    ]
> +
> +    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
> +        with self.assertRaises(expected):
> +            NetworkRule(params[0], params[1])
> +
> +    def test_missing_params_1(self):
> +        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
> +            NetworkRule()
> +
> +    def test_missing_params_2(self):
> +        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
> +            NetworkRule('inet')
> +
> +
> +class InvalidNetworkTest(AATest):
> +    def _check_invalid_rawrule(self, rawrule):
> +        obj = None
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
> +            obj = NetworkRule(NetworkRule.parse(rawrule))
> +
> +        self.assertIsNone(obj, 'NetworkRule handed back an object
> unexpectedly')
> +
> +    def test_invalid_net_missing_comma(self):
> +        self._check_invalid_rawrule('network')  # missing comma
> +
> +    def test_invalid_net_non_NetworkRule(self):
> +        self._check_invalid_rawrule('dbus,')  # not a network rule
> +
> +    def test_parse_modifiers_invalid(self):
> +        regex =
> re.compile('^\s*(?P<audit>audit\s+)?(?P<allow>allow\s+|deny\s+|invalid\s+)?')
> +        matches = regex.search('audit invalid ')
> +
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            parse_modifiers(matches)
This test is redundant as its already present in test-capability. Also this
test should instead be located somewhere where the tests for the base
classes are located as parse_modifiers is defined with them.

> +
> +    def test_empty_net_data_1(self):
> +        obj = NetworkRule('inet', 'stream')
> +        obj.domain = ''
> +        # no domain set, and ALL not set
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            obj.get_clean(1)
> +
> +    def test_empty_net_data_2(self):
> +        obj = NetworkRule('inet', 'stream')
> +        obj.type_or_protocol = ''
> +        # no type_or_protocol set, and ALL not set
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            obj.get_clean(1)
> +
> +
> +class WriteNetworkTestAATest(AATest):
> +    def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
> +        obj = NetworkRule.parse(rawrule)
> +        clean = obj.get_clean()
> +        raw = obj.get_raw()
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), clean, 'unexpected clean rule')
> +        self.assertEqual(rawrule.strip(), raw, 'unexpected raw rule')
> +
> +    tests = [
> +        #  raw rule                                               clean
> rule
> +        ('     network         ,    # foo        '              ,
> 'network, # foo'),
> +        ('    audit     network inet,'                          , 'audit
> network inet,'),
> +        ('   deny network         inet      stream,# foo bar'   , 'deny
> network inet stream, # foo bar'),
> +        ('   deny network         inet      ,# foo bar'         , 'deny
> network inet, # foo bar'),
> +        ('   allow network         tcp      ,# foo bar'         , 'allow
> network tcp, # foo bar'),
> +    ]
> +
> +    def test_write_manually(self):
> +        obj = NetworkRule('inet', 'stream', allow_keyword=True)
> +
> +        expected = '    allow network inet stream,'
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(expected, obj.get_clean(2), 'unexpected clean
> rule')
> +        self.assertEqual(expected, obj.get_raw(2), 'unexpected raw rule')
As stated in rule/__init__.py, subclasses needed to implement get_clean so
its fair that get_clean should have tests here, however, get_raw is not
being implemented in capability or network rule classes and it seems
redundant to have tests for the same at both places. I feel we can do away
with tests for these methods in every rule class and have them centralised
place (tests for the __init__ stuff), unless a class overrides it. Opinions?

> +
> +
> +class NetworkCoveredTest(AATest):
> +    def _run_test(self, param, expected):
> +        obj = NetworkRule.parse(self.rule)
> +        check_obj = NetworkRule.parse(param)
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(obj.is_equal(check_obj), expected[0], 'Mismatch
> in is_equal, expected %s' % expected[0])
> +        self.assertEqual(obj.is_equal(check_obj, True), expected[1],
> 'Mismatch in is_equal/strict, expected %s' % expected[1])
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(obj.is_covered(check_obj), expected[2],
> 'Mismatch in is_covered, expected %s' % expected[2])
> +        self.assertEqual(obj.is_covered(check_obj, True, True),
> expected[3], 'Mismatch in is_covered/exact, expected %s' % expected[3])
> +
> +class NetworkCoveredTest_01(NetworkCoveredTest):
> +    rule = 'network inet,'
> +
> +    tests = [
> +        #   rule                                equal     strict equal
> covered     covered exact
> +        ('network,'                         , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('network inet,'                    , [ True    , True          ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('network inet, # comment'          , [ True    , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('allow network inet,'              , [ True    , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('network     inet,'                , [ True    , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('network inet stream,'             , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('network inet tcp,'                , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('audit network inet,'              , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('audit network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('network unix,'                    , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('network tcp,'                     , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('audit deny network inet,'         , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('deny network inet,'               , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +    ]
> +
> +class NetworkCoveredTest_02(NetworkCoveredTest):
> +    rule = 'audit network inet,'
> +
> +    tests = [
> +        #   rule                                equal     strict equal
> covered     covered exact
> +        (      'network inet,'              , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , False     ]),
> +        ('audit network inet,'              , [ True    , True          ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        (      'network inet stream,'       , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , False     ]),
> +        ('audit network inet stream,'       , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        (      'network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('audit network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('network unix,'                    , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +    ]
> +
> +
> +class NetworkCoveredTest_03(NetworkCoveredTest):
> +    rule = 'network inet stream,'
> +
> +    tests = [
> +        #   rule                                equal     strict equal
> covered     covered exact
> +        (      'network inet stream,'       , [ True    , True          ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('allow network inet stream,'       , [ True    , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        (      'network inet,'              , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        (      'network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        (      'network inet tcp,'          , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('audit network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('audit network inet stream,'       , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        (      'network unix,'              , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        (      'network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +    ]
> +
> +class NetworkCoveredTest_04(NetworkCoveredTest):
> +    rule = 'network,'
> +
> +    tests = [
> +        #   rule                                equal     strict equal
> covered     covered exact
> +        (      'network,'                   , [ True    , True          ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('allow network,'                   , [ True    , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        (      'network inet,'              , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        (      'network inet6 stream,'      , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        (      'network tcp,'               , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        (      'network inet raw,'          , [ False   , False         ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('audit network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        ('deny  network,'                   , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +    ]
> +
> +class NetworkCoveredTest_05(NetworkCoveredTest):
> +    rule = 'deny network inet,'
> +
> +    tests = [
> +        #   rule                                equal     strict equal
> covered     covered exact
> +        (      'deny network inet,'         , [ True    , True          ,
> True      , True      ]),
> +        ('audit deny network inet,'         , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        (           'network inet,'         , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]), # XXX should covered be true here?
> +        (      'deny network unix,'         , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +        (      'deny network,'              , [ False   , False         ,
> False     , False     ]),
> +    ]
> +
> +
> +class NetworkCoveredTest_Invalid(AATest):
> +    def test_borked_obj_is_covered_1(self):
> +        obj = NetworkRule.parse('network inet,')
> +
> +        testobj = NetworkRule('inet', 'stream')
> +        testobj.domain = ''
> +
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            obj.is_covered(testobj)
> +
> +    def test_borked_obj_is_covered_2(self):
> +        obj = NetworkRule.parse('network inet,')
> +
> +        testobj = NetworkRule('inet', 'stream')
> +        testobj.type_or_protocol = ''
> +
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            obj.is_covered(testobj)
> +
> +    def test_invalid_is_covered(self):
> +        obj = NetworkRule.parse('network inet,')
> +
> +        testobj = BaseRule()  # different type
> +
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            obj.is_covered(testobj)
> +
> +    def test_invalid_is_equal(self):
> +        obj = NetworkRule.parse('network inet,')
> +
> +        testobj = BaseRule()  # different type
> +
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            obj.is_equal(testobj)
> +
> +## --- tests for NetworkRuleset --- #
> +
> +class NetworkRulesTest(AATest):
> +    def test_empty_ruleset(self):
> +        ruleset = NetworkRuleset()
> +        ruleset_2 = NetworkRuleset()
> +        self.assertEqual([], ruleset.get_raw(2))
> +        self.assertEqual([], ruleset.get_clean(2))
> +        self.assertEqual([], ruleset_2.get_raw(2))
> +        self.assertEqual([], ruleset_2.get_clean(2))
> +
> +    def test_ruleset_1(self):
> +        ruleset = NetworkRuleset()
> +        rules = [
> +            'network tcp,',
> +            'network inet,',
> +        ]
> +
> +        expected_raw = [
> +            'network tcp,',
> +            'network inet,',
> +            '',
> +        ]
> +
> +        expected_clean = [
> +            'network inet,',
> +            'network tcp,',
> +            '',
> +        ]
> +
> +        for rule in rules:
> +            ruleset.add(NetworkRule.parse(rule))
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(expected_raw, ruleset.get_raw())
> +        self.assertEqual(expected_clean, ruleset.get_clean())
> +
> +    def test_ruleset_2(self):
> +        ruleset = NetworkRuleset()
> +        rules = [
> +            'network inet6 raw,',
> +            'allow network inet,',
> +            'deny network udp, # example comment',
> +        ]
> +
> +        expected_raw = [
> +            '  network inet6 raw,',
> +            '  allow network inet,',
> +            '  deny network udp, # example comment',
> +            '',
> +        ]
> +
> +        expected_clean = [
> +            '  deny network udp, # example comment',
> +            '',
> +            '  allow network inet,',
> +            '  network inet6 raw,',
> +            '',
> +        ]
> +
> +        for rule in rules:
> +            ruleset.add(NetworkRule.parse(rule))
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(expected_raw, ruleset.get_raw(1))
> +        self.assertEqual(expected_clean, ruleset.get_clean(1))
> +
> +
> +class NetworkGlobTestAATest(AATest):
> +    def setUp(self):
> +        self.maxDiff = None
> +        self.ruleset = NetworkRuleset()
> +
> +    def test_glob_1(self):
> +        self.assertEqual(self.ruleset.get_glob('network inet,'),
> 'network,')
> +
> +    # not supported or used yet
> +    # def test_glob_2(self):
> +    #     self.assertEqual(self.ruleset.get_glob('network inet raw,'),
> 'network inet,')
> +
> +    def test_glob_ext(self):
> +        with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
> +            # get_glob_ext is not available for network rules
> +            self.ruleset.get_glob_ext('network inet raw,')
> +
> +class NetworkDeleteTestAATest(AATest):
> +    pass
> +
> +setup_all_loops(__name__)
> +if __name__ == '__main__':
> +    unittest.main(verbosity=2)
In general the above patch looks good specially given the 100% coverage
stat (will coverage % be effected if we move the get_raw stuff to some
other place?).

Note: I've used to the existing capability rule tests/classes for reference
given it went through many rounds of iteration before being committed.

It wouldn't hurt to have second set of eyes look at this patch series.

However, I'm willing to ack this patch set once Christian responds on the
above queries.

[1]- https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#imports

Follow-up read: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/#guido-s-decision



Kshitij Gupta

> Regards,
> Christian Boltz
> --
> Wenn schon, dann höchstens Homo Sapiens Sapiens XEmacensis, die
> Entwicklungslinie, die im Laufe der Evolution sieben Finger an jeder
> Hand entwickelt hat. Und das alles nur um alle Tastenkürzel zur
> Bedienung von XEmacs nutzen zu können. [T. Templin über David Haller]
> --
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