[apparmor] [patch] fix handling of adding to variables

Steve Beattie steve at nxnw.org
Wed Apr 15 16:19:29 UTC 2015

On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 12:25:05AM +0200, Christian Boltz wrote:
> Hello,
> the LibreOffice profile uncovered that handling of @{var} += is broken:
>   File ".../utils/apparmor/aa.py", line 3272, in store_list_var
>     var[list_var] = set(var[list_var] + vlist)
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'set' and 'list'
> This patch fixes it:
> - change separate_vars() to use and return a set instead of a list
>   (FYI: separate_vars() is only called by store_list_var())
> - adoptstore_list_var() to expect a set
> - remove some old comments in these functions
> - explain the less-intuitive parameters of store_list_var()
> Also add some tests for separate_vars() and store_list_var().
> The tests were developed based on the old code, but not all of them
> succeed with the old code.
> As usual, the tests uncovered some interesting[tm] behaviour in
> separate_vars() (see the XXX comments and tell me what the really
> expected behaviour is ;-)
> Since this is broken in trunk and the 2.9 branch, I propose this patch
> for trunk and 2.9.
> Oh, and I noticed that serialize_profile_from_old_profile() also crashes
> when it hits "@{var} +=", but I didn't debug that yet.
> [ 33-fix-add-to-variable-and-add-tests.diff ]

Acked-by: Steve Beattie <steve at nxnw.org> for trunk and 2.9

Some comments on the questioned test cases inlined:

> === modified file utils/apparmor/aa.py
> --- utils/apparmor/aa.py        2015-04-08 00:09:02.931423160 +0200
> +++ utils/apparmor/aa.py        2015-04-08 00:13:59.273822091 +0200
> @@ -3241,13 +3241,12 @@
>  def separate_vars(vs):
>      """Returns a list of all the values for a variable"""
> -    data = []
> +    data = set()
> -    #data = [i.strip('"') for i in vs.split()]
>      RE_VARS = re.compile('\s*((\".+?\")|([^\"]\S+))\s*(.*)$')
>      while RE_VARS.search(vs):
>          matches = RE_VARS.search(vs).groups()
> -        data.append(strip_quotes(matches[0]))
> +        data.add(strip_quotes(matches[0]))
>          vs = matches[3]
>      return data
> @@ -3259,17 +3258,19 @@
>          return False
>  def store_list_var(var, list_var, value, var_operation, filename):
> -    """Store(add new variable or add values to variable) the variables encountered in the given list_var"""
> +    """Store(add new variable or add values to variable) the variables encountered in the given list_var
> +       - the 'var' parameter will be modified
> +       - 'list_var' is the variable name, for example '@{foo}'
> +        """
>      vlist = separate_vars(value)
>      if var_operation == '=':
>          if not var.get(list_var, False):
>              var[list_var] = set(vlist)
>          else:
> -            #print('Ignored: New definition for variable for:',list_var,'=', value, 'operation was:',var_operation,'old value=', var[list_var])
>              raise AppArmorException(_('Redefining existing variable %(variable)s: %(value)s in %(file)s') % { 'variable': list_var, 'value': value, 'file': filename })
>      elif var_operation == '+=':
>          if var.get(list_var, False):
> -            var[list_var] = set(var[list_var] + vlist)
> +            var[list_var] |= vlist
>          else:
>              raise AppArmorException(_('Values added to a non-existing variable %(variable)s: %(value)s in %(file)s') % { 'variable': list_var, 'value': value, 'file': filename })
>      else:
> === modified file utils/test/test-aa.py
> --- utils/test/test-aa.py       2015-04-08 00:09:02.934422982 +0200
> +++ utils/test/test-aa.py       2015-04-07 23:14:27.316826914 +0200
> @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
>  import tempfile
>  from common_test import read_file, write_file
> -from apparmor.aa import check_for_apparmor, get_profile_flags, set_profile_flags, is_skippable_file, is_skippable_dir, parse_profile_start, write_header, serialize_parse_profile_start
> +from apparmor.aa import check_for_apparmor, get_profile_flags, set_profile_flags, is_skippable_file, is_skippable_dir, parse_profile_start, separate_vars, store_list_var, write_header, serialize_parse_profile_start
>  from apparmor.common import AppArmorException, AppArmorBug
>  class AaTestWithTempdir(AATest):
> @@ -349,6 +349,66 @@
>          with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
>              self._parse('xy', '/bar', '/bar') # not a profile start
> +class AaTest_separate_vars(AATest):
> +    tests = [
> +        (''                             , set()                      ),
> +        ('       '                      , set()                      ),
> +        ('  foo bar'                    , {'foo', 'bar'             }),
> +        ('foo "  '                      , {'foo'                    }), # XXX " is ignored

If this is the raw variable assignment string included in the profile,
then this is invalid syntax (the parser will want a close quote):

  $ echo -e '@{FOO}=foo "   \n profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }'
  @{FOO}=foo "
   profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }
  $ echo -e '@{FOO}=foo "   \n profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }'  | apparmor_parser -qQK --dump variables
  AppArmor parser error, in stdin line 1: Found unexpected character: '"'

> +        (' " foo '                      , {' "', 'foo'              }), # XXX really?

Same. Note however, that a backslash escaped " is valid:

  $ echo -e '@{FOO}= \" foo    \n profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }'
  @{FOO}= \" foo
   profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }
  $ echo -e '@{FOO}= \" foo    \n profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }' | apparmor_parser -qQK --dump variables
  @FOO = "foo" """

> +        ('  foo bar   '                 , {'foo', 'bar'             }),
> +        ('  foo bar   # comment'        , {'foo', 'bar', 'comment'  }), # XXX should comments be stripped?

Hrm, I think the parser has a bug here:

  $ echo -e '@{FOO}= foo # comment   \n profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }' | apparmor_parser -qQK --dump variables
  @FOO = "comment" "#" "foo"

> +        ('foo'                          , {'foo'                    }),
> +        ('"foo" "bar baz"'              , {'foo', 'bar baz'         }),
> +        ('foo "bar baz" xy'             , {'foo', 'bar baz', 'xy'   }),
> +        ('foo "bar baz '                , {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'      }), # half-quoted

Again, invalid syntax:

  $ echo -e '@{FOO}= foo "bar baz   \n profile /t { /@{FOO} r, }' | apparmor_parser -qQK --dump variables
  AppArmor parser error, in stdin line 1: Found unexpected character: '"'

> +        ('  " foo" bar'                 , {' foo', 'bar'            }),
> +    ]
> +
> +    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
> +        result = separate_vars(params)
> +        self.assertEqual(result, expected)
> +
> +
> +class AaTest_store_list_var(AATest):
> +    tests = [
> +        #  old var                        value        operation   expected (False for exception)
> +        ([ {}                           , 'foo'         , '='   ], {'foo'}                      ), # set
> +        ([ {}                           , 'foo bar'     , '='   ], {'foo', 'bar'}               ), # set multi
> +        ([ {'@{var}': {'foo'}}          , 'bar'         , '='   ], False                        ), # redefine var
> +        ([ {}                           , 'bar'         , '+='  ], False                        ), # add to undefined var
> +        ([ {'@{var}': {'foo'}}          , 'bar'         , '+='  ], {'foo', 'bar'}               ), # add
> +        ([ {'@{var}': {'foo'}}          , 'bar baz'     , '+='  ], {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}        ), # add multi
> +        ([ {'@{var}': {'foo', 'xy'}}    , 'bar baz'     , '+='  ], {'foo', 'xy', 'bar', 'baz'}  ), # add multi to multi
> +        ([ {}                           , 'foo'         , '-='  ], False                        ), # unknown operation
> +    ]
> +
> +    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
> +        var         = params[0]
> +        value       = params[1]
> +        operation   = params[2]
> +
> +        if not expected:
> +            with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
> +                store_list_var(var, '@{var}', value, operation, 'somefile')
> +            return
> +
> +        # dumy value that must not be changed
> +        var['@{foo}'] = {'one', 'two'}
> +
> +        exp_var = {
> +            '@{foo}':   {'one', 'two'},
> +            '@{var}':   expected,
> +        }
> +
> +        store_list_var(var, '@{var}', value, operation, 'somefile')
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(var.keys(), exp_var.keys())
> +
> +        for key in exp_var:
> +            self.assertEqual(var[key], exp_var[key])
> +
> +
>  class AaTest_write_header(AATest):
>      tests = [
>          # name       embedded_hat    write_flags    depth   flags           attachment  prof.keyw.  comment    expected

Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
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