[apparmor] [patch 3/3] Convert existing code to use NetworkRule and NetworkRuleset

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Tue Apr 14 21:41:33 UTC 2015


Change aa.py to use NetworkRule and NetworkRuleset instead of a
sub-hasher to store, check and write network rules. In detail:
- drop profile_known_network() and use is_known_rule() instead
- replace match_net_includes() usage with match_includes() calls
- drop delete_net_duplicates(), use the code in NetworkRule(set) instead
- make match_net_includes() (still used by aa-mergeprof) a wrapper for
- drop all the network rule parsing from parse_profile_data() and
  serialize_profile_from_old_profile() - instead, just call
- now that write_net_rules() got fixed, drop it ;-)
- change write_netdomain to use NetworkRuleset
- drop netrules_access_check() - that's is_covered() now
- use 'network' instead of 'netdomain' as storage keyword (log events
  still use 'netdomain')

Also update cleanprofile.py to use the NetworkRuleset class.
This also means to delete the (now superfluous) delete_net_duplicates()

Finally, there are some changes in regex.py:
- change RE_PROFILE_NETWORK in regex.py to named matches and to use
  RE_COMMA_EOL (not only RE_EOL)
- drop the no longer needed RE_NETWORK_FAMILY and RE_NETWORK_FAMILY_TYPE
  (rule/network.py has regexes that check against the list of available

Note: Some parts of this patch will only apply if you apply my other
pending patches first.

Diffstat for all 3 patches:

 apparmor/aa.py           |  224 +++---------------------
 apparmor/cleanprofile.py |   38 ----
 apparmor/regex.py        |    4 
 apparmor/rule/network.py |  210 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/test-network.py     |  428 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 673 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)

[ 46-convert-to-use-NetworkRule.diff ]

=== modified file 'utils/apparmor/aa.py'
--- utils/apparmor/aa.py        2015-04-11 00:20:31 +0000
+++ utils/apparmor/aa.py        2015-04-11 18:04:51 +0000
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+                            RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT,
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 import apparmor.rules as aarules
 from apparmor.rule.capability import CapabilityRuleset, CapabilityRule
+from apparmor.rule.network    import NetworkRuleset,    NetworkRule
 from apparmor.rule import parse_modifiers
 from apparmor.yasti import SendDataToYast, GetDataFromYast, shutdown_yast
@@ -1450,8 +1451,6 @@
                                 if stub_profile[hat][hat].get('include', False):
                                     aa[profile][hat]['include'] = stub_profile[hat][hat]['include']
-                                aa[profile][hat]['allow']['netdomain'] = hasher()
                                 file_name = aa[profile][profile]['filename']
                                 filelist[file_name]['profiles'][profile][hat] = True
@@ -1958,11 +1957,12 @@
                 for family in sorted(log_dict[aamode][profile][hat]['netdomain'].keys()):
                     # severity handling for net toggles goes here
                     for sock_type in sorted(log_dict[aamode][profile][hat]['netdomain'][family].keys()):
-                        if profile_known_network(aa[profile][hat], family, sock_type):
+                        network_obj = NetworkRule(family, sock_type)
+                        if is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'network', network_obj):
                         default_option = 1
                         options = []
-                        newincludes = match_net_includes(aa[profile][hat], family, sock_type)
+                        newincludes = match_includes(aa[profile][hat], 'network', network_obj)
                         q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
                         if newincludes:
                             options += list(map(lambda s: '#include <%s>' % s, sorted(set(newincludes))))
@@ -2031,8 +2031,7 @@
                                         aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
-                                    aa[profile][hat]['allow']['netdomain']['audit'][family][sock_type] = audit_toggle
-                                    aa[profile][hat]['allow']['netdomain']['rule'][family][sock_type] = True
+                                    aa[profile][hat]['network'].add(NetworkRule(family, sock_type, audit=audit_toggle))
                                     changed[profile] = True
@@ -2040,7 +2039,7 @@
                             elif ans == 'CMD_DENY':
                                 done = True
-                                aa[profile][hat]['deny']['netdomain']['rule'][family][sock_type] = True
+                                aa[profile][hat]['network'].add(NetworkRule(family, sock_type, audit=audit_toggle, deny=True))
                                 changed[profile] = True
                                 aaui.UI_Info(_('Denying network access %(family)s %(type)s to profile') % { 'family': family, 'type': sock_type })
@@ -2103,31 +2102,6 @@
             newpath = re.sub('/[^/]+(\.[^/]+)$', '/*' + match.groups()[0], newpath)
     return newpath
-def delete_net_duplicates(netrules, incnetrules):
-    deleted = 0
-    hasher_obj = hasher()
-    copy_netrules = deepcopy(netrules)
-    if incnetrules and netrules:
-        incnetglob = False
-        # Delete matching rules from abstractions
-        if incnetrules.get('all', False):
-            incnetglob = True
-        for fam in copy_netrules['rule'].keys():
-            if incnetglob or (type(incnetrules['rule'][fam]) != type(hasher_obj) and incnetrules['rule'][fam]):
-                if type(netrules['rule'][fam]) == type(hasher_obj):
-                    deleted += len(netrules['rule'][fam].keys())
-                else:
-                    deleted += 1
-                netrules['rule'].pop(fam)
-            elif type(netrules['rule'][fam]) != type(hasher_obj) and netrules['rule'][fam]:
-                continue
-            else:
-                for socket_type in copy_netrules['rule'][fam].keys():
-                    if incnetrules['rule'][fam].get(socket_type, False):
-                        netrules['rule'][fam].pop(socket_type)
-                        deleted += 1
-    return deleted
 def delete_path_duplicates(profile, incname, allow):
     deleted = []
     for entry in profile[allow]['path'].keys():
@@ -2150,20 +2124,14 @@
     # only a subset allow rules may actually be denied
     if include.get(incname, False):
-        deleted += delete_net_duplicates(profile['allow']['netdomain'], include[incname][incname]['allow']['netdomain'])
-        deleted += delete_net_duplicates(profile['deny']['netdomain'], include[incname][incname]['deny']['netdomain'])
+        deleted += profile['network'].delete_duplicates(include[incname][incname]['network'])
         deleted += profile['capability'].delete_duplicates(include[incname][incname]['capability'])
         deleted += delete_path_duplicates(profile, incname, 'allow')
         deleted += delete_path_duplicates(profile, incname, 'deny')
     elif filelist.get(incname, False):
-        deleted += delete_net_duplicates(profile['allow']['netdomain'], filelist[incname][incname]['allow']['netdomain'])
-        deleted += delete_net_duplicates(profile['deny']['netdomain'], filelist[incname][incname]['deny']['netdomain'])
+        deleted += profile['network'].delete_duplicates(filelist[incname][incname]['network'])
         deleted += profile['capability'].delete_duplicates(filelist[incname][incname]['capability'])
         deleted += delete_path_duplicates(profile, incname, 'allow')
@@ -2172,25 +2140,10 @@
     return deleted
 def match_net_include(incname, family, type):
-    includelist = [incname]
-    checked = []
-    name = None
-    if includelist:
-        name = includelist.pop(0)
-    while name:
-        checked.append(name)
-        if netrules_access_check(include[name][name]['allow']['netdomain'], family, type):
-            return True
-        if include[name][name]['include'].keys() and name not in checked:
-            includelist += include[name][name]['include'].keys()
-        if len(includelist):
-            name = includelist.pop(0)
-        else:
-            name = False
-    return False
+    # still used by aa-mergeprof
+    network_obj = NetworkRule(family, type)
+    return match_includes(incname, 'network', network_obj)
 def match_cap_includes(profile, capability):
     # still used by aa-mergeprof
@@ -2537,7 +2490,7 @@
                 nd = prelog[aamode][profile][hat]['netdomain']
                 for family in nd.keys():
                     for sock_type in nd[family].keys():
-                        if not profile_known_network(aa[profile][hat], family, sock_type):
+                        if not is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], 'network', NetworkRule(family, sock_type)):
                             log_dict[aamode][profile][hat]['netdomain'][family][sock_type] = True
@@ -2713,7 +2666,7 @@
             profile_data[profile][hat]['flags'] = flags
-            profile_data[profile][hat]['allow']['netdomain'] = hasher()
+            profile_data[profile][hat]['network'] = NetworkRuleset()
             profile_data[profile][hat]['allow']['path'] = hasher()
             profile_data[profile][hat]['allow']['dbus'] = list()
             profile_data[profile][hat]['allow']['mount'] = list()
@@ -2963,34 +2916,14 @@
         elif RE_PROFILE_NETWORK.search(line):
-            matches = RE_PROFILE_NETWORK.search(line).groups()
             if not profile:
                 raise AppArmorException(_('Syntax Error: Unexpected network entry found in file: %(file)s line: %(line)s') % { 'file': file, 'line': lineno + 1 })
-            audit = False
-            if matches[0]:
-                audit = True
-            allow = 'allow'
-            if matches[1] and matches[1].strip() == 'deny':
-                allow = 'deny'
-            network = matches[2]
+            # init rule class (if not done yet)
+            if not profile_data[profile][hat].get('network', False):
+                profile_data[profile][hat]['network'] = CapabilityRuleset()
-            if RE_NETWORK_FAMILY_TYPE.search(network):
-                nmatch = RE_NETWORK_FAMILY_TYPE.search(network).groups()
-                fam, typ = nmatch[:2]
-                ##Simply ignore any type subrules if family has True (seperately for allow and deny)
-                ##This will lead to those type specific rules being lost when written
-                #if type(profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'].get(fam, False)) == dict:
-                profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam][typ] = 1
-                profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam][typ] = audit
-            elif RE_NETWORK_FAMILY.search(network):
-                fam = RE_NETWORK_FAMILY.search(network).groups()[0]
-                profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam] = True
-                profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam] = audit
-            else:
-                profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule']['all'] = True
-                profile_data[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit']['all'] = audit  # True
+            profile_data[profile][hat]['network'].add(NetworkRule.parse(line))
         elif RE_PROFILE_DBUS.search(line):
             matches = RE_PROFILE_DBUS.search(line).groups()
@@ -3386,39 +3319,10 @@
         data = prof_data['capability'].get_clean(depth)
     return data
-def write_net_rules(prof_data, depth, allow):
-    pre = '  ' * depth
-    data = []
-    allowstr = set_allow_str(allow)
-    audit = ''
-    if prof_data[allow].get('netdomain', False):
-        if prof_data[allow]['netdomain'].get('rule', False) == 'all':
-            if prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['audit'].get('all', False):
-                audit = 'audit '
-            data.append('%s%snetwork,' % (pre, audit))
-        else:
-            for fam in sorted(prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['rule'].keys()):
-                audit = ''
-                if prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam] is True:
-                    if prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam]:
-                        audit = 'audit '
-                    if fam == 'all':
-                        data.append('%s%s%snetwork,' % (pre, audit, allowstr))
-                    else:
-                        data.append('%s%s%snetwork %s,' % (pre, audit, allowstr, fam))
-                else:
-                    for typ in sorted(prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam].keys()):
-                        if prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam].get(typ, False):
-                            audit = 'audit '
-                        data.append('%s%s%snetwork %s %s,' % (pre, audit, allowstr, fam, typ))
-        if prof_data[allow].get('netdomain', False):
-            data.append('')
-    return data
 def write_netdomain(prof_data, depth):
-    data = write_net_rules(prof_data, depth, 'deny')
-    data += write_net_rules(prof_data, depth, 'allow')
+    data = []
+    if prof_data.get('network', False):
+        data = prof_data['network'].get_clean(depth)
     return data
 def write_dbus_rules(prof_data, depth, allow):
@@ -3776,7 +3680,7 @@
                          'include': write_includes,
                          'rlimit': write_rlimits,
                          'capability': write_capabilities,
-                         'netdomain': write_netdomain,
+                         'network': write_netdomain,
                          'dbus': write_dbus,
                          'mount': write_mount,
                          'signal': write_signal,
@@ -3791,7 +3695,7 @@
-                                'netdomain',
+                                'network',
@@ -3807,7 +3711,7 @@
                     'include': False,
                     'rlimit': False,
                     'capability': False,
-                    'netdomain': False,
+                    'network': False,
                     'dbus': False,
                     'mount': True, # not handled otherwise yet
                     'signal': True, # not handled otherwise yet
@@ -4158,44 +4062,13 @@
             elif RE_PROFILE_NETWORK.search(line):
-                matches = RE_PROFILE_NETWORK.search(line).groups()
-                audit = False
-                if matches[0]:
-                    audit = True
-                allow = 'allow'
-                if matches[1] and matches[1].strip() == 'deny':
-                    allow = 'deny'
-                network = matches[2]
-                if RE_NETWORK_FAMILY_TYPE.search(network):
-                    nmatch = RE_NETWORK_FAMILY_TYPE.search(network).groups()
-                    fam, typ = nmatch[:2]
-                    if write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam][typ] and write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam][typ] == audit:
-                        write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam].pop(typ)
-                        write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam].pop(typ)
-                        data.append(line)
-                    else:
-                        correct = False
-                elif RE_NETWORK_FAMILY.search(network):
-                    fam = RE_NETWORK_FAMILY.search(network).groups()[0]
-                    if write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam] and write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam] == audit:
-                        write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'].pop(fam)
-                        write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit'].pop(fam)
-                        data.append(line)
-                    else:
-                        correct = False
-                else:
-                    if write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule']['all'] and write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit']['all'] == audit:
-                        write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'].pop('all')
-                        write_prof_data[hat][allow]['netdomain']['audit'].pop('all')
-                        data.append(line)
-                    else:
-                        correct = False
-                if correct:
-                    if not segments['netdomain'] and True in segments.values():
+                network_obj = NetworkRule.parse(line)
+                if write_prof_data[hat]['network'].is_covered(network_obj, True, True):
+                    if not segments['network'] and True in segments.values():
                         data += write_prior_segments(write_prof_data[name], segments, line)
-                    segments['netdomain'] = True
+                    segments['network'] = True
+                    write_prof_data[hat]['network'].delete(network_obj)
+                    data.append(line)
             elif RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT.search(line):
                 matches = RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT.search(line).groups()
@@ -4321,41 +4194,6 @@
     return False
-def profile_known_network(profile, family, sock_type):
-    if netrules_access_check(profile['deny']['netdomain'], family, sock_type):
-        return -1
-    if netrules_access_check(profile['allow']['netdomain'], family, sock_type):
-        return 1
-    for incname in profile['include'].keys():
-        if netrules_access_check(include[incname][incname]['deny']['netdomain'], family, sock_type):
-            return -1
-        if netrules_access_check(include[incname][incname]['allow']['netdomain'], family, sock_type):
-            return 1
-    return 0
-def netrules_access_check(netrules, family, sock_type):
-    if not netrules:
-        return 0
-    all_net = False
-    all_net_family = False
-    net_family_sock = False
-    if netrules['rule'].get('all', False):
-        all_net = True
-    if netrules['rule'].get(family, False) is True:
-        all_net_family = True
-    if (netrules['rule'].get(family, False) and
-            type(netrules['rule'][family]) == type(hasher()) and
-            sock_type in netrules['rule'][family].keys() and
-            netrules['rule'][family][sock_type]):
-        net_family_sock = True
-    if all_net or all_net_family or net_family_sock:
-        return True
-    else:
-        return False
 def reload_base(bin_path):
     if not check_for_apparmor():
         return None

=== modified file 'utils/apparmor/cleanprofile.py'
--- utils/apparmor/cleanprofile.py      2014-12-16 22:13:25 +0000
+++ utils/apparmor/cleanprofile.py      2015-04-11 22:35:00 +0000
@@ -64,20 +64,18 @@
                 deleted += apparmor.aa.delete_duplicates(self.other.aa[program][hat], inc)
-            #Clean the duplicates of caps in other profile
+            #Clean duplicate rules in other profile
             if not self.same_file:
                 deleted += self.other.aa[program][hat]['capability'].delete_duplicates(self.profile.aa[program][hat]['capability'])
+                deleted += self.other.aa[program][hat]['network'].delete_duplicates(self.profile.aa[program][hat]['network'])
                 deleted += self.other.aa[program][hat]['capability'].delete_duplicates(None)
+                deleted += self.other.aa[program][hat]['network'].delete_duplicates(None)
             #Clean the duplicates of path in other profile
             deleted += delete_path_duplicates(self.profile.aa[program][hat], self.other.aa[program][hat], 'allow', self.same_file)
             deleted += delete_path_duplicates(self.profile.aa[program][hat], self.other.aa[program][hat], 'deny', self.same_file)
-            #Clean the duplicates of net rules in other profile
-            deleted += delete_net_duplicates(self.profile.aa[program][hat]['allow']['netdomain'], self.other.aa[program][hat]['allow']['netdomain'], self.same_file)
-            deleted += delete_net_duplicates(self.profile.aa[program][hat]['deny']['netdomain'], self.other.aa[program][hat]['deny']['netdomain'], self.same_file)
             return deleted
 def delete_path_duplicates(profile, profile_other, allow, same_profile=True):
@@ -108,33 +106,3 @@
     return len(deleted)
-def delete_net_duplicates(netrules, netrules_other, same_profile=True):
-    deleted = 0
-    hasher_obj = apparmor.aa.hasher()
-    if netrules_other and netrules:
-        netglob = False
-        # Delete matching rules
-        if netrules.get('all', False):
-            netglob = True
-        # Iterate over a copy of the rules in the other profile
-        for fam in list(netrules_other['rule'].keys()):
-            if netglob or (type(netrules['rule'][fam]) != type(hasher_obj) and netrules['rule'][fam]):
-                if not same_profile:
-                    if type(netrules_other['rule'][fam]) == type(hasher_obj):
-                        deleted += len(netrules_other['rule'][fam].keys())
-                    else:
-                        deleted += 1
-                    netrules_other['rule'].pop(fam)
-            elif type(netrules_other['rule'][fam]) != type(hasher_obj) and netrules_other['rule'][fam]:
-                if type(netrules['rule'][fam]) != type(hasher_obj) and netrules['rule'][fam]:
-                    if not same_profile:
-                        netrules_other['rule'].pop(fam)
-                        deleted += 1
-            else:
-                for sock_type in list(netrules_other['rule'][fam].keys()):
-                    if netrules['rule'].get(fam, False):
-                        if netrules['rule'][fam].get(sock_type, False):
-                            if not same_profile:
-                                netrules_other['rule'][fam].pop(sock_type)
-                                deleted += 1
-    return deleted

=== modified file 'utils/apparmor/regex.py'
--- utils/apparmor/regex.py     2015-04-03 15:28:03 +0000
+++ utils/apparmor/regex.py     2015-04-12 00:33:41 +0000
@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
 RE_PROFILE_CONDITIONAL_BOOLEAN = re.compile('^\s*if\s+(not\s+)?defined\s+(\$\{?\w+\}?)\s*\{\s*(#.*)?$')
 RE_PROFILE_PATH_ENTRY   = re.compile(RE_AUDIT_DENY + RE_OWNER + '(file\s+)?([\"@/].*?)\s+(\S+)(\s+->\s*(.*?))?' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
-RE_PROFILE_NETWORK      = re.compile(RE_AUDIT_DENY + 'network(.*)' + RE_EOL)
-RE_NETWORK_FAMILY_TYPE = re.compile('\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*,$')
-RE_NETWORK_FAMILY = re.compile('\s+(\S+)\s*,$')
+RE_PROFILE_NETWORK      = re.compile(RE_AUDIT_DENY + 'network(?P<details>\s+.*)?' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
 RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT   = re.compile('^\s*\^(\"??.+?\"??)' + RE_COMMA_EOL)
 RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF      = re.compile('^\s*(\^|hat\s+)(?P<hat>\"??.+?\"??)\s+((flags=)?\((?P<flags>.+)\)\s+)*\{' + RE_EOL)
 RE_PROFILE_DBUS         = re.compile(RE_AUDIT_DENY + '(dbus\s*,|dbus\s+[^#]*\s*,)' + RE_EOL)


Christian Boltz
> (Beschwerden bitte an die Verbrecher des jeweiligen Programms)
:)  Die KDE4-Entwickler sind vermutlich eh noch eingebunkert...
[> Karl Thomas Schmidt und Helga Fischer in opensuse-de]

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