[apparmor] [patch] write_net_rules() fixes, part 3
Christian Boltz
apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Apr 10 19:51:34 UTC 2015
thanks to the used data structure, write_net_rules() replaces bare
'network,' rules with the invalid 'network all,' when saving a profile.
This patch makes sure a correct 'network,' rule is written.
Also reset 'audit' to avoid all (remaining) rules get the audit flag
after writing an audit network rule.
Note: The first section of the function (that claims to be responsible
for bare 'network,' rules) is probably never hit - but I'm not too keen
to remove it and try it out ;-)
I propose this patch for trunk and 2.9.
That's the 3rd fix for write_net_rules() in two days. In the meantime,
I'm slightly surprised that it worked at all ;-) and I'm even more
surprised we didn't get any bugreport about those issues.
Even with those fixes, handling of network rules is still buggy. For
example, I noticed deny rules loose the audit flag (which might be a
case of "last rule wins", and that sounds even worse), and I also found
parse_profile_data() crashing on a profile with
network inet6,
network inet6 raw,
because these two (overlapping) rules collide in the hasher data
structure. Needless to say that fixing this would need quite some
In case you are interested - I tested with this dummy profile:
/usr/bin/ping {
audit network,
audit deny network bluetooth,
network inet6,
network inet6 raw,
deny network bluetooth,
That said - I'll focus on writing the NetworkRule class instead of
hunting more bugs in the current, obviously broken code. That sounds
more reasonable and probably comes with less bugs than the current
[ 38-fix-write_net_rules-network-all.diff ]
=== modified file utils/apparmor/aa.py
--- utils/apparmor/aa.py 2015-04-09 13:26:40.395241456 +0200
+++ utils/apparmor/aa.py 2015-04-10 21:16:26.773608745 +0200
@@ -3399,10 +3399,14 @@
data.append('%s%snetwork,' % (pre, audit))
for fam in sorted(prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['rule'].keys()):
+ audit = ''
if prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam] is True:
if prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam]:
audit = 'audit '
- data.append('%s%s%snetwork %s,' % (pre, audit, allowstr, fam))
+ if fam == 'all':
+ data.append('%s%s%snetwork,' % (pre, audit, allowstr))
+ else:
+ data.append('%s%s%snetwork %s,' % (pre, audit, allowstr, fam))
for typ in sorted(prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['rule'][fam].keys()):
if prof_data[allow]['netdomain']['audit'][fam].get(typ, False):
Christian Boltz
Hm, mich hat Frust in meiner Linuxanfangszeit doch eher beflügelt,
ich hab mir gedacht, dem Schrotthaufen Code zeig ich mal, wer die
Hosen anhat. Wobei, ich zappel wohl hier immer noch eher in einem
Strampelanzug herum ;) [Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner in suse-linux]
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