[apparmor] [PATCH] parser: Sync parser and man page regarding local and peer perms

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Mon Sep 15 20:47:50 UTC 2014


Am Montag, 15. September 2014 schrieb Tyler Hicks:
> +applies to the combination of a local and peer socket. It is required
> +that create, bind, listen, shutdown, getattr, setattr, getopt, and
> +setopt permissions are only specified in rules that do not have a
> peer 
> +component.

That's a confusing sentence ;-)


create, bind, listen, shutdown, getattr, setattr, getopt, and setopt 
permissions can't be specified in rules that have a peer component.


Christian Boltz

PS: Non-random sig ;-)
* cboltz votes for the boring version - can't
<sarnold> that's a bit informal for a mandatory security platform :)
<sbeattie> ah, but you see, contractions are informal, and we can't, 
           err can not, err cannot, err can ?not have that.
[from #apparmor, while discussing bugzilla.novell.com/853661]

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