[apparmor] [patch 1/3] add base and capability rule classes
Steve Beattie
steve at nxnw.org
Thu Nov 20 21:07:08 UTC 2014
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 01:40:30AM +0100, Christian Boltz wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 18. November 2014 schrieb Steve Beattie:
> > > The layout of the base_rules and capability_rules class is not too
> > > different from the proposal I sent some weeks ago.
> > >
> > > The biggest difference is that the class doesn't store the full
> > > profile and include list. When I tried to do this, aa-logprof
> > > started to eat *lots of* memory before I Ctrl-C'd it in a
> > > deepcopy() operation. Either we find a way to implement this in a
> > > sane way that doesn't eat memory, or we just keep it out ;-)
> >
> > Do you have a code snippet of how you went about this? Keeping
> > references to things should be relatively lightweight. Perhaps it's
> > an artifact of the specific implementation of the global hasher
> > thingy.
> Something like that (IIRC):
> class capability_rules(base_rules):
> fullprofile = None
> includes = None
> def __init__(self, fullprofile, includes):
> self.fullprofile = fullprofile
> self.includes = includes
> then use
> foo = capability_rules(aa[profile][hat], include)
> That said - keeping the includes outside isn't as bad as I thought, so
> don't worry about that too much ;-)
Okay. Again, my suspicion is that this is an artifact of the hasher, as
normally python just retains a reference to an object, unless you do
specific work to make a deep copy.
> > > def __init__(self):
> > > self.delete_all_rules()
> > >
> > > def delete_all_rules(self):
> > > self.rules = []
> >
> > Why is delete_all_rules() necessary? __init__() should probably just
> > do the initialization of self.rules directly, and we really shouldn't
> > be re-using an object to encapsulate a different set of rules.
> I'm using it from aa.py when writing the profile in non-clean mode, and
> that code needs to clear the rules it already wrote. I could also use
> aa[profile][hat]['capability'] = capability_rules()
> there. However, using
> aa[profile][hat]['capability'].delete_all_rules()
> has a big advantage: We can replace 'capability' with a variable and
> easily loop over all rule types. You can't do that with
> ... = capability_rules() ;-)
Mmm, I'm still not entirely convinced, but it feels like it again
might be an artifact of the hasher and/or a lack of use of classes
for profiles.
> > And realistically, if you just declare 'rules = []' as a field in the
> > class, then neither function is necessary (though it wouldn't surprise
> > me if we needed __init__() for other reasons).
> __init() is needed - try running the testsuite without it and you'll
> know the reason ;-)
> (and yes, I was also surprised that I explicitely need self.rules = []
> in __init__() - what python does without the __init__() isn't what I'd
> expect)
Right, this was me being dumb, and not remembering that fields declared
at the class level are Class Attributes and thus modifying what the
attribute references in a method changes it for *all* instances of that
class (e.g. if the attribute is a list, items appended to the list will
appear for all instances of the class). (The python tutorial section at
is a pretty good overview).
Generally we should probably avoid Class Attributes unless they are
something immutable across the class.
> BTW: is ..._rule vs ..._rules ok or should we use a name that differs
> more? (If yes, any idea?)
So, first off, stylistically, it's a common style to use CamelCase
for python classes, to make them easier to distinguish from functions
or methods. Second, I agree that failing to distinguish between _rule
and _rules (or Rule and Rules) is probably too easy; how about Rule
and Ruleset?
> > > def delete_duplicates(self, inccaps):
> > > '''Delete duplicate rules.
> >
> > What is the inccaps argument here?
> The capabilities of an include file (include[file][file]['capability']
> in aa.py IIRC). I should probably rename inccaps to include_rules to
> make the name fit for all rule types.
Yes please.
> > > def get_glob_ext(self, path_or_rule):
> > > '''returns the next possible glob with extension (for file
> > > rules only).
> > When we come around to dbus and some of the other rule types, it's
> > likely they will also have meaningful results. What's the return
> > type/value for if there's no meaningful glob? Would 'capability,'
> > (*shudder*) be a valid glob for capabilities?
> At the moment, my plan is to return a string (basically a rawrule), but
> that's something we can change if you have a better idea.
> And yes, "capability," would be a valid glob - and also something I
> wouldn't want to have in my profiles ;-)
> BTW: get_glob_ext() is for "Glob with (E)xt" - for capabilities, only
> get_glob() is available.
Well, what I was more proposing/thinking-incoherently-about was a
generic return-a-set-of-proposed-globs method, where (g)lob and glob
with (e)xt are elements of that set, but eh.
> > > utils/apparmor/rule/capability.py:
> > >
> > > class capability_rule(base_rule):
> > > '''Class to handle and store a single capability rule'''
> > >
> > > def __init__(self):
> > > self.capability = []
> >
> > Why is it a list, for a single capability? (And again, just declare
> > the field with the initial value.)
> Because someone had the idea to allow
> capability chown chgrp audit_write,
> in the profiles ;-)
> Until now, the utils just parsed this as
> "capability" "chown chgrp audit_write"
> but that makes finding duplicates quite hard ;-)
Mmm, right. A suggestion would be to make it a set() instead of a list,
to force elimination of duplicates.
At sort of a meta level, I know in lots of instances we try to avoid
making unnecessary changes to policy, yet I think there is value in
normalizing policy as well, which you could consider separating out a
multiple capability rule into multiple one-capability-per-rule rules
as being a type of normalization.
> === added directory 'utils/apparmor/rule'
> === added file 'utils/apparmor/rule/__init__.py'
> --- utils/apparmor/rule/__init__.py 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ utils/apparmor/rule/__init__.py 2014-11-15 21:51:26 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
> +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> +# Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592 at gmail.com>
> +# Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
> +#
> +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
> +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +from apparmor.common import AppArmorBug
> +
> +# setup module translations
> +from apparmor.translations import init_translation
> +_ = init_translation()
> +
> +# The key for representing bare rules such as "capability," or "file,"
> +ALL = '\0ALL'
I'm not so keen on having a magic dict key to represent the bare
keyword rules; one way I'd thought about handling this was to have
a keyword rule be represented by a subclass of the rule type; e.g.
CapabilityAllRule as a subclass of CapabilityRule, and trying to
encapsulate most of the differences within that subclass.
> +class base_rule(object):
As mentioned above, it would fit stylistically if this was BaseRule,
rather than base_rule, etc.
> + '''Base class to handle and store a single rule'''
> +
> + audit = False
> + deny = False
> + allow_keyword = False
> +
> + inlinecomment = ''
> +
> + rawrule = ''
> + logmode = '' # only set by set_log()
As these are Class Attributes, I'd rather see them get set in an
__init__() method, which alas means that the __init__() functions of
subclasses will need to call super(SUBCLASS_rule, self).__init__()
in their __init__() method, if they need one.
> + def get_raw(self, depth):
> + '''return raw rule (with original formatting, and leading whitespace in the depth parameter)'''
> + if self.rawrule:
> + return '%s%s' % (' '*depth, self.rawrule)
pep8 style nit: please put spaces around the multiplication operator.
> + else:
> + return self.get_clean(depth)
BaseRule doesn't implement or declare a get_clean() method. Should it
implement a default one? Or just let it back trace if a Rule subclass
author mistakenly doesn't implement one? Or maybe raise AppArmorBug?
Reading up on python's Abstract Base Classes
(https://docs.python.org/3/library/abc.html), we could do annotatations
to require methods to be implemented, but it involves metaclasses, and
the syntax for specifying that changed between python 2.7 and 3.x. So
I'm leery of going in that direction, until we're ready to wash our
hands completely of python 2.
> + def audit_allow_str(self):
> + '''return the allow/deny and audit keyword as string, including whitespace'''
Maybe more generically "modifiers_str", as these are rule modifiers.
> + if self.audit:
> + auditstr = 'audit '
> + else:
> + auditstr = ''
> +
> + if self.deny:
> + allowstr = 'deny '
> + elif self.allow_keyword:
> + allowstr = 'allow '
> + else:
> + allowstr = ''
> +
> + return '%s%s' % (auditstr, allowstr)
> +
> + def parse_audit_allow(self, matches):
> + '''returns audit, deny, allow_keyword and comment from the matches object
> + - audit, deny and allow_keyword are True/False
> + - comment is the comment with a leading space'''
> + audit = False
> + if matches.group('audit'):
> + audit = True
> +
> + deny = False
> + allow_keyword = False
> +
> + allowstr = matches.group('allow')
> + if allowstr:
> + if allowstr.strip() == 'allow':
> + allow_keyword = True
> + elif allowstr.strip() == 'deny':
> + deny = True
> + else:
> + raise AppArmorBug("Invalid allow/deny keyword %s" % allowstr)
> +
> + comment = ''
> + if matches.group('comment'):
> + # include a space so that we don't need to add it everywhere when writing the rule
> + comment = ' %s' % matches.group('comment')
> +
> + return (audit, deny, allow_keyword, comment)
> +
> +
> +class base_rules(object):
> + '''Base class to handle and store a collection of rules'''
> +
> + rules = []
Same issue with Class Attributes here.
> + # decides if the (G)lob and Glob w/ (E)xt options are displayed
> + can_glob = True
> + can_glob_ext = False
These seem like legit Class Attributes, and as such are okay, or am
I wrong? I would expect the subclass definition to override the value
if necessary.
> + def __init__(self):
> + self.delete_all_rules()
I'd rather just see:
self.rules = []
> +
> + def delete_all_rules(self):
> + self.rules = []
> +
> + def add_raw(self, rawrule):
> + '''parse rawrule (from profile file) and store it in a structured way'''
> +
> + newrule = self.new_rule()
Oh, I see how you're using new_rule(). Okay, this makes sense.
> + newrule.set_raw(rawrule)
Generally, idiomatic python avoids having getter and setter functions
and lets you access the field directly (and then you can do magic things
with attributes if it turns out you need to do something more complex
than simply set or get a value, leaving the interface the same).
But I'm not strongly opposed to handling things this way for now.
> + self.rules.append(newrule)
> +
> + def get_raw(self, depth):
> + '''return all raw rules (if possible/not modified in their original formatting).
> + Returns an array of lines, with depth * leading whitespace'''
> +
> + data = []
> + for rule in self.rules:
> + data.append(rule.get_raw(depth))
> +
> + if data:
> + data.append('')
> +
> + return data
> +
> + def get_clean(self, depth):
> + '''return all rules (in clean/default formatting)
> + Returns an array of lines, with depth * leading whitespace'''
> +
> + data = { 'allow': [], 'deny': [] }
Is there a reason to use a dict here, rather than two variables (allow
and deny)?
> + for rule in self.rules:
> + if rule.deny:
> + data['deny'].append(rule.get_clean(depth))
> + else:
> + data['allow'].append(rule.get_clean(depth))
> +
> + data['allow'].sort()
> + data['deny'].sort()
> +
> + cleandata = []
> +
> + if data['deny']:
> + cleandata += data['deny']
> + cleandata.append('')
> +
> + if data['allow']:
> + cleandata += data['allow']
> + cleandata.append('')
> +
> + return cleandata
> +
> + def covered_obj(self, rule_obj, check_allow_deny = True, check_audit = False):
pep8 wants the equals signs in default arguments to not have spaces
(e.g. check_allow_deny=True).
> + '''return True if rule_obj is covered by existing rules, otherwise False'''
> +
> + for rule in self.rules:
> + if rule.covered(rule_obj, check_allow_deny, check_audit):
> + return True
> +
> + return False
> +
> + def covered_log(self, parsed_log_event, check_allow_deny = True, check_audit = False):
> + '''return True if parsed_log_event is covered by existing rules, otherwise False'''
> +
> + rule_obj = self.new_rule()
> + rule_obj.set_log(parsed_log_event)
> +
> + return self.covered_obj(rule_obj, check_allow_deny, check_audit)
> +
> + def covered_raw(self, rawrule, check_allow_deny = True, check_audit = False):
> + '''return True if rawrule is covered by existing rules, otherwise False'''
> +
> + rule_obj = self.new_rule()
> + rule_obj.set_raw(rawrule)
> +
> + return self.covered_obj(rule_obj, check_allow_deny, check_audit)
Maybe is_obj_covered, is_log_covered, and is_raw_covered to indicate
that they are boolean functions? Similarly, is_covered in the Rule
> + def delete_obj(self, rule_obj):
> + '''Delete rule_obj from rules'''
> +
> + rule_to_delete = None
> + i = 0
> + for rule in self.rules:
> + i = i + 1
> + if rule.covered(rule_obj, True, True):
> + rule_to_delete = i
> + break
> +
> + if rule_to_delete:
> + self.rules.pop(i-1)
> + else:
> + raise AppArmorBug('Attemp to delete non-existing rule %s' % rule_obj.get_raw(0))
So if I have two rules, "capability," and "capability cap_dac_override,",
and I then ask to delete cap_dac_override, both rules will get deleted?
I suspect we will want a rule equality test method.
> + def delete_raw(self, rawrule):
> + '''Delete rawrule from rules'''
> +
> + rule_obj = self.new_rule()
> + rule_obj.set_raw(rawrule)
> +
> + return self.delete_obj(rule_obj)
> +
> + def delete_duplicates(self, inccaps):
> + '''Delete duplicate rules.
> + inccaps must be a *_rules object'''
> + deleted = []
> + if inccaps: # avoid breakage until we have a propoer function to ensure all profiles contain all *_rules objects
> + for cap_obj in self.rules:
> + if inccaps.covered_obj(cap_obj, True, True):
> + self.delete_obj(cap_obj)
> + deleted.append(cap_obj)
> +
> + return len(deleted)
Would it make sense from a UI perspective to return the deleted list,
which could then be displayed if requested?
> + def get_glob_ext(self, path_or_rule):
> + '''returns the next possible glob with extension (for file rules only).
> + For all other rule types, raise an exception'''
> + raise AppArmorBug("get_glob_ext is not available for this rule type!")
> +
> +
> === added file 'utils/apparmor/rule/capability.py'
> --- utils/apparmor/rule/capability.py 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ utils/apparmor/rule/capability.py 2014-11-15 22:01:34 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
> +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> +# Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592 at gmail.com>
> +# Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
> +#
> +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
> +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +from apparmor.regex import RE_PROFILE_CAP
> +from apparmor.common import AppArmorBug, AppArmorException
> +from apparmor.rule import base_rule, base_rules, ALL
> +import re
> +
> +# setup module translations
> +from apparmor.translations import init_translation
> +_ = init_translation()
> +
> +
> +class capability_rule(base_rule):
> + '''Class to handle and store a single capability rule'''
> +
> + capability = []
This is not needed, with the assignment in __init__()
> +
> + def __init__(self):
> + self.capability = []
> +
> + def get_clean(self, depth):
> + '''return rule (in clean/default formatting)'''
> +
> + space = ' '*depth
Again, space around the multiplication symbol please.
> + if ALL in self.capability:
> + # automatically cleanup if self.capability contains 'ALL'
> + return('%s%scapability,%s' % (space, self.audit_allow_str(), self.inlinecomment))
> + else:
> + allcaps = ' '.join(self.capability).strip()
> + if allcaps:
> + return('%s%scapability %s,%s' % (space, self.audit_allow_str(), ' '.join(sorted(self.capability)), self.inlinecomment))
> + else:
> + raise AppArmorBug("Empty capability rule")
> +
> + def set_raw(self, rawrule):
> + '''parse and store rawrule'''
> +
> + matches = RE_PROFILE_CAP.search(rawrule)
> + if not matches:
> + raise AppArmorException(_("Invalid capability rule '%s'") % rawrule)
> +
> + self.rawrule = rawrule.strip()
> +
> + self.audit, self.deny, self.allow_keyword, self.inlinecomment = self.parse_audit_allow(matches)
> +
> + if matches.group('capability'):
> + capability = matches.group('capability').strip()
> + self.capability = re.split("[ \t]+", capability)
> + else:
> + self.capability = [ ALL ]
> +
> + def set_log(self, parsed_log_event):
> + '''parse and store log event'''
> +
> + if parsed_log_event['operation'] != 'capable':
> + raise AppArmorBug('Invalid capability log event - not a capability event')
> +
> + if not parsed_log_event['name']:
> + raise AppArmorBug('Invalid capability log event - name is empty')
> +
> + self.capability = [ parsed_log_event['name'] ]
> +
> + self.logmode = parsed_log_event['aamode']
What is logmode saved for?
> + def covered(self, rule_obj, check_allow_deny = True, check_audit = False):
> + '''check if rule_obj is covered by this rule object'''
> +
> + if check_allow_deny and self.deny != rule_obj.deny:
> + return False
> +
> + if not rule_obj.capability:
> + raise AppArmorBug('No capability specified')
> +
> + if ALL not in self.capability:
> + for cap in rule_obj.capability:
> + if not cap in self.capability:
> + return False
> +
> + if check_audit and rule_obj.audit != self.audit:
> + return False
> +
> + if rule_obj.audit and not self.audit:
> + return False
> +
> + # still here? -> then it is covered
> + return True
> +
> +
> +class capability_rules(base_rules):
> + '''Class to handle and store a collection of capability rules'''
> +
> + def new_rule(self):
> + '''tiny helper function that allows to keep several functions to parent class'''
> + return capability_rule()
> +
> + def get_glob(self, path_or_rule):
> + '''Return the next possible glob. For capability rules, that's always "capability," (all capabilities)'''
> + return 'capability,'
Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
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