[apparmor] query

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Thu Nov 20 17:12:18 UTC 2014


Am Donnerstag, 20. November 2014 schrieb Pradeep Gupta:
>     /root/test.rb {
>       #include <abstractions/base>
>       /root/test.rb mr,
>       /root/ r,
>     }
> Now i restart and reloaded apparmor by following way:
>     sudo service apparmor restart
> so i assumed that when i will run my test.rb should not create any
> directory inside /root directory, But when i run this file like this
> way:
>     ruby test.rb

That's the problem - the executable here is "ruby" (not "test.rb"), and 
you most probably don't have a profile for /usr/bin/ruby ;-)

"test.rb" is just a parameter for ruby, it's not recognized as "the 

The solution is to start it with
    (or add /root to your PATH and start it with just "test.rb")

Now the executed program is really "test.rb" and your profile will be 

BTW: I wouldn't be surprised if you need some more additions to your 
profile (like "#include <abstractions/ruby>") - aa-logprof will tell you 
after you started your script with "./test.rb".


Christian Boltz
So wie yast2 [auf der Konsole] zur Zeit aussieht, ist es das Outlook
unter den Konsolenprogrammen: Nämlich die alleinseligmachende, fortge-
setzte Normverletzung unter Vorgabe guter Motive. [Ratti in suse-linux]

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