[apparmor] [patch] update dependencies for utils coverage

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Nov 7 16:52:19 UTC 2014


now that the severity tests are part of make coverage, we should extend 
the dependencies to the files needed by test-severity.py.

Another (easier) option would be to use
    .coverage: $(wildcard ../aa-* ../apparmor/*.py *)


=== modified file 'utils/test/Makefile'
--- utils/test/Makefile 2014-11-04 21:01:14 +0000
+++ utils/test/Makefile 2014-11-07 16:49:10 +0000
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
        export PYTHONPATH=.. ; $(foreach test, $(wildcard test-*.py), $(call pyalldo, $(test)))
-.coverage: $(wildcard ../aa-* ../apparmor/*.py test-*.py)
+# files needed by test-*.py:
+# - test-severity.py: severity.db severity_broken.db
+.coverage: $(wildcard ../aa-* ../apparmor/*.py test-*.py severity.db severity_broken.db)
        export PYTHONPATH=.. ; $(foreach test, $(wildcard test-*.py), $(PYTHON) -m coverage run --branch -p $(test); )
        $(PYTHON) -m coverage combine


Christian Boltz
Ich freue mich auf das Eröffnungsspiel Deutschland gegen Costa Rica.
Auf der einen Seite eine Bananenrepublik und auf der anderen Seite:
Costa Rica.   [Thomas Gottschalk, Wetten dass...?, 10.12.2005]

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