[apparmor] [patch 16/21] Move buffer management for the interface to C++ ostringstream class
john.johansen at canonical.com
john.johansen at canonical.com
Mon Mar 17 23:29:26 UTC 2014
with sbeattie's pad calculation fix.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen at canonical.com>
parser/parser.h | 5
parser/parser_interface.c | 510 +++++++++++++---------------------------------
parser/parser_policy.c | 8
3 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 372 deletions(-)
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/parser.h
+++ 2.9-test/parser/parser.h
@@ -415,9 +415,8 @@
extern int profile_merge_rules(Profile *prof);
/* parser_interface.c */
-typedef struct __sdserialize sd_serialize;
extern int load_profile(int option, Profile *prof);
-extern int sd_serialize_profile(sd_serialize *p, Profile *prof,
+extern void sd_serialize_profile(std::ostringstream &buf, Profile *prof,
int flatten);
extern int sd_load_buffer(int option, char *buffer, int size);
extern int cache_fd;
@@ -438,7 +437,7 @@
extern int merge_hat_rules(Profile *prof);
extern Profile *merge_policy(Profile *a, Profile *b);
extern int load_policy(int option);
-extern int load_hats(sd_serialize *p, Profile *prof);
+extern int load_hats(std::ostringstream &buf, Profile *prof);
extern int load_flattened_hats(Profile *prof, int option);
extern void dump_policy_hats(Profile *prof);
extern void dump_policy_names(void);
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/parser_interface.c
+++ 2.9-test/parser/parser_interface.c
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(s) gettext(s)
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
#include "parser.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "libapparmor_re/apparmor_re.h"
@@ -41,8 +44,6 @@
#define _(s) gettext(s)
-#define BUFFERINC 65536
-//#define BUFFERINC 16
#define SD_CODE_SIZE (sizeof(u8))
@@ -194,301 +195,172 @@
-/* Currently we will just use a contiguous block of memory
- be we are going to just hide this for the moment. */
-struct __sdserialize {
- u8 *buffer;
- u8 *pos;
- u8 *extent;
-sd_serialize *alloc_sd_serial(void)
- sd_serialize *p = (sd_serialize *) calloc(1, sizeof(sd_serialize));
- if (!p)
- return NULL;
- p->buffer = (u8 *) malloc(BUFFERINC);
- if (!p->buffer) {
- free(p);
- return NULL;
- }
- p->pos = p->buffer;
- p->extent = p->buffer + BUFFERINC;
- return p;
-void free_sd_serial(sd_serialize *p)
- if (p) {
- if (p->buffer)
- free(p->buffer);
- free(p);
- }
-/*check if something of size length is in sd_serial bounds */
-static inline int sd_inbounds(sd_serialize *p, int size)
+inline void sd_write8(std::ostringstream &buf, u8 b)
- return (p->pos + size <= p->extent);
+ buf.write((const char *) &b, 1);
-static inline void sd_inc(sd_serialize *p, int size)
+inline void sd_write16(std::ostringstream &buf, u16 b)
- if (sd_inbounds(p, size)) {
- p->pos += size;
- } else {
- PERROR(_("PANIC bad increment buffer %p pos %p ext %p size %d res %p\n"),
- p->buffer, p->pos, p->extent, size, p->pos + size);
- exit(-1);
- }
+ u16 tmp;
+ tmp = cpu_to_le16(b);
+ buf.write((const char *) &tmp, 2);
-inline long sd_serial_size(sd_serialize *p)
+inline void sd_write32(std::ostringstream &buf, u32 b)
- return (long) (p->pos) - (long) (p->buffer);
+ u32 tmp;
+ tmp = cpu_to_le32(b);
+ buf.write((const char *) &tmp, 4);
-/* routines for writing data to the serialization buffer */
-inline int sd_prepare_write(sd_serialize *p, enum sd_code code, size_t size)
+inline void sd_write64(std::ostringstream &buf, u64 b)
- int num = (size / BUFFERINC) + 1;
- if (p->pos + SD_CODE_SIZE + size > p->extent) {
- long pos;
- /* try and reallocate the buffer */
- u8 *buffer = (u8 *) malloc((long)(p->extent) - (long)(p->buffer) + (BUFFERINC * num));
- memcpy(buffer, p->buffer, (long)(p->extent) - (long)(p->buffer));
- pos = (long)(p->pos) - (long)(p->buffer);
- if (buffer == NULL || errno == ENOMEM)
- return 0;
- p->extent = buffer + ((long)(p->extent) - (long)(p->buffer)) + (BUFFERINC * num);
- free(p->buffer);
- p->buffer = buffer;
- p->pos = buffer + pos;
- }
- *(u8 *) (p->pos) = code;
- sd_inc(p, SD_CODE_SIZE);
- return 1;
+ u64 tmp;
+ tmp = cpu_to_le64(b);
+ buf.write((const char *) &tmp, 8);
-inline int sd_write8(sd_serialize *p, u8 b)
+inline void sd_write_uint8(std::ostringstream &buf, u8 b)
- u8 *c;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_U8, sizeof(b)))
- return 0;
- c = (u8 *) p->pos;
- *c = b;
- sd_inc(p, 1);
- return 1;
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_U8);
+ sd_write8(buf, b);
-inline int sd_write16(sd_serialize *p, u16 b)
+inline void sd_write_uint16(std::ostringstream &buf, u16 b)
- u16 tmp;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_U16, sizeof(b)))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le16(b);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- return 1;
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_U16);
+ sd_write16(buf, b);
-inline int sd_write32(sd_serialize *p, u32 b)
+inline void sd_write_uint32(std::ostringstream &buf, u32 b)
- u32 tmp;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_U32, sizeof(b)))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le32(b);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- return 1;
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_U32);
+ sd_write32(buf, b);
-inline int sd_write64(sd_serialize *p, u64 b)
+inline void sd_write_uint64(std::ostringstream &buf, u64 b)
- u64 tmp;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_U64, sizeof(b)))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le64(b);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- return 1;
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_U64);
+ sd_write64(buf, b);
-inline int sd_write_name(sd_serialize *p, const char *name)
+inline void sd_write_name(std::ostringstream &buf, const char *name)
- long size = 0;
PDEBUG("Writing name '%s'\n", name);
if (name) {
- u16 tmp;
- size = strlen(name) + 1;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_NAME, SD_STR_LEN + size))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le16(size);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- memcpy(p->pos, name, size);
- sd_inc(p, size);
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_NAME);
+ sd_write16(buf, strlen(name) + 1);
+ buf.write(name, strlen(name) + 1);
- return 1;
-inline int sd_write_blob(sd_serialize *p, void *b, int buf_size, char *name)
+inline void sd_write_blob(std::ostringstream &buf, void *b, int buf_size, char *name)
- u32 tmp;
- if (!sd_write_name(p, name))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_BLOB, 4 + buf_size))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le32(buf_size);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- memcpy(p->pos, b, buf_size);
- sd_inc(p, buf_size);
- return 1;
+ sd_write_name(buf, name);
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_BLOB);
+ sd_write32(buf, buf_size);
+ buf.write((const char *) b, buf_size);
+static char zeros[64];
#define align64(X) (((X) + (typeof(X)) 7) & ~((typeof(X)) 7))
-inline int sd_write_aligned_blob(sd_serialize *p, void *b, int buf_size,
+inline void sd_write_aligned_blob(std::ostringstream &buf, void *b, int b_size,
const char *name)
- size_t pad;
- u32 tmp;
- if (!sd_write_name(p, name))
- return 0;
- pad = align64(p->pos + 5 - p->buffer) - (p->pos + 5 - p->buffer);
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_BLOB, 4 + buf_size + pad))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le32(buf_size + pad);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- memset(p->pos, 0, pad);
- sd_inc(p, pad);
- memcpy(p->pos, b, buf_size);
- sd_inc(p, buf_size);
- return 1;
+ sd_write_name(buf, name);
+ /* pad calculation MUST come after name is written */
+ size_t pad = align64(buf.tellp() + ((std::streamoff) 5l)) - (buf.tellp() + ((std::streamoff) 5l));
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_BLOB);
+ sd_write32(buf, b_size + pad);
+ buf.write(zeros, pad);
+ buf.write((const char *) b, b_size);
-static int sd_write_strn(sd_serialize *p, char *b, int size, const char *name)
+static void sd_write_strn(std::ostringstream &buf, char *b, int size, const char *name)
- u16 tmp;
- if (!sd_write_name(p, name))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_STRING, SD_STR_LEN + size))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le16(size);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- memcpy(p->pos, b, size);
- sd_inc(p, size);
- return 1;
+ sd_write_name(buf, name);
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_STRING);
+ sd_write16(buf, size);
+ buf.write(b, size);
-inline int sd_write_string(sd_serialize *p, char *b, const char *name)
+inline void sd_write_string(std::ostringstream &buf, char *b, const char *name)
- return sd_write_strn(p, b, strlen(b) + 1, name);
+ sd_write_strn(buf, b, strlen(b) + 1, name);
-inline int sd_write_struct(sd_serialize *p, const char *name)
+inline void sd_write_struct(std::ostringstream &buf, const char *name)
- if (!sd_write_name(p, name))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_STRUCT, 0))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ sd_write_name(buf, name);
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_STRUCT);
-inline int sd_write_structend(sd_serialize *p)
+inline void sd_write_structend(std::ostringstream &buf)
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_STRUCTEND, 0))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_STRUCTEND);
-inline int sd_write_array(sd_serialize *p, const char *name, int size)
+inline void sd_write_array(std::ostringstream &buf, const char *name, int size)
- u16 tmp;
- if (!sd_write_name(p, name))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_ARRAY, 2))
- return 0;
- tmp = cpu_to_le16(size);
- memcpy(p->pos, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
- sd_inc(p, sizeof(tmp));
- return 1;
+ sd_write_name(buf, name);
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_ARRAY);
+ sd_write16(buf, size);
-inline int sd_write_arrayend(sd_serialize *p)
+inline void sd_write_arrayend(std::ostringstream &buf)
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_ARRAYEND, 0))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_ARRAYEND);
-inline int sd_write_list(sd_serialize *p, const char *name)
+inline void sd_write_list(std::ostringstream &buf, const char *name)
- if (!sd_write_name(p, name))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_LIST, 0))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ sd_write_name(buf, name);
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_LIST);
-inline int sd_write_listend(sd_serialize *p)
+inline void sd_write_listend(std::ostringstream &buf)
- if (!sd_prepare_write(p, SD_LISTEND, 0))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ sd_write8(buf, SD_LISTEND);
-int sd_serialize_dfa(sd_serialize *p, void *dfa, size_t size)
+void sd_serialize_dfa(std::ostringstream &buf, void *dfa, size_t size)
- if (dfa && !sd_write_aligned_blob(p, dfa, size, "aadfa"))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ if (dfa)
+ sd_write_aligned_blob(buf, dfa, size, "aadfa");
-int sd_serialize_rlimits(sd_serialize *p, struct aa_rlimits *limits)
+void sd_serialize_rlimits(std::ostringstream &buf, struct aa_rlimits *limits)
- int i;
if (!limits->specified)
- return 1;
- if (!sd_write_struct(p, "rlimits"))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, limits->specified))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write_array(p, NULL, RLIM_NLIMITS))
- return 0;
- for (i = 0; i < RLIM_NLIMITS; i++) {
- if (!sd_write64(p, limits->limits[i]))
- return 0;
- }
- if (!sd_write_arrayend(p))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write_structend(p))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ return;
+ sd_write_struct(buf, "rlimits");
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, limits->specified);
+ sd_write_array(buf, NULL, RLIM_NLIMITS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < RLIM_NLIMITS; i++) {
+ sd_write_uint64(buf, limits->limits[i]);
+ }
+ sd_write_arrayend(buf);
+ sd_write_structend(buf);
-int sd_serialize_xtable(sd_serialize *p, char **table)
+void sd_serialize_xtable(std::ostringstream &buf, char **table)
- int count, i;
+ int count;
if (!table[4])
- return 1;
- if (!sd_write_struct(p, "xtable"))
- return 0;
+ return;
+ sd_write_struct(buf, "xtable");
count = 0;
- for (i = 4; i < AA_EXEC_COUNT; i++) {
+ for (int i = 4; i < AA_EXEC_COUNT; i++) {
if (table[i])
- if (!sd_write_array(p, NULL, count))
- return 0;
- for (i = 4; i < count + 4; i++) {
+ sd_write_array(buf, NULL, count);
+ for (int i = 4; i < count + 4; i++) {
int len = strlen(table[i]) + 1;
/* if its a namespace make sure the second : is overwritten
@@ -498,88 +370,45 @@
char *tmp = table[i] + 1;
strsep(&tmp, ":");
- if (!sd_write_strn(p, table[i], len, NULL))
- return 0;
- }
- if (!sd_write_arrayend(p))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write_structend(p))
- return 0;
- return 1;
-int count_file_ents(struct cod_entry *list)
- struct cod_entry *entry;
- int count = 0;
- list_for_each(list, entry) {
- if (entry->pattern_type == ePatternBasic) {
- count++;
- }
+ sd_write_strn(buf, table[i], len, NULL);
- return count;
+ sd_write_arrayend(buf);
+ sd_write_structend(buf);
-int count_tailglob_ents(struct cod_entry *list)
- struct cod_entry *entry;
- int count = 0;
- list_for_each(list, entry) {
- if (entry->pattern_type == ePatternTailGlob) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- return count;
-int sd_serialize_profile(sd_serialize *p, Profile *profile,
+void sd_serialize_profile(std::ostringstream &buf, Profile *profile,
int flattened)
uint64_t allowed_caps;
- if (!sd_write_struct(p, "profile"))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_struct(buf, "profile");
if (flattened) {
- int res;
char *name = (char *) malloc(3 + strlen(profile->name) +
if (!name)
- return 0;
+ return;
sprintf(name, "%s//%s", profile->parent->name, profile->name);
- res = sd_write_string(p, name, NULL);
+ sd_write_string(buf, name, NULL);
- if (!res)
- return 0;
} else {
- if (!sd_write_string(p, profile->name, NULL))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_string(buf, profile->name, NULL);
/* only emit this if current kernel at least supports "create" */
if (perms_create) {
if (profile->xmatch) {
- if (!sd_serialize_dfa(p, profile->xmatch, profile->xmatch_size))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, profile->xmatch_len))
- return 0;
+ sd_serialize_dfa(buf, profile->xmatch, profile->xmatch_size);
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, profile->xmatch_len);
- if (!sd_write_struct(p, "flags"))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_struct(buf, "flags");
/* used to be flags.debug, but that's no longer supported */
- if (!sd_write32(p, profile->flags.hat))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, profile->flags.complain))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, profile->flags.audit))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write_structend(p))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, profile->flags.hat);
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, profile->flags.complain);
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, profile->flags.audit);
+ sd_write_structend(buf);
if (profile->flags.path) {
int flags = 0;
if (profile->flags.path & PATH_CHROOT_REL)
@@ -591,102 +420,71 @@
if (profile->flags.path & PATH_CHROOT_NSATTACH)
flags |= 0x10;
- if (!sd_write_name(p, "path_flags") ||
- !sd_write32(p, flags))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_name(buf, "path_flags");
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, flags);
#define low_caps(X) ((u32) ((X) & 0xffffffff))
#define high_caps(X) ((u32) (((X) >> 32) & 0xffffffff))
allowed_caps = (profile->caps.allow) & ~profile->caps.deny;
- if (!sd_write32(p, low_caps(allowed_caps)))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, low_caps(allowed_caps & profile->caps.audit)))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, low_caps(profile->caps.deny & profile->caps.quiet)))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, 0))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write_struct(p, "caps64"))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, high_caps(allowed_caps)))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, high_caps(allowed_caps & profile->caps.audit)))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, high_caps(profile->caps.deny & profile->caps.quiet)))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, 0))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write_structend(p))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, low_caps(allowed_caps));
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, low_caps(allowed_caps & profile->caps.audit));
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, low_caps(profile->caps.deny & profile->caps.quiet));
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, 0);
+ sd_write_struct(buf, "caps64");
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, high_caps(allowed_caps));
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, high_caps(allowed_caps & profile->caps.audit));
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, high_caps(profile->caps.deny & profile->caps.quiet));
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, 0);
+ sd_write_structend(buf);
- if (!sd_serialize_rlimits(p, &profile->rlimits))
- return 0;
+ sd_serialize_rlimits(buf, &profile->rlimits);
if (profile->net.allow && kernel_supports_network) {
size_t i;
- if (!sd_write_array(p, "net_allowed_af", get_af_max()))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_array(buf, "net_allowed_af", get_af_max());
for (i = 0; i < get_af_max(); i++) {
- u16 allowed = profile->net.allow[i] &
- ~profile->net.deny[i];
- if (!sd_write16(p, allowed))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write16(p, allowed & profile->net.audit[i]))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write16(p, profile->net.deny[i] & profile->net.quiet[i]))
- return 0;
+ u16 allowed = profile->net.allow[i] &
+ ~profile->net.deny[i];
+ sd_write_uint16(buf, allowed);
+ sd_write_uint16(buf, allowed & profile->net.audit[i]);
+ sd_write_uint16(buf, profile->net.deny[i] & profile->net.quiet[i]);
- if (!sd_write_arrayend(p))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_arrayend(buf);
} else if (profile->net.allow)
pwarn(_("profile %s network rules not enforced\n"), profile->name);
if (profile->policy.dfa) {
- if (!sd_write_struct(p, "policydb"))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_serialize_dfa(p, profile->policy.dfa, profile->policy.size))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write_structend(p))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_struct(buf, "policydb");
+ sd_serialize_dfa(buf, profile->policy.dfa, profile->policy.size);
+ sd_write_structend(buf);
/* either have a single dfa or lists of different entry types */
- if (!sd_serialize_dfa(p, profile->dfa.dfa, profile->dfa.size))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_serialize_xtable(p, profile->exec_table))
- return 0;
+ sd_serialize_dfa(buf, profile->dfa.dfa, profile->dfa.size);
+ sd_serialize_xtable(buf, profile->exec_table);
- if (!sd_write_structend(p))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ sd_write_structend(buf);
-int sd_serialize_top_profile(sd_serialize *p, Profile *profile)
+void sd_serialize_top_profile(std::ostringstream &buf, Profile *profile)
uint32_t version;
version = ENCODE_VERSION(force_complain, policy_version,
parser_abi_version, kernel_abi_version);
- if (!sd_write_name(p, "version"))
- return 0;
- if (!sd_write32(p, version))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_name(buf, "version");
+ sd_write_uint32(buf, version);
if (profile_ns) {
- if (!sd_write_string(p, profile_ns, "namespace"))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_string(buf, profile_ns, "namespace");
} else if (profile->ns) {
- if (!sd_write_string(p, profile->ns, "namespace"))
- return 0;
+ sd_write_string(buf, profile->ns, "namespace");
- return sd_serialize_profile(p, profile, profile->parent ? 1 : 0);
+ sd_serialize_profile(buf, profile, profile->parent ? 1 : 0);
int cache_fd = -1;
@@ -694,7 +492,7 @@
int fd = -1;
int error = -ENOMEM, size, wsize;
- sd_serialize *work_area;
+ std::ostringstream work_area;
char *filename = NULL;
switch (option) {
@@ -782,26 +580,12 @@
if (prof->parent || ns)
} else {
+ sd_serialize_top_profile(work_area, prof);
- work_area = alloc_sd_serial();
- if (!work_area) {
- close(fd);
- PERROR(_("unable to create work area\n"));
- error = -ENOMEM;
- goto exit;
- }
- if (!sd_serialize_top_profile(work_area, prof)) {
- close(fd);
- free_sd_serial(work_area);
- PERROR(_("unable to serialize profile %s\n"),
- prof->name);
- goto exit;
- }
- size = (long) (work_area->pos) - (long)(work_area->buffer);
+ size = (long) work_area.tellp();
if (kernel_load || option == OPTION_STDOUT || option == OPTION_OFILE) {
- wsize = write(fd, work_area->buffer, size);
+ std::string tmp = work_area.str();
+ wsize = write(fd, tmp.c_str(), size);
if (wsize < 0) {
error = -errno;
} else if (wsize < size) {
@@ -811,7 +595,8 @@
if (cache_fd != -1) {
- wsize = write(cache_fd, work_area->buffer, size);
+ std::string tmp = work_area.str();
+ wsize = write(cache_fd, tmp.c_str(), size);
if (wsize < 0) {
error = -errno;
} else if (wsize < size) {
@@ -820,7 +605,6 @@
error = -EIO;
- free_sd_serial(work_area);
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/parser_policy.c
+++ 2.9-test/parser/parser_policy.c
@@ -243,14 +243,10 @@
return load_policy_list(policy_list, option);
-int load_hats(sd_serialize *p, Profile *prof)
+int load_hats(std::ostringstream &buf, Profile *prof)
for (ProfileList::iterator i = prof->hat_table.begin(); i != prof->hat_table.end(); i++) {
- if (!sd_serialize_profile(p, *i, 0)) {
- PERROR(_("ERROR in profile %s, failed to load\n"),
- (*i)->name);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
+ sd_serialize_profile(buf, *i, 0);
return 0;
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