[apparmor] [patch 24/24] Update the regression tests for v6 policy

Steve Beattie steve at nxnw.org
Tue Mar 11 06:53:03 UTC 2014

On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 09:31:45AM -0800, john.johansen at canonical.com wrote:
> Sorry this mashes several things together that should be separate
> patches, but I am not going to spend the time to pull them apart
> atm.
> This updates the regression tests for v6 policy. It refactors the
> required_features test into a have_features fn, and a new
> requires_features fn (renamed to catch all instances make sure they
> where right)
> The have_features fn is then applied to several test to make them
> conditionally apply based off of availability of the feature
> and policy version.
> Also add some new tests for ptrace and mount based on their features
> being present.
> Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen at canonical.com>

I think you may have gotten quilted here again, as ptrace.sh adds
references to ptrace_v5.inc and ptrace_v6.inc, but they aren't included
in the patch set:

> === modified file 'tests/regression/apparmor/capabilities.sh'
> ---
>  tests/regression/apparmor/capabilities.sh     |   23 +++-
>  tests/regression/apparmor/dbus_eavesdrop.sh   |    2 
>  tests/regression/apparmor/dbus_message.sh     |    2 
>  tests/regression/apparmor/dbus_service.sh     |    2 
>  tests/regression/apparmor/exec.sh             |    6 -
>  tests/regression/apparmor/mkprofile.pl        |  114 ++++++++++++++++++++
>  tests/regression/apparmor/mount.sh            |  102 +++++++++++++++---
>  tests/regression/apparmor/prologue.inc        |   23 +++-
>  tests/regression/apparmor/ptrace.sh           |  144 +-------------------------
>  tests/regression/apparmor/regex.sh            |   12 +-
>  tests/regression/apparmor/tcp.sh              |    1 
>  tests/regression/apparmor/unix_fd_server.sh   |   12 +-
>  tests/regression/apparmor/unix_socket_file.sh |    1 
>  13 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)

Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
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