[apparmor] [PATCH] add /var/www/html to abstractions/web-data

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Thu Feb 27 20:21:29 UTC 2014


Am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014 schrieb Jamie Strandboge:
> This patch adds /var/www/html to abstractions/web-data, which is the
> path used for document root on Debian and its derivatives[1].
> Nominated for 2.8.

Acked-by: Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
for trunk and 2.8

That said - would it make sense to introduce a tunable instead of 
listing all the paths in the abstraction?
(Even if you think the answer is yes, feel free to commit this patch 
first and send a follow-up afterwards.)


Christian Boltz
15:00:48 <bugbot> Meeting started [...] The chair is vuntz. [...]
15:01:58 <coolo> if vuntz is the chair, I'm the table :)
15:02:23 <vuntz> coolo: now tell me, is it best to be the table?
15:02:30 <vuntz> :-)
15:02:36 <Ilmehtar> can we put our feet up on the table?
[from #opensuse-project]

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