[apparmor] [patch 0/8] Ubuntu apparmor package patches not yet in trunk

Tyler Hicks tyhicks at canonical.com
Wed Feb 12 16:34:49 UTC 2014

Thanks for taking on this task, Seth!

On 2014-02-11 15:53:31, Seth Arnold wrote:
> The patch header for this one suggests that we should integrate it into
> upstream AppArmor only after the AppArmor patches to dbus have been
> integrated into upstream dbus.
> Thoughts?
> 0068-libapparmor-mention-dbus-method-in-getcon-man.patch

That patch documents a dbus-daemon method that can be called to get a
connection's AppArmor label. In Ubuntu's patched dbus-daemon, the method
is org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionAppArmorSecurityContext. It is part
of the top-level org.freedesktop.DBus interface, just like the SELinux
equivalent. However, I've seen upstream D-Bus talk about how the SELinux
method shouldn't be in the top-level interface so I suspect that they'll
want to move the AppArmor method before merging it. Let's wait on
applying this patch to trunk.

> Parts of this patch were integrated into trunk, but the 
> libraries/libapparmor/src/libapparmor.map change is funny:
> 0053-libapparmor-Export-a-label-based-query-interface.patch
> (The trunk version adds the aa_query_label symbol to APPARMOR_3.0; the 
> patch in the Ubuntu packaging adds the symbol to APPARMOR_1.1.)

The trunk version is correct. I can't remember why I added it to
APPARMOR_1.1 in Ubuntu but that's wrong for trunk.

Thanks again!

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