[apparmor] [patch 05/26] cleanup/fix escape sequences in the backend and add support for \d

John Johansen john.johansen at canonical.com
Tue Apr 15 11:11:06 UTC 2014

new version
- address Seth's feedback
- add missing strn_escseq tests
- expand strn_escseq to take a 3rd parameter to allow specifying chars to
  convert straight across. . eg "+" will cause it to convert \+ as +
- fix libapparmor/parse.y failed escape pass through to match processunqoted


cleanup/fix escape sequences processing

Unify escape sequence processing into a set of library fns.

Fix the octal escape sequence that was broken, so that short escapes \0,
\00 \xa, didn't work and actually resulted in some encoding bugs.

Also we were missing support for the decimal # conversion \d123

Incorporate and update Steve Beattie's unit tests of escape sequences

Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen at canonical.com>

 parser/Makefile                |    4 
 parser/lib.c                   |  390 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 parser/lib.h                   |   13 +
 parser/libapparmor_re/Makefile |    2 
 parser/libapparmor_re/parse.y  |   91 +--------
 parser/parser_misc.c           |  229 ++++++++++++------------
 6 files changed, 539 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)

--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/Makefile
+++ 2.9-test/parser/Makefile
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 LEX_C_FILES	= parser_lex.c
 YACC_C_FILES	= parser_yacc.c parser_yacc.h
-TESTS = tst_regex tst_misc tst_symtab tst_variable
+TESTS = tst_regex tst_misc tst_symtab tst_variable tst_lib
 TEST_OBJECTS = $(filter-out \
 			parser_lex.o \
@@ -262,6 +262,8 @@
 cap_names.h: /usr/include/linux/capability.h
 	echo "$(CAPABILITIES)" | LC_ALL=C sed -n -e "s/[ \\t]\\?CAP_\\([A-Z0-9_]\\+\\)/\{\"\\L\\1\", \\UCAP_\\1\},\\n/pg" > $@
+tst_lib: lib.c parser.h $(filter-out lib.o, ${TEST_OBJECTS})
+	$(CXX) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(filter-out $(<:.c=.o), ${TEST_OBJECTS}) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
 tst_%: parser_%.c parser.h $(filter-out parser_%.o, ${TEST_OBJECTS})
 	$(CXX) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(filter-out $(<:.c=.o), ${TEST_OBJECTS}) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/lib.c
+++ 2.9-test/parser/lib.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
+#include "lib.h"
 #include "parser.h"
@@ -135,3 +136,392 @@
 	return -1;
+ * isodigit - test if a character is an octal digit
+ * @c: character to test
+ *
+ * Returns: true if an octal digit, else false
+ */
+bool isodigit(char c)
+	return (c >= '0' && c <= '7') ? true : false;
+/* convert char character 0..9a..z into a number 0-35
+ *
+ * Returns: digit value of character or -1 if character is invalid
+ */
+static int chrtoi(char c, int base)
+	int val = -1;
+	if (base < 2 || base > 36)
+		return -1;
+	if (isdigit(c))
+		val = c - '0';
+	else if (isalpha(c) && isascii(c))
+		val = tolower(c) - 'a' + 10;
+	if (val >= base)
+		return -1;
+	return val;
+ * strntol - convert a sequence of characters as a hex number
+ * @str: pointer to a string of character to convert
+ * @endptr: RETURNS: if not NULL, the first char after converted chars.
+ * @base: base of convertion
+ * @maxval: maximum value. don't consume next char if value will exceed @maxval
+ * @n: maximum number of characters to consume doing the conversion
+ *
+ * Returns: converted number. If there is no conversion 0 is returned and
+ *          *@endptr = @str
+ *
+ * Not a complete replacement for strtol yet, Does not process base prefixes,
+ * nor +/- sign yet.
+ *
+ * - take the largest sequence of character that is in range of 0- at maxval
+ * - will consume the minimum of @maxlen or @base digits in @maxval
+ * - if there is not n valid characters for the base only the n-1 will be taken
+ *   eg. for the sequence string 4z with base 16 only 4 will be taken as the
+ *   hex number
+ */
+long strntol(const char *str, const char **endptr, int base, long maxval,
+	     size_t n)
+	long c, val = 0;
+	if (base > 1 && base < 37) {
+		for (; n && (c = chrtoi(*str, base)) != -1; str++, n--) {
+			long tmp = (val * base) + c;
+			if (tmp > maxval)
+				break;
+			val = tmp;
+		}
+	}
+	if (endptr)
+		*endptr = str;
+	return val;
+ * strn_escseq -
+ * @pos: position of first character in esc sequence
+ * @chrs: list of exact return chars to support eg. \+ returns + instead of -1
+ * @n: maximum length of string to processes
+ *
+ * Returns: character for escape sequence or -1 if an error
+ *
+ * pos will point to first character after esc sequence
+ * OR
+ * pos will point to first character where an error was discovered
+ * errors can be unrecognized esc character, octal, decimal, or hex
+ * character encoding with no valid number. eg. \xT
+ */
+int strn_escseq(const char **pos, const char *chrs, size_t n)
+	const char *end;
+	long tmp;
+	if (n < 1)
+		return -1;
+	if (isodigit(**pos)) {
+		tmp = strntol(*pos, &end, 8, 255, min(3ul, n));
+		if (tmp == 0 && end == *pos) {
+			/* this should never happen because of isodigit test */
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*pos = end;
+		return tmp;
+	}
+	char c = *(*pos)++;
+	switch(c) {
+#if 0
+	case '\0':
+		(*pos)--;
+		return '\\';
+	case '\\':
+		return '\\';
+	case '"':
+		return '"';
+	case 'd':
+		tmp = strntol(*pos, &end, 10, 255, min(3ul, n));
+		if (tmp == 0 && end == *pos) {
+			/* \d no valid encoding */
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*pos = end;
+		return tmp;
+	case 'x':
+		tmp = strntol(*pos, &end, 16, 255, min(2ul, n));
+		if (tmp == 0 && end == *pos) {
+			/* \x no valid encoding */
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*pos = end;
+		return tmp;
+	case 'a':
+		return '\a';
+	case 'e':
+		return 033  /* ESC */;
+	case 'f':
+		return '\f';
+	case 'n':
+		return '\n';
+	case 'r':
+		return '\r';
+	case 't':
+		return '\t';
+	}
+	if (strchr(chrs, c))
+		return c;
+	/* unsupported escap sequence, backup to return that char */
+	pos--;
+	return -1;
+int str_escseq(const char **pos, const char *chrs)
+	/* no len limit just use end of string, yes could use strlen(pos) */
+	return strn_escseq(pos, chrs, SIZE_MAX);
+#ifdef UNIT_TEST
+#include "lib.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "unit_test.h"
+static int test_oct(const char *str)
+	const char *end;
+	long retval = strntol(str, &end, 8, 255, 3);
+	if (retval == 0 && str == end)
+		return -1;
+	return retval;
+static int test_dec(const char *str)
+	const char *end;
+	long retval = strntol(str, &end, 10, 255, 3);
+	if (retval == 0 && str == end)
+		return -1;
+	return retval;
+static int test_hex(const char *str)
+	const char *end;
+	long retval = strntol(str, &end, 16, 255, 2);
+	if (retval == 0 && str == end)
+		return -1;
+	return retval;
+int main(void)
+	int rc = 0;
+	int retval;
+	struct test_struct {
+		const char *test;	/* test string */
+		int expected;		/* expected result */
+		const char *msg;	/* failure message */
+	};
+	struct test_struct oct_tests[] = {
+		{ "0a", 0, "oct conversion of \\0a failed" },
+		{ "00000003a", 0, "oct conversion of \\00000003a failed" },
+		{ "62", 50, "oct conversion of \\62 failed" },
+		{ "623", 50, "oct conversion of \\623 failed" },
+		{ "123", 83, "oct conversion of \\123 failed" },
+		{ "123;", 83, "oct conversion of \\123; failed" },
+		{ "2234", 147, "oct conversion of \\2234 failed" },
+		{ "xx", -1, "oct conversion of \\xx failed" },
+		{ NULL, 0, NULL }
+	};
+	struct test_struct dec_tests[] = {
+		{ "0a", 0, "dec conversion of \\d0a failed" },
+		{ "00000003a", 0, "dec conversion of \\d00000003a failed" },
+		{ "62", 62, "dec conversion of \\d62 failed" },
+		{ "623", 62, "dec conversion of \\d623 failed" },
+		{ "132", 132, "dec conversion of \\d132 failed" },
+		{ "132UL", 132, "dec conversion of \\d132UL failed" },
+		{ "255", 255, "dec conversion of \\d255 failed" },
+		{ "256", 25, "dec conversion of \\d256 failed" },
+		{ "2234", 223, "dec conversion of \\d2234 failed" },
+		{ "xx", -1, "dec conversion of \\dxx failed" },
+		{ NULL, 0, NULL }
+	};
+	struct test_struct hex_tests[] = {
+		{ "0", 0x0, "hex conversion of 0x0 failed" },
+		{ "0x1", 0x0, "hex conversion of 0x0x1 failed" },
+		{ "1x", 0x1, "hex conversion of 0x1x failed" },
+		{ "00", 0x0, "hex conversion of 0x00 failed" },
+		{ "00x", 0x0, "hex conversion of 0x00x failed" },
+		{ "01", 0x1, "hex conversion of 0x01 failed" },
+		{ "01x", 0x1, "hex conversion of 0x01x failed" },
+		{ "ab", 0xab, "hex conversion of 0xAb failed" },
+		{ "AB", 0xab, "hex conversion of 0xAB failed" },
+		{ "Ab", 0xab, "hex conversion of 0xAb failed" },
+		{ "aB", 0xab, "hex conversion of 0xaB failed" },
+		{ "4z", 0x4, "hex conversion of 0x4z failed" },
+		{ "123", 0x12, "hex conversion of 0x123 failed" },
+		{ "12M", 0x12, "hex conversion of 0x12M failed" },
+		{ "ff", 0xff, "hex conversion of 0x255 failed" },
+		{ "FF", 0xff, "hex conversion of 0x255 failed" },
+		{ "XX", -1, "hex conversion of 0xXX failed" },
+		{ NULL, 0, NULL }
+	};
+	struct test_struct escseq_tests[] = {
+		{ "", -1, "escseq conversion of \"\" failed" },
+		{ "0a", 0, "escseq oct conversion of \\0a failed" },
+		{ "00000003a", 0, "escseq oct conversion of \\00000003a failed" },
+		{ "62", 50, "escseq oct conversion of \\62 failed" },
+		{ "623", 50, "escseq oct conversion of \\623 failed" },
+		{ "123", 83, "escseq oct conversion of \\123 failed" },
+		{ "123;", 83, "escseq oct conversion of \\123; failed" },
+		{ "2234", 147, "escseq oct conversion of \\2234 failed" },
+		{ "xx", -1, "escseq oct conversion of \\xx failed" },
+		{ "d0a", 0, "escseq dec conversion of \\d0a failed" },
+		{ "d00000003a", 0, "escseq dec conversion of \\d00000003a failed" },
+		{ "d62", 62, "escseq dec conversion of \\d62 failed" },
+		{ "d623", 62, "escseq dec conversion of \\d623 failed" },
+		{ "d132", 132, "escseq dec conversion of \\d132 failed" },
+		{ "d132UL", 132, "escseq dec conversion of \\d132UL failed" },
+		{ "d255", 255, "escseq dec conversion of \\d255 failed" },
+		{ "d256", 25, "escseq dec conversion of \\d256 failed" },
+		{ "d2234", 223, "escseq dec conversion of \\d2234 failed" },
+		{ "dxx", -1, "escseq dec conversion of \\dxx failed" },
+		{ "x0", 0x0, "escseq hex conversion of 0x0 failed" },
+		{ "x0x1", 0x0, "escseq hex conversion of 0x0x1 failed" },
+		{ "x1x", 0x1, "escseq hex conversion of 0x1x failed" },
+		{ "x00", 0x0, "escseq hex conversion of 0x00 failed" },
+		{ "x00x", 0x0, "escseq hex conversion of 0x00x failed" },
+		{ "x01", 0x1, "escseq hex conversion of 0x01 failed" },
+		{ "x01x", 0x1, "escseq hex conversion of 0x01x failed" },
+		{ "xab", 0xab, "escseq hex conversion of 0xAb failed" },
+		{ "xAB", 0xab, "escseq hex conversion of 0xAB failed" },
+		{ "xAb", 0xab, "escseq hex conversion of 0xAb failed" },
+		{ "xaB", 0xab, "escseq hex conversion of 0xaB failed" },
+		{ "x4z", 0x4, "escseq hex conversion of 0x4z failed" },
+		{ "x123", 0x12, "escseq hex conversion of 0x123 failed" },
+		{ "x12M", 0x12, "escseq hex conversion of 0x12M failed" },
+		{ "xff", 0xff, "escseq hex conversion of 0x255 failed" },
+		{ "xFF", 0xff, "escseq hex conversion of 0x255 failed" },
+		{ "xXX", -1, "escseq hex conversion of 0xXX failed" },
+		{ "\\", '\\', "escseq '\\\\' failed" },
+		{ "\"", '"', "escseq  '\\\"' failed" },
+		{ "a", '\a', "escseq '\\a' failed" },
+		{ "e", '\033', "escseq '\\e' failed" },
+		{ "f", '\f', "escseq '\\f' failed" },
+		{ "n", '\n', "escseq '\\n' failed" },
+		{ "r", '\r', "escseq '\\r' failed" },
+		{ "t", '\t', "escseq '\\t' failed" },
+		{ NULL, 0, NULL }
+	};
+	struct test_struct escseqextra_tests[] = {
+		{ "+", '+', "escseq extra conversion of \\+ failed" },
+		{ "-", '-', "escseq conversion of \\- failed" },
+		{ "*", '*', "escseq conversion of \\* failed" },
+		{ "(", '(', "escseq conversion of \\( failed" },
+		{ ")", ')', "escseq conversion of \\) failed" },
+		{ "|", '|', "escseq conversion of \\| failed" },
+		{ ".", '.', "escseq conversion of \\. failed" },
+		{ "[", '[', "escseq conversion of \\[ failed" },
+		{ "]", ']', "escseq conversion of \\] failed" },
+		{ "^", '^', "escseq conversion of \\^ failed" },
+		{ NULL, 0, NULL }
+	};
+	/* test chrtoi */
+	for (int base = -1; base < 38; base++) {
+		for (int c = 0; c < 256; c++) {
+			int expected;
+			int i = chrtoi(c, base);
+			if (base < 2 || base > 36 || !isascii(c) || !(isdigit(c) || isalpha(c)))
+				expected = -1;
+			else if (isdigit(c) && (c - '0') < base)
+				expected = c - '0';
+			else if (isalpha(c) && (toupper(c) - 'A') + 10 < base)
+				expected = (toupper(c) - 'A') + 10;
+			else
+				expected = -1;
+			if (i != expected)
+//				printf("   chrtoi test: convert base %d '%c'(%d)\texpected %d\tresult: %d\n", base, c, c, expected, i);
+			MY_TEST(i == expected, "failed");
+		}
+	}
+	/* test strntol */
+	for (struct test_struct *t = oct_tests; t->test; t++) {
+		retval = test_oct(t->test);
+//		printf("  oct test: %s\texpected %d\tresult: %d\n", t->test, t->expected, retval);
+		MY_TEST(retval == t->expected, t->msg);
+	}
+	for (struct test_struct *t = dec_tests; t->test; t++) {
+		retval = test_dec(t->test);
+//		printf("  dec test: %s\texpected %d\tresult: %d\n", t->test, t->expected, retval);
+		MY_TEST(retval == t->expected, t->msg);
+	}
+	for (struct test_struct *t = hex_tests; t->test; t++) {
+		retval = test_hex(t->test);
+//		printf("  hex test: %s\texpected %d\tresult: %d\n", t->test, t->expected, retval);
+		MY_TEST(retval == t->expected, t->msg);
+	}
+	/* test strn_escseq */
+	for (struct test_struct *t = escseq_tests; t->test; t++) {
+		const char *pos = t->test;
+		retval = strn_escseq(&pos, "", strlen(t->test));
+//		printf("  strn_escseq test: %s\texpected %d\tresult: %d\n", t->test, t->expected, retval);
+		MY_TEST(retval == t->expected, t->msg);
+	}
+	for (struct test_struct *t = escseqextra_tests; t->test; t++) {
+		const char *pos = t->test;
+		retval = strn_escseq(&pos, "", strlen(t->test));
+//		printf("  strn_escseq test: %s\texpected %d\tresult: %d\n", t->test, t->expected, retval);
+		MY_TEST(retval == -1, t->msg);
+		pos = t->test;
+		retval = strn_escseq(&pos, "*+.|^-[]()", strlen(t->test));
+		MY_TEST(retval == t->expected, t->msg);
+	}
+	for (int c = 1; c < 256; c++) {
+		const char *pos;
+		char str[2] = " ";
+		if (strchr("01234567\\\"dxaefnrt", c))
+			/* skip chars already tested above */
+			continue;
+		str[0] = c;
+		pos = str;
+		retval = strn_escseq(&pos, "", 2);
+		MY_TEST(retval == -1, "  strn_escseq: of unsupported char failed");
+	}
+	return rc;
+#endif /* UNIT_TEST */
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/lib.h
+++ 2.9-test/parser/lib.h
@@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
 #ifndef __AA_LIB_H_
 #define __AA_LIB_H_
+#include <dirent.h>
+#define min(a,b) \
+   ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
+       __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
+     _a < _b ? _a : _b; })
 int dirat_for_each(DIR *dir, const char *name, void *data,
 		   int (* cb)(DIR *, const char *, struct stat *, void *));
+bool isodigit(char c);
+long strntol(const char *str, const char **endptr, int base, long maxval,
+	     size_t n);
+int strn_escseq(const char **pos, const char *chrs, size_t n);
+int str_escseq(const char **pos, const char *chrs);
 #endif /* __AA_LIB_H_ */
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/libapparmor_re/Makefile
+++ 2.9-test/parser/libapparmor_re/Makefile
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 all : ${TARGET}
+UNITTESTS = tst_parse
 libapparmor_re.a: parse.o expr-tree.o hfa.o chfa.o aare_rules.o
 	ar ${ARFLAGS} $@ $^
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/libapparmor_re/parse.y
+++ 2.9-test/parser/libapparmor_re/parse.y
@@ -155,29 +155,11 @@
-int octdigit(char c)
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '7')
-		return c - '0';
-	return -1;
-int hexdigit(char c)
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-		return c - '0';
-	else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-		return 10 + c - 'A';
-	else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-		return 10 + c - 'a';
-	else
-		return -1;
+#include "../lib.h"
 int regex_lex(YYSTYPE *val, const char **pos)
-	int c;
+	int tmp;
 	val->c = **pos;
 	switch(*(*pos)++) {
@@ -190,67 +172,16 @@
 		return *(*pos - 1);
 	case '\\':
-		val->c = **pos;
-		switch(*(*pos)++) {
-		case '\0':
-			(*pos)--;
-			/* fall through */
-		case '\\':
+		tmp = str_escseq(pos, "*+.|^-[]()");
+		if (tmp == -1)
+			/* bad escape sequence, just skip it for now, that
+			 * is output \\ followed by the invalid esc seq
+			 * TODO: output error message
+			 */
 			val->c = '\\';
-			break;
-		case '0':
-			val->c = 0;
-			if ((c = octdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
-				val->c = c;
-				(*pos)++;
-			}
-			if ((c = octdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
-				val->c = (val->c << 3) + c;
-				(*pos)++;
-			}
-			if ((c = octdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
-				val->c = (val->c << 3) + c;
-				(*pos)++;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 'x':
-			val->c = 0;
-			if ((c = hexdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
-				val->c = c;
-				(*pos)++;
-			}
-			if ((c = hexdigit(**pos)) >= 0) {
-				val->c = (val->c << 4) + c;
-				(*pos)++;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 'a':
-			val->c = '\a';
-			break;
-		case 'e':
-			val->c = 033  /* ESC */;
-			break;
-		case 'f':
-			val->c = '\f';
-			break;
-		case 'n':
-			val->c = '\n';
-			break;
-		case 'r':
-			val->c = '\r';
-			break;
-		case 't':
-			val->c = '\t';
-			break;
-		}
+		else
+			val->c = tmp;
+		break;
 	return CHAR;
--- 2.9-test.orig/parser/parser_misc.c
+++ 2.9-test/parser/parser_misc.c
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/apparmor.h>
+#include "lib.h"
 #include "parser.h"
 #include "profile.h"
 #include "parser_yacc.h"
@@ -443,38 +444,48 @@
 char *processunquoted(const char *string, int len)
-	char *tmp, *s;
-	int l;
+	char *buffer, *s;
-	tmp = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
-	if (!tmp)
+	s = buffer = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
+	if (!buffer)
 		return NULL;
-	s = tmp;
-	for (l = 0; l < len; l++) {
-		if (string[l] == '\\' && l < len - 3) {
-			if (strchr("0123", string[l + 1]) &&
-			    strchr("0123456789", string[l + 2]) &&
-			    strchr("0123456789", string[l + 3])) {
-				/* three digit octal */
-				int res = (string[l + 1] - '0') * 64 +
-				    	  (string[l + 2] - '0') * 8 +
-					  (string[l + 3] - '0');
-				*s = res;
-				l += 3;
-			} else {
-				*s = string[l];
-			}
-			s++;
+	while (len > 0) {
+		const char *pos = string + 1;
+		long c;
+		if (*string == '\\' && len > 1 &&
+		    (c = strn_escseq(&pos, "", len)) != -1) {
+			*s++ = c;
+			len -= pos - string;
+			string = pos;
 		} else {
-			*s = string[l];
-			s++;
+			/* either unescaped char OR
+			 * unsupported escape sequence resulting in char being
+			 * copied.
+			 */
+			*s++ = *string++;
+			len--;
 	*s = 0;
-	return tmp;
+	return buffer;
+/* rewrite a quoted string substituting escaped characters for the
+ * real thing.  Strip the quotes around the string */
+char *processquoted(const char *string, int len)
+	/* skip leading " and eat trailing " */
+	if (*string == '"') {
+		len -= 2;
+		if (len < 0)	/* start and end point to same quote */
+			len = 0;
+		return processunquoted(string + 1, len);
+	}
+	/* no quotes? treat as unquoted */
+	return processunquoted(string, len);
 char *processid(const char *string, int len)
@@ -487,72 +498,6 @@
 	return processunquoted(string, len);
-/* rewrite a quoted string substituting escaped characters for the
- * real thing.  Strip the quotes around the string */
-char *processquoted(const char *string, int len)
-	char *tmp, *s;
-	int l;
-	/* the result string will be shorter or equal in length */
-	tmp = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
-	if (!tmp)
-		return NULL;
-	s = tmp;
-	for (l = 1; l < len - 1; l++) {
-		if (string[l] == '\\' && l < len - 2) {
-			switch (string[l + 1]) {
-			case 't':
-				*s = '\t';
-				l++;
-				break;
-			case 'n':
-				*s = '\n';
-				l++;
-				break;
-			case 'r':
-				*s = '\r';
-				l++;
-				break;
-			case '"':
-				*s = '"';
-				l++;
-				break;
-			case '\\':
-				*s = '\\';
-				l++;
-				break;
-			case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
-				if ((l < len - 4) &&
-				    strchr("0123456789", string[l + 2]) &&
-				    strchr("0123456789", string[l + 3])) {
-					/* three digit octal */
-					int res = (string[l + 1] - '0') * 64 +
-					    (string[l + 2] - '0') * 8 +
-					    (string[l + 3] - '0');
-					*s = res;
-					l += 3;
-					break;
-				}
-				/* fall through */
-			default:
-				/* any unsupported escape sequence results in all
-				   chars being copied. */
-				*s = string[l];
-			}
-			s++;
-		} else {
-			*s = string[l];
-			s++;
-		}
-	}
-	*s = 0;
-	return tmp;
 /* strip off surrounding delimiters around variables */
 char *process_var(const char *var)
@@ -1270,27 +1215,82 @@
 int test_processunquoted(void)
 	int rc = 0;
-	const char *teststring, *processedstring;
+	const char *teststring;
+	const char *resultstring;
 	teststring = "";
 	MY_TEST(strcmp(teststring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
 			"processunquoted on empty string");
+	teststring = "\\1";
+	resultstring = "\001";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on one digit octal");
+	teststring = "\\8";
+	resultstring = "\\8";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on invalid octal digit \\8");
+	teststring = "\\18";
+	resultstring = "\0018";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on one digit octal followed by invalid octal digit");
+	teststring = "\\1a";
+	resultstring = "\001a";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on one digit octal followed by hex digit a");
+	teststring = "\\1z";
+	resultstring = "\001z";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on one digit octal follow by char z");
+	teststring = "\\11";
+	resultstring = "\011";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on two digit octal");
+	teststring = "\\118";
+	resultstring = "\0118";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on two digit octal followed by invalid octal digit");
+	teststring = "\\11a";
+	resultstring = "\011a";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on two digit octal followed by hex digit a");
+	teststring = "\\11z";
+	resultstring = "\011z";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on two digit octal followed by char z");
+	teststring = "\\111";
+	resultstring = "\111";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on three digit octal");
+	teststring = "\\378";
+	resultstring = "\0378";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on three digit octal two large, taken as 2 digit octal plus trailing char");
 	teststring = "123\\421123";
-	MY_TEST(strcmp(teststring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
-			"processunquoted on invalid octal");
+	resultstring = "123\0421123";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on two character octal followed by valid octal digit \\421");
-/* Oh wow, our octal processing is busticated - FIXME
 	teststring = "123\\109123";
-	processedstring = "123\109123";
-	MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
-			"processunquoted on octal 10");
-	teststring = "123\\189123";
-	processedstring = "123\189123";
-	MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
-			"processunquoted on octal 10");
+	resultstring = "123\109123";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on octal 109");
+	teststring = "123\\1089123";
+	resultstring = "123\1089123";
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
+			"processunquoted on octal 108");
 	return rc;
@@ -1377,19 +1377,30 @@
 			"processquoted on quoted octal \\176");
-	/* yes, our octal processing is lame; patches accepted */
-	teststring = "\"abc\\42defg\"";
-	processedstring = "abc\\42defg";
+	teststring = "\"abc\\429defg\"";
+	processedstring = "abc\0429defg";
 	out = processquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring));
 	MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, out) == 0,
-			"processquoted passthrough quoted invalid octal \\42");
+			"processquoted passthrough quoted invalid octal \\429");
+	teststring = "\"abcdefg\\4\"";
+	processedstring = "abcdefg\004";
+	out = processquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring));
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, out) == 0,
+			"processquoted passthrough quoted one digit trailing octal \\4");
 	teststring = "\"abcdefg\\04\"";
-	processedstring = "abcdefg\\04";
+	processedstring = "abcdefg\004";
+	out = processquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring));
+	MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, out) == 0,
+			"processquoted passthrough quoted two digit trailing octal \\04");
+	teststring = "\"abcdefg\\004\"";
+	processedstring = "abcdefg\004";
 	out = processquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring));
 	MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, out) == 0,
-			"processquoted passthrough quoted invalid trailing octal \\04");
+			"processquoted passthrough quoted three digit trailing octal \\004");
 	return rc;

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